An Old Friend

The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

The 3 of us; Jay, Sunny and I sat in the small nurses’ office of the store the shopkeepers were nice enough to lead us too despite the riot we’ve caused in the store.

Jay was silent and unmoving. Now that I look at him more closely he really looked like one of those underground rappers that I met way back when people knew me as “Tempo.”

I looked down at Sunny who was sitting silently beside me. Truthfully, I’ve never seen her this down before. Even when Jiyoung was almost kidnapped by those drunken guys, she didn’t look like this.

Slowly, I took one of Sunny’s hands in mine. She looked at where my hand was holding hers before looking up at me.

“Gwenchanha?” I asked but Sunny merely nodded before leaning her head on my arm. I frowned. ‘What’s gotten in my little sister?’

“Ok, she’s done. Better put some ice on that sweetie.” The nurse said escorting Jiyoung out from behind the curtain that led to the beds where Jiyoung and Geun Young were attended by the nurses.

Jiyoung has looked better, I can tell you that. Her eyes were red and puffy, a stitched wound was healing just above her left eyebrow, and a pretty bad bruise covered her right cheek bone. Jiyoung looked up and her eyes averted to the person sitting on my left, Jay. Through both of their eyes I knew that they knew each other, but from the look on both of their faces; the memories weren’t pretty.

Quickly as if hoping that no one will notice they both looked away. Jiyoung looked at our direction, a sorry look on her face.

“I-I’m sorry you had to see that,” she said to me but I just shook my head.

“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to her.” I said shaking my arm that Sunny was still using as a pillow.

Jiyoung kneeled down in front of her sister, scanning the little girl with her red puffy eyes. “S-Sunny…” she said but Sunny immediately got up.

“I hate you!” She screamed at her unnie before running away.

“Sunny wait!” Jiyoung yelled as she tried to follow Sunny out the door but I stood up and held her back.

I let her hand go immediately not in a mood for another ‘flashback.’ “Let me handle this.” I said and Jiyoung looked at me questioningly.

“Are you sure?” she asked and I nodded before heading out of the nurses’ office, hoping that Sunny wasn’t that fast of a runner.

Jiyoung’s POV

I looked at where Seunghyun had just stood a few seconds before. ‘Thank god I have him now.’ I thought, a small smile slowly forming on my beat up and rather sore face.

“Who is he?” I turned to see Jay looking at me curiously. “Your boyfriend?”

I immediately looked away. “You know I wouldn’t even think of having a boyfriend after what happened.” I said feeling a rush of emotions I’ve felt every time I think about the unfortunate events that happened near my high school graduation.

Jay and I were silent for a second before Jay spoke again, looking a bit guilty.

“I’m sorry.” He said simply.

“Sorry isn’t gonna cut it.” I snapped looking at the boy sitting a few feet in front of me.

He looked the same, same as when he did in high school. Well, except for the tattoos anyway, from what I can tell he’s been creative these past few years. And from what I can see he’s worked out, I didn’t remember him being so buff in high school either.

“I know, I’m just trying to make things better.” He said sheepishly and I shook my head and took the seat next to my old time friend that I haven’t seen in years, not since Sunny was maybe a few months old.

“Things will never get better, Park.” I said hopelessly and I saw a glint of hope past Jay’s eyes when he heard me call his nick name.

Jay chuckled. “No, things will never go back to what they were but things will get better.” He said wisely and I looked at my known as a rebel friend with a raised eyebrow.

“When did you get all wise and ?” I asked, a bit amused and Jay smiled and laughed sheepishly.

Feeling the atmosphere lighten up a bit I decided to ask the question I’ve been wanting to ask since I’ve seen Jay an hour ago, just before the fight.

“Are you staying in Korea now?” I asked and Jay looked at me and shook his head.

“Ani, I’m just in town for a few months… dad holding me hostage here, you know?” Jay said and I frowned and nodded in understanding.

“So you got to Korea and the first person you decided to meet up with is Geun Young?” I asked feeling a bit pissed off.

“No,” Jay said and I looked at him in confusion. “I wanted to meet up with you but ran into Geun Young instead… guess you 2 haven’t made up yet.”

I smiled bitterly. “We’ll never make up… I’ll never forgive her.” I said and Jay opened his mouth to argue before closing again, knowing what’ll happen if we continue this conversation.

“Well, I’m really glad you’re back… but I have to go.” I said standing up after a while. Jay looked up at me and I don’t think anybody could’ve missed the look of disappointment on his face.

“I-if it’s s-something I said…” he stuttered out nervously causing me to let lose the chuckle I tried so hard to hold back.

“No, I really be going now and get to Sunny and Seunghyun.” I said and Jay nodded in understanding though the look of disappointment never left his pretty little face.

“Can we meet again? Properly?” he asked and I chuckled before nodding.

“Uhm… do you have a pen?” I asked and Jay immediately searched his jacket before pulling out a black pen from one of its pockets.

I took the pen from his hand before holding out my left hand at Jay. “Hand, Park.” I said and Jay did as I say and put his hand on top of mine.

Slowly and gently I scribbled my phone number on his hand and once I was done I handed Jay both his hand and pen.

“Call me when you’re free, maybe we should catch up.” I said and Jay nodded.

I bid him goodbye before leaving the nurses’ office. Now to find those 2…

Seunghyun’s POV

Looking down at Sunny, I couldn’t believe she’s already 7 years old. She’s not short for her age is just that she’s so light… Does Jiyoung ever feed this kid?

“Seunghyun!” I turned around slowly hearing my name being called, the girl that’s sleeping in my arms stopping me from moving any faster. I sighed in relief and walked up towards the Jiyoung and as gently as I could shove the little girl in her big sister’s arms.

“Y-you… got her to sleep?” Jiyoung asked quietly in disbelief seeing the 7 year old sound asleep in her arms.

“Well yeah, she was already tired to begin with so…” I said shrugging.

Jiyoung looked up at me. “Thanks and I’m sorry for causing a riot, you must be so embarrassed.” She said looking down in embarrassment.

“Oh, nah…” I said. “I’ve gotten into a few fights too, no biggy in defending yourself.” Jiyoung looked up at me and I smiled in encouragement causing Jiyoung to look down again, though this time a smile was on her face.

Thank god the people at the store was nice enough to not kick us out so by 8 PM the 3 of us were already heading out of the store, Jiyoung carrying the sleeping Sunny while I carry the heavy bags of food and the receipt to the household items that would be delivered to the house tomorrow.

“Seunghyun, where are you going? The bus stop is this way.” Jiyoung asked looking at me in confusion when she spotted me going to edge of the street.

“No way am I riding that thing again, we’re taking a cab home.” I demanded and as expected Jiyoung opened , about to argue but I cut her off. “I’ll pay, ok?”

Jiyoung gave in and I smiled, thankful that I won’t have to ride that horrid green vehicle home. Halting a cab was easy considering that we were in front of a busy street to begin with.

Since riding a taxi saved time, the 3 of us arrived at the house in just a few minutes. Entering the house Jiyoung immediately took Sunny up to her room before the little girl woke up and I made my way into the kitchen to put the food inside the fridge and cabinets.

After 15 minutes Jiyoung came down and sat in the dining table looking like she was about to pass out. I sat in the seat in front of her and put a bottle of beer I bought secretly in the store.

“Here, it’ll help… I think.” I said and Jiyoung looked up, taking the bottle full of alcohol before chugging it a few seconds later. I stayed silent watching Jiyoung swallow up the beer before talking a gulp of much needed alcohol tonight.

“Give me more.” Jiyoung demanded darkly, her eyes looked dark, her voice unfriendly.

I complied and went to the kitchen to get another bottle of alcohol for the girl knowing that if I don’t comply I’ll probably earn myself a few punches from the semi drunk Jiyoung which doesn’t sound all that lovely.

It wasn’t surprising when Jiyoung chugged down the second bottle with ease before slamming the bottle down on the dining table. I sat in my seat uncomfortably, not knowing what I’m getting into with a drunken Jiyoung.

As I gulped down my last bit of alcohol Jiyoung looked up at me, looking at me with foggy and clouded eyes I haven’t seen before on Sunny’s older sister.

“Seunghyun-ah,” Jiyoung said in a cutesy much too girly voice. “Do you like being here?” she asked and I eyed the drunken girl in front of me before answering, seeing that the drunken Jiyoung doesn’t look so harmful or violent.

“I don’t hate being here.” I answered.

“Do you like me?” Jiyoung suddenly asked and I my eyes widened at the question Jiyoung just blurted out.

“W-well, I d-don’t hate you.” I said lamely and Jiyoung pouted. ‘God, she’s cute when she’s drunk.’ I thought mindlessly.

“Liar,” Jiyoung said looking down at the wooden table, tracing the wooden patterns with her finger. “People always hate me; they leave me because they hate me.” She said sadly.

Not knowing what to say I stayed quiet until a question I’ve been asking in my head for a few hours popped up.

“Jiyoung,” I called out and Jiyoung looked up at me with big eyes.


“J-Jay, who is he?” I asked curiously and Jiyoung smiled sadly, the cuteness wearing off of her face.

“Park? He’s… an old friend, that’s all.” Jiyoung sighed before getting up. “I’m going to bed.” She said shortly before disappearing, leaving me alone with a short answer pondering in my mind.

‘An old friend, huh?’ I thought and sat back in my seat. ‘Why do I have the feeling that this Jay or Park guy has something to do with Sunny’s unfinished story?’

Happy 2013 everyone! It's a new year and let's hope that good things will happen this year!! But sadly it's already January and I have less then 3 months until my big test in March so from this moment on I'll go on a temporary hiatus but I assure you I'll update if I can... just no promises if it'll be next week or even next month :'( I'm gonna miss you guys.


Park Jaebum (Jay Park)

  • Age: 23
  • Birthday: April 25th 1986 (I made Jay older 1 year in this fanfic ^^)
  • Education: Seoul Korean Traditional Arts Middle & High School
  • Senior to Geun Young
  • Moved away to the US just after 'the thing' that happened to Jiyoung... because of guilt [Spoiler]

~~~ Replies ~~~

ToDaeLove   : "Awe unnie don't be sad, you're cute too~" << Sunny. Uhm... unnie's baby? I'm pretty sure there's a like a 9 years difference you and Jay Park -_-"

Thepinkbookworm   : Keke, I'm glad you find it funny... I just find it sorta random o_o I don't know where i get these ideas...

Michelle-ilivemylife  : Sorry this is a useless filler chapter though I will unravel what happen in the near future.

Thanks for reading everyone!

Please comment ><


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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!