Jiyoung Vs. Geun Hye Vs. Me Vs. Jay

The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

Sunny’s POV

‘Where are those damn cartoons!’ I grunted as I flipped the remote control, scanning over the channels for my favorite show: The Misadventures of Flap Jack and or Power Puff Girls. Yes, I watch those shows, I’m still a kid too you know.

Suddenly the couch shifted beside me and the remote in my hand was snatched away by a GIANT hand. Yes the hand was gigantic.

“Hey!” I said and turned my head to see a smirking Seunghyun oppa sitting next to me, the remote dangling from his giant hand. “It’s my turn to watch TV.” I said in my shrillest voice that would annoy Jiyoung unnie in an instant.

But apparently it didn’t work on Seunghyun oppa as well…

“My turn now kid.” He said sticking out his tongue at me before turning his attention to the TV, flicking to channels I know my unnie would scream if I watched.

“Now we are going to play the famous song “Haru Haru” by the one and only Big Bang!” The TV announcer said and my eyes widened whereas Seunghyun oppa just mindlessly flipped to another channel.

“Wait, oppa turn it back!” I said slapping his arm slightly.

Seunghyun oppa sighed and turned back to the previous channel. “Why do you want to watch that crap?” he asked but I just ignored him, too induced in the music video they were playing.

“O-oppa,” I said pointing at one of the 5 guys on TV. “너야? (Is that you?)” I asked and looked at my oppa with a wide smile on my face.

“Yeah, this is me at work.” He said with a stone expression, looking bored as ever.

My eyes went back to the TV hearing the amazing raps of Seunghyun oppa and this other guy…

“Seunghyun oppa, who is that?” I asked pointing at the other rapper that my Seunghyun oppa is currently beating up in the video.

“Oh, that.” Seunghyun pointed at the guy and I nodded. “That’s Jiyong, or G-Dragon if you prefer his stage name.”

“Jiyong?” I said tilting my head to the side, observing this G-Dragon person. “He wears a lot of eyeliner doesn’t he?” I asked my oppa and I heard him chuckle at my question.

The video lasted for about 3 more minutes and I actually found myself liking the music. It’s something that my Geun Hye would like listening too but I actually like it, it’s really… cool.

“Oppa, are those your band mates?” I asked and Seunghyun oppa nodded, his face darken a bit before turning the channel to some baseball match they’re having in Busan.

Seunghyun and I watched the boring game but I wasn’t paying any attention to the TV, my mind still thinking about the group of amazing guys my oppa was a part of.

“Oppa,” I said after a while.

“What is it?” He groaned sounding fairly annoyed but I just ignored him and continued speaking.

“Are those the people that sent you here?” I asked and Seunghyun oppa looked down before nodding.

“Yeah, those are the jerks that sent me here.” He said glumly with a bitter smile.

I pouted. “But oppa, don’t you like being here?” I asked putting on my cutest pouty face I can pull out not liking this gloomy Seunghyun oppa at all.

Seunghyun oppa looked at me for a second, scanning my face before chuckling and ruffling my hair. I smiled and straightened up my hair, facing the TV once more.

“Oppa,” I said after a few minutes. “What are their names?” I asked.

“Whose name?” Seunghyun oppa asked not taking his eyes off the TV which I didn’t understand why. I never thought my oppa was a k-drama kind of guy.

“Your band mates.” I said and Seunghyun looked at me, his eyebrow raised.

“Why do you want to know so much about Big Bang?” He asked and I shrugged.

“I just do,” I said shyly. “The music is nice.”

“Geurae?” Seunghyun oppa asked and I nodded.

“Neh,” I said nodding my head enthusiastically. “I mean it’s something that unnie or Geun Hye would like so I like it too.”

A smile slowly crept on my oppa’s face. “Well, Jiyong and I, we’re the rappers; the one with small eyes, his name is Daesung and the one with the mow hawk, Taeyang they’re the singers while the youngest one, the one that had jet black hair is Seungri.”

“Oh…” I said and Seunghyun chuckled.

“One day, I’ll take you to Seoul to see them.” He said and my eyes widened.

“Jinjja?” I asked feeling excited.

Seunghyun looked at me and smiled. “One day.” He said and I hugged my oppa’s arm.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I cheered and my oppa struggled to get out of my grasp.

“You’re welcome! Jeez, lady get off me.” He said and I giggled and let go.

We both continued watching some random variety show until we heard my unnie enter the living room.

“Guys, get ready we’re going out.” Jiyoung unnie said getting my coat and hers out of the coat closet.

“뭐야? (What?)” Seunghyun oppa asked looking confused.

Jiyoung unnie smiled at me as she handed me my coat. “You heard me, we’re going out. I’ve been saving up to fix the balcony and with your oppa’s help I have finally enough money.” My unnie said.

Wait, is she… blushing?

I looked at my oppa who looked away, rubbing his neck and puffing out his cheeks awkwardly. ‘What’s going on here?’ I thought raising my eyebrows at my older siblings.

Seunghyun’s POV

‘I hate the bus.’ Was the first thought that came to mind as I was forced into the hated giant green vehicle by the 2 ladies I live with.

The 3 of us squeezed into the seat all the way in the back, I swear this is the reason I never ride public transportation. It was uncomfortable to say the least, and not just because I was forced to sit next to Jiyoung because stupid little cute Sunny wanted to have the seat next to the window.

A few minutes later I felt a hand brush against mine. I looked to the side and so did Jiyoung, our eyes meeting and suddenly it was as if we were sitting on the front porch of the house again, looking out over the hill, the winds blowing through our hairs.

“Ehem.” Jiyoung cleared , tearing her eyes away from mine.

I looked away too, feeling a heat burn through my cheeks, my heart beating unhealthily fast. I looked at Sunny who was looking at me, a mischievous smile on her face.

“Waeyo?” I asked, trying to make my voice as scary as possible… though failing miserably due to my still fast heart beat and the fact that I was still blushing.

“Nothing.” Sunny said though her eyes said that she was thinking otherwise.

‘God I hate being here!’ I cried in my head.

After another 15 uncomfortable minutes the bus finally stopped at our stop. When the 3 of us exited the bus we found ourselves face to face with a giant store. It was one of those stores, the stores that sell everything from food to house hold items, and they even sell jewelry I think.

“Seunghyun grab a cart too, it’ll be faster if we split up.” Jiyoung advised and I nodded grabbing a cart too before following Jiyoung and Sunny deeper into the store.

“Ok,” Jiyoung said stopping in the middle of the gigantic 1st out of 5 floors of the store. “I’ll go order the wood and screws and stuff while you guys get the food.”

“Here’s the list of things I need, feel free to buy some extra food.” Jiyoung handed me the list, a friendly smile on her face.

“O-ok.” I said taking the piece of paper from Jiyoung’s hand while making sure our hands don’t touch whatsoever. “Sunny, kajja.”

Sunny and I climbed the escalator up to the 3rd floor where food is sold while Jiyoung went to the 2nd floor to buy all the essentials to fix the balcony.

I’m kinda embarrassed to say that Sunny did most of the work while I just pushed the cart. Cut me some slack, I’m a 24 year old guy, you wouldn’t find me roaming a supermarket if McDonalds and other fast food restaurants still stand.

“Ok, now we’re done.” Sunny said handing me the last item, a giant loaf of bread which I put in the cart along with the other food related stuff we bought.

“Let’s buy some snacks before going down to meet your unnie.” I said seeing a delicious aisle full of sweets, cheese flavored stuff and just plain heart attack in a pack but I didn’t care and nor did Sunny.

Holding back the 2 of us only bought a pack of marshmallows, a giant pack of puff cheetos and a giant box of chocolate before making our way to the 2nd floor to meet with Jiyoung before checking out in the 1st floor together.

“Hey cool it both of you!” a man’s voice was heard as Sunny and I made our way to the part of the store that sold all kinds of screws and other house hold tools.

“, get away from me!” Sunny and I exchanged worried glances because that scream could only belong to one person and one person only.

We both ran full speed towards the source of the sound. What we saw next was something we both didn’t expect to see at a super market.

Jiyoung and Geun Young was standing in front of us, both of them looked like they’ve been thrown in a cage full of lions. Jiyoung’s face was bruised up, her eyes a bit puffy and tear filled. Geun Young was supporting a bloody lip and a pretty bad bruise near her jaw. A rather tall guy stood in the middle of these 2 beat up girls.

He was as tall as me, his hair was jet black and was spiked up in mow hawk. His neck and from what I can see his arms were covered by tattoos of all shaped and sizes. He was standing in between the girls and from what I can see was struggling to keep Jiyoung from pouncing onto Geun Young.

“We’re in a public place, unnie!” Geun Young bellowed but that only made things worse.

“I don’t freaking care !” Jiyoung screamed before pushing past the guy, pouncing onto Geun Young.

“Wow…” Sunny said and I ran forward to the fighting girls along with the guy who just snapped out of his shock.

“Let me get her Jay!” Jiyoung screamed like a madman as the guy in the mow hawk I now know named Jay tried to get in between the 2 girls only to get a bad scratch from Jiyoung’s dangerous long nails on the arm.

After a few minutes and a few claw marks on my hands and face both of us, me and the guy named Jay managed to separate the 2 girls with me holding Jiyoung’s exceptionally strong hands behind her back and with all of the strength I had.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked and Jiyoung growled a ‘nothing’ which I knew was a lie.

“W-who are you?” Jay asked me as he tried held a shaking Geun Young in his hands.

“Who are you?” I asked back.

“Unnie, please, I’m sorry!” Geun Young burst out making Jiyoung’s anger rise again.

“I’ll die first before I ever forgive you!” Jiyoung yelled.

The nice little conversation Jay and I had had to be postponed as we both once again tried to keep the girls from pouncing onto each other again.

“This is… dramatic.” I heard Sunny say from somewhere to my right before I turned my attention back to Jiyoung who seemed determined to kill Geun Young at the moment.

안녕! Decided to update today because sadly this christmas break I have nothing... to... do. But I can rely on this fanfic to keep me busy ^^b Don't know if I'll update again before new years, but I'll update some time in the first week of January.

Considering I'll be taking my nationals to pass junior high this year (9th grade) I wouldn't be able to update too much during January - May. But after that I'm all yours!!

~~~ Replies ~~~

insertnamehere   : Hello new reader!! <3 Thanks for liking my stories! Hope I don't dissappoint *bows*

ToDaeLove   : "Well T.O.P is cuter than unnie so... =P" << Sunny said this, I swear! keke Oh~ o_O Why do you know so much about that profession unnie? keke Innocent? I'm already tainted here, thanks to you ^^v Favorite? Really? Ok =D

jackytomboy96   : Ah~ Kissy moment got to you? keke I will bring more romance later <3

Thepinkbookworm  : But their 'relationship' is gonna... ok, I'm not telling, it'll ruin the fun ^^ I'll try to update quickly!

~~~ 황하기 out!! ~~~

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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!