Chapter 1

My Rock. My Heart, My Love


Have you ever just been so bored that you couldn’t even think straight? Well that what Eunhyuk was feeling as he stared at the ceiling in his bedroom. Not knowing what else to do, the teen went outside to just do what he always did, climb trees like the monkey he looked like. As he got to the top of the tree he saw the view of his hometown of Seoul, South Korea. He loved to see the beautiful buildings surrounding the city. Looking around he spotted something, or should I say someone, caught his attention. A mop of golden hair and an amazing brown eyes with an infectious smile was looking in his direction. As soon as he saw that amazing and gorgeous eyes, Eunhyuk found himself falling out of the tree and unto the ground.

   As he opened his eyes, he saw those same pair of eyes that made him fall in the first place. “Are you okay?” asked the stranger, “Ummmm yea I am” said Eunhyuk. “Good. I’m Donghae, I just moved in across the street. What’s your name?” “ Eunhyuk, nice to meet you.” “You too, so... why were you in the tree?”  Laughing Eunhyuk replied, “Well, I was bored at home so I decided to climb the tree.”Donghae said” Cool.. you actually looked like a monkey up there.” ” I get that a lot.” The two stode there for a while talking until Donghae got a text from his mom telling him she needed help. “Well I got to go, but hopefully we can see each other soon?” “yea... here, let me see your phone.” said Eunhyuk. “Thanks. Well, see you around Eunhyuk” said a smiling Donghae. :Welcome, see ya Donghae. “replied Eunhyuk.

 Later that night, while laying in bed after dinner, Eunhyuk found himself waiting for Donghae to text him. After what seemed like forever for Eunhyuk, which was only 20 minutes, he finally received a text.
D: Hey:) its Donghae
E: Hey. so how are you liking Seoul so far?:)
D:Its great. Ive already met some really amazing people
E: Oh really? That good:)
D: So u was wondering since tomorrow is Saturday if you wanted to show me around the city?
E: Sure. Sounds like fun. How about at noon?
D: Sounds great:) See you the Hyukkie
E: Hyukkie? sounds cute thanks Hae:)
D: awww. well goodnight Hyukkie:)
E: Night Hae:)
   The next morning eunhyuk woke up to a throbbing headache. He hopped up and jumped into the shower. after the shower he went downstairs and got some breakfast. he looked up and saw a note on the refeigerator from his parents
“Eunhyuk, went away for a business trip. Be back in 2 months.

 Love mom and dad. “
He threw the note into the garbage. It was normal for him to find these notes from his parents. To Eunhyuk it was just fine being at home alone, but sometimes he just wanted to spend some time with his parents. He then heard a vibration coming from the kitchen table. He looked at it and found a from Donghae.
D: Hey:)
E: Hey. How are you doing?
D: Great. You?
E:Fine. are you ready for today?
D: Yea. so excited. can’t wait to see what’s there is to do around here.
E: Good, See you in a few
D: ok. Can’t wait
E: :) bye
D: bye:)
As he got ready to leave, he made sure that he had his favorite strawberry plushie with him
   As Eunhyuk left to go pick up Donghae, he realized he had no idea where to take him. When he got to Donghae's yard, he saw him waiting outside with a bright smile on his face. “Are you ready?” “Yea can’t wait to see this place.” Eunhyuk though for a minute, ”Where are you from Donghae?” “ Mokpo, came here for a better education.” said Donghae. “Cool. I hope that you will love it here, just like I do.”
The two talked for a while until the bus came. they hopped on the bus and got off at different stops around the city.

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vince1108 #1
Chapter 28: =) loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee =P
namaste #2
Interesting forewords.. i'll read the chapters now ^^
I wonder why'd you only have three comments with these update? I'll read and comment tomorrow..
Saranghae210 #4
Chapter 21: I know what you mean ;) Love this btw! :D
Really cute story loving it so far!!!! Thank you athour-nim. :D
Chapter 11: *grins* that date was adorable