Chapter 23

My Rock. My Heart, My Love

 It was around 7:30 when Hae woke up and got ready for school. He kept thinking about what Hyuk and his appa were talking about last night at the party. All last night he asked Hyuk what they talked about but all he would say is ask your appa with a smirk on his face. He was staring to get fustrated but decided that he shouldnt get made at te two and that he should be lucky that they get along well and that his appa supported him.

"Good morning appa, umma." said Hae

"Morning Hae."

"Um appa, what exactly did you and Eunhyuk talk about last night?"

"Nothing really Hae, he just told me about his parents actually. I learned that his real name is actually Hyukjae. Why didnt you tell me that Hae?"

"Well it never really crossed my mind."

"It's ok Hae. Um when you get home today we want to talk to you about something." said Mr. Lee

"What is it. Is something wrong?"

"No. we just need to tell you something important."

"Okay then ill be home exactly when school gets out."

"okay good."

"Bye umma, appa"

"Bye sweety."

   As soon as Hae left Mr. Lee let out a sigh of relief. He had been worrying all night on how to tell his son that he has cancer. He realized that there is not a easy way to tell your son that at any moment you could die.

"It's going to be okay honey." said Mrs. Lee

"No its not. I just don't know what to do anymore. I dont want to leave you guys. Not yet."

"You won't. You just have to have faith that everything is going to be alright."

"I just dont want to die." 

Then for the first time ever Mr. Lee cried like he has never cried before.

"It's okay honey. It's okay."

All Mrs. Lee could do was just hold her husband. Meanwhile at school all hae could do was wonder what it is that his parents has to tell him.

"Hae... Hae whats going on?"

"Oh sorry Hyukkie i was just wondering what it is that my parents wanted to tell me when i get home."

"Well dont worry about it too much or you will get stressed.'

"Okay ill try."

For the rest of the day Hae did everything he could not to think about it and it worked until the bell ringed and he was on his way home.

"Good luck babe." said Hyuk

"Thanks Hyukkie." Hae kissed Hyuk goodbye and went inside his house.

When he walked in he saw his parents and his older brother Donghwa sitting in the living room talking.

"Hey whats up?"

"Oh good your home so now we all can talk as a family."

"Whats going on?" asked Donghwa

"Well for a while now me and your father have known something and we think its time that we told the two of you."

"What is it umma?" asked Hae

"...... I have cancer..."

"No! that isnt true ! You cant have cancer!" screamed Hae

"Im soory we wated so long to tell you two its just was so hard to hear myself and we didnt know how to tell you. Im sorry."

"HOw long have you known?" asked Donghwa

"For about three months now."

"Why now? Why are you telling us now?" asked Hae

"We just feel like we have waited long enough and that you deserved to know."

"We should have known from the beginning!" screamed Hae

Hae then jumped up and ran out the door to Hyuk's house.

"Its okay appa. i understand but you just have to give Hae some time." said Donghwa

"We dont have time, at any moment i could die and never see you again." cried Mr. Lee

All that was left was silence in the room....



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vince1108 #1
Chapter 28: =) loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee =P
namaste #2
Interesting forewords.. i'll read the chapters now ^^
I wonder why'd you only have three comments with these update? I'll read and comment tomorrow..
Saranghae210 #4
Chapter 21: I know what you mean ;) Love this btw! :D
Really cute story loving it so far!!!! Thank you athour-nim. :D
Chapter 11: *grins* that date was adorable