In Between Love

[Note: FINALLY!!! I was able to finish this fic!!! It gave me a lot of headaches thinking for the plot!!! So, dear readers, please ENJOY!!!]


I ran to the house to talk to the others. I had to ask anyone where Jiyong might be. When I reached my destination, I saw all of them except Bom and Nickhun in the living room. They instantly looked at me when I entered the house.

Minzy looked passed me and frown. "Unnie, where's oppa?"

"Maybe she pushed him off the cliff." CL answered.

"Yah! He's still there and wanted time alone." I answered.

"Rat, why don't you pick him up? He might be suicidal." Chaerin ordered her boyfriend that earned a flare-up from Minzy.

"I don't think he'll do that, CL. He just wanted to be alone for awhile and I respect that." I said.

Suddenly, Bom and Nickhun emerged from the kitchen laughing. I got shock seeing them together and when they caught me looking, their smiles disappeared and looked guilty again.

It took me seconds to recover and I smiled at them. "I'm glad you made up. I already forgave the both of you so chill, okay?"

Both of them looked at each other before reluctantly smiled at me. Almost everything is settled and one more problem to face.

I turned to Chaerin. "CL, do you know where Jiyong might be?" I asked feeling hopeful.

She thought for awhile then glanced both at Seungri and Young Bae. I also glanced at them. They are his friends so they might have an idea.

"I don't know noona. For the last three years, he never stays on one place for a long time so there are dozens of places he might be right now." Seungri answered and he seemed sorry that he could not help.

"I have no idea as well." Young Bae said. That made me hopeless. Where should I look for him first?

"Dara, use your heart, you might find him yourself." Bom told me.

"I will!" I said with determination. Jiyong, it's my turn to chase after you.

"Okay, that's settles then." Bom said then went to the door.

"Where are you going?" Chaerin asked. When she turned all our eyes were on her.

She pointed outside. "I'll need to talk to someone."

We all looked at where she was pointing and it was on the cliff.

"Are you sure, unnie? May I remind you that he almost killed you? He might push you off the cliff, you know." Minzy said and crossed her arms on her chest while looking at her.

"Bom, I think that would not be a good idea." I said. I kind of afraid of what Seunghyun might do to her.

Bom just shrugged. "Then he will."

Nobody talked for they were just awed with her bravery of facing the guy who almost killed her. I was about to run after her since she was already out when Nickhun blocked my way.

"I think you have other plans to do." he said.

"B-But~" I said but was interrupted by Chaerin.

"Go now, Dara. You still have to look for Jiyong. Don't worry about Bom, she can handle herself now." She walked beside me and gave me a key. "Take it since you don't have a ride."

I took the key and hugged her. "Thank you so much, Chaerin-ah. What would I do without you?"

"You already made some decisions to yourself, Dara, so you really don't need me. But remember, I'll just be here for you." she said then patted my head.

I was about to cry again when she then pushed me to get going. "Go now, crybaby!"

I just stuck my tongue on her but then walked out and went to the car. I first glanced at the cliff and smiled at what I saw. Bom extended her hands and Seunghyun reached for it. I then felt happy leaving this place but when I started the engine, fear and doubt were once again entered my body. I don't know where to look first. I have no idea of where he is at this moment. I'm still finding some words to tell him and I'm scared of what will he say to me. Most of all, I'm afraid Jiyong might not forgive me.

Bom and Seunghyun went back to the house laughing together. The people inside were just awed with this new event. Seunghyun just suddenly became himself with Bom when the fact that he almost killed the girl before. This development really made everyone happy and they're sure Dara would be too.

"You two seem okay now." Chaerin said that made the two look at her.

"Yeah, it seems like that. Right, Seunghyun?" Bom glanced beside her.

"As long as you quit that bi+ch side of yours." he answered.

Bom pouted. "I'll try~"

Nickhun just suddenly on her side and patted her head. "No, you do it."

She groaned that earned laughter from everyone.

"So, since everything's settled aside from one, let's all go home and hope for that two to kiss and make up." Chaerin stood up followed by the others.

"I really wish they will." Minzy said already on her feet.

"Oh they will, I'm sure of that." Chaerin said. They finally went out leaving Nickhun in his house.

It's been hours but Dara still didn't have any idea where Jiyong was. She tried every possible place where he might be. She looked at the time and it was too early to go the club. She was getting tired from a long drive and also hungry. She didn't want to stop searching but her energy was already drowning and she's afraid she might collapse if she'll push it through. She then directed the car to her house and promised herself to continue after she took a rest.

Butler Choi welcomed her and she could see that the old man was worried of her absence for days. It's a good thing Minzy informed him of her whereabouts or he might have called for a search party. He fixed her dinner and after she went to her room to change, she then took a nap. She needed to wake up later for she will search every bar here in Seoul to look for him.

The supposed to be nap turned into hours of sleep. She was just interrupted by a persistent call of her phone. She reached for it and didn't bother looking for the caller.

"Hello?" she said still sleepy.

The caller didn't answer but there was a small sound of music on the background. Her brows furrowed and then looked at the screen. It was Jiyong!

"Ji?" she straightened up and sleepiness gone. She looked at the clock on her bedside table and it's already 3AM! She cursed inside for she rested for too long. "Ji, where are you now? We need to talk." she asked.

But he didn't say anything. "Ji, please talk to me." her voice was already pleading and tears were welling on her eyes. This was what she's afraid of, that he might not forgive her. "Ji?"

She heard him sighed and the music on the background was gone. Not long after, she heard the busy tone. He hanged up on her.

Dara's heart broke into tiny pieces. He said before, whatever reason I had for leaving, he will forgive me. Was that a lie? She couldn't take the pain in her heart. She finally let her tears fall and she hugged her knees while burying her head. She felt pathetic and it's all her fault. She lost him.

She didn't know for how long she's crying when she felt the other side of the bed moved. She didn't hear her door opened and Mr. Choi was already asleep. She quickly turned her head to her side and there, sitting comfortably beside her looking ahead was Jiyong. She was shock seeing him there. How did he get in? She then noticed her balcony door was open. She guessed he went through there. How come she didn't hear it? She then remembered the day he confessed to her. Thinking about it made her flushed.

He was still wearing the same clothes earlier and he reek of alcohol. "H-Have you been drinking?" she hesitantly asked. She could still not believe he's here beside her.

"Yeah, a little. Just to clear up my mind for a while." he said still looking ahead. She followed his gaze and saw herself through her vanity mirror in front of her bed. He was looking at her the whole time! Their eyes met and her heartbeat doubled its pace. She always gets lost just staring at his eyes and being near him again woke up her whole senses. She then noticed her appearance. She was wearing a very big shirt and just her underwear. She straightened her legs and fixed her disheveled hair while trying to avoid his piercing stares.

He's already here but she could not come up with words to say to him. She was fidgeting on her place, debating to herself and tried to think of an explanation.

"Ji, I~" she was cut off when Jiyong just suddenly kissed her on the lips. She was shocked of course! Her eyes widen and jaw dropped so it was easy for him to slip his tongue inside of her. He tasted every part of and not long after, he already felt her responding. He deepened the intrusion and she didn't hold back. She was doing the same. Oh, how she missed him so much. She was already straddling on him. Her arms on his neck and hair while his were roaming everywhere he could reach.

"Ji, I still need to explain." she said as a moan when he left to taste her neck.

"Later." he said then went back to claim her lips.

"But~" she said in between kisses. She tried to fight the lust that's taking over her but she couldn't.

"I said later." he said again and he successfully took her shirt away. The talking was already forgotten for she finally gave in to her feelings. Wasn't this already a reconciliation? And it's better than talking.

She woke up from the small knocks on her door. She was a little disoriented at first but when she felt a heavy thing on her waist and steady breathes just behind her nape, she then remembered what happened last night. Was it last night? She thought but she just shrugged it off. Jiyong was still sleeping beside her and as if caging her with his arms. She shifted her position to look at him.

He was still on dream land and she would have forgotten the person behind her door if not for another batch of knocks. She broke free from Jiyong's arms and picked up her robe. It's good that he didn't wake up.

She glided going to her door and carefully opened the door slightly. She didn't want anyone to see Jiyong inside her room.

It was Butler Choi. "Yes, Mr. Choi?"

"Miss, lunch is already served." he said while bowing.

'Lunch?! What time is it?' she thought.

As if reading her mistress' thought, he answered her. "It's half past one in the afternoon, Miss Dara."

"Oh~" her responded. Well, it was inevitable when last night was like rounds of reconciliation.

"Mr. Choi, I'll just be down in a bit." she said.

Before she closed the door, she heard him. "Miss Dara, I prepared tea for you and Mr. Jiyong. It’s still hot so both of you should be hurry." then he bowed down again and left.

She was left there dumbfounded. How did Mr. Choi know? Were they too loud? Embarrassment crept to her. She didn't know how to face the old butler later.

She closed the door and turned to see Jiyong already awake with a wide grin on his face. He heard her old butler and she gave him a glare.

