
U-Know Time

Himchan had Kyung up against the concrete wall by the vacant basketball court.
Kyung has been accepting Himchans gentle kisses.
Kiss after kiss, they became deeper and intensely pleasurable, though they started as pecks.
Himchan couldn't stand his fang-ache, he witheld the urge for so long. The deep blood red eyes behind his sunglasses have now turned to slits. He craves a feeding.
The vampire crept away from Kyungs lips.

"I want to see your eyes." Kyung pleaded.

"I-" As Himchan began to talk, Kyung cocked his head at the sharp, acute teeth sticking out.
Himchans fangs grew to the overwhelming desire for Kyungs type B blood.
The older recognized the look, but he was intensely focused on Kyungs smooth neck.
Leaning in, Himchan opened his mouth as he came closer.

"H-Himchan," Kyung reluctantly said, but Himchan didn't listen.
Kyung cringed when Himchan placed the first butterfly kiss.

"I don't want to be bitten!" Kyung half yelled.
The younger pushed Himchan harshly away, knocking the vampires sunglasses off.
One lens broke as it hit the ground. Kyung held his shock in when he saw the red slits.
Fear ran all over Kyungs body, giving him chills in the humid weather.

"Kyung, I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-" Himchan was interrupted by an incoming text.
Kyung quickly checked his phone. 
It was from Zico, telling him it was time to leave.

"I have to go." Kyung said without looking at the vampire.

Kyung dashed through the basketball court leaving Himchan far behind.
Once he was a safe distance away, he slowed down. He walked for awhile, playing over what just happened.
He stopped at the steps of his house, where Zico said to meet. He opened the door and laid on the couch. 
The raven haired boy lied down, dumbstruck by the previous events.
Kyung caught sight of his friends being escorted to his front door by the people he was now positive were vampires.
He lifted hisself off the couch and opened the door.

"Oh..Kyung, is something wrong?" Zico asked noticing his usually cheerful friends listless expression.

"Yeah, just come in." Kyung said gesturing.

"Now, now just give us a minute." B-Bomb said pulling Daehyun to him and kissed him goodbye.

Yongguk whispered something into Zicos ear which cause him to smirk.
Both vampires were sunglass-free. It was past 2:06 at this point. Their eyecolors are back to normal.

B-Bomb and Yongguk waved goodbye and went along their merry way as Daehyun and Zico entered Kyungs abode.

Kyung was quick to grab his friends wrists and sat them down on his couch. He took a seat on the foot rest in front them.
He clapped his hands together.

"Well, I think we know for sure now." Kyung announced.

Zico and Daehyun nodded in agreement. Zico opened his mouth to express his joy over knowing Yongguk was definitely not a vampire. Daehyun cut in before he could utter a word though.

"Definitely vampires." Daehyun stated.

"Amen to that." Kyung agreed.

"...What?" Zico squeaked, dumbfounded.

"They're vampires." Daehyun repeated.

"No they're not..." Zico said, sinking into his seat.

"What are you talking about? Of course they are." Kyung said matter of factly.

"But when Yongguk had my blood in his mouth, he spit it out."

"Why was your blood in his mouth in the first place?" Daehyun questioned.

"Oh...Well.." Zico put his head down in embarrasment.

"You were kissing him weren't you?" Kyung said knowingly.

"Yes..." Zico shyly answered, thinking back on his hot moment with Yongguk.

"Then how did you start to bleed?" Daehyun asked still waiting for an answer.

"Well, when my..... tongue was in his mouth, I cut it on something, I started bleeding into his mouth and then he pushed me away and spit it out." Zico explained.

"What could have been in his mouth that could cut your tongue?" Daehyun pondered rehtorically.

"It was his FANGS!" Kyung jumped up and got up all in Zicos face.

"But..but..he spit." Zico pleaded.

"You know what, when I was with Himchan, I knocked his sunglasses off and guess what? His eyes were red slits!! Not only that but I saw his fangs!"

"I asked Yongguk and he said that they were naturally sharp. Maybe it's the same for Himchan and B-Bomb." Zico said, still trying to protect his crush.

"Himchan almost bit me!" Kyung exclaimed.

"He could have just been kissing you and you over reacted." Zico was just full of plausible explanations today.

Kyung knew Zico could have been right and couldn't come up with a come back, but thankfully Daehyun came to his aid.

"Actually..." Daehyun piped up.

Kyung and Zico turned their attention to him.

"B-Bomb did...bite me..." Daehyun informed them.

"WHAT??!?!" Zico and Kyung cried out, jumping to their feet.

Daehyun slowly pulled down his shirt near his collar bone, revealing his marks and waiting for his friends response.

"Holy !"
"B-Bomb did this to you?"

Both boys were amazed at the fang marks and couldn't take their eyes off them.

"Woah woah...wait," Kyung backed up with both arms in the air.

"B-Bomb bit you and you still kissed him goodbye..?"

"I really don't care, it just makes him ier." Daehyun replied, finally deciding to pull his shirt back on.

"Is that why your shirts ripped and your lips are bleeding?" Zico finally realized.

"Yeah." Daehyun said rubbing his full lips.

"His neck too!" Kyung said pointing at Daehyuns neck as he covered it with his hand.

"You let him bite you THREE times???" Kyung screeched.

"What do you want from me? I wasn't sure what he was doing and if I liked it or not." Daehyun fought back.

"Did you?" Zico butted in.

"Did I what?"

"Like it." Zico said raising an eyebrow.

Daehyun thought back and smiled.

"Surprisingly, yes."

"Oh my God. You're both insane." Kyung said leaving the room in astonishment.

"So... Are you going to be a vampire now?" Zico asked, ignoring the fact that Kyung left.

"...I don't know." Daehyun said covering the bite marks on his neck.

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DaeSeli #1
Chapter 20: Omg it's just great! I love it so much that I could scream out loud *-*
Wow, what an amazing imagination you have. Really love the mixed pairings & as a BangZico shipper i adore you so much more for pairing them together. As usual our loner derphyo Jaehyo is on his it wasn't a surprise that he would be the 'bad guy'. Quite frankly am glad he turned them into vamps.

Also more BangZico ...pretty please.
Chapter 20: O__O uh-oh. I think B-bomb is gonna hate Jaehyo even more now. And talk about Jongup or P.O! I see major drama ahead~
Chapter 17: awesome what happens next
silverrcross #5
Chapter 16: UPDATE PLEASE!
Chapter 14: Oh sweet mama! Yeah, I'm digging this. You pound him up good, Yongguk! Now just have to wait for the other nasties to do it!
Black_x_Rabbit #7
Chapter 13: what happened?
Chapter 12: Evil maknae in action. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ >XD
Chapter 10: Kyaa~~!!! <3<3<3<3<3 I just love B-BombxDaehyun!!! Second is ZicoxGukkie <3<3<3