
U-Know Time

"HIMCHAN!" Yongguk shouted at the top of his lungs.

Himchan rushed down the stairs and outside to where Yongguk had called him from.

"Shut up! What the hell are you trying to do? Wake up the whole ing neighborhood?!" The redhead didn't flinch at Himchans entrance, he stared off into the empty darkness. The fellow vampire turned his attention to the barren landscape.

"What are you looking at?" Himchan finally broke the tense silence.

"Where the hell are Jong Up and Zelo??!" Yongguk outstretched his arm to where the two use to stand.

"Well, maybe they went inside."

"They would've had to pass me on the way in." The Piratos vampire turned to the now wide eyed Himchan.

"....." He whispered.

The pair were about to bolt into the house when a wild Youngjae appeared just a few inches behind them. They stopped in their tracks as Youngjae opened his mouth to speak.

"I-they-a thing....." He stuttered, not able to form an intelligible sentence.

"Youngjae.....are you okay?" Himchan placed a hand on Youngjaes shoulder and looked into his eyes, not caring that his own were blood red. He slowly shook his head and the two head vampires lead him inside.

"Calm down, and tell us what happened." They all sat down in Kyungs spacious living room, leaving the door wide open. Youngjae kept his head down and recounted exactly what had gone down.

"So when Himchan came in to wake you up, your arguing woke me up. I know I should have gone to sleep but.....something felt wrong. By the time I got downstairs you guys were yelling at Jong Up and P.O. Then, Himchan dragged P.O inside so I hid behind the door, then you..." The shaken up blonde gestured to Yongguk "...stormed inside too, so I just stayed there. I heard you guys talking so I thought it was safe to come out." Youngjae began shaking his head and mumbling incoherent nonsense.

"Just stay calm and keep going. What happened after we went upstairs?" The brown haired boy gently urged on.

"I watched as Jong Up and Zelo were talking then this.....thing.....came and grabbed Zelo." Youngjae began mumbling again about Zelo.

"Youngjae, Youngjae, I need you to focus. What kind of thing?" Himchan had to know everything now, they were wasting precious time. Too bad his powers don't have the ability to look into peoples memories.

"It was a machine was an animal and it just grabbed him and ran." Youngjae began sobbing but continued anyway. "Then Jong Up turned into something like a panther or-or a tiger."

Himchan and Yongguk looked at each other bewildered, what the hell just happened?

"Am I crazy?" Youngjae looked up at the two vampires. Himchan was the first to respond.

"Maybe you were just seeing things, go upstairs for now." Youngjae slowly stood up and ascended the stairs.

"What now?" Himchan jumped up, looking expectantly at his leader.

"I'm going after them, I'll catch his scent." The redhead proceeded to transform into his given alter ego of a lion. Just before he took off in the direction of where Jong Up had gone, Himchan stopped him.

"Wait! Let me get P.O." Since P.O was one of their hunters he had better olfactory skills. The Callitos spun around to retrieve their deep voiced hunter. He stopped abruptly at the sight of Youngjae with his jaw agape at the foot of the stairs.

"He-he-lion, what?!?" Youngjae dropped to the floor in complete shock.

"Just go, I'll tell P.O to catch up with you later." Yongguk shot down the path where Jong Ups scent lingered.

"Youngjae, come on." Himchan lifted the blonde to his feet and practically dragged him up the stairs and into the room he shared with Yongguk and sat him on the bed.

"Look at me." Himchan firmly stated and placed his hands on Youngjae's shaking shoulders, he then looked up at the red eyed man. This short eye contact was enough to allow Himchan to invade the youngers mind and wipe the memory of the last events. Youngjae's eyes drooped until he lost consciousness.

Himchan had no time to waste, he walked into P.Os room except more quietly so as not to wake Taeil.

"Get up." He yanked him off the bed.

"What?" P.O groggily replied, amazingly, he had been able to resume sleeping.

"Just come with me." He dragged the dirty blonde out and told him to wait downstairs. Next, the Callitos went to B-Bomb's room and pulled his arm off Daehyun.

"What the he-" Himchan placed his hand over the fellow brown haired boys mouth. He pulled him out into the hall.

"Wake up Ukwon and make sure no one else leaves, me and P.O need to go."

"Why?" B-Bomb asked surprised at Himchans seriousness.

"I'll explain later. Oh and if Youngjae asks, he was asleep the whole time and it was just a dream."

The second oldest hurried down the stairs and pulled P.O off the couch.

"Wait." P.O yanked his arm back.
"Where's Kyung?" He gestured to the empty couch where Kyung said he would be.

"I sent him up a while ago." Himchan quickly answered.

"And what about last night when Yongguk hyung was guarding?"

"He was.......upstairs....." Himchan kept his head down to hide his growing blush.

"With you?" P.O teased.

"Shut up." Once again Himchan took ahold of the youngers arm.

"Where are we going?" The Hydrius asked once outside.

"We're following Yongguks scent." Himchan switched to his fox form and P.O followed suit becoming his snow leopard.

They chased down the strong scent Yongguk had left behind, it would be another few hours before the sun began to rise. Once they were far enough down the path, Himchan invaded his fellow vampires minds.

"Everyone here?"

"Yup." Three voices responded to his call.


The temporary leader retold everything that had happened in the last hour but somehow it seemed much longer.

"Wait, why did P.O fight with Jong Up?" Ukwon questioned still hazy on the story details.

"That doesn't matter! We need to catch up to Yongguk hyung and find Jong Up and Zelo." P.O shot back.

"Alright, well, what do you want us to do?" Ukwon asked.

"Ok, Ukwon, You're our spy so I need you to keep an eye on everything and make sure no one or nothing else is watching or planning to attack. B-Bomb, I need you to make sure Youngjae is ok, and look after everybody. Keep them safe." Himchan ordered.

"Ok." Both boys said in unison.

Ukwon quickly turned into his animal, the notorious hawk. He flew around making sure their area wasn't being stalked. From branch to branch, he checked and rechecked everything carefully and with caution. B-Bomb went around checking everyone's rooms making sure they were all asleep. He crept into Youngjaes room. B-Bomb stood by the door, arms folded as he watched Youngjae sleeping.

"B-Bomb?" Daehyun grabbed B-Bombs arm.

B-Bomb turned around. "Daehyunnie, what are you doing up? You need to sleep." The older advised.

"Ok, come with me." Daehyun rubbed his eye and yawned soon after, tugging at B-Bombs shirt.

"I promise I'll be there soon, ok?" B-Bomb kissed Daehyuns cheek.

"Is that a hawk!?" Daehyun widened his eyes at the rare sight of the animal perched on the branch in front of the window in Youngjaes room. "He's so cute." Daehyun neared the window slowly.

B-Bomb folded his arms and scowled at the animal formation of Ukwon.

"He's not that cute." B-Bomb refuted.

Ukwon flew off the branch sensing the jealous moment. Daehyun watched until he couldn't see the rare sight anymore.

"C'mere. Let's go." Daehyun grabbed B-Bombs hand and pulled him into their shared room.

Both boys crawled into the bed. B-Bomb put his arms around Daehyun. He tried to lull his lover quickly to sleep in order to make his rounds and keep everybody safe and in the dark about the events of this night. Daehyun easily fell asleep. B-Bomb crawled off the bed quietly after he gently placed a kiss on Daehyuns lips and went down the stairs. He saw Ukwon sitting on the couch waiting for him.

"So? Anything suspicious?" He questioned.

"No, but I'll keep looking out until the rest come back." Ukwon responded.

"Alright. So it's just us two keeping the rest safe huh? That'll be a challenge if something goes down." B-Bomb said sitting down.

"Let's hope it doesn't get to that point." Ukwon said as he left the house and continued his rounds.

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DaeSeli #1
Chapter 20: Omg it's just great! I love it so much that I could scream out loud *-*
Wow, what an amazing imagination you have. Really love the mixed pairings & as a BangZico shipper i adore you so much more for pairing them together. As usual our loner derphyo Jaehyo is on his it wasn't a surprise that he would be the 'bad guy'. Quite frankly am glad he turned them into vamps.

Also more BangZico ...pretty please.
Chapter 20: O__O uh-oh. I think B-bomb is gonna hate Jaehyo even more now. And talk about Jongup or P.O! I see major drama ahead~
Chapter 17: awesome what happens next
silverrcross #5
Chapter 16: UPDATE PLEASE!
Chapter 14: Oh sweet mama! Yeah, I'm digging this. You pound him up good, Yongguk! Now just have to wait for the other nasties to do it!
Black_x_Rabbit #7
Chapter 13: what happened?
Chapter 12: Evil maknae in action. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ >XD
Chapter 10: Kyaa~~!!! <3<3<3<3<3 I just love B-BombxDaehyun!!! Second is ZicoxGukkie <3<3<3