
In Between Love

[Note: Sorry my dear readers for the late update. I was sick again last week that I could not even think of an update. And also, I found it hard to make a romantic scene. Seriously, I'm more interested in some heartbreaking scenes... I don't know, maybe I'm just an UGLY LONELY woman who found heartbreaks quite entertaining and inspirational... :izzaemo: Enough about my emo side. This is just a short update and if you don't like it...Please spare me my life :izzadying: I will make it up and I need your help... Thank you so much and ENJOY!!!]


It was two in the morning. That's what the clock said but it was hard for her to even sleep a bit. Yes, she should be happy for beside her was the only man she could ever love in this lifetime. She had done a lot of things to defy him but her heart would only shout for him. Earlier, she tried not to think of anything but the both of them but now that she could think clearly, she's aware that she's breaking a lot of promises not only to Bom but to herself.

In her mind, she kept on saying sorry to Bom. She wanted to get up but then Jiyong stirred beside her and pulled her closer to him. His nose buried deeper on the crook of her neck.

"Stay..." he said while still on his position.

She didn't respond but she didn't move as well. His hand was on her waist while she just looked at the ceiling.

"Jiyong, how are you?" She just asked that now? Wow!

He didn't respond but instead tightened his hold on her. She didn't utter anything. She understood if he won't answer.

"Don't leave me again, Dara." she tore her gaze from the ceiling to her side away from him. She could not promise that since she already decided that this would be there last together.

"I-I ca~" but she was shut when he turned her face to him and kissed her full in the lips.

Again, the kiss could melt all her defenses. Only Jiyong could do that to her. His tongue slipped inside her and devoured her completely. She returned the kisses with the same intensity and once gain they were back with their lovemaking. It took them two rounds before being satisfied and returned to their serene positions on bed.

Finally, she fell asleep with Jiyong's arms on her.

She woke up because of the bright light coming from her balcony. She slowly opened her eyes and was greeted by an empty space beside her. She immediately sat up and glanced at her room. Jiyong was nowhere to be found. She started to think that everything happened last night was a dream but that would be impossible since she was and her body sore all over.

She wore her robe and checked the bathroom but no one's there. I went outside and saw Mr. Choi in the living room cleaning the area.

"Uhmm..." she cleared and the old butler then faced her.

"Yes, Miss?" he straightened his back then bowed a little.

"Uhmm..." She found it hard to ask him about Jiyong since Mr. Choi was not even aware that there was a man in my room last night.

"Are you hungry, Miss Dara?" he asked.

She nodded instead for she could not ask him the question.

Mr. Choi smiled at her. "Breakfast would be ready. Sir Jiyong is just finishing some dishes in the kitchen."

"J-Jiyong is in the kitchen?" she was surprised at first then a smile could be drawn from her lips.

"Yes, Miss. You can go and check him out yourself." she immediately rushed out from the living room. She didn't even notice the knowing smile of Mr. Choi to her.

Before she reached the kitchen, the sweet aroma of some freshly-made pancakes filled her nostrils. When she was inside, she finally saw him. His back was facing her foe he was still busy cooking.

He maybe sensed her for he instantly turned to her. He smiled seeing her and she felt like time stopped. She could not define how gorgeous this man was in front of her even with just a plain tee with a Doraemon apron.

"Good morning, D." he greeted and went close to her. She was still dazed that he grinned with that. "Liking what you see?" he crossed his arms on his chest.

She snapped form her reverie and raised an eyebrow. "You're still cocky."

He laughed very loudly. She found his voice very y when he laughs. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

She felt him tugged her closer to him and without warning crashed his lips to hers. It was just a short lip-locking but it still took her breath away.

"Good morning, too." she said while still on his hold.

He was about to leaned down again when a smell of burned something was in the air.

"Sh*t!" he exclaimed then quickly let go of her to turn off the stove. He was still cooking a pancake when she went in and he forgot about it.

She chuckled seeing him having a hard time to get the burned pancake out of the pan so he just put it directly on the sink.

"Sorry for almost burning your kitchen." he said after he put the pan.

"I think its insured." she said.

"Well, at least I was able to make three before you came and Mr. Choi already cooked some eggs and bacon." he said while placing the pancakes in the counter together with the eggs and bacon.

"Thank you though I'm sorry about the lost pancake. It'll be missed." she said while faked a sad face.

"It's you who should be blamed by that." he said.

Her eyes widen. "Mwo?! How did it become my fault? You cooked it! So you killed it!" she pointed at him accusingly.

"I did cook but because you distracted me, I forgot about it. If you didn't come in with just a robe on, I would not be swayed from my attention." he crooked an eyebrow and grinned at her.

"Well then, you're ban to even touch me." she said then ate a piece of pancake.

"Mwo?!" It's now his time to be surprised.

"You accused me of something I didn't do so you are forbidden to even touch me." His eyes widen this time. She was having a blast. She cut a piece of the pancake. "It's your punishment." she shook her head and made a tsk sound.

"No Way! I won't allow it!" He leaned his hands on the counter and looked straight at her with a determined face.

She ate a pancake again. "I love the pancakes by the way." she stood up and smirked at him before backing away.

"Yah!" he shouted but she just went on with her tracks.

"Sorry, baby boy!" she shouted when she was fully out of the room.

