
Surprise Romance


By the time we got back to the apartment it was dinner time. When I opened the door I was greeted with a loud “SURPRISE!” as I turned the lights on. There stood Ji Yong, Young Bae, and Seungri wearing happy expressions along with party hats that read “Happy Birthday!” on them. 
Seungri walked up to me and gave me a hug while handing me a gift. “Nuna!! Happy birthday! Did you have fun with Daesung hyung today?” 
I nodded, still a bit surprised. Young Bae and Ji Yong then came up to me to with me happy birthday and also placed a present in my hands. 
I slowly looked around the room and saw that they had decorated slightly with a happy birthday banner hung across the entrance to the kitchen, as well as a few balloons and streamers hanging from the ceiling. The table was set and ready for dinner. I smiled wide and thanked them for everything they put together. 
Ji Yong nodded also appreciating the work they had done. “Thanks to Daesung, we were able to get everything prepared.” I turned to look at Daesung who was wearing an innocent smile and shrugged playfully. 
We enjoyed our meal and I offered to help them clean up, but they outright refused my help so I just watched them clean while keeping light conversation. When everything was cleaned up we moved to the living room, everyone anxious for me to open their gifts. 
“I’m sorry, Yuri-ah…” I looked up to see Daesung standing in front of me. “I didn’t get a chance to buy you a gift.” 
“What do you mean? You took me on a fun trip to the amusement park and showed me a beautiful sunset. I couldn’t ask for more!” I gave him a quick hug and sat on the sofa next to Young Bae and Daesung sat down next to me, with Seungri and Ji Yong sitting on the floor just in front of the sofa. 
First was Young Bae’s gift, which was a custom hat he designed for me. On the face of the hat read “TOP GIRL,” which made me giggle, and under the bill of the hat read “SWEET GIRL.” It was almost reminiscent of his “Bad Boy/Good Girl” hat that I had seen him wearing before. In the middle of the back of the hat stood a mini cartoon version of me dressed in street clothes posing cutely with peace signs. It was an absolutely adorable design and I put it on right then to show my appreciation. Young Bae smiled shyly happy that I liked his gift. 
I reached for the bag that contained Seungri’s gift and pulled out a stuffed panda wearing a panda hat. Confused, I laughed and looked at Seungri. “Nuna,” he started and placed a hand over his heart. “If you ever miss your dongsaeng because I am abroad so often, just look to this panda and you can remember me. You can even wear that hat.” 
Ji Yong responded to him by shoving him playfully and ruffling his hair. “This guy…” We broke into laughter and I placed the panda next to me on the sofa. 
Ji Yong’s gift was wrapped in a small box and I curiously began to unwrap it. Inside the box was a beautiful bracelet. It looked like silver links connected together to look like hearts. The design was almost similar to the bracelets the other members wore, except for the actual hearts on my bracelet, which made it more feminine. I put it on immediately and continued to admire it. 
“Ji Yong, it’s so pretty. But it must have cost you too much!” 
He shook his head in protest and smiled. “We have similar bracelets and I felt that you’re pretty much part of our family already.” I nodded shyly. 
When I was finished hugging everyone and thanking them, we prepared to turn in for the night. I brought my gifts into the bedroom and set the panda on the desk along with the hat and bracelet, smiling at the loving gifts I received from my new family. 
I jumped on the bed diving face first into a pillow. I peeped at the clock on the desk; it was almost 11 p.m. He should be coming home soon, I thought to myself. But before I knew it, my eyes had closed and I fell asleep before he arrived. 
The next thing I felt was a pair of lips on mine waking me from my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes to see Seunghyun kneeling beside the bed. 
“My prince has finally come to home to me.” He smirked as he moved to sit on the bed. I sat up and hugged him from behind and buried my face in his neck. “I missed you so much today,” I mumbled. 
He brought his hand to hold one of mine that was wrapped around him. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you today. I still have that surprise for you, if you want it.” He looked at me from the corner of his eyes. 
I snapped my head up at these words and giggled, “Oh yeah! I forgot!” He chuckled and stood up, escaping my embrace. 
“Close your eyes.” He turned to walk out of the room. “And no peeking!” I pouted and covered my eyes with my hands…
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Onepenny #1
Chapter 26: Thank you for a heart warming story. It was so sweet and had me smiling.
Chapter 26: seriously this story is so sweet!!! it melt my heart away <3 And u spoil us telling us about a possible sequel n a spin off kyaaa I want to hug u so much right now!!! hehehe
iamandie #3
Chapter 26: the story is overflowing with sweetness and cant wait to read daesung's story.

anyway, i watched their concert here in the Philippines and they are so great. cant wait for them to comeback here for another concert. :D
runtheworldgirls #4
Chapter 26: There should definitely be a sequel! This was sooooo good!!!!!
scorpio8995 #5
Chapter 26: This is getting better and better. They are too cute....!
Chapter 26: That's right people I am the coffee girl that daesung had met.... Heheheheee my smiling angel :]
boyhips #7
Chapter 26: Ooooh I really hope theres a sequel. I loved the tie-in with the other story.
Chapter 26: I love the way the story ended but I am sad to see it end. Thank you so much for sharing your story withis and I am looking forward to reading more!