The Beach

Surprise Romance


We were all packed up and ready for the beach in a few minutes. Seunghyun, Young Bae, and I jumped into one car with Ji Yong, Daesung, and Seungri in the other. Young Bae drove while I sat in the passenger seat and Seunghyun in the back. The car ride was relaxing and soon the coastline came into view. 
I rolled down my window and stuck my head out a little to take a deep breath. The smell of the salty air was refreshing and fed my anticipation of being on the beach. Within a few more minutes we arrived at a nice and very private beach. There were a few couples walking along the shoreline or relaxing and tanning under the bright sun. 
We unloaded the car and made our way to pick a spot to settle in. The others met up with us and we began to set up our towels and umbrellas. I sat down under one of the umbrellas and started to put on my sunblock. When I started having difficulty applying some to my back, Seunghyun came over to me and sat behind me to help me. Even though he was just applying the lotion to my back, I couldn’t help but feel giddy feeling his hands run over my exposed skin. When we were all lotioned up, the guys all headed for the water. I motioned for them to go ahead without me as I wanted to enjoy the sun for a while longer. 
“Nuna, you’re just going to toast yourself under the sun?” Seungri asked, sounding a little disappointed. 
“Mm-hm, for now! You guys go ahead and have fun,” I smiled brightly at them sending them off. Seunghyun bent over to give me a quick kiss before running after everyone else. I moved my towel out from under the umbrella and let myself fall, lying on my back. I closed my eyes and listened to the waves crash along with the sound of the guys cheering and yelling while playing in the water. 
A few moments passed when I suddenly got picked up off the ground. I let out a short yell as my arms instinctively wrapped around the neck of whoever it was that grabbed me. I opened my eyes to see Seunghyun dripping wet looking back at me with a sly smile. My eyes widened as I began to realize what he was plotting. 
“NO!” I yelled, “Put me down!!” But it was too late. He had started running towards the shoreline with the others already in the water cheering him on. As we got closer to the water, I grabbed hold of him tightly just as he was about to toss me in, taking him down with me. 
Seunghyun and I popped our heads above the surface at the same time trying to catch our breath. The others were laughing at the sight they just witnessed. Seunghyun turned to me laughing and looking surprised. “Ya! Why did you pull me down with you??” 
I giggled, “Because I told you no!” And I playfully stuck my tongue out at him. 
“Why you…” and he started to pick me up again in his arms from under the water. I could only manage a high pitched scream before he tossed me back into the water. When I came back up from the water, I wiped my face and narrowed my eyes at him and pouted. Seunghyun started to make his way towards me, fighting back a smile. When he got close enough, I moved to splash water at him, causing him to bring his arms up to his face to protect himself from the incoming attack. I turned to try and run, but it didn’t quite work. I was waist high in the water which made moving a little difficult. 
“Ya!” He yelled as he grabbed my wrists from behind and wrapped both my arms and his around my waist. “You can never escape from me,” he teased as he planted a kiss on my neck. He released his grip from my wrists and I spun around to face him. “Where ever you run to, I’ll find you.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, clasping my fingers together and smiled. He leaned in to kiss me gently on the lips when we were suddenly doused with water. 
Shocked, I looked behind Seunghyun to see Seungri with a small bucket in his hands smiling mischievously with the others smiling behind him waiting for a response. Seunghyun slowly turned around and glared at Seungri. 
“Hyung!” Seungri yelled. “Remember, I warned you! No more lovey lovey!” Seungri’s smile suddenly faded into a look of fear as Seunghyun let go of me and began to run after him and to get revenge, leaving the rest of us laughing and enjoying the show. 
After we had our fill of playing in the water, we retreated to our spot and relaxed on the beach as the sun slowly passed overhead. It was nearing sunset and the guys began digging a hole to make a bonfire. By the time they had started a fire, the sun was just starting to hit the horizon, making the sky burn a brilliant red and orange. I sat on my towel loosely hugging my knees while admiring the sky. When the fire was burning, Seunghyun took a seat next to me and wrapped one arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we enjoyed the sunset together.
I closed my eyes and wondered if things could stay the way they were. If Seunghyun and I would be able to share many more moments together like this. If we would always be this happy, and if I could always remain at his side. 
The sun had disappeared from the sky sending a chill down my spine as a gust of wind hit my skin. Seunghyun brought out a blanket and wrapped it around the both of us as we continued to stare out into the distance. The once radiant orange sky was now fading into deep purples and blues and the stars were slowly beginning to reveal themselves. I looked to Seunghyun whose handsome profile was outlined by the light coming from the dancing flames of the bonfire. He caught me staring and smirked before placing a kiss on my forehead. I smiled as our eyes met and leaned in to give him one in return on the lips. 
Daesung called out to us that the food was ready to be cooked on the fire and we made our way to the group. I was still wrapped up in the blanket as the guys prepared my food. We sat around the fire sharing stories and laughing with each other. We continued to talk until the fire was nearly out and decided it was time to head back home. 
Young Bae elected Seunghyun to drive back, because he was too tired. And he really was. After about 10 minutes we could hear Young Bae in the backseat fast asleep, resting his head against the window. I looked over and smiled at Seunghyun who returned my glance and brought his hand to mine that was resting on my lap. Our fingers intertwined and remained there for the rest of the ride. I turned to look out my window admiring the city lights and reflecting on another perfect day spent with Seunghyun.
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Onepenny #1
Chapter 26: Thank you for a heart warming story. It was so sweet and had me smiling.
Chapter 26: seriously this story is so sweet!!! it melt my heart away <3 And u spoil us telling us about a possible sequel n a spin off kyaaa I want to hug u so much right now!!! hehehe
iamandie #3
Chapter 26: the story is overflowing with sweetness and cant wait to read daesung's story.

anyway, i watched their concert here in the Philippines and they are so great. cant wait for them to comeback here for another concert. :D
runtheworldgirls #4
Chapter 26: There should definitely be a sequel! This was sooooo good!!!!!
scorpio8995 #5
Chapter 26: This is getting better and better. They are too cute....!
Chapter 26: That's right people I am the coffee girl that daesung had met.... Heheheheee my smiling angel :]
boyhips #7
Chapter 26: Ooooh I really hope theres a sequel. I loved the tie-in with the other story.
Chapter 26: I love the way the story ended but I am sad to see it end. Thank you so much for sharing your story withis and I am looking forward to reading more!