First Encounter

U-Know Time

"We are Gods!"  Himchan proclaimed in a deep voice.

The black haired boy flashed a smile, showing off his fangs to girls passing by, though they giggled amongst themselves at the sight.

"Himchan, enough. It's been 3 hours already." Bang Yongguk fiddled with the straw in his smoothie.
"They're not gonna take you seriously with what they think are fake fangs."

"Don't pretend you don't love it." Himchan said with a knowing face.

"I don't love it..." Yongguk said looking away.
"Girls aren't my type"

"So then...who is your type?" Himchan raised an eyebrow.

Yongguk looked around trying to find a good example.
He spotted a blonde haired boy a table over.

"Him, over there. He smells like a type O." Yongguk said smiling at the blonde.

Himchan turned around and scanned the boy, but he also noticed the scent of the other boy sitting across the blonde.
Himchan liked it.

"His friend smells pretty damn good too." Himchan said biting his lip.

"Then let's check 'em out." Yongguk said standing up.

The two sauntered up to the duo.

"Yes, can we help you?" The blonde haired boy questioned.

"Yeah we just smelled something.. divine, and it just so happens to be you two." Himchan said bearing his fangs.

"You.. smelled us?" The blonde haired boys companion asked, incredulous.

Yongguk leaned into the table.

"Yeah, you guys-" Yongguk cut himself off once he smelled that oh too familiar scent. He turned to Himchan and they both stared at each, wide eyed.

"Excuse us." Himchan said, pulling Yongguk away.

"They.....they smell....just like"

"Him." Himchan seethed, finishing Yongguks sentence.

"We have to tell the others." Yongguk stated.

Himchan and Yongguk sped away without a second thought, leaving the two confused boys behind.

"What the hell was that all about?" The black haired boy asked.

" if I know." The blonde replied, sipping his smoothie.


The vampires rushed in, only to be greeted by a ticked off king.

"You two know damn well you're not suppose to show your fangs to mortals!" The king boomed.

"What does it matter? It's not like they think they're real." Himchan retorted

"Himchan, your smart comments is what got us into this mess in the first place. Shut. Up." Yongguk said with murder in his eyes.
He grabbed Himchans arm and pulled him into the Piratos corridors, leaving behind an infuriated king.

All the Piratos glared as Yongguk and Himchan zoomed by.
They reached the end of the hall and phased through the chained off door.

As they walked in, they were face to face with a pissed off B-Bomb in an apron waving a wodden spoon.

"Where the hell have you guys been? I'ts been three hours, you said you were getting smoothies!

The brown haired vampire, known as Ukwon, waltzed in.
"And you didn't get me one!?" He whined.

"Something happened." Himchan said seriously for once.

B-Bomb and Ukwon stiffened and the two hunters of the pack overheard and appeared one after the other.

Jongup, P.O, and Ukwon all sat on the couch centered in the living room. B-Bomb stood up against the wall, waiting for an explanation.

"Did you find him?" Jongup asked.

Ukwon put a finger on Jongups lips.
"No Jongup , we don't address the man who turned us into vampires as a living being."

"No, we didn't find him, but there were two guys with his smell lingering on them." Yongguk explained.

"So it could've been one of them?" Jongup asked.

"No, the smell was faint, plus neither of them had fangs." Himchan explained.

"Then they must have been hanging around him for awhile if his smell stuck to them." Ukwon said.

"They have to be friends with him." Yongguk thought aloud.

"Then let's get to know them." B-Bomb smirked.


Yongguk, Himchan, and B-Bomb have been going back to  the cafe for a week now.
They've been looking for the boys who have the familiar scent.
They thought if they went back to the cafe, they would for sure find them.

"I don't think they'll be here today either." B-Bomb said looking around.
While his eyes wondered, his attention was captured by a blonde haired boy throwing a smoothie away. It looked like he was waiting for someone. B-Bomb stood from his seat and walked over to the mystery boy, deciding to keep him company.

"I guess we should go and try again tomorrow." Himchan said turning to notice B-Bomb disppeared.

"Where'd he go?" A confused Himchan asked.

Yongguk pointed. "He's over there, hitting on that guy... Damn he's really close to him too."

"Aww man, our mothers trynna hook up." Himchan joked.

B-Bomb kept inching closer to the boy, the blonde kept backing up until his back eventually met the wall.
The vampire flashed his fangs in a smirk.

"What's your name?" B-Bomb asked putting his hands on the others waist.

"I-I- my name.... is Daehyun."

"Daehyun." B-Bomb said in a soft voice. He put his forehead against Daehyuns and smiled at the sight of Daehyuns red cheeks.

"Yo! Daehyun, I didn't know you had a boyfriend." the blonde from before appeared with his friend around Daehyun.

"Himchan! It's them!" Yongguk said tapping Himchans arm, with a grin plastered on his face.

"Oh, n-no, he's not my-" 
Daehyun was disrupted by the up coming vampires.

"Well look who we have here," Yongguk said in a loud voice, putting his arm around the other blonde.

"You know, I didn't get your name last time." Yongguk said pulling him closer

"I'm Zico." The blonde answered a bit confused about the situation.

"What about you? Himchan asked the black haired friend.

"I'm Kyung... Who are you guys?"

"I'm Himchan." Himchan slowly grew closer to Kyung.

"I'm Yongguk." The red head said staring at Zico.

"And I'm Minhyuk, but my friends call me B-Bomb."
The vampire slowly moved away from Daehyun but kept an arm around his waist pulling him to his side.
Keeping him close.

The 6 sat down at a table and began to talk. They got along and got to know each other well.
Though their was a vast amount of flirting in the mix.

'No. No. No. No Mercy!'
Kyungs phone rang.
It was a text from a friend.

"Who's that?" Himchan asked. A pang of jealousy shot through him when he realized he was texting a guy

"Oh, It's Youngjae, He's one of my friends." Kyung answered with a smile.

"A Friend?" B-Bomb asked removing his attention from his newly found crush.

"Ya he's all our friend." Daehyun said, trying to get B-Bombs attention back.

The vampires all looked at each other.

"Can we meet this Youngjae?" Yongguk asked, thinking they've found their predator.

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DaeSeli #1
Chapter 20: Omg it's just great! I love it so much that I could scream out loud *-*
Wow, what an amazing imagination you have. Really love the mixed pairings & as a BangZico shipper i adore you so much more for pairing them together. As usual our loner derphyo Jaehyo is on his it wasn't a surprise that he would be the 'bad guy'. Quite frankly am glad he turned them into vamps.

Also more BangZico ...pretty please.
Chapter 20: O__O uh-oh. I think B-bomb is gonna hate Jaehyo even more now. And talk about Jongup or P.O! I see major drama ahead~
Chapter 17: awesome what happens next
silverrcross #5
Chapter 16: UPDATE PLEASE!
Chapter 14: Oh sweet mama! Yeah, I'm digging this. You pound him up good, Yongguk! Now just have to wait for the other nasties to do it!
Black_x_Rabbit #7
Chapter 13: what happened?
Chapter 12: Evil maknae in action. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ >XD
Chapter 10: Kyaa~~!!! <3<3<3<3<3 I just love B-BombxDaehyun!!! Second is ZicoxGukkie <3<3<3