The Invite

In Between Love

This week seems like a hell for me. After the Daesung incident in Chaerin's house, there was never a day I could not see Dae. He was always around even picking me up to school. My two bestfriends tried to convince him to stop but we were just talking to a stone. How I wish for the real Dae Dae to come back. I hate this new him.

The mere fact that I don't know what he’s thinking made me want to crack his head to peek on his brain! Gosh! I think it’s gross so erase on that thought.

I was walking in the hallway busy contemplating when suddenly a voice called me from behind.

"Dara!" that voice is familiar. When I turned around, I was not mistaken. There he is again with his beautiful smile and a very good sense of fashion. Why am I still affected by his mere presence?

'Is this guy for real? Is he a model or something?' what am I thinking? Jeez!

In an instant, he was already in front of me. "Yes? Anything you want?" compose yourself Dara.

He still smiled at me. Gosh! I want to melt right now! I saw in my peripheral vision that not only me was drooling over this man. I can't blame them for I felt the same.

Of course it took all my will power not to unleash my fangirling me. "Can you tell me now? I'm kinda busy." Liar! I started walking and he just followed after me.

"Would you go with me today?" this time it's him who invited me.

I stopped and turned at him with my right brow raised. "You're seriously asking me out?"

"I mean with Bom and CL but if you don't want them to come its fine if only the two of us." his eyebrows wiggled. I was not able to hide my amusement.

"Fine!" he was pumping his right hand in the air as if he won something "but with Bom and CL." his smile vanished and replaced by a hurt one.

He pouted as he was staring at me. "As if I don't know you want Bom's company than me." I said then started walking again.

"I would not ask you if I want other's company. Such a clueless girl." I heard him say very softly. I glanced at him and he was there looking at the floor. I tilted my head and stared at him confuse.

He looked at me and sighed. "See you later." he bid his farewell and went to the opposite direction.

"What a strange man." I was shaking my head then started on my track again.

'Gosh, I'm gonna be late again!' then I sprinted going to my next class.


Algebra is really a pain in the ! Why should I be studying this when in fact I'm an arts major? I don't do algebra when I do arts! And above all, I hate my teacher. He always gives us a hard time! As if this is the only subject we have that he has to give us tons and tons of homework and projects. No wonder he is still single at the age of 45. He is worst than a woman having PMS!

"Okay class, I need that report by Monday!" I heard the students groan and that includes me. He just continued on what he was doing as if he didn't hear his students' protest.

Good thing the bell rang. Its weekend again tomorrow and it put a smile on my face but remembering the report my smile vanished.

Well, at least I get to hang-out tonight. I will just deal with the report tomorrow.

I was expecting either Bom or Chaerin will pick me up so I was kinda surprised that Jiyong himself was waiting for me outside of my classroom.

"Why are you here?" he just smiled and took the books I was holding. That surprised me! "Hey, I can carry that myself." I tried reaching for my books but he just shoves it to his other hand away from my reach.

"Just let me carry it. As for your question, just being sure you will come with us tonight. No more excuses." there he goes with his smile again.

I cleared my throat first before answering. "Who said I'll backing out?"

"Oh, I don't know. It feels like your avoiding me or something." he said. Bullseye!

"Yah! Why should I be avoiding you in the first place?" I felt hot on my cheeks.

"Uhm, I don't know. May be your getting the hots for me?" he really is teasing me!

"Will you stop teasing me!" I gave him my deadliest glare... I think.

"Why are you so cute?" he slightly pinched my cheek and smiled at me.

Did he just say I'm cute? I was frozen on the spot not believing what's going on. Did the world turn upside down or he's just blind? To bring me back to reality, I swiftly smacked myself.

"Ouch!" that hurts! Now I'm back. For a moment there, I was in delusion that Kwon Jiyong likes me. Not in a million years!

"What are you doing?" concern was written all over his face. He then caressed my now-red-forehead because at my antic a while ago.

I stepped back a little because his touch just sent a million volts in my body. "I-I was just checking if I was dreaming." that didn't turned out right. I saw him smiled again. "I mean uhm...uhm..." think Dara think!

"Come on now Dara. They are already waiting." he was still smiling when he suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and guided me in the hallway. I tried moving away but his grip was just too tight in my waist. People were staring at us.

"Would you mind take your hands off me. People might have a wrong impression on your actions." I was still struggling hard but he won't budge.

"Don't mind them. Let them think." My eyes widen on his remark.

"Easy for you to say! What about me? They would think we're dating when the truth it's NOT!" I said in a whisper but with force.

"I would like that." He just said.

That caught me off guard. "Yah! Enough with the jokes. We're almost there and I could walk on my own now. Jezz, I will not run okay?"

He just smiled at me but followed what I said. Thank God because if he still continued, I could not fight my emotions anymore. Earlier seems like his telling the truth but there's no way his serious.

I saw my friends already on the car and they are sure ready for a party.

"Yey! Dara's coming! Thanks Jiyong!" Bom smiled at him then hugged me very tight.

"Bom, can't breathe!" I said for she literally hugging me as if we haven't seen each other for years now.

"I'm just happy you'll be joining us! Right CL?" Bom glanced at CL and the latter joined in as well.

"Let's party!" CL said. "Jiyong, you drive." she pointed at the guy and he just nodded at her.

"Let's go!" Bom then went back seat and that left me outside with him.

"Get inside now." He guided me before he gently closed the door and settled himself in the driver seat.

I was really wondering about his actions. He seems to be too friendly to me. Is he needing something from me? But from what I can sense, he doesn't need help to be with Bom. He can practically do it himself since I think my friend is showing interest in him too.

Why Kwon Jiyong why? I was very much gawking at him that I got startled when he caught me in the rearview mirror. I immediately looked away. My heart is beating so fast and I know from the start that I already like him. But please heart, stop! I don't want to get hurt. Aishht...


In the club again. I should have known. Why should I be wondering when I knew from the very start what the two meant of party? But there’s just a tinsy bitsy problem…

"Uhm...Chaerin, I think my outfit is kinda off to this kind of place." I reached for her after going out of the car. The two just went inside first.

She scanned at me first. She put her hand on her chin and looked at me as if inspecting me or something. She even circled around me. Now I got more conscious because of her.

"YAh! Will you stop that?" I glared at her.

"Yes, you're right." I rolled my eyes. It won't take a genius to figure that out.

"Guys, why are you still here?" Bom went back to us.

"Our girl here got conscious of her outfit." CL faced Bom.

"Ohh... This is the first time Dara is thinking the same with us." She said to CL.

"Hello! I'm still here! You’re talking as if I'm somewhere else." I waved both of my hands to them.

But wrong move because both of them slowly looked at me with their not-so-good smile. I feared for my life! I stepped back and they are advancing on me.

"Bom, CL, I know what you're thinking and I'm saying NO!" I kept on stepping back but they won't stop until I felt the car behind me.

Bom put her hand on my shoulder still with her evil smile. Evil I tell you EVIL!!! "And for us, it's a YES!"

And both of them shove me in the car. A loud cry was heard on the parking area but no one noticed. Cursed you people!



Hi guys!!!

What do you think so far??

Please do comment because I'm having a hard time these days

and I'm starting to lose confidence in my writing...

I felt I'm not doing a great job in writing anymore...

So please say what you think and I do appreciate some suggestions...

Thank You!!!

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Chapter 9: Ughhhhh I hate bom here..
Chapter 5: Aigoo this cat and rat.. XD
3shhaaa #3
Chapter 26: Awwww.. I really love this story!!! Thank you!!!
Chapter 26: aww. this nice! :)
bernie20 #5
Chapter 26: Beautiful story..thank u
strongurlx #6
Chapter 26: nice story! :D but i hate bom's character lol sorrry!!! ^_^v
Chapter 26: Nice story.. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Chapter 26: I SO LOVE TABI !
That's Why I Got Heart-Broken When He Got Hurt .
Oh Well What Do I Expect ! It's DARAGON FF ! xD
I'm Happy That They End Up Together ! *cough* appler here *cough*
With Bommie .. hmmm asdfghjklpoiuytrewq ! don't want to say bad to her because I also love her ! GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM ! ♥
maydelluna #9
Chapter 26: romantic and sweet! soo happy daragon end up together eventhough they suffered so much pains, betrayal,sufferings,i hated boms character here, she's selfish and a bithch,^^..thanks authornim for this wonderful story of yours:):):)
Jiaying_lurvyounique #10
nice story, though i dun rly ship daragon D: