Day 2

In Between Love

[Note: Here's the second day of the deadline...It's kinda fast pace so bear with me now. I'm sick today while editing this one so my next update might be this weekend. I'll just have to recover fast... Please enjoy reading...]

[Day 2]

[Dara's POV]

I pulled out from his grip on the bed. I slowly stood up and picked up my clothes that were scattered around the room. I dressed myself quietly and looked at the sleeping form in the bed. I could not help but cry looking at him. I wanted to hold his face but fought the urge to do it. Slowly, I went to the door and walked out of the pad.

Tears won't stop flowing from my eyes even when I hailed cab on a very cold 4AM. I knew that the driver was looking at me weirdly but I didn't care for I was on misery and stupidity.

I fished the phone from my bag and dialed a number. There was just ringing and I waited for like eternity when I heard a voice.

"Hello?" I felt guilty upon hearing the voice. I disturbed someone's sleep just because of my stupid decisions.

"Let's meet up today. I have something to tell you." she said trying to stern my voice.

"Dara?" I knew he was looking at his phone screen to check who was calling him.

"Yes, Dae. It's me. I'll see you later." I did not let him speak and hanged-up.

"Uhm...maam, where to?" I forgot to tell him where to go.

"Take me here." I gave the address of my house. I didn't know I could go find shelter on the house I promised not to step in again. I guess it's the best time for this. 'Mom, help me~'


I told Daesung to meet me up in my house at 9:00 AM. Well, it's still early that even the maids were shocked to see me there. I could not blame them since the house was bare of masters for a year. Only Butler Choi was the one managing the house and kept on updating me and the lawyer about it. You may ask why I should just sell it since it's useless anyways but I just couldn't do it. The memories of my parents were there and even though it hurts, I could not turn back on it. It's just I felt lonely living there alone so I decided to stay with my friends.

I looked around and everything's the same. The interior and the things in the house spoke of luxury. I went upstairs going to my room. The hallway was full of portraits of me and my parents. On the left side were all my pictures aligned from when I was still a newborn until the present. And on my right were the pictures of my parents. Walking to this path felt heavy so instead of walking, I ran going to my room and locked it.

I was right. I was not yet ready to step into this house but I still felt protected here. I cried myself to sleep.

Loud knocks were heard on the door that woke me up. I glanced at the clock and it's already 10 AM! I overslept!

"Dara! Dara! Yah Dara! Wake up! If you don't, I swear I'll bang this door!" It was Daesung.

I immediately went to the door and opened it before he will really do what he had threatened. "Aish! You're very loud, Dae."

Daesung just laughed unbelievably. "Now, I'm the bad guy. Hey missy! I waited downstairs for more than an hour. I got worried because Butler Choi said you were not in yourself when you came here and since it took you so long to go down, I thought you already committed suicide or something!"

"You're so melodramatic. I just overslept and forgot the time." I sheepishly sat on the bed and looked at him.

"Aish...this girl! You'll be the death of me!" He was now massaging his forehead.

"Oh, shut up Dae... Come on, I need to speak to you of something." I looked at him seriously. He stared at me for a moment as if reading what's on my mind. Finally giving up of mind reading, he went forward and sat next to me on bed.

Author’s POV

"So, what do you want to talk about?" he was puzzled by Dara's sudden call. He had no idea of this sudden talk so it got him curious to death. On the way here, he was finding any reasons but he could not find anything. He thought he saw uncertainty in her eyes but was immediately covered by determination. Determination to do something. The question was what?

"Make love to me, Dae." it shocked him. Heck! Was he dreaming? If not with her serious face, he would think she was just kidding.

"You're kidding, right?" He was chuckling because of this nonsense from his friend.

"Am I laughing to you? I take things seriously, Dae. I'm pretty sure of what I'm talking about." his smile faded and stared at her. She had the same intense stare.

"You do know that if I do that to you, I will never gonna let you go? You're gonna be trap with me forever." He was hoping that by his statement, the girl would back out from this craziness.

"I was hoping for that." she said without taking off her gaze.

"Stop this, Dara. I don't know what you’re up to but I don't like it." He gritted his teeth. Stopping himself to dive into her. Yes, he had not stopped loving her. He was still hoping that one day he could have her. The rejection was a slapped to him and his pride was beaten on the ground but he could not find himself to hate her.

"Dae, I know what I'm doing. Make love to me now." she cupped his face and initiated the kiss.

Her lips were the one he imagined before. This time it's no longer an imagination but the real thing. She was nibbling his lower lip when he still didn't respond to her ministrations. She opened her eyes and looked up to him. She was so beautiful and with that thought, he claimed her lips and pushed her on the bed.

Jiyong's POV

'The number you have dialed~' Damn this woman! I hate hearing her voice over and over again. When I woke up and found no one beside me, I immediately called Dara's phone but that stupid operator welcomed him. It's been three hours already but I could still not reach her. I called on Chaerin's house but the maid said she didn't come home since yesterday. I called up Bom and she was not answering as well. I went to look for her in the university but her classmates said she didn't come today.

'Dara, where the hell are you?' he thought while still driving aimlessly on the road.

Suddenly, his phone rang. It was Young Bae. "Yes, bro?"

"Jiyong, where you at?" I heard him on the line.

"I have no idea. I'm actually looking for Dara since she was not answering her phone and everyone she knows doesn’t have any idea where she is." I said but still looking from left to right on his windows.

"Oh, I might help you with that." my brows furrowed on his statement.

"What do you mean?" I stopped the car on the side. I don't know but my heart just rapidly beat for a second.

"Dara is here on the same restaurant I am and..." he paused for a while.

"And what?" I irritatingly said.

"And...she's with someone." he finished.

"What?! Is it CL or Bom?" must be her friends.

"No, Jiyong. It's someone else. I don't want to be nosy so just come here to see for yourself." he said the name of the restaurant and then hanged up the phone.

I stayed here for a while. Digesting everything Young Bae said. Dara was on a restaurant with someone and it's neither Chaerin nor Bom. May be Bae was just playing on him so that he will just go there and hang-out with him. Come to think of it, I never hanged out with the boys anymore. With that thought in mind, he started the car again and drove off the restaurant forgetting the words Bae just said.

Upon entering the said restaurant, I instantly found Bae since he was just right in the corner. He was alone but his gaze was glued to somewhere.

"Hey Bae! What's up? Sorry if I haven't hanging-out with you recently. I was too busy with Dara." I said upon sitting on the seat in front of him. But he was not paying attention to me.

"Yah!" I waved my hand in front of his face and that's when he turned his gaze to me.

"Ji..." his voice seemed in distress.

"What's up? Are you having problems?" I asked him since this behavior of my best friend was very unusual.

He hesitated for a moment then shook his head. He returned his gaze on his side and curiosity killed me that I have to see for myself what made Bae act like that.

Bae was right! He could help me with my problem earlier! There on the other corner of the restaurant was Dara. She was eating happily and was talking to someone. I turned to that someone but I was facing his back. His? He? A man? The smile that was plastered when I saw Dara vanished when I saw the guy's hand reached to hold Dara's hand that was on the table. I was expecting for Dara to jerk from that guy's hold but I was already waiting for one whole minute but nothing of what I was expecting happened but instead she intertwined it with hers and was smiling at him.

My insides were ready to burst any minute from now. I wanted storm unto their table and beat the hell out of that man when I heard Bae.

"Ji, there must be a reason for this? Ask her nicely." I gazed at him and I saw his worried face. I also think he's on alert level if something goes out of hand. I gritted my teeth and looked at them again but regretted it.

The guy caressed her cheeks and for a second I think I saw her pulled away but then smiled again to him. Unconsciously, I balled my hand and was now glaring at the pair. Maybe feeling that someone was gawking at her, she met my eyes.

I saw her shock face and for seconds we just stared at each other. I don't know what's going on because yesterday, we were fine. And now, she's with another man! She composed herself and looked away to face the man and I could see that she's very fidgety now on her hands, a sign that she was very nervous.

"D, what's wrong?" I heard the guy asked. He took hold of both of her hands.

"Fine. N-Nothing's wrong." she said but kept her gaze away from me.

"Are you sure?" he asked again.

"Dae, I'm kinda tired. Can we go now?" I saw her hand tightened her hold to him.

"Oh, okay... We're already done anyway." she just waited for him to end and immediately stood up and to my horror, she intertwined her hand to him.

I immediately blocked their way. She stopped in front of me with her head still down. They guy behind her was looking to me and Dara. I wanted to shout at her. Shove the entangled hands in front of me. Take her away from here and locked her anywhere. Why?!

"Uhmm... man, could you please step aside?" the guy said but I kept my gaze on her. My blood was boiling but I remembered Bae said, she must have a reason.

"Dara, we need to talk." I felt my body trembling with the flood of emotion inside of me.

She looked up but her face was unreadable. "Jiyong, I'll just call you." she moved to my side but I blocked her again.

"Why not now? I'm itching to know." I said and I'm still trying to control my voice.

"We are not on the right place for that. I said I will just call you." she glared at me.

With that, the tiny thread of control broke. "Damn it Dara! Let's talk now!" I felt like a raging bull ready to attack. I didn't even care if we were already making a scene in the restaurant.

"Come on man, she said she'll just call you." the guy was already in front of me hiding Dara behind him.

I formed a fist and I was about to sent it to this guy but was stopped by Young Bae. "Ji, stop it." he said in a calming voice.

My muscles were trembling and Bae was doing a good in controlling me. I looked at her again but her gaze was already shifted to the other side.

"Let's go, Dara." the guy hold Dara and they started to move.

When she was on my side, I held her hand and she stopped without looking at me. "Dara, please..."

I begged. For the first time in my life, I begged. I tightened my hold for her to respond but there was nothing. Realizing it all, I loosened my hand and let go of her. In an instant, she moved away from me.

'Why?' was all I could think of while staring at her retreating back.


Poor Ji!!!
What will happen after this??
I have no idea!

Please do comment!!!
I'll have to rest now and I'll try to think of
the next scene...

Thanks for reading!!!

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Chapter 9: Ughhhhh I hate bom here..
Chapter 5: Aigoo this cat and rat.. XD
3shhaaa #3
Chapter 26: Awwww.. I really love this story!!! Thank you!!!
Chapter 26: aww. this nice! :)
bernie20 #5
Chapter 26: Beautiful story..thank u
strongurlx #6
Chapter 26: nice story! :D but i hate bom's character lol sorrry!!! ^_^v
Chapter 26: Nice story.. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Chapter 26: I SO LOVE TABI !
That's Why I Got Heart-Broken When He Got Hurt .
Oh Well What Do I Expect ! It's DARAGON FF ! xD
I'm Happy That They End Up Together ! *cough* appler here *cough*
With Bommie .. hmmm asdfghjklpoiuytrewq ! don't want to say bad to her because I also love her ! GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM ! ♥
maydelluna #9
Chapter 26: romantic and sweet! soo happy daragon end up together eventhough they suffered so much pains, betrayal,sufferings,i hated boms character here, she's selfish and a bithch,^^..thanks authornim for this wonderful story of yours:):):)
Jiaying_lurvyounique #10
nice story, though i dun rly ship daragon D: