I'll Wait

Surprise Romance


It had only been a month since I had first met Seunghyun and we were still very much in love, if not more. With his movie in it’s last stages of production he was also really busy with work. I would only get to see him if I happened to be awake when he’d get home in the evenings. But it didn’t bother me too much because my classes had started and I was swamped with homework every week along with my new duties around the apartment. 
On a rare occasion I had finished all of my work early one morning and had the rest of the day free. I walked out into the living room and lounged on the sofa for a while until Daesung appeared around the corner, surprised to see me. 
“Oh! Are you taking a break from your work?” 
I shook my head. “Nope! I finished with all my work!” I stretched my arms upwards and sighed happily shooting him a smile. 
He flashed a quick grin back at me. “Hey, since you’re free, you want to go somewhere? I know where Seunghyun is filming today. I think I can sneak us in.” I jumped up from the sofa and looked at him excitedly. He laughed at my reaction and we both got ready to head out. 
When we reached the filming location, I cautiously got out of the car. I wasn’t so sure if I’d be allowed to get close since I wasn’t exactly publicly known as Seunghyun’s girlfriend. I was afraid that I would be seen as just another fan. But that’s why Daesung was there. He confidently spoke to the security and got a nod of approval and motioned to me to follow him. 
Following close behind him, I took in the new environment. There were a lot of people looking busy with their own individual jobs. Some were walking around hurriedly quickly talking to people as they passed. There were lots of cameras and technical equipment that I knew nothing about, and cords crossed the ground in every direction. 
Soon we finally made it to the set where I saw Seunghyun reciting his lines with his female co-star. He was dressed handsomely in a grey suit and the lighting hit him perfectly emphasizing every perfect detail of his face. I sighed in admiration and happily watched him work. 
After a few moments, they stopped filming and the crew began to slowly leave the set. Seunghyun remained on set talking to his co-star. I watched them from where I stood feeling a bit of jealously seeing them laugh and chat with each other. Seunghyun bowed slightly to her as he turned to walk off the set, but I noticed her watching him as he turned his back to her and walked in my direction before walking off the set.
She was very pretty, maybe just a bit taller than me. Her long wavy hair complimenting her delicate features. I suddenly felt very self-conscious and shifted my eyes to the ground trying to get over my bad feelings. 
I looked up again and locked eyes with a grinning Seunghyun making his way to me. I returned a smile as stepped up in front of me and reached out his hand to take mine.
“What are you guys doing here? This is such a great surprise,” he raised my hand to his mouth and kissed it lightly. “You aren’t busy with your work today?” He asked me with big hopeful eyes and an innocent smile. 
I nodded slightly. “I finished my work early today, so Daesung offered to bring me here to see you.” I flashed Daesung a quick smile in thanks. Daesung nodded back with a soft smile then excused himself to give us some time alone. 
Seunghyun motioned for me to follow him. We passed many of the crew members who waved or bowed to Seunghyun but gave me a look of curiosity or suspicion. I had to remind myself that Seunghyun hadn’t announced that I was his girlfriend yet, so the looks I got were to be expected. He returned their greetings with a simple bow of his head. We reached what looked like a trailer and as he was about to open the door when the actress I had seen before approached us. 
“Seunghyun-ssi!” She skipped her way past me and up to him, grabbing his arm. He turned to look at her with a shocked expression. “Do you want to get a snack together during the break?”
Feeling a little irritated, I looked away from Seunghyun and tried to distract myself by watching the crew members work. 
“No, I can’t today, Ja Hye Sorry.” 
“Awww, why not? We can grab some coffee, too!” She tugged softly on his arm which caused him furrow his brow a little. 
“I can’t, maybe next time. I have more important plans today.” Hearing this I looked towards Seunghyun who was wearing a slight smirk while glancing at me. I blushed a little and smiled shyly back at him. 
Ja Hye turned her attention to me and looked at me as if she didn’t even notice I was standing there the whole time. 
“Oh! Hi!” She let go of Seunghyun’s arm and approached me with him following behind her. 
“This is my good friend, Yuri.” He stood next to me and put his arm around my shoulder holding me close. He turned his glance downwards to me. “Yuri, this is Ja Hye. She’s acting with me in this movie.” 
I extended my hand out to her. “It’s nice to meet you, Ja Hye.” She smiled and shook my hand. 
“Yes, it’s nice to meet you, too.” She turned her attention to Seunghyun again. “Well, if you’re not busy later, we can still get that coffee!” She smiled and waved bye to the both of us as we entered the trailer. 
“She seems…friendly.” I looked at Seunghyun from the corner of my eyes as I walked past him and leaned against one of the walls facing him with my arms crossed. 
He sighed and nodded. “Yeah, she’s so full of energy all the time. It gets tiring.” We made eye contact and he started to walk towards me 
I shifted my eyes away from his glance. “You could have gone to lunch with her if you wanted to. It’s not like you planned on me being here, anyway. I can just find Daesung and--” 
“--Hey.” Seunghyun cut me off, making me turn my head back in his direction. He was now standing directly in front of me, our bodies just a few inches away form each other. He leaned his forearm on the wall behind me bringing his face close next to mine. He spoke soft and low into my ear, “Jagiya, don’t tell me you’re jealous?” He pulled his head back to look me in the eyes. 
“What? Jealous? No! Why would I be jealous of a girl who has to try so hard to get a guy’s attention.” If my words didn’t scream jealously then my expression sure did. 
Seunghyun softly chuckled and brought his hand beneath my chin to turn me back towards him. He looked deeply into my eyes. “You have nothing to be jealous about. My heart belongs to you, and only you. I want you to remember that.” He kissed me softly and caressed my face with his hand before parting. 
I blushed and looked down in embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I should know better than to act this way, but I can’t help it. It drove me crazy seeing her hold your arm and talk to you that way.” 
He sighed as he straightened himself and took my hands in his, our fingers intertwining. “No, I’m sorry it has to be this way; that we have to hide our relationship. I know it’s not fair to you, but if you can wait just a little while longer, we won’t have to hide anything anymore.” 
I nodded and smiled, “Of course I’ll wait. You’re the most important person in my life. I’d do anything for you. I love you.” 
My smile softened as he closed his eyes and brought my hands to his mouth, kissing them one at a time, lingering for a few moments. We let go of each others hands and I wrapped mine around his neck while he moved his around my waist. “I love you, too. It means a lot to me that you understand.” I moved my hands down to his chest as he pulled me in close to hug my tightly. 
We enjoyed each others company for a few more minutes before there was a knock on the door. It was one of the crew members announcing that they were going to start filming again soon, so Seunghyun was needed on the set. Seunghyun nodded to the worker then turned back to me. 
“Sorry, we could only see each other for a short time today. I feel as though I’m always too busy to spend time with you. I feel so guilty for that.” He frowned a bit, disappointed in himself. 
I shook my head in protest. “No, this is important for you and even though we may not get to see each other as much as we’d like, I’m still here to support you in any way I can.” 
Comforted by my answer, he sighed and took me by the waist again, kissing me on the forehead. “I promise, once this is over, I’ll take you on a nice date; Just you and me.” 
I smiled at his offer and accepted it with a kiss. 
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Onepenny #1
Chapter 26: Thank you for a heart warming story. It was so sweet and had me smiling.
Chapter 26: seriously this story is so sweet!!! it melt my heart away <3 And u spoil us telling us about a possible sequel n a spin off kyaaa I want to hug u so much right now!!! hehehe
iamandie #3
Chapter 26: the story is overflowing with sweetness and cant wait to read daesung's story.

anyway, i watched their concert here in the Philippines and they are so great. cant wait for them to comeback here for another concert. :D
runtheworldgirls #4
Chapter 26: There should definitely be a sequel! This was sooooo good!!!!!
scorpio8995 #5
Chapter 26: This is getting better and better. They are too cute....!
Chapter 26: That's right people I am the coffee girl that daesung had met.... Heheheheee my smiling angel :]
boyhips #7
Chapter 26: Ooooh I really hope theres a sequel. I loved the tie-in with the other story.
Chapter 26: I love the way the story ended but I am sad to see it end. Thank you so much for sharing your story withis and I am looking forward to reading more!