
The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

I stared at Jay and he stared back at me. It was like we were both having some cruel conversation… but with our eyes. Now now… you girls might find it y but I find it very very serious.

‘I hate you.’ I said through my eyes.

‘Well who ever said you liked me?’ Jay twitched his eyes and I intensified my stare.

‘, this is my turf, be more polite will you?’ I said tilting my head a little, a cocky smile forming on my lips.

‘I’ll be more polite when your head gets to a normal human size.’ Jay replied and I felt my hand curl up angrily beside me.

Jiyoung’s POV

‘What the hell are they doing?’ I mentally asked myself starring at Jay before glancing at Seunghyun. ‘Are they having a mental battle or something?’ I thought. ‘Freaks…’

“Ehem, unnie the pasta looks delicious!” Sunny said in a bright voice obviously trying to break the weirdly tense atmosphere in the room.

I looked up at Sunny to find her giving me a pleading look. “A-ah ne! Please eat a lot!” I said in a cheerful voice too.

Strangely the sound of my voice seem to wake the 2 bastards up and before I knew it both of them had stopped their starring battle to finally eat the food that I’ve made.

After finishing all the food I was about to start some light conversation not wanting another weird mental battle to come out.

“So, uhm Jay do you want to help me out fix the balcony?” I asked Jay and saw his face brighten up on an instant but Seunghyun’s face… could it get any darker?

“Sure, it’ll be my pleasure!” Jay piped up and I smiled thankfully at him just before Seunghyun broke out and spoke.

“I’ll help too!” he said in a rushed voice.

Both Jay and I looked at him, me in shock while Jay gave him a sort of glare.

Seunghyun though kept smiling and looked at me as he spoke next. “You can rest so Jay and I can work, ok?” he said before standing up.

I was surprised to see Jay stand up faster than I can even reply Seunghyun. “Yeah, me and Seunghyun will work hard!” Jay said with a fighting motion with his hand.

The 2 of them were out of the door before I can pull myself back together. ‘What’s with those 2?’ I said shaking my head disbelievingly.

Sunny’s POV

“You think they’re gonna kill each other out there?” Jiyoung unnie asked me as she took a seat beside me on the couch.

I looked up at my unnie and couldn’t help but chuckle seeing her “worried to the point of exploding” expression.

“It was unnie’s idea for Seunghyun oppa and that other guy to work together.” I stated raising my eyebrows at my older sister.

“I know but….” Unnie looked at the open door leading to the porch that was now being fixed by Jay and Seunghyun oppa. “I asked Jay to do it, but I didn’t expect your brother to volunteer too.”

I shook my head at my unnie’s complete blindness to what’s really going on.  “Unnie, just relax… I don’t think Seunghyun oppa will kill Jay, not yet at least.”

I leaned up and patted my sister’s shoulder before getting up to turn on the TV, hoping to find something about Big Bang on some music channel I found yesterday.

Jiyoung’s POV

Even if my eyes were locked on the screen I found my thoughts locked on the 2 boys in the backyard. ‘What if they started fighting again?’ I thought and peeked at the open door leading to the balcony that was being fixed right at this moment.

Sighing, I buried by body deeper into the old worn out couch cushions, my eyes locked on the TV as Sunny turned to some random music show I thought was quite ridiculous.

I mean what’s so great about girls and guys singing on stage with plastic faces? And their songs… ugh! Can they at least make a song with some sort of depth in it? Songs about guys, clothes and jewelry… like seriously? Ok, someone give me a bucket so that I can puke now.

“Yes, Big Bang is on!” Sunny suddenly cheered from beside me.

I raised my eyebrows at her. ‘When did she like idol groups?’ I thought before my eyes snapped back to the TV now showing 4 boys. The hip hop clothes, that smile, that voice… My jaw dropped seeing a familiar face on the glass screen on my TV, his familiar face.

H-he’s an idol star now? Wow, his dream did come true…’ I thought bitterly. ‘He just needed to crush my future to make his dream come true… amazing, it worked.’

“Unnie, what’s wrong?” Sunny asked sounding concerned

My heart clenched painfully in my chest. I forced myself to look at the little girl sitting beside, pulling out a small smile to reassure her.

“Aniyo, nothing’s wrong.” I said trying to sound ok. Seeing Sunny not buying my act I decided to start a conversation… and get some information about this group, Big Bang.

“So you like these guys?” I asked, my heart still feeling a bit heavy talking about someone I truly hate.

“Ne,” Sunny said, brightening up, a wide grin spread on her face as she watched the 4 men on TV.

I looked at the TV screen and sighed seeing him on it. ‘Everything worked out for him… so why didn’t it work out for me?’ I thought before looking Sunny, the happy go lucky kid that’s been with me through thick and thin throughout the tough years…

‘No it did work out…’ I said before a small smile appeared on my face. Maybe things did work out for me despite everything that happened.

“As fellow members of course, is the absence of rapper Choi Seunghyun with Big Bang for these 6 months going to affect Big Bang in anyway?” The MC asked the 4 guys on TV.

“What?” I asked aloud, my eyes widening. Choi Seunghyun as in Sunny’s brother? As in the idiot outside in my backyard with Jay right now.

“Unnie, what’s wrong?” Sunny asked as she noticed me gaping at the TV screen.

I turned my head to my sister stiffly before talking in an equally stiff voice. “Seunghyun is part of Big Bang?”

Sunny nodded eagerly. “Yeah, isn’t that cool? I’ve heard oppa rap in one of the videos, he’s awesome unnie!”

Shaking my head a little, trying to stop the tears threatening to escape my eyes I stood up. “If the boys come back tell them I said thanks. I’m gonna go upstairs and… sleep.”

Sunny merely nodded and I glanced at the TV showing a close up of his face before turning back around, slowly walking feeling a bit dizzy for some reason.

Tests Tests Tests and Tests... I swear this many tests is bad for my head. For one I can't focus on this fic because my writing time is very limited now plus I can't focus on my studies cause writing is soooo tempting :3

I have good news and bad news...

Good news: I'M MOVING TO LA... LOS FREAKING ANGELES!!! WHOOP!! Why am I so happy? BECAUSE THERE'S A GIANT KOREATOWN THERE!!! keke Plus I can't wait to go to KCON 2013 XD

Bad news: Since I'm moving it's gonna take some time for me to adapt which means I won't update so much. Plus, I gotta catch up after 2nd year high school studies cause the school year between the US and Indonesia is different t(-_-t) do u see why I hate school?

P.S. If anyone knows a V.I.P in LA please tell me T_T A little scared of moving to a new place I don't have a clue about...

Well despite the challenges I will always continue writing cause I love my fanfics... and all of you, of course!! :* *hugs and kisses for everybody*


andriianist   : Yay, I'm funny *claps* Orang Indonesia juga unnie, wah~ <3 Thanks for liking my story!!

ToDaeLove   : I DARE unnie ^^b I like tragic stories~~ Thanks for the prayers unnie :) Can I ask u a silly question: Is the height of 5,5 feet short for a high schooler?

Thepinkbookworm  : I'll try not to dissapoint! Thanks for the luck ( I need it ) LOL Thank you unnie :*

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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!