His True Thoughts

U-Know Time

Himchan stood to his feet and wobbled down the parks sidewalk, 
he made it a good 12 feet before he stopped and turned around to see his friends still in the same spots. 
He gestured his hands for them to come. 

"You don't seriously think they'd let us stay with them, they only know 4 of us." Yongguk said standing. 

"Kyung's not going to deny me." Himchan boasted, full of confidence.

"He ran away from you! He's probably scared less." Yongguk protested. 

"We'll it's either that or we bleed out here in the cold." Himchan said as blood rushed down his arm. 

The others looked to their leader, JongUp still on the floor in agony.

He sighed, "Fine, but if he doesn't want us there, we leave. Got it?" He looked around at his fellow partners in crime. He looked at Himchan last to clarify he understood.

Yongguk took lead, having Himchan's arms thrown over his shoulder, limping badly. 
PO helping JongUp, and Ukwon making sure B-Bomb doesn't collapse. 

"Wait, so where are we going exactly?" Ukwon asked. 

"To Himchan's boyfriends house." Yongguk said, with a hint of mockery.

"Hey, Zico might visit." Himchan said, cringing. 

Yongguk softly laughed.

They reached the door of Kyung's house after a good, long, painful 30 minutes. 

Yongguk knocked on the door and stepped back. 

No answer. 

He knocked again and this time the door swung open, but it wasn't Kyung who opened the door.

"Z-Zico?" Yongguk stuttered.

"Told ya." Himchan muttered.

"What happened?" Zico questioned staring down at Himchan.
Daehyun interrupted as Yongguk was about to answer.

"B-Bomb!" Daehyun screamed, still shirtless.
He ran out and helped the wounded boy he loves inside.
Zico motioned the rest to come in. 

"Where's Kyung?" Himchan asked, laying down on the couch.

"Um, He's in his room...." Zico said.
"On the Internet..." Daehyun continued, still tending to B-Bomb.
"Researching vampires..." Zico finished. 

"V-vampires? Why?" Yongguk interrogated. 

"He thinks you guys are..vampires." 
Zico admitted quickly.

"Ha..ha..ha..so who's Kyung?" P.O asked, curious as to who could possibly reveal their secret.

"I think the better question is who are you?" Zico quizzed.

As the introductions started, Kyung stayed behind a wall, listening. 

After the intros finished, Kyung stepped out and saw Himchan sprawled on his couch, bruised, clawed, and beaten. 

"Himchannie!" Kyung said in a low whisper, covering his mouth.

Everybody turned around to see Kyung teary eyed.
He ran to Himchan and comforted him the best he could. 

Zico and Daehyun watched in disbelief. Just less than an hour ago he was absolutely petrified at the thought of seeing Himchan again, yet here he was, fawning over him.

"I thought you were scared of me" Himchan smirked as he slightly opened his eyes to meet Kyung's glassy ones.
Kyung hesitated as he tried to come up with something witty to say. He gave up and broke out crying onto Himchan's chest. 

The other vampires sensed the tender moment that they seemed to be intruding on. Luckily Zico and Daehyun realized it too and led them out. 
Zico brought them to several vacant rooms throughout Kyung's large, inherited house.

"Come with me." The now shirt bearing Daehyun pulled B-Bomb from the pack and dragged him into the bathroom.


Kyung bawled out on Himchans lap, finally sitting up, Himchan pulled Kyung up onto the couch next to him. 

"Kyung? Kyungie? Why are you crying?" Himchan lifted up his chin to stare him in the eyes. 
Kyung sniffled as the tears began to stop streaming. He stared into Himchan's worried dark orbs. He should be the one worrying about him, he wasn't the one all bruised up and bleeding.

"I'm sorry, I should be worrying about you." Kyung wiped his face, laid Himchan down and ran to get one of many first aid kits.
He returned and began to apply medication onto Himchan's infinite bruises. As he continued to wrap up his arm, Himchan winced. 

"I'm sorry! Does that hurt? Is your arm broken??" Kyung asked trembling.
Himchan laughed.

"Yeah it's probably broken, but don't worry about it." Himchan Kyung's cheek. His cheeks burned up at the gentle touch.

"Why are you doing this? Last I remember, you ran from me screaming." Himchan questioned 

Kyung mulled it over, it was true he said he was terrified of him. But was he really? The more he thought it over the more it seemed as though he wasn't really scared but just was nervous. The only time he pushed Himchan away from him was when they were alone together.......

"I know I said that, but......I only said that because I was nervous...when we were....y'know...." Kyung tailed off.
Himchan nodded.

"I get it, you could have just told me that." 

"I know. I just wasn't thinking. I kept trying to convince myself that you were dangerous and I was scared but when I saw you lying here, all beat up and bloody......I care about you too much to see you like this!" Kyung was once again the verge of tears. And this time, so was Himchan.

"I love you too." Himchan replied.

"I said care not love!" Kyung said 

"I know what you meant." A single tear ran down Himchan's cheek.

Yes, we have updated in honor of Yunho and Jongup's birthday yesterday. 
We hope you have enjoyed this fluffy chapter 


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DaeSeli #1
Chapter 20: Omg it's just great! I love it so much that I could scream out loud *-*
Wow, what an amazing imagination you have. Really love the mixed pairings & as a BangZico shipper i adore you so much more for pairing them together. As usual our loner derphyo Jaehyo is on his own...so it wasn't a surprise that he would be the 'bad guy'. Quite frankly am glad he turned them into vamps.

Also more BangZico ...pretty please.
Chapter 20: O__O uh-oh. I think B-bomb is gonna hate Jaehyo even more now. And talk about Jongup or P.O! I see major drama ahead~
Chapter 17: awesome what happens next
silverrcross #5
Chapter 16: UPDATE PLEASE!
Chapter 14: Oh sweet mama! Yeah, I'm digging this. You pound him up good, Yongguk! Now just have to wait for the other nasties to do it!
Black_x_Rabbit #7
Chapter 13: what happened?
Chapter 12: Evil maknae in action. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ >XD
Chapter 10: Kyaa~~!!! <3<3<3<3<3 I just love B-BombxDaehyun!!! Second is ZicoxGukkie <3<3<3