The "Almost" Kiss

The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

I was woken up rather unceremoniously by the sound of a pot- wait, maybe a dozen pots falling to the ground. I groaned and opened my eyes, the blurry outline of the lamp over my head slowly focusing.

‘What time is it?’ I thought as I looked over at the alarm clock placed on my bedside table. But as soon as I knew what time it really is, the ‘what the ’ groan immediately came out of my mouth. ‘It’s 6 AM! Like seriously, who cooks at 6 AM?!’

Feeling really cranky and rather tired I got out of bed only to hear more noise from the kitchen. ‘Do people in this part of the city always get up this early?’ I went to the closet and got out a fresh of clothes before making my way to bathroom. ‘Can’t I sleep in until like… 12 PM for once?’

Clang! Clang! Clang!

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” I said as I lazily threw my dirty clothes in the hamper before hurriedly running down the stairs leading to the kitchen.

I was surprised to see Jiyoung up and about in the kitchen, 3 or 4 dishes already set up on the dining table. I rubbed my eyes, making sure that this wasn’t just a sleep deprived hallucination. Jiyoung looked up at me from the boiling pot on the stove and gave me a smile.

“Oh, you’re up.” She said with a bright smile.

I huffed out a breath and tussled my still wet hair. “How can I not be with you making all that noise.” I said crankily sitting on the dining room table.

Jiyoung’s smile faded a little as she poured the contents of the boiling pot into a smaller bowl. “Well, mianhae… but I hope this makes up for it.” She said as she placed the smaller bowl onto the table in front of me.

“Trying to pay me with food? Really?” I asked raising one of my eyebrows playfully.

A small sad smile crept on Jiyoung’s face as she looked down at the feast of a breakfast she just made. “Ani… just trying to make up for worrying you both last night.”

“Pst… who was worried?” I asked casually picking up my chopsticks. I was about to stuff a piece of gogi into my mouth when I noticed the stare I was receiving over my head.

I looked up at Jiyoung who was still staring at me despite the fact that I’ve caught her staring at me. “Yes?” I asked and Jiyoung shook her head.

“Nothing… I think I’ll go wake up Sunny now.” Jiyoung stripped herself off the pink apron she wore before making her way up the stairs and into the 2nd floor of the house.

I looked back down at my breakfast and stuffed the delicious looking piece of meat into my mouth only to find out that the food did taste as delicious as it looked. By the time Sunny came down holding her unnie’s hand sleepily I had already finished my breakfast and even washed the dishes and utensils that I used.

Sunny looked up at me and the sleepiness seem to disappear for a second. “Morning oppa!” she cheered before stifling a yawn behind her hand.

I smiled and ruffled my dongsaeng’s hair as she took a seat on the chair beside me. “Morning kid, how’d you sleep?”

“Good, thanks to you oppa.” Sunny said as she flashed me a gummy smile.

‘That gummy smile…’ I thought and got that feeling again, the feeling like I’ve seen Sunny before I moved here to Incheon.

Not wanting to spoil the good morning mood I made myself to the front door. I looked down at the curves and turns of the roads around the hill that I was currently at. Feeling the cold March air hit my face, wiping away any trace of sleepiness I felt earlier.

“What are you doing?” I heard Jiyoung said a few seconds after I heard the door open behind me.

“Just…” I sighed and took in the refreshing cold air. “Just chilling, what are you doing here?” I asked looking back at the girl, only now noticing the 2 mugs of tea in her hands.

“Oh, uhm…” she stuttered and looked down at the 2 drinks in her hands as if wondering if I’ll accept one of them from her. “Uhm… Tea?” Jiyoung asked shyly causing me to chuckle before holding out my hand, taking one of the bright red mugs filled with hot tea.

We both ended up sitting on the front porch overlooking the whole neighborhood, sipping up tea as silence swallowed us. God knows what Jiyoung was thinking about but I was thinking about 4 certain boys that are probably in Seoul right now, doing recordings, photo shoots and other stuff I use to do.

Big Bang… can they really go on without me? Yes. Absolutely. Face it, Jiyong is a great rapper and he can fill my absence easily. Variety shows? Well I barely even talk in them so no one would notice me gone. I sighed… the boys were right to get rid of me for these 6 months, but I just hope me being gone is not a permanent thing.

“S-Seunghyun…” Jiyoung said quietly.

“Yeah?” I asked turning my head to the girl beside me.

“T-thank you.” She said again in a barely audible voice as she looked down at her feet, her long curly brown hair falling over the sides of her face like a curtain. “Thanks for saving me yesterday.”

“Oh… well you’re welcome.” I said awkwardly. “But uhm- Jiyoung,”

“Yeah?” She asked looking up slightly, her brown eyes meeting mine.

“W-where do you work exactly?” I asked curiously and I saw a half embarrassed, half sad smile spread across Jiyoung’s face.

“I’m not a if that’s what you’re thinking.” She said with a bitterly at me causing me to let out a guilty chuckle. “I work at a club downtown.” She explained and I raised my eyebrows.

“You? Work at a club?” I asked trying to stifle a laugh.

This time Jiyoung was the one to raise her eyebrows. “Why is that funny?” she asked looking a bit offended.

“Oh nothing…” I stopped and calmed myself down, not wanting to offend the now rather scary looking Jiyoung. “Is just that I can’t imagine you working in a club.”

“And why is that?” Jiyoung asked tilting her head to the side.

I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine as Jiyoung stared daggers at me. “Well-uhm… you know… I didn’t mean… you see…” I stuttered and Jiyoung raised her eyebrow higher before holding up her finger, stopping my meaningless rambles.

“Fine, I’ll just get to the point.” Jiyoung said and I sighed mentally as Jiyoung diverted her gaze towards the sun that was almost directly in front of us.

“I work at a club called ‘Muse’ downtown. Don’t get me wrong it’s a clean club, except for some drunken jerks like yesterday, the place is pretty decent.” She explained with a sad smile. “I never went to college and I had to take care Sunny but I didn’t have any money. No education means no job offers and no job offers means no job and no money. Simple as that”

I can almost imagine it, a high school version of Jiyoung looking around for a job and… my heart ached at the thought. Wait, why does this affect me?

“So a senior of mine opened up a club and offered me a job. The salary was fair and I get some day shifts so I can stay home with Sunny sometimes. It’s nothing to be proud of but it gets me and Sunny by, you know.”

“So yours and Sunny’s parents died when you were in high school?” I asked.

Jiyoung looked flustered for a second, as if not expecting me to ask this question. “Y-yeah, they left Sunny to me.” She said before taking a deep breath before flashing a smile at me. “I hope you understand.”

I looked down. My family was never poor and just after high school I entered YG so I never really knew what it was like to scrape for money. My parents were always there for me, and then I never really needed to take care of anybody. In fact I was always been the one being taken care of by my noona. I can’t even imagine raising a little girl, alone, with no money, forced to work at a club.

“Yeah, I understand.” I said feeling a lot of pity towards the amazingly strong 20 something girl in front of me.

“Don’t give me that look.” Jiyoung