Chapter 19

My Rock. My Heart, My Love


Its been two days since Hae’s parents left so he had a couple of days left to stay with Hyuk. He got a call from Sungmin wanting to know if he and Hyuk wanted to hang out that day.  Hyuk agreed so now they were on their way to the park to meet up with Sungmin and Kyuhyun. When they got there the two were already there setting up some food for them to eat. Hyuk could tell Sungmin prepared everything because everything was pink.

“Hey Minnie, hey Kyu.” Said Hae

“Hey you two. I can’t believe your early for once Hyukkie.” Said Sungmin

“yeah well when I’m with Hae I need to be early.” Said Hyuk

            The four laughed and decided to play soccer before eating. It was Sungmin and Donghae vs. Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun. Now the game was tied as 5 and Hyuk couldn’t believe that his best friend Sungmin was actually good at the game for once. While wondering about it he realized that Hae was running past him. Before he knew it Hae had already scored a point and Sungmin and Hae had won…

 "Wow you guys were good."

"Thanks. I've actually been practicing."

"Really? That's a surprise."

"What's that suppose to mean Hyuk?"

"That means that before when we first played you were horrible but now your great."

"Thanks Hyuk. That means alot." said a happy Sungmin

   The four then went to have their lunch and while having lunch Hyuk revealed his plans for his and Hae's next date, which surprised Hae.

"Where are we going Hyukkie?"

"I was thinking that first we go see a movie and then maybe go foe a walk on the beach."

"Wow that sounds fun Hyukkie, i can't wait."

"Me either babe."

      They stayed at the park for a couple more hours until it was time to go home so that Hae and Hyuk could get ready for their date. By the time the two got home both were too tired to even move. Hyuk went upstairs to tale a shower while Hae went over to check on his house to make sure nothing happened to his housewhile he was gone. After going through things for more than 10 minutes and after taking a shower he left. When he made it over to Hyuk was al ready for their date. 

  They both got into Hyuk's car and was headed for the movie theater. On the ride there they talked about their day and while listening to Hyuk talk Hae realized that he just couldnt imagine his life without Hyuk there by his side. Soon they made it to the theater and was having a hard time finding a movie to watch so they just picked a random movie. After 10 minutes of watching the movie Hae could not stop laughing and this went on through the whole movie. He declared that that was the best movie he had ever saw and he just had to bring Sungmin and Kyu to see it just so he can see it again.

"Wow Hae, you really enjoyed the movie didnt you?"

"YES! That movie was awesome. What was the name of it again?"

"Haunted House. it's a weird title for a comedy but it was great."



Second part of the date in the next chapter. sorry i havent updated in so long alot of stress with school but thank Eunhae that its my last year! Yay:) all this eunhae this year is giving me Eunhae fever cant wait for more of them and for some Eunhae stories... loving the ones from 


 voodoobaby,  and



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vince1108 #1
Chapter 28: =) loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee =P
namaste #2
Interesting forewords.. i'll read the chapters now ^^
I wonder why'd you only have three comments with these update? I'll read and comment tomorrow..
Saranghae210 #4
Chapter 21: I know what you mean ;) Love this btw! :D
Really cute story loving it so far!!!! Thank you athour-nim. :D
Chapter 11: *grins* that date was adorable