
U-Know Time

"How much longer?" Himchan questioned, still charging on ahead.

"His scent is getting stronger, it shouldn't be much longer." P.O replied.

Yongguks scent was getting stronger and more prominent, P.O knew it was only a matter of time until he came into their line of sight.

"Then he should be within range now." Himchan attempted to reach their leader telepathically.

'What?' His deep voice invaded Himchans mind.

'Me and P.O are right behind you.'

'Hurry up, I just found Jong Up.'

'Is he alright?!' The Calitos asked concerned.

'I dunno. Just get over here.'

Himchan informed P.O to speed up the pace. The two animals now sprinted at top speed and soon Yongguks human form came into view. The pair ran up to him and quickly switched back to humans as well. He was standing over a passed out Jong Up who rested against a tree.

"What happened?" P.O asked breathless.

"I just found him this way, he's alive but weak." The red head responded.

"What's important is finding Zelo now. You two go, I'll take Jong Up back." Himchan waved them off.

They didn't take a moments hesitation as they reverted back to their animal personas. The brown haired boy bent down to throw Jong Up over his shoulders. Just as he grabbed his arm, he began to stir.

"Ugh...."Jong Up moaned in pain.

"What happened?" The younger asked slowly and began to stretch his body.

"I was hoping you could tell me."

Jong Up opened his mouth to explain, when his eyes widened and he suddenly jumped to his feet.

"ZELO!" The blonde tried running in the direction P.O and Yongguk had gone down. However, Himchan held him back.

"Don't worry, P.O and Yongguk went after him." He threw the Gaios back to the ground. "Right now you have me to worry about."

"What?" Jong Up looked up at the intimidating elder in confusion.

"What the hell happened at the house with you and Zelo?"

"What do you mean what happened?"

"Why were you two ? Why was Zelo ? Why were you having !?" Himchan angered himself.

Jong Up got to his feet. "What does it matter, what matters is saving Zelo!"

"Why? So you two can go around again!?"

Jong Up balled his hands up.

"We wanted to show you guys that we aren't the little kids you think we are!"

"By making me watch you have !?" Himchan hollered in disgust.

"You walked in!"

"Because I was guard! I was checking up! I didn't expect to see our two youngests ing each other!" Himchan seethed.

"The door was locked! You kicked the door open!"

"No, it was open!"

Jong Up threw his hands in the air. "Oh, I suppose Ukwon blew it open then!"

"I don't want you two alone ever again, do you understand me!? Huh!?"

"Whatever, were wasting time." Jong Up tried to push pass Himchan.

"No, You're going back to the house." Himchan grabbed Jong Ups arm. "You're in no state to fight or even run. Get on my back."  Himchan bent down waiting for the younger to climb on.

Jong Up sighed knowing Himchan always gets his way. He thought it'd be better to up now then to get yelled at by Yongguk later. Jong Up settled onto Himchans back, holding on loosely.

Himchan started sprinting back as quickly as he could.


"Hyung," P.O spoke as the two hurriedly followed the now strong scent.

"Not now P.O, save it for later." Yongguk brushed P.O away. He was intent on bringing back Zelo before everyone wakes up.

"Stop." P.O said sliding on all fours as he attempted to stop quickly.

"What?" Yongguk questioned doing the same, skidding on the dirt trail.

"Listen." P.O said, ears perked.

"It's metal on metal. Their here." P.O announced. "Just through their." P.O began walking through dense trees. Having Yongguk tail thim, they tried to avoid making any noise. They slowly stepped their way through the forest like area.

P.O reached the ending of the forest. Nose first, P.O stepped out of the forest. Yongguk stopped next to him, tensed. The trees behind them were in a perfect line, surrounding the certain area they entered.

They found the tiger they were looking for, but didn't expect the unwanted guest accompanying it.

"Ahhh. My lovely rebellious...two? Where are the others?" Sanghyun quizzed smirking at the presence of the two wanted vampires.

Neither of the boys answered. The two stayed in their alert position, stiff.

"Ahh, I know. You want this boy don't you?" Sanghyun said gesturing to the tiger next to him.

The man-made tiger opened his mouth and dropped Zelo on the floor.

P.O flinched when he watched Zelo hit the ground. Zelo had no reaction when he made contact with the floor. He stayed their motionless and unconscious. P.O took one hateful step foreword before Yongguk stopped him.

"Don't move P.O. We don't know what we're up against. We could be surrounded for all we know." Yongguk commanded.

"Yes. Listen to your leader." Sanghyun said smiling.

"Is he the only reason why you're here? Why do you care about a human?" Sanghyun interrogated.

No answer.

"Or do you think he's the one that made into what you are?" Sanghyun grinned.

P.O widened his eyes. 'Is Zelo really the one who...?'

"I'll tell you. He isn't the one you want."

"What?" Yongguk demanded an answer.

"The one your searching tirelessly for,"  Sanghyun smiled. "Is closer than you think."

A/N : Poll!
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DaeSeli #1
Chapter 20: Omg it's just great! I love it so much that I could scream out loud *-*
Wow, what an amazing imagination you have. Really love the mixed pairings & as a BangZico shipper i adore you so much more for pairing them together. As usual our loner derphyo Jaehyo is on his it wasn't a surprise that he would be the 'bad guy'. Quite frankly am glad he turned them into vamps.

Also more BangZico ...pretty please.
Chapter 20: O__O uh-oh. I think B-bomb is gonna hate Jaehyo even more now. And talk about Jongup or P.O! I see major drama ahead~
Chapter 17: awesome what happens next
silverrcross #5
Chapter 16: UPDATE PLEASE!
Chapter 14: Oh sweet mama! Yeah, I'm digging this. You pound him up good, Yongguk! Now just have to wait for the other nasties to do it!
Black_x_Rabbit #7
Chapter 13: what happened?
Chapter 12: Evil maknae in action. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ >XD
Chapter 10: Kyaa~~!!! <3<3<3<3<3 I just love B-BombxDaehyun!!! Second is ZicoxGukkie <3<3<3