Day 1

In Between Love

[Day 1]

Ring~ Ring~ Ring~

The constant ringing of the phone disrupted the peaceful rest of Kwon Jiyong. He slept late last night waiting for Dara's call so that he could sneak to their house again but instead of doing naughty things, comfort his baby girl. He knew something's wrong but his girl would just not tell him. He didn't even realize he already fell asleep from waiting.

He groaned and covered his head with his pillow but the ringing still pissed him off. With no other choice, he got the phone and sleepily answered it without glancing at the screen.

"Hello?" he said with his eyes still close.

"Yah! Why are you still asleep? It's past ten already? You're already late in school!" his eyes snapped open when he recognized his baby girl's voice on the other line.

"Baby?" he wanted to confirm.

"Are you sleep talking, Jiyong? Get your in school right this instant!" he immediately stood up and went to the bathroom still holding the phone.

"Okay, I'll just take a shower first. I'm late anyway." he said.

"Fine! As if I could do something about it. Just hurry up!" she said.

"What's the hurry? I'm not going anywhere but to you?" He knew it’s cheesy but he could not help saying it to Dara.

"I just missed you." his brows furrowed. Her voice became soft unlike earlier but he just shrugged it off.

"Okay, I'll go now. See you in a few. Love you!" he waited for her to respond but it took her a while to speak.

"Ok, see you..." she said and then the line went dead.

Something's strange for he was still looking at his phone. He could not find any reason for Dara's behavior but he set it aside for he must be imagining it. He put down the phone and did his morning rituals.

An hour later, he's already on the parking lot of the university. He saw his girl waiting on the bench near the parking lot but she seemed lost in her thoughts that she was not able to feel him coming. He studied his girl's features. Her eyes seem puffy and she looked tired.

"Baby~" she was startled upon hearing him.

"Yah! Should you need to do that?" she glared at me while clutching her chest.

"What?" his brows furrowed.

"You startled me..." she now crossed her arms and pouted at him.

He smiled and pulled her pouted lips gently to his waiting lips. She was taken aback at first but then composed herself and was now responding to his kisses. Good thing it was still class time and there's not much of people around. They then pulled out from the kiss and Jiyong hugged her tightly.

"I love you so much..." he said while drawing circles on her back.

Dara let go and looked at him. "You're so cheesy! Come on, let's ditch class."

He was shock on what was he hearing. "Are you sure? We still have class." Dara's the type of person who doesn't cut classes so hearing her said that was a shock to him.

"Yes, I'm sure." She stood up and started her tracks but when he was not following, she looked back and tilted her head. "Come on! I feel like not going to class today." she motioned her hand for him to reach it.

He sighed first then took her hand. "I hope you know what you're doing. I don't want to be a bad influence to you. I have to make a good impression to auntie and your friends."

"Don't worry. It will just be for a day. And besides, you don't need to do that." she said and looked ahead. Why did he feel that there was something on the last words she said? Again, he just ignored it.

It's almost lunch time so we decided to eat out. After that, we stopped by a park and played a little with the little children there. She even read a fairy tale with the girls while he played soccer with the boys. When their teacher called the pupils that was the cue for them to stop.

"Unnie, oppa, thank you very much!!!" the girls said.

"Noona, wait for me, neh? I will marry you!" one boy said to Dara.

"Yah! She's my girlfriend." Jiyong pretended to be furious.

The children giggled with his antics. The said boy pouted. Dara came closer to him and whispered something. The boy suddenly got happy and kissed Dara on her cheeks.

Jiyong's eyes widen. "Yah! Why did you kiss my girlfriend?" he childishly pointed at the boy and the boy just put his tongue out and ran. The children followed the boy to their waiting teachers.

She was still looking at the children who are now waving goodbye to them. She didn't notice the guy beside her all gloomy until she looked at him. "What's with the face?"

"You let that boy kissed you? And what did you whisper to him?" Unbelievable! He's actually jealous on an eight-year old boy?

She just rolled her eyes and left him there. "Yah! I'm talking to you!" he followed her after.

She suddenly pivoted to her back to meet him and without warning kissed him. Jiyong was so shock that his eyes widen and arms frozen on his side. Dara noticed his shock state so she enveloped her arms to his neck and deepen the kiss. She slid her tongue to his mouth and played with it. By now, Jiyong already recovered from his state and circled his arms to her waist. He wanted to gain control but Dara was maneuvering everything and he was no choice but to let his girl be.

They pulled out from their kiss to breath some air. She smiled at him. "That was the kiss I wanted."