"What?" he asked innocently. "It's not my fault that Mr. Choi has bionic ears. It's your fault because you just can't stop saying my name every time you come." he said while laughing.

Her face turned red from embarrassment and anger towards the guy who's making fun of her. "I-I did not!" she denied of course.

She did remember every bit of last night. 'Jeez, does he have to say the obvious?'

She marched angrily to her bed and was ready to claw him when he acted faster and in the end, she laid flat on her back with him on top. "Temper, Miss Dara. It would lead you nowhere." he said huskily.

Well, her anger vanished to thin air the moment they had the position and only the embarrassment left. She was just wearing her robe while he didn't have any. She could feel his little man waking up again just because of their closeness.

"You felt that, eh?" he said that made her avoid his gaze. "As much as I want to do it again, I don't want Mr. Choi to wait downstairs and the tea to get cold." he said then stood up pulling her as well.

Since already daylight, she saw his junior standing proud and she fought her building desire inside. "Uhm, do you need a little help with t-that?" she pointed it but her eyes were on the other side.

She heard him chuckle. "As much as I want it you to do it for me, I may not stop after so I'll just settle with a cold shower."

What was happening to her?! She wanted to bury herself alive because of what she said. Then, she remembered she needed to explain to him. She just waited for him to wrap himself with a towel before speaking.

"Jiyong, about the~" she started but he cut her off again.

"I told you before that whatever reason it may be, I'll forgive you, right?" he said then cupped her face.

"B-but, why did you walk away yesterday?" she said tears were welling up again.

"I just want to give you more time with your friends." she raised her right brow. "Fine! I was a little hurt. I just needed some time for things to absorb on my brain. Chaerin was right. What if that happened to my friends? I would also sacrifice for them and because of that I admire your guts more. I was just hurt that you didn't tell me about it. We could have avoided things like this to happen. We could have talked to Bom together and let her realize her mistakes. You could have trusted me with it like how you trusted your friends. I just felt worthless on our relationship because you did all the sacrificing while I just buried myself with alcohol and depression. I was even useless when you were already hurting and some other guy comforted you instead of me. I wanted to crush that Seunghyun guy but I couldn't since he was there when you needed me the most."

She could not help but cry once more as I buried my face to his bare chest. "I'm sorry if you felt that way. You're right, we could have avoided it if I told you everything."

He hugged her tight and cooed her since she kept on saying sorry over and over again. "It's okay. This chapter of our lives are finish, okay? We just have to move on."

She stopped crying and looked at him. He then stepped back and held her hands. "I was planning to do this in a grand way but the moment is now."

He walked to where his pants were leaving her curios of what he was about to do. He lifted his pants and got something but she could not see what it was. He returned in front of her and stared intently at her.

"I already had this since three years ago. I was planning to give this to you after we graduate because I don't want to waste any time and I could not imagine you not by my side in the future." he said while holding her hands.

Her heart was beating fast and she could not utter anything. He then let go of her right hand and showed to her what he was holding and it made her gasp.

"Sandara Park, will you stay by my side now and forever?" he asked while looking at her lovingly.

Again, she was speechless and she was shaking when he slipped the ring on her finger. It was just right for her.

"Dara, will you marry me?" he asked again.

Tears again ran from my eyes. "Yes!" She kissed him on the lips. "I love you so much!"

"I love you more." he kissed back.

Well, they were just sorry for Mr. Choi because the tea and lunch were forgotten since they needed to seal the previous chapter and to start the new one.



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Chapter 9: Ughhhhh I hate bom here..
Chapter 5: Aigoo this cat and rat.. XD
3shhaaa #3
Chapter 26: Awwww.. I really love this story!!! Thank you!!!
Chapter 26: aww. this nice! :)
bernie20 #5
Chapter 26: Beautiful story..thank u
strongurlx #6
Chapter 26: nice story! :D but i hate bom's character lol sorrry!!! ^_^v
Chapter 26: Nice story.. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Chapter 26: I SO LOVE TABI !
That's Why I Got Heart-Broken When He Got Hurt .
Oh Well What Do I Expect ! It's DARAGON FF ! xD
I'm Happy That They End Up Together ! *cough* appler here *cough*
With Bommie .. hmmm asdfghjklpoiuytrewq ! don't want to say bad to her because I also love her ! GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM ! ♥
maydelluna #9
Chapter 26: romantic and sweet! soo happy daragon end up together eventhough they suffered so much pains, betrayal,sufferings,i hated boms character here, she's selfish and a bithch,^^..thanks authornim for this wonderful story of yours:):):)
Jiaying_lurvyounique #10
nice story, though i dun rly ship daragon D: