
In Between Love



'What's taking Dara so long?' my neck's been craning ever since Dara went to the bathroom. I don't know but there's just an odd feeling leaving her alone even just a moment here in Korea. It felt like any moment she'll be gone.

"Hey, oppa! What are you looking?" I looked at Minzy who sat down opposite me. She looked around then faced me. "Where's unnie?"

"She went to the bathroom but she's not back yet." I answered her but I still kept my eyes on the place where she disappeared from.

"Oh...I thought she'll ditched me." she laughed with her own joke. Minzy, if you have known.

Silence enveloped between us but I didn't mind since I was still busy finding that little rabbit. 'Where is she?!' I almost cursed in my mind but stopped myself. 'Why am I so pumped up with that rabbit?' I sighed and took my drink. I was about to pour it on my mouth when I saw Minzy looking kinda pale watching at a corner of the club. My brows furrowed and followed the direction. I saw a group of people maybe around my age.

There's a guy who kept on clinging at the girl beside him. I shook my head amusingly at the poor guy because obviously, the girl kept on ignoring him. The other guy just watched the cat and mouse while sitting quite comfortably on the couch with a girl on his arms who’s trying her best to get the guy's attention. Poor girl, maybe just one of his girls. I saw another girl and I don't know but I felt like her eyes were very sad. Just like me, she craned her neck as if looking for someone. She kept on asking the playboy something but the latter would just shrugged his shoulder and put his attention back to the couple. The red-haired girl would turn her eyes back again in finding someone.

"SHIZZ! Why are they here?" I heard Minzy say in a whisper.

"Yah! Since when do you swear like that?" I asked her in a serious tone. I may look like a tough guy in the outside but I don't really like hearing curses especially if it came from someone I know.

I think she didn't hear my rant. "Oppa, since when was Dara unnie gone?" she turned to me.

Oh, I forgot about Dara. I looked at my watch and almost cursed myself knowing she's been gone for fifteen minutes now. Surely, it wouldn't take her that long to do her business in the bathroom.

"Fifteen minutes ago." I looked at Minzy and was confuse of her reaction. She seemed in a panic mode and then dashed her way to the bathroom. Without hesitating, I followed her and saw her went inside. I waited for her outside and seconds later, she went out and was very alarm.

"Minzy, what's wrong with you? Didn't you see dara inside?" I gripped her shoulders and forced her to look at me.

I saw fear in her eyes. She kept on mumbling Dara's name and also words like him, see, not, and more curses.

"Minzy, look at me!" I tried catching her eyes. I gripped her shoulders tightly. She cringed at the hold and that's when I caught her attention."What's wrong? Where's Dara?"

"Oppa, please find Dara before someone else does." That confused the hell of me.

"What?" I didn't hide my confusion.

"Oppa, I can't explain now but please find Dara unnie. Pali!" she was able to get out from my grip and I was faced by my cousin's back.

I was frozen on the spot and I don't why but memories how I first met Dara surfaced.


I was contacted by my cousin to meet him. It was a long time since I last saw him that I ditched my class just to see him. It's not everyday that my cousin would call me. The last time we had fun was when he was still the funny guy. I was not able to confront him when he suddenly changed to a serious one since he became very busy with uncle's company here and in Korea. He was already a business man at an early age while I was still enjoying the college life.

I parked the car in front of the house of my cousins were staying and was greeted by a helper. I asked where Daesung is and she said he's in the study. I walked myself there and thanked the lady helper. As I was on my way, there was an open door and curiosity got me because I knew where my other cousin's, Minzy, bedroom is. I thought that this was the guest room of the house and I seldom use this room when staying here. I knocked lightly and there was no answer. I peeked inside and though that maybe I was wrong of having a guest when I saw something moved on the bed. That something was actually a person and the moment she turned to her side facing me, I was suddenly charmed by the sleeping beauty on the bed. Without realizing it, I was already in front of her and gawking at the girl. She's very beautiful when sleeping and just like the fairy tale, I wanted to kiss her and pulled her in my arms. I was about to do so when I heard my cousin's voice.

"Hyung, I will not do that if I were you." there was warning on his voice and I instantly woke up form the trance I didn't know I was.

"Y-yah, I- I was not doing anything. I was just checking on her and got curious." I faced him but I know I sound very defensive. Daesung just stared at me blankly. Since when did this fellow become scary?

"Come on. let's leave Dara alone. She's still tired from the long flight." he walked out first.

I looked back at the sleeping girl. "Dara.." I said lightly. She moved in her sleep that kinda alerted for she might wake up and saw me here but she just slept again. A smile unconsciously drew on my lips. "Sleep tight, princess." I said then followed Dae out and slowly closed the door after.

End of Flashback

He looked around to find a specific rabbit on loose. His neck craned from side to side and front and back to look for her. When he was about to go near the bar, he bumped unto someone.

"Will you please watch where you going!" the girl said. When he faced her, she was the red-haired girl he saw earlier with a group. She was a beauty when seen up close.

"Sorry, I was just looking for someone." when sure that nothing's wrong to her, he then proceeded on finding Dara.

"I'm also looking for someone." he caught a glimpse of what she said but when he turned to her again, she was already walking opposite him.

"What's with the people suddenly disappearing? Aishh... Dara, you should be alright or else I'm gonna feed you to Charlie." he was talking to his dog. He knew Dara was afraid of dogs and Charlie was not an exception. He remembered when Dara was almost in hysteria when Charlie just jumped at her. Oh boy! He was so much entertained that he didn't do anything to get Charlie out of her. That night, Minzy nagged him non-stop about it.

He saw a fire exit sign. He thought that maybe Dara wanted to breath some fresh air. It was good to try, right? He walked to the door and called her name. "Dara!" he said even though he was not yet there. He saw that the door was slightly opened so his hunched might be correct.

When he was outside, he was greeted by a cold air and dark alley. He looked around and he didn't see a single soul in there. Korea really is different in Paris. Usually, there are people even in alleys like this in a club making out and even doing more than that. He scolded himself in comparing the two countries. He was about to go inside when he caught something on the darker part of the alley. He focused his eyes to it and then it hit him.

"Dara!" he dashed to her side. She looked pale, lips seemed swollen and she was just looking ahead as if shock.

"Dara! Dara! Hey, look at me." He scooped her cheeks and tried to get her attention. "Princess, look at me." she finally looked at him. When she realized it was him, she then hugged him tightly. Her body was shaking. "Dara, what happened?"

"N-nothing. Tabi, I wanna go home." he was about to protest but feeling her still shaking, he let it slide and assisted her to come back inside and looked for Minzy.

It didn't take long for Minzy to find them. "Oppa, what happened to unnie?" she looked worried and Seunghyun felt like she knew something.

"I found her at the alley and as if afraid of something." he said. The petite girl was still on his hold and Mizy seemed to survey the place. The others went to them.

"Hey, what happened to noona?" Kwang Hee asked looking serious now and worried same as the others.

"Guys, we need to go now. Unnie is not feeling well, I think she drank too much tonight." Minzy explained to the group. They just nodded their heads.

"Do you need anything?" Ji Eun asked.

"Yes, let's just go outside in a group to cover up unnie but don't make it obvious, okay?" Minzy said to the group. They were
confused at first but still followed her.

He looked at Minzy intently. What was the reason of covering her up when they can just walked Dara outside on their own. She looked at his direction and saw his questioning look but she just pleaded with her eyes.

"Thanks for helping, guys." he said to them.

"And girls!" Jiyeon said that earned chuckles from everyone.

"Let's go!" he said then held Dara tightly.

The group then walked closely but like what Minzy said, not to make it obvious. Kevin and Taemin were talking seriously. Kikwang and Hyun-ah kept on bickering. Kwang Hee was cracking some jokes on Jiyeon and Ji-Eun while Minzy seemed alert. Seunghyun saw her looked at the same group earlier and he thought he heard her cursed again. His brows furrowed and glanced at the same group when he caught a pair of eyes darting towards him.

He also stared at the guy. He seemed angry looking at him and his eyes were not torn away even though the same red-haired girl was trying to get his attention. 'So, he was the one she's looking earlier. Why is the guy seems angry at me?' He then turned away for they finally were near the exit.

Minzy's friends were still following them 'til the car. Seunghyun settled Dara in the passenger's seat.

"Noona, let's hang out again next time." It was Kevin. Even at the last moment, he could still not hide his attraction to Dara. She just smiled at him and waved a little.

"Oppa, we should hang out too, okay?" the girls especially Huyn-Ah told Seunghyun.

"We'll see, okay?" he winked at the girls and they giggled at that. Kikwang poked HUyn-Ah's head that earned a glare from her.

"Bye noona! Bye hyung! See you, Minzy!" Taemin said while waving and the rest followed.

But before Minzy and Seunghyun could enter the car, someone called her. "Minzy-ah!"

The group followed the voice and Minzy's eyes widen in shock. That was not left unnoticed by Seunghyun.

"Chaerin sunbaenim!" Jiyeon exclaimed. She went towards them followed by the panda-looking guy.

"Oh, hi guys!" she greeted Minzy's friends. She then turned to Seunghyun then to Minzy. "Minzy-ah, you saw us inside but you didn't greet your unnies."

"I-I was~" she stuttered.

"We were assisting~" Kevin was cut by Seunghyun.

"We are in a hurry to go home because of an emergency." Seunghyun said while the people were suddenly silent.

Chaerin looked at him and to Minzy then to the car. "Where's Dae?"

"He's at home. You know him- busy." Minzy answered.

"What's with the rush?" Chaerin seemed to try to fish something.

"Oppa called and he said to go home early." Minzy said but seemed uncomfortable.

"I thought there was an emergency." she asked suspiciously. The guy behind her was just listening to the conversation and from time to time peeked inside the car which was successfully covered by Seunghyun. Dara on the other hand could not move from her spot. The moment she heard CL's voice, she held her breath. Did Jiyong already told them about her?

"There is. That's why oppa wants us there now." Minzy said trying her best not to sound panicky.

"Okay then. Nice to see you again, Minzy." she smiled to her then looked at Seunghyun's direction. Her look to him seemed deep and meant something. They saw her looked at the car then smiled again and excused herself together with the guy.

Minzy's friends who were still there finally released the tension they had from earlier. As for Minzy and Seunghyun, they just looked at each other and then faced the car.

"Wahh... I never thought Chaerin sunbaenim could be that scary even though she didn't do anything scary." Kwang Hee said while caressing his chest.

"That's charisma for you. She's so cool!" Jiyeon said while still looking at the direction Chaerin and the guy disappeared to.

"Minzy-ah, I didn't know you're that close to CL sunbaenim? And I thought I'm your bestie?" Ji-Eun said while pouting at Minzy.

Minzy tried to brighten her mood. "You are my bestie! Guys, thanks for tonight but we really have to go."

"Okay. Be careful on your way home." Taemin said and waved at them.

Finally, the two settled inside. Before Seunghyun turned the ignition, they looked at Dara who became paler than before.

"Are you alright?" he asked her. Minzy leaned closer to Dara.

"I'm fine. Let's go." she looked at them and pasted a force smile.

He didn't say anymore and continued to turn on the car and left the club.



"Cat, who were those people?" Seungri asked beside me.

We were on the front of the club and were still looking at the group on the parking lot. The car was long gone already but I couldn't seem to go inside. Something was telling me that something's up. The way Jiyong looked at the group when they passed by. He was angry for something and when I checked it out, I then saw Minzy with her friends. I knew the group since some of them were my hoobaes on the university. I didn't know Minzy was already back in Korea. I was about to call her but she seemed distracted and I knew she already saw us for she discreetly peeking at our direction. What's more suspicious was that even though each of them was doing something else, it was very evident that they were trying to hide something for they were circling the certain guy earlier. It was then I realized that it was him that Jiyong was gawking angrily. I was able to catch a glimpse of what was inside and it seemed to be a girl he's holding tightly.

When they were gone, Jiyong held his glass tightly and his mind was elsewhere. Bom, on the other hand, tried to get his attention but to no avail she failed miserably. I then followed them and as I expected, they were in the parking lot. Minzy and the guy were saying good-bye to the group. That's when I hurriedly walk to them before they go inside. I didn't even know that the rat was following me though it was a good thing he was not very nosy.


"Minzy-ah!" I called to her. Their gaze went to me and I swore I saw Minzy's eyes widen. 'She's nervous.'

"Chaerin sunbaenim!" a girl with big eyes said. I remembered her as Jiyeon, I think.

"Oh, hi guys!" I greeted Minzy's friends then turned to the guy then Minzy. "Minzy-ah, you saw us inside but you didn't greet your unnies."

"I-I was~" why was she nervous?

"We were assisting~" The girl-looking boy answered but was stopped by the tall guy.

"We are in a hurry to go home because of an emergency." he said while the people were suddenly silent especially Minzy. I think I saw someone moved inside the car.

"Where's Dae?" I asked now eyeing Minzy.

"He's at home. You know him- busy." Minzy answered.

"What's with the rush?" I could not stop asking questions because of Minzy's actions. She seemed very uncomfortable and I would not be shock if she suddenly would run away.

"Oppa called and he said to go home early." wrong answer.

"I thought there was an emergency." She's not consistent. She's hiding something and this tall guy was helping her though I could also see some confusion on his eyes.

"There is. That's why oppa wants us there now." she tried to hide her panic voice but it was very obvious, well for me.

I wanted to ask more but decided to leave because I already pity Minzy. If she knew something then I'll just have to fish out some information next time. "Okay then. Nice to see you again, Minzy." I smiled at her then to the tall guy. What's with the guy that earned a deadly glare from Jiyong? I hope it had nothing to do with Bom or Dara. I prayed that it's not the latter for some reason. I then excused myself and turned my back on them.

End of flashback...

"She is Dae's sister." I answered him.

"Do you think she might know where Dara noona is?" he asked trying to get my attention.

"We already know where she is from the start. What I want to know is the reason of her decision to run away. Everything is unclear to me and then all of a sudden Jiyong is now with Bommie." I said feeling useless to what's happening to the people around me.

"Yeah, me too. I thought hyung loved Dara noona. I knew he knew where she was but he didn't do anything to bring her back to clear things out but just let it be until he changed back to his old self." he said now putting his hands to his pocket.

"I know. If only we had a clue of what happened before." feeling down with all of this, I sighed and told him to get inside to the club.

"Jiyong!" I heard Bom's voice and I saw them went out of the club. Jiyong was walking fast while Bom was trying to catch up with him. He saw me but just went past us.

"Bommie, where is Jiyong going?" I asked her when she neared us.

"I don't know. He just dashed off without telling us." she said while still panting. As if my feet had wings, I followed Jiyong to his car. He was still opening his car and when he was about to close it, I stopped it that earned a pissed groan from him.

"Where are you going?" when you look at him, he seemed like he was about to go in a murdering spree.

"None of your business." he tried closing the door but I was still hoding it tightly. Seungri was trying to ease the situation by talking to him but it seemed he became more outraged. But why?

"Is this about Dara?" Jackpot! He paused for a moment and his face was unreadable then he clinched his fist on the steering wheel and I got scared of him for a moment.

"You saw her, didn't you?" his expression changed to something like longing and then he slumped himself on the steering wheel. His shoulders were shaking stressing that he was on his weakest state.

I cried for my cousin because I knew even though he tried not to care but he cared. So much that he didn't go to her in Paris to accept her decision of leaving him. The first year Dara was gone was like hell to my cousin. He almost did not graduate because he eventually neglected his studies. Every night, he was drunk and had with number of girls. There was even a time were he was gone for a month without a trace as if he was already dead. When he came back, he no longer drink himself to death but would still associate with girls even when he and Bom became a couple which was still a mystery to me.

"Just leave me alone for a moment, Chaerin. I need time to think." he said feeling defeated.

"Okay, but promise me you'll not do anything drastic." I said and I saw him weakly nodded.

I then released the door and stepped back from the car. I felt Seungri's hand on my waist and we both stepped back a little when the car started and drove in a fast speed.

"Will he be okay?" Seungri asked now holding my hand.

"I hope so." I really did. With Dara's comeback, I didn't have any idea on what would happen next but I knew for sure to find her and get the truth out from . I now have an idea on where she will be, it might not be tonight but on the following days. I'm sure of it. I saw Bom just near us and her expression seemed scared. I moved from Seungri's hold to call her but when she saw me, she immediately turned back very fast that I didn't know where she disappeared to.

'Jeez! This is such a headache.' I thought to myself and caressed my aching head.



Wahhh... I made it longer than expected....
(Pats self)
I wanted to finish it after Tabi, Dara, and Minzy went off
but I want to know what was Chaerin thinking and by that
we got to see some info of what happened to Jiyong three years ago
though I promise to put Jiyong's POV... I guess it will be on the
next chapter...

Oh by the way, I was so sad hearing the news about Dae-Dae...
I was hoping for just paying a fine or whatever but when
I asked my Korean student, who's a VIP, she said he might have the fine
plus three years imprisonment... I told her that it might not be the case
but she said, it was the law in their country so I was devastated...
I'm so sad!!!! I hope it's not gonna come to that...
We love U Daesung!!!!

Hope you like this week's update...
Please do comment!!!
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Chapter 9: Ughhhhh I hate bom here..
Chapter 5: Aigoo this cat and rat.. XD
3shhaaa #3
Chapter 26: Awwww.. I really love this story!!! Thank you!!!
Chapter 26: aww. this nice! :)
bernie20 #5
Chapter 26: Beautiful story..thank u
strongurlx #6
Chapter 26: nice story! :D but i hate bom's character lol sorrry!!! ^_^v
Chapter 26: Nice story.. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Chapter 26: I SO LOVE TABI !
That's Why I Got Heart-Broken When He Got Hurt .
Oh Well What Do I Expect ! It's DARAGON FF ! xD
I'm Happy That They End Up Together ! *cough* appler here *cough*
With Bommie .. hmmm asdfghjklpoiuytrewq ! don't want to say bad to her because I also love her ! GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM ! ♥
maydelluna #9
Chapter 26: romantic and sweet! soo happy daragon end up together eventhough they suffered so much pains, betrayal,sufferings,i hated boms character here, she's selfish and a bithch,^^..thanks authornim for this wonderful story of yours:):):)
Jiaying_lurvyounique #10
nice story, though i dun rly ship daragon D: