
U-Know Time

"You son of a , what does that ing mean!?" Yongguk hollered clenching his teeth at the sight of Zelo laying motionlessly on the ground.


Sanghyun laughed. "Just wait and see, but then again, it may be too late." Their rival hissed.

As the last word left his mouth, he continued his cocky actions and began walking away, into the building in front of the boys, leaving the vampires to face the mechanical tiger guarding their youngest.

P.O began taking a few steps forward before Yongguk held his arm in front of him as a stopping alert.

"No. My fire won't do anything to this thing, but on the other hand, you... You have water. You can fry him P.O. I'll get Zelo away." Yongguk said, serious in stature with a death determined stare.

P.O glanced at his leaders determination and channeled his anger towards the tiger. Transforming to his agile snow leopard form, he ran towards the tiger. Laying in wait, the tiger came to life and watched as P.O came for an attack. The machine took his stance, digging his metal made claws in the ground, waiting to pounce.


Yongguk reverted to his lion persona and followed exactly behind P.O but kept a minimal distance. P.O sped his pace up and caught sight of a log coming his way. He let out a low growl as he saw the tiger pushing his hind legs off the ground, hurdling itself like a torpedo towards him. P.O glanced at the log and and used it as a stepping stone. He used the thick log as a trampoline and as he climbed it, he extorted his force and leaped over the tiger, just barely grazing his head.

Yongguk slid under the tiger and used the log as a shield, protecting him as he hit the building with a force enough to break a few bricks. The leader shook it off, ran to Zelo and picked him up with his teeth, being careful as to not hurt him, Yongguk ran off into the dense forest hoping the coverage of trees would help keep Zelo safe.

P.O gripped the dirt with his claws, helping to avoid crashing into the wall like Yongguk. The dirt made a dust cloud as he came to a stop.

He stared at the tiger who emerged from the trees he knocked into. He moved his wired head to the spot where Zelo was. His eyes glowed red and he turned back to P.O.

P.O stood his ground being cautious of his surroundings. The Hydrius stared intently at the glowing eyed beast. He arched his back and ran his powers through the soil, grabbing all the water he can from it and under it. He had a plan, but before he could execute it, the tiger made his move and began running dead-set for P.O. The vampire released his energy and ran for protection. He glanced at his surroundings before wholeheartedly running toward the trees the tiger knocked down but was slammed back to the building by the tigers metal tail. P.Os impact rattled the building and a few bricks fell in front of him.

He shook off the pain that shot up his spine and tried to stand on all fours again. He shook the dust off and this time timed the tigers movement. Adding a few seconds to P.Os attack, the tiger slowly walked to him. P.O crouched and dashed for the trees, running in a zig-zag formation. Trying to confuse the Tiger. P.O ran circles around him as the mechanical creation tried to follow by spinning in place.

As soon as the vampire saw the opening, he took it, racing toward the trees in seconds leaving the tiger slowly coming to a stop in search for him. Once he climbed the trees, he quietly maneuvered through the dense, thick trees and crept to a spot where he had a visual on the beast.

The Hydrius vampire began working on his previous plan, conjuring all the water he can from his surroundings and placing it in one spot; underneath the tiger. The ground the wired tiger was on, his specific spot where he stood, began turning into soft mud, turning quickly into something like quicksand.

As the tigers feet submerged in the mud, he tried to escape it, forcing one of his legs out of it, though he had no where else to place it, he was surrounded by the mud and was quickly sinking. Once the mud claimed the tiger up to his chest, P.O jumped from the tree and slowly walked towards it. He could see the struggling tiger sinking quickly. He sat down and patiently waited, waving his tail back and forth.


While waiting, the vampire continued to search with his eyes for any other threats.
When P.O realized there was no one else around he took the chance to drench the area the tiger had sunk into with the remaining water he had gathered. The ground sizzled and crackled and soon smoke rose from the ground. After being sure the tiger had been fried, P.O rose from the ground and surveyed his surroundings. He searched the secluded forest for Sanghyun, however he seemed to have disappeared.


“He’s gone, I already checked.” Yongguk emerged from a large brush of trees in his human form with an unconscious Zelo on his back.

P.O transformed back as well.


“Dammit, we were so close.” The hunter punched a nearby tree.


“Don’t worry, we’ll get him next time.” Yongguk placed a reassuring hand on the younger’s shoulder.


P.O clenched his fists then abruptly looked at the red head. “How’s Zelo?” He frantically checked on the young boy resting on Yongguk.


“He’s fine, just a few bruises. Now come one, we gotta get him home before he wakes up.”



Himchan ran up to the entrance of Kyung’s home. Once he reached the entrance he changed back to normal and Jong Up slid off his back.


“You okay?” Himchan asked before entering the house.


“Yeah, I’m good, I just need to rest.” The blonde reassured.


“Look” Himchan stopped Jong Up from entering. “I’m sorry about what happened. I know you’re not a baby.’s hard to see you as an adult... A man... Please, next time... just talk to us, okay...?”


Jong Up looked at the older, a smile tugging at his lips. “Hyung, please don’t get emotional. It’s weird seeing you so serious.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?? I can be serious.”


“No. You can’t.” Jong Up clapped Himchan’s shoulder and walked past him into the house, trying his best to hide his limp. The minute the pair entered the house, U-Kwon came running to them.


“Are you guys okay?” He whispered so the others in the living room wouldn’t hear.


“Yeah, we’re fine. Take Jong Up upstairs and try to fix him up, okay?” Himchan lightly pushed the hunter to U-Kwon who nodded in agreement and helped the younger ascend the stairs. Himchan entered the living room to see almost everyone sitting, waiting.


“Hey, where’s B-Bomb and Daehyun?” The vampire asked plopping on the couch.


“They’re upstairs, Daehyun said he wasn’t feeling too well. The more important question is, where were you and where are the other four?” Youngjae asked looking at Himchan skeptically.


“Why’re you looking at me like that?” He asked nervously.


“I dunno, I think I had a weird dream about you…..but I can’t remember…” Youngjae scratched his head in annoyance.


“Where are the others? What the hell happened?” Zico asked, wanting answers.

“Don’t worry, Jongup is upstairs, he’s pretty tired. The other three will be back soon.” Himchan tried to brush it off and switched the TV on, simultaneously kicking his feet up on the coffee table.


“Why did you guys just randomly go out in the middle of the night?” Kyung inquired, not satisfied with the older’s half assed answer. Himchan turned and smiled at his boyfriend.


“Jong Up and Zelo wanted to go out somewhere for some reason, so we followed them to make sure they were okay. I brought Jong Up home first cause he was so tired. The other three will be back any minute now.”


“Really…?” Taeil asked a bit unsure of this story. “They just went out in the middle of the night for no reason?”


“I guess so, you know how kids are.” Himchan shrugged and turned his attention back to the screen.


Soon Himchan heard the front door quietly open and close and P.O entered.


“Where’s Zelo??” Jaehyo asked, obviously concerned.


“He got tired and passed out on the way here, Yongguk hyung took him upstairs to sleep.” P.O said nearing the Callitos vampire.

Everyone sighed in relief, knowing they were all alright.


P.O leaned down to Himchan. “Get upstairs.” He whispered in his ear and turned to climb the staircase.

Himchan was confused but excused himself and followed the younger anyway.


“What is it?” He asked once he realized all six vampires were now here.


“Sanghyun, the guy who took Zelo, told us he’s nearby.” Yongguk explained, and everyone tensed up at the mention of the vampire Prince.


“So, what do you expect us to do?” B-Bomb questioned.


“We obviously have to go back to the King. We need to know who this guy is. He could be one of the guys in this house.” P.O complained.


“What…? It can’t be someone here….can it?” U-Kwon grew nervous realizing that the most suspicious one was Youngjae.


“I dunno but we really need to go now, especially since they’re attacking innocent people now.” Yongguk commanded.


“I can’t. Daehyun isn’t feeling well. I have to stay with him.” The Nyxrios vampire held his ground.


“B-Bomb...we know you care about him, but this is important, they could hurt Daehyun next if we don’t stop them. Besides, his friends are here to take care of him, he’ll be fine.” Himchan did his best to calmly convince the brown haired boy.


“One of his friends turned us into this….” B-Bomb seethed through his teeth.


“Whoever it is, they haven’t hurt him yet, and they probably won’t. We need to go B-Bomb and you know it. It’ll only be a day anyway.” Jong Up was the one who finally convinced the older to agree to leave.


“Fine…” He whispered.


“Let’s go.” The leader wasted no time getting everyone downstairs.

Everyone turned to face the six who suddenly made an appearance.


“Look, you guys we have to go somewhere right now, it’s really important. Don’t worry though, we’ll be back by tomorrow.” The smooth tongued red head explained the situation.

It looked as though everyone wanted to argue but they could all tell from the look in their eyes, that there was no changing their minds.


“Be careful.” Kyung was the first to speak up. Himchan winked at him in response.


“Please, be sure-” B-Bomb was cut off by Youngjae. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of Daehyun.”


B-Bomb revealed his dimple smile. “Thank you.” He said under his breath.


“Come on.” Yongguk lead everyone outside and they slowly closed the door.


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DaeSeli #1
Chapter 20: Omg it's just great! I love it so much that I could scream out loud *-*
Wow, what an amazing imagination you have. Really love the mixed pairings & as a BangZico shipper i adore you so much more for pairing them together. As usual our loner derphyo Jaehyo is on his it wasn't a surprise that he would be the 'bad guy'. Quite frankly am glad he turned them into vamps.

Also more BangZico ...pretty please.
Chapter 20: O__O uh-oh. I think B-bomb is gonna hate Jaehyo even more now. And talk about Jongup or P.O! I see major drama ahead~
Chapter 17: awesome what happens next
silverrcross #5
Chapter 16: UPDATE PLEASE!
Chapter 14: Oh sweet mama! Yeah, I'm digging this. You pound him up good, Yongguk! Now just have to wait for the other nasties to do it!
Black_x_Rabbit #7
Chapter 13: what happened?
Chapter 12: Evil maknae in action. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ >XD
Chapter 10: Kyaa~~!!! <3<3<3<3<3 I just love B-BombxDaehyun!!! Second is ZicoxGukkie <3<3<3