Chapter 19

Life As A TS Trainee

Daehyun's POV~

Winter break was over and a new year had begun. We were all in the practice room, practicing when the CEO came in. Everyone grew silent and the atmosphere tensed up.

"Are you all working hard?" he asked as we nodded. "I have an announcement to make, so listen well."

We all sat down and waited for him to continue.

"This month will be jammed pack with BAP's debut-"

"We're debuting?" Yongguk interrupted as the CEO shot him a look. "Sorry."

"I know it's on a short notice, but you guys have potential and I know you will be successful," he said while looking though some papers. "We don't have much time lift, so I'm asking that you guys work hard from now on. Also, you will all be transfering to the upper level of the building to concentrate on your debut. Any questions?"

"So that means, we're not sharing rooms with Mary and them anymore?" I asked as he nodded. I turned my attention to her as she seemed disappointed. "When do we debut?"

"The date hasn't been confirmed yet, but we will let you all know. I believe a month is enough time for you all," he said and walked away, leaving us speechless.

"I don't know if I'm ready to debut yet."

"I should call my parents~!"

"Imagine all the fanchants!"

"I'm nervous already," all the boys said in one bunch, but I stayed quiet. I could only look at Mary, who hung her head low.

"From now on, you all will be using the practice room on the left on the 5th level," Jay said to us. I didn't want to leave at all, but Youngjae pulled me up from my seat and dragged me out.

"Don't worry hyung, she'll still be in the same building as you," he said with a playful grin and we headed to the elevator.

Mary's POV~

"Okay girls, lets start practicing again," Jay said clapping his hands, rounding us up. I suddenly lost my spirit to even try, but I still did good enough that Jay didn't notice me slacking. All I could think about was Daehyun debuting and not being able to stay by side anymore, like how Jonghwan left me.

"Mary, are you okay?" Hana asked as I nodded. She didn't believe me, so she grabbed my shoulders and started massaging me. "I know what you're thinking about, or should I say who? We all know the relationship between you two, but you guys are still in the same building."

"It's not that," I softly said as she rounded her eyes and looked at me curiously.

"Then what is it?" she asked, wanting to get something out from me. I looked at her and chuckled.

"It's nothing," I said and practiced some routines from earlier. After practice, we packed up getting ready to go home when I recieved a text from Daehyun.

You'll have to leave without me. I'm staying later to practice a bit longer. Sorry.

I sighed and walked out the building to the bus stop, waiting in the cold when someone put their coat over me. My heart pounded and I looked up, hoping to see Daehyun, but instead it was Youngjae.

"You that disappointed?" he asked with a chuckled as I glared at him.

"Disappointed in what?" I scoffed and took off his coat when he put it back on me.

"Disappointed that it was me instead of Daehyun and that you weren't able to go home with him," he said, looking up to the sky. "He asked me to do this for you."

"Do what?" I asked as he smiled.

"That idot wanted me to be cheesy and give you his coat, he was worried you might get a cold," he said, which took me by surprise.

"This is his?" I asked as he nodded.

"He said to return it to him tomorrow morning, better yet, just keep it," Youngjae said and got up from the bench. "You two must really be in love. Boy do I pity you for falling in love with a guy like him."

"Why? Are you jealous that he can get a girl and not you?" I teased, making him give me a look.

"Tch, I can get a girl, but I don't want one now," he shot back at me and pouted. "Well, I'm gonna head home, I'll see you whenever."

I laughed and waved him goodbye, then smiled to myself while holding onto Daehyun's coat. Is he going to be fine going home without a coat?

I decided to go back to the building and wait for him there, worried about his own health. I stood outside of the practice room they were going to be using from now on, hearing music boom inside. I was going to enter when I heard a conversation going on in there, it was between Yongguk and Daehyun.

Daehyun's POV~

"Do you think our debut is going to successful?" I asked Yongguk as he nodded. "But what if something goes wrong?"

"And what would that be?" he asked with an eyebrow raised, while looking up from his composition.

"I don't know? Me cracking during my lines or maybe messing up a dance?" I said as he chuckled.

"Don't overthink it, just enjoy the stage and everything will be alright," he said and continued to work on his lyrics.

"Will Mary be okay?" I softly mumbled to myself, but apparently Yongguk heard me.

"Why wouldn't she be okay?" he asked as I shrugged.

"I don't know, maybe because she's going through a tough time? Her best friend just left her and her grandmother's health doesn't look too good either," I said, worred. Yongguk got up from his seat and patted my back.

"We'll just have to wait and see if she'll be okay, if not then she'll always have you right?" he asked. I stayed quiet and hung my head low. "Are you not going to be there for here?"

"Of course I am, but with our debut coming up, how can I?" I asked as he scoffed.

"She'll be able to understand, I mean she does know that you're the boy that promised her you were going to become a singer right?" he asked as I shook my head. "You haven't told her yet?"

"I don't want to tell her, I want her to find out herself," I said and looked at myself in the mirror. Yongguk shook his head and chuckled.

"Well, I'm gonna get going. I'll see you back at the dorm," he said and opened the door, then a gasped escaped his lips. I turned around and saw Mary standing there with a blank look.

"Mary, what are you still doing here?" I asked, walking up to her.

"Is what Yongguk said true?" she asked, not looking up at me. I exchanged looks with Yongguk, then turned my attention back to her. "Are you really that boy I met at the park 12 years ago?"

"Mary..." I began to say, looking at Yongguk for help. He cleared his throat and walked past her.

"I'll leave you two alone to talk," he said and shut the door behind me. Hyung, come back.

"Tell me Daehyun," she said as I swallowed hard.

"It's true," I said, avoiding eye contact. "I'm the reason why you're here today and you're the reason why I made it this far, because of the promise we made."


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Chapter 34: cute story but i had wished for more idols and drama..P.S i feel really really really sad for jonghwan
Chapter 34: such a cute story :) by the way you have nice grammar! it's kind of sad that it's over already, but I loved it nonetheless :)
Chapter 34: Oww so cute <3 ^^ Nice story ^^
Chapter 34: Waaahhh good story!! ^_^
IloveInfinite7 #5
Chapter 34: Luv this story!
Chapter 29: To be frank, I really hope that Mary and Daehyun can be together.. they are so compatible....
Chapter 26: That's really sad....
Chapter 21: the doctor is mary's father?? wow
bobaliciousjenny #9
Chapter 12: Poor grandma... I hope she's okay. Anyway 화이팅-.^
Chapter 9: hm.... i hope her grandmother is ok i ^ i