Self Doubt

Permanent December


Kai’s POV


I wasn’t nervous, I told myself as I stood before the board of directors. Seated around the oval table, Father was in the center as he stared at me sternly. No surprise there. Half of the board members were expecting failure; you could see it written on their faces. The other half seemed to anticipate my presentation. I held the remote in my hand. I could feel the cold sweat in my hands as I tried to feign ease. I wasn’t going to fail. No. Failure wasn’t an option.

“Hello, my name is Kim Jongin. I am pleased to meet you all this morning. I hope you enjoy my presentation today. Let’s get started,” I said trying to sound as confident as I could as I clicked the play button on the remote.

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“So you are saying in order to maintain sales at its’ highest potential output, we need to our spokesmodel?” commented the sales director in a flabbergasted tone.

“Han Jihye has been our spokesmodel for five years. She’s an international super model. Our sales are having a slight decline… but that’s probably because of the economy. It’ll pick back up. But changing Jihye would be a mistake” he further continued.

“There isn’t enough anticipation from consumers. She’s been with us for five years. It’s time for a change. Our new collection is about the purity and the innocence of first love. We should change to someone that is younger. Someone who is currently experiencing her first love” I replied.

“And exactly who do you suggest?” Father asked with a raised eyebrow of interest.

“I was thinking about someone ordinary. Someone not famous”

“If we do that, sales will plummet even worse than it has now. Our VIP consumers buy because of Han Jihye. We will lose an entire portion of our base,” said another member.

“We will have to gain a new consumer base,” I said confidently.

“So… who do you suggest? I’m sure, you can’t propose such an idea without a person in mind?” pointed out the arrogant sales director.

“We need someone young, fresh, and beautiful. Someone who can be called the nation’s first love. I don’t have a specific person in mind yet but we should hold auditions” I further stated.

“Auditions? What is this? For a drama casting? Let’s be serious here,” replied the sales director.

“No, I think he has some good ideas” a quiet member in the back said.


Jihyun’s POV


“How was it? Did Father-in-law like your presentation?” I asked eagerly as I got into the car.

I knew how nervous Kai was. I knew he wanted to do well. It was always like that with him. He never wanted to share with me how he felt. Sometimes… I wondered if I was just being a busybody to him. I waited for him to respond. He looked at me and let out a small smile. This was the second time I’ve seen him smile. I smiled to myself. That means he did well. I knew it… I knew he would do well.

“Is Aemi coming?” he asked soon after.

“She’s coming” I replied.

I looked through the window and Aemi was carrying her Louis Vuitton duffel bag and suitcase. She looked angry and I sighed as I watched her have difficulty with her things. I was about to get out of the car to help before I saw Kai walking towards her. I watched as he took the things from her hands swiftly. I watched as Aemi greeted him with a smile. I watched as Kai interacted with her. Was it my imagination? When have they become so close?

I was having these thoughts again. I clenched my fists. I turned the volume higher. I didn’t want to think about these useless thoughts anymore. It’s my sister and my fiancé. Why am I being so petty? I looked away as they both got into the car.


Aemi’s POV


Jongin and Jihyun sat in front of me on the plane. It was spacious for me as the seat next to be was vacant. I rested my head on the wall of the plane. I put on my Bose headphones and dosed off.

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We arrived late in the night at the New Zealand Airport. I clutched my Panda pillow pet and walked behind Jihyun and Jongin. We shortly arrived in front of the resort. As soon as I entered into my room, I went to get a cup of water to drink. I lay on the bed shifting and turning. I couldn’t sleep. The fact that I am going to be here for a weekend irritated me. I the TV and there was nothing to watch either. Frustrated, I went outside for some fresh air. As I walked to the lobby downstairs, I saw Jongin staring outside through the large window. He was seated on the large red sofa chair next to the fireplace.

“Can I join?” I asked as I stood behind him.


Kai’s POV


“Oh Aemi… you couldn’t sleep?” I asked her a little surprise.

She nodded her head. Sitting in front of me, she stared at the falling snow too. Now that she was here, I couldn’t focus on what I was doing anymore. Again, she mesmerized me. What the hell was wrong with me?

“Are you going to continue to stare at me?” she asked, not even shifting her gaze from the window.

I quickly looked away, embarrassed. How did she know? I coughed awkwardly and our eyes met briefly.

“Remember when you asked me if I loved Jihyun… and I couldn’t answer,” I said breaking the silence.

“I… there is something… something… there… I can’t br—”

“Stop” she interrupted me before I could continue.

“I don’t want to know. That’s between you and Jihyun…I…I’m just an outsider”

“Aha” I chuckled at her response.

So direct. So honest. So blunt. So different from Jihyun. I continued to stare at the window. The heavy snow falling on the ground. The white blanket outside that lay untouched. Why did I feel so burdened right now? Why did I feel so heavy? The wedding was approaching and I was running out of time. Running out of time to do what?... I still haven’t found the answer yet either. I guess… to find the meaning of life and… what it means to truly love someone. When will I know? If she stood in front of me, would I know?



MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you had a wonderful time with your family and friends! smiles =)


A/N: Permanent December will end with about 20- 25 chapters.

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06/18: PD will be updated by the end of the day


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I found myself re-reading this story. Again :3
Chapter 25: And here's for Growl 4th win /cheers/ hahaha
I tried, God knows I tried to ship Kai and Aemi. But I just can't. And I don't even know why :/
And please let it be Jihyun, the one who caught(?) them because I'm hoping for (more) drama hehehe XD

I can't believe this is going to end soon because I really love it.

Anywaaayyss, thank you for updating eventho you're tired <3 xo
immarktuans #3
Chapter 25: I bet Sehun said that! Aish Kai and Aemi! I don't ship them DX
immarktuans #4
Chapter 24: Oh wait Kai and Aemi are together? what about Sehun? I feel sorry for Sehun :(
immarktuans #5
Chapter 18: Yay they're together ^^
immarktuans #6
Chapter 14: Made you a poster ^^ not that great so I understand if you don't use it :)
immarktuans #7
Chapter 9: My eyes are watery :(
I wish she was with Sehun but things might change as I read.....I hope DX
Chapter 24: I know that I've told you that I want a happy ending for Jihyun (because I ship her. Like, really, I ship her), but now I've made up my mind. I don't want her to end up with Kai. Because it's just.. It doesn't feel right (at least for me). At first, I wanted her to end up with Kai because I thought that would make her happy. But now I know she won't be happy if she ends up marrying Kai, because he doesn't love her. And it'll be unfair for them. For Jihyun, Kai, and Aemi (oh yeah, I'm really considering her feeling right now). But, there is this little thing inside me that Kai will somehow find a way to love Jihyun (yeah, I'm selfish like that). And I also don't want Sehun to get hurt.
Agghh I don't know. I can't even explain how I feel right now TT.TT
Anyways, thank you for finding a time to update this story. You know how much I love this story ;) hehehe /hugs/
kashika #9
Chapter 3: i really ship Aemi and Sehun since from the start ㅋㅋ
Chapter 23: So glad that you're baaacckk!!! I really missed PD hehe..
And to be honest, this is the first time I feel bad for Aemi, because you're probably know that it's always team Jihyun for me.
And my Jihyun feels /sigh/ I'm glad that she finally confront Jongin about it. But my heart is breaking for her :(