She saw Mr. Choi shaking his head and was amused of what happened to the couple inside. It would not take a genius to know that he heard the conversation. At the realization, she blushed and was about to run upstairs when she was suddenly lifted from the ground.

Jiyong just lifted her like a feather. She was carried like a bride. "Yah! You’re supposed to be punished!" She was wiggling like a little kid.

"Who said I'll follow that punishment?" he grinned at her.

"Yah! Kwon Jiyong! Put me down!" She shouted but there was no use since he just tightened his grip on her. She turned to Mr. Choi who was shock for a second. "Mr. Choi! Help! Call the police! There's a loose criminal in the house!"

Jiyong turned to the old butler. "Mr. Choi, I'm sorry about the kitchen. It's kinda messy in there."

Mr. Choi recovered from shock and smiled to him. "It’s okay, Sir Jiyong. I'll just clean it up. Are you done with breakfast?"

"I'm not yet but don't worry. I'll be full once I'm done with Miss Dara." he smiled playfully and wiggled his brows at her.

"Y-You ert!" She tried to free herself from him. "Mr. Choi! Help me!" Jiyong was already on the top of the stairs going to her room.

The old man just sighed at the sight.

When they entered the room, she was still struggling but she was shut up when she looked to his serious face. It made her look away because of its intensity. He gently put her down on the bed but she still didn't look at him.

She then heard him speak after a long silence.

"Dara, I won't let you go even if you beg me to. I will forget of what happened three years ago. I will not ask anymore of the reason. Just don't leave me again." his voice was begging and it made her guiltier.

She was still not looking at him. His hands reached for her chin and made her face him. They stared on each other. His eyes full of hope and love while hers were fear and uncertainty.

"Dara, I love you so much. There's no other for me but you. I already gave you three years for yourself, the rest would be for the both us. Promise me not to leave me again." he held her hand tightly.

She on the other hand, could not utter anything. She wanted to promise him back but she already broke a lot of promises and for her she thought that this one could be another one on her list. She didn't want to give him an empty promise. So, she just nodded.

He smiled and tears were evident on every corner of his eyes. "I love you so much, Dara." he kissed her on the lips then hugged her tightly.

She did not reply but she hugged her back. "I'm sorry..." was she uttered. Sorry for what? Only Dara knew.

"It's okay, baby. You're always forgiven." he faced her and wiped the tears on her cheeks.

"I'm sorry..." she kept on repeating it while he continued on cooing her.

"Sshh baby, it's okay. I love you, okay?" he repeatedly said and kissed her.

'I'm sorry, Jiyong...' she thought while returning the kiss.


Hi my dear readers!!!
How do you find the update??
I hope it's not bad...
I know it's short so to make it up,
I'll leave a teaser for the next chapter.
This is the first time I did this...
Thank you for reading and do SEND me a shout out...
I love to hear from you...



"I know you like her, love her maybe. Are you just gonna sit there and let her be taken away?"

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

She raised an eyebrow while looking at him then smirked. "You think that being by just her side, her feelings will direct to you? You have to move yourself before she’ll be taken from you."

He stood up from his seat and went in front of her.

"I don't force someone just to like me unlike you. So before I lose my patience, leave this office and never set foot in here again. I don't want Dara to see you. She might be upset seeing you again." he then faced back from her.

Her eyes formed a slit. "I will never gonna lose from her. I will not gonna give him up even if I have to ruin her life again."

He clinched his teeth and next thing she knew, she was already pinned on the wall with his hands on . "I'm gonna kill you if you ever lay a hand on her." his voice seemed like a poison to her.

She was shock at first but then recovered. "Then, keep her away from Jiyong. I don't back out on my words. She may be once my friend, but I don't have mercy with her since she ruined my life first."

He tightened his hold on her. She was starting to have difficulty in breathing and the pain from his grip was affecting her but she showed no fear and steadied her gaze on him.

He was no murderer. When the girl in front of him showed lack of emotion, though it boiled him more, he loosened his hold and stepped back. She held her neck then stood like nothing happened.

His gaze was still intense and a little push, who knew what he'll do. She smirked again.

"I came here as a friend. Settle your feelings now before it's too late." she got her bag and left him furious in the room.

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Chapter 9: Ughhhhh I hate bom here..
Chapter 5: Aigoo this cat and rat.. XD
3shhaaa #3
Chapter 26: Awwww.. I really love this story!!! Thank you!!!
Chapter 26: aww. this nice! :)
bernie20 #5
Chapter 26: Beautiful story..thank u
strongurlx #6
Chapter 26: nice story! :D but i hate bom's character lol sorrry!!! ^_^v
Chapter 26: Nice story.. Thanks for sharing! ^_^
Chapter 26: I SO LOVE TABI !
That's Why I Got Heart-Broken When He Got Hurt .
Oh Well What Do I Expect ! It's DARAGON FF ! xD
I'm Happy That They End Up Together ! *cough* appler here *cough*
With Bommie .. hmmm asdfghjklpoiuytrewq ! don't want to say bad to her because I also love her ! GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM ! ♥
maydelluna #9
Chapter 26: romantic and sweet! soo happy daragon end up together eventhough they suffered so much pains, betrayal,sufferings,i hated boms character here, she's selfish and a bithch,^^..thanks authornim for this wonderful story of yours:):):)
Jiaying_lurvyounique #10
nice story, though i dun rly ship daragon D: