Lunch Break

Surprise Romance

My train of thought was broken when I heard Ji Yong call to Seunghyun that it was his turn to record. My eyes followed him as he stood from his chair and walked into the recording room. It was then that I found out that he was actually a rapper rather than a singer. As he began reciting his lines in his deep and rough voice, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. I had never seen him look this way before; he was so concentrated and absorbed into his lyrics, almost like a completely different person. 

The mixture of his voice and his composure made my heart race. I completely forgot about my worries and continued to watch him through the glass window. Why am I feeling like this…Ahhh, why is he so attractive while rapping? It’s driving me crazy! It was at this moment that Daesung came to join me on the sofa. Noticing my confused and frustrated expression he laughed. “He’s good, right? Ahh, sometimes I wish I could be as cool as him.” 
He sighed and looked at Seunghyun. I looked at him in disbelief. “What? Your voice is amazing! I really liked your parts of the song.” 
He looked down at the floor, feeling a bit embarrassed at my comment. “O-oh? Really? You liked it?” I nodded and brightly smiled at him. “Your voice is really unique, too. I like it.” 
“Ahh…” He blushed a bit and smiled. “Thanks.” 
We continued to chat until lunchtime came around. Seungri, Ji Yong, and Daesung left to pick up lunch for everyone, leaving Young Bae, Seunghyun and myself in the studio. Seunghyun was still sitting at his computer working on the music as Young Bae and I sat on the sofa in silence. 
“Umm…” Young Bae suddenly stood up. “I’m gonna grab us some drinks. I’ll be right back.” He slipped out of the room before I could respond. I sat there awkwardly watching Seunghyun’s back. 
I stood up and made my way to his chair, peeping over his shoulder to see what he was working on. “How’s your work going?” I asked sweetly. He must not have heard me walk over because he jumped a little in surprise. I withdrew myself and stood up straight, feeling a bit anxious. “Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” He turned his chair around and smiled at me. 
“It’s not your fault, I tend to get wrapped up in my work.” He looked at me curiously. “Are you ok?” I bit my lip debating what I should do. Seunghyun motioned for me to come closer to him and as I did, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in to sit on his lap. “What’s wrong?” He asked again. 
I looked down at the ground and began to wring my hands. “Are you…upset with me?” Confused, he tilted his head to one side and his brow slightly furrowed. “I don’t understand. What do you mean?” 
I sighed, both in relief and dread because I’d now have to explain myself. “I just felt that since the car ride, you’ve been standoffish and I was worried I did something to upset you.” 
Seunghyun placed a hand on mine and looked me sincerely in the eyes. “I’m not upset with you. I’m sorry if it seemed that way. When I get to the building, I usually start to mentally prepare myself for my work…I should have told you that before we got here.” He scratched his head. “Ahh, I must have made you worry. I’m sorry.” 
I shook my head and smiled. “No, I’m actually really relieved that you’re not upset. But there is something important I think I should tell you.” Curious, he tilted his head again and raised his eyebrows. “It’s about why I was staying at a hotel in the first place.” 
His expression changed; he looked worried but was still interested in what I had to say. He sighed and nodded, waiting for me to continue. 
“I’m actually here just on vacation for a few more weeks. Then I have to go back to school…in the states.” He closed his eyes for a few moments, making me anxious to hear what he had to say. 
He finally opened his eyes and sighed again. “When do you have to leave?” 
“I still have three weeks left here. But I’m trying hard to figure out a way for me to stay…I don’t want to leave you.” Embarrassed after realizing what I just said, I returned my eyes to the ground. 
Seunghyun smiled and tightened his grip around my waist causing me to bring my gaze back to his. “I don’t want you to leave either. We’ll figure something out; I’m not letting you go that easy.” I brought my arms around his neck and rested my forehead on his. I closed my eyes and felt a huge burden lift off my shoulders. When I opened my eyes again, I saw Seunghyun’s beautiful brown eyes staring back at me. We kissed softly and I remained sitting on his lap while we talked about nothing in particular. 
“Oh,” Seunghyun suddenly remembered something. “What were you talking to Daesung about earlier? I saw you two sitting on the sofa and he looked a little too happy.” 
“Huh? What are you talking about? We were only talking about the songs.” 
“No, I saw him. He looked embarrassed.” He suddenly became serious. “What did you tell him?” 
“Umm…oh, I just told him that I liked how he sounded while singing. He has a really unique voice. I liked it.” 
“Ahh,” he nodded. “You only like his voice? Is his the kind you like to listen to?” 
I looked at him confused until it finally dawned on me. I laughed at him. “Hey, are you jealous?” 
I hit the nail on the head. Knowing he’d been caught, he fidgeted in the chair and scoffed at my question.“W-Who said I was jealous? I was just asking you what you two talked about…”
I giggled. “Seunghyun, I really like your voice, too.” 
He pouted. “Don’t try to make me feel better. Now I know what you really like. It’s ok.” 
I nodded, teasing him. “Yeah, that’s true. That’s what I like.” He looked surprised by my reply, but I cut him off before he could say anything against it. “But, I only love one thing: You.” He tried to hide his smile by turning away from me, but I leaned over to cup his face in my hands and turned him to face me. He brought his hands up to mine and softly squeezed them and whispered to me in a low voice, “I love you, too.” 
We kissed once more and were interrupted by a knock at the door. It was Young Bae. “Are you two finished with your lovers quarrel yet?” 
Seunghyun yelled at the door. “Yeah, come in!” Young Bae entered with enough drinks for everyone and placed them on the table. “Ahh,” he sighed. “I was waiting out there for 15 minutes, but I could hear you two talking and it sounded important. I didn’t want to interrupt.” 
I felt bad for making him wait. “Ahh, sorry Young Bae. You could have come inside. Seunghyun was just jealous because I like Daesung’s singing voice.” I felt Seunghyun poke my side in protest. I rubbed the sore spot. “Ah! See! And he’s still jealous!” 
“Ya! Who’s jealous? No one said I was jealous of anybody!” Young Bae could only laugh at our bickering. At that moment, the others returned with lunch. We all sat together in a large circle around the room and ate, enjoying both the food and the company we were in. 
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Onepenny #1
Chapter 26: Thank you for a heart warming story. It was so sweet and had me smiling.
Chapter 26: seriously this story is so sweet!!! it melt my heart away <3 And u spoil us telling us about a possible sequel n a spin off kyaaa I want to hug u so much right now!!! hehehe
iamandie #3
Chapter 26: the story is overflowing with sweetness and cant wait to read daesung's story.

anyway, i watched their concert here in the Philippines and they are so great. cant wait for them to comeback here for another concert. :D
runtheworldgirls #4
Chapter 26: There should definitely be a sequel! This was sooooo good!!!!!
scorpio8995 #5
Chapter 26: This is getting better and better. They are too cute....!
Chapter 26: That's right people I am the coffee girl that daesung had met.... Heheheheee my smiling angel :]
boyhips #7
Chapter 26: Ooooh I really hope theres a sequel. I loved the tie-in with the other story.
Chapter 26: I love the way the story ended but I am sad to see it end. Thank you so much for sharing your story withis and I am looking forward to reading more!