My Rock. My Heart, My Love

The next day Donghae woke up early in order to get his plan set up right. It had taken him all day yesterday to think of a good way to show Hyukjae he loved him. He called Kyuhyun and Sungmin to make sure that their part was in tact. Everything had to be perfect for everything to go good together. When it came to Hyukjae, he would do everything to make him happy and he knew hearing those words from him would send Hyukjae over the moon.


Hyukjae’s POV


I had the best sleep of my life last night. Thanks to my moment with Donghae i felt like a brand new person. It seems like every since he came into my life everything has been going well. Im closer to my parents and i was able to open up about Sora and cry for the first time ever and it all was thanks to Hae. I looked at my night stand and saw a card sitting there that was not there last night.


“Hyukkie, I have a special surprise for you!! But you wont find out until tonight. In the mean time I have given you little hints in cards to help you find the next place to find the card. Hopefully everything will show you how I feel about you. :) Hae <3


Hyukjae was completely surprised and couldn't help but to get butterflies in his stomach just thinking about what Donghae had in store for him. He looked at the card to find the clue that would help him find out the next destination. He saw a picture of a cup of coffee. For 10 minutes he tried to find a relation of that. Then he remembered the time that he and Donghae went to a coffee shop after school one day. He grabbed his jacket.


10 minutes later


Hyukjae walked into the coffee shop and sat down at the table he and Donghae has always sat whenever the two came. He looked all over the table to see if there was any card that would tell him what his next hint was. As soon as he was beginning to give up their friend Taemin who was also a waiter at the coffee shop came up.


“Looking for something Hyukjae hyung?” smiled Taemin


“Yes actually. Have you seen Hae any time today?”


“Yes, actually I have. He instructed me to give you this.” said Taemin


Looking at the card he saw a nemo looking fish on the cover then he opened the card

Remember the first time you found out about my obsession  with anything nemo related? I was so embarrassed, but you did not make fun of me for it. That was when I knew that you were someone special <3


Hae :)


It only took Hyukjae 5 minutes to remember the time that he had token Donghae to the aquarium  and he was so excited to see the clown fishes that reminded him of his favorite movie Finding nemo. That was when he found out about his obsession with the little fish. He remembers staring  Donghae thinking that he had never seen someone as handsome and adorable as Donghae was at that moment. Hyukjae got up at ran over to the aquarium and found another one of their friends Onew working there.


“Right on time hyung. Here is the card Hae hyung left for you.”


I knew i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you when you stayed up with me on the beach just to see the sunset. Even though I feel asleep half way you still stayed up so that you could wake me up to see that amazing view. But the whole time I just watched you because you are the most amazing view i have even seen :)


“Aww Hae. You arent even here and you are making me blush.” smiled Hyukjae


After driving to the beach for 20 minutes, Hyukjae got out of his car and walked to the beach to find his amazing boyfriend waiting for him with a candle light dinner and rose pedals in the shape of an heart.


“Oh my god Hae. This is so beautiful.”


“Anything for you babe.”


The two sat around and ate dinner and talked. Hyukjae had to admit that this whole thing was really romantic. Then he thought about the first card that Donghae has left him.


“So….. in the first card you said something about showing me how you feel about me.”


“Oh yea haha…. Hyukjae we have been together for a while now and i must admit… I have never been this happy in my life. You have been there for me through a lot and that really means alot to me. I cant think about my life without you in it because it breaks my heart to think that I could ever lose you.”

“Hae i am thankful for you too. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you Hae.”


“I love you too Hyukjae.” smiled Donghae






Next thing that happens Hyukjae jumps across the table and embraces Donghae in the most bone crushing hug ever.


“Omg Hae!! Thats the first time you have ever said that to me!” screamed an excited Hyukjae


“I know hyukkie. That was the whole purpose of this whole day. Happy anniversary baby.”


“Happy anniversary Hae.”

The two sealed it with a kiss

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vince1108 #1
Chapter 28: =) loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee =P
namaste #2
Interesting forewords.. i'll read the chapters now ^^
I wonder why'd you only have three comments with these update? I'll read and comment tomorrow..
Saranghae210 #4
Chapter 21: I know what you mean ;) Love this btw! :D
Really cute story loving it so far!!!! Thank you athour-nim. :D
Chapter 11: *grins* that date was adorable