He returned the smile and was about to kiss her again but she stopped her. "I'm kinda tired on walking. I wanted to do something else." she bit her lower lip while looking at him seductively.

'Oh my freaking Gaho! Did she just seductively say that?' he could not tear his gaze to her y lips. He smirked. "Your place or my place?"


"Jiyong~ hmmm...."

"Slowly now..."

"Oh God! Hmmm..."

"Now, move your body to the rhythm."

"I-I don't know how."

"Trust me, okay?"

"Wahh~ I-I'm doing it! How is it?"

"Do it more like this."



"Wow! I finally made my own cake! Thank you, seongsangnim!" She bowed to him and he even patted her head as if a student being recognized in school.

"For a first timer, it's already good." he looked at the cake that was made for five hours. Five freaking hours! They could have more than five rounds of steamy by then. He was so stupid thinking that his girlfriend would be the first to initiate IT but knowing her, she would not dare do that. Not now but may be in the future? hehehe...

So going back, she meant by doing something else was baking. She said she was not able to bake anything because it either burns or tasteless. So, her friends would not want her to be in the kitchen most especially in the oven. Since Jiyong had been living solo ever since the start of college, he was able to do household chores most especially cooking and baking. Living in Europe taught him to be independent though his family was on the same country.

They bought the things needed first before going to his place. He never thought that she could be that clumsy in the kitchen. If you look around, it seemed like the whole place was turned upside down. They had to repeat the procedures over and over again because she either put too much or less than of the needed ingredients on the mixture. On the fourth attempt, she was able to do bake the chiffon so they needed now the icing. She kept on messing up with the mixer that resulted for the beaten egg to spill. He was almost at his end but good thing he reminded himself that she was his girl. With a lot of patience and cracked eggs, they were able to complete the cake with strawberries and cherries on top.

"What's the occasion anyway?" he said while starting to clean up the mess they made.

"Well, I just want to celebrate our two weeks anniversary." He glanced at her and she was looking happily on the completed cake.

"It's the first time I heard someone celebrating a two-week anniversary. Shouldn't it be monthsary or 100-day anniversary?" He stopped mopping and looked at her amusingly.

Without tearing up her gaze on the cake, "Well, I want it to be different." she then put two long thin candles and lit it. She finally turned her gaze to him. "Come on, we'll clean up later. Turn off the lights and we'll blow the candle."

He was just too amazed by her actions. While he was walking towards the switch, she got two wine glasses on the counter and opened some champagne. The lights were turned off and the only lights remaining were the candles from the cake.

"Uhmm...what should we do now? Should we now blow the candles?" Jiyong asked when Dara didn't move and just stared at the candle.

"Make a wish, Ji." she looked up and met his gaze.

"Wah, you're becoming weird but okay." he closed his eyes to make a wish with a plastered smile. Unfortunately, he didn't see the sadness that crept unto Dara's eyes the moment he closed his eyes. She mouthed the word 'I'm sorry'.

He opened his eyes and happily looked at her. "Did you also make a wish?"

"Yes, I did." he smiled and poured champagne to the glass. She raised the glass and so was he. "Be happy. Ji."

"I already am." and they blew the candle.


Sorry fir it's just a short chapter...
I'm planning to make a chapter each on the 3 days deadline...
So basically, this is the first day...
I'm gonna update the other days this week...
Thanks for reading this!!!
Please do comment!!!
Thanks again!!!


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Chapter 9: Ughhhhh I hate bom here..
Chapter 5: Aigoo this cat and rat.. XD
3shhaaa #3
Chapter 26: Awwww.. I really love this story!!! Thank you!!!
Chapter 26: aww. this nice! :)
bernie20 #5
Chapter 26: Beautiful story..thank u
strongurlx #6
Chapter 26: nice story! :D but i hate bom's character lol sorrry!!! ^_^v
Chapter 26: Nice story.. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Chapter 26: I SO LOVE TABI !
That's Why I Got Heart-Broken When He Got Hurt .
Oh Well What Do I Expect ! It's DARAGON FF ! xD
I'm Happy That They End Up Together ! *cough* appler here *cough*
With Bommie .. hmmm asdfghjklpoiuytrewq ! don't want to say bad to her because I also love her ! GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM ! ♥
maydelluna #9
Chapter 26: romantic and sweet! soo happy daragon end up together eventhough they suffered so much pains, betrayal,sufferings,i hated boms character here, she's selfish and a bithch,^^..thanks authornim for this wonderful story of yours:):):)
Jiaying_lurvyounique #10
nice story, though i dun rly ship daragon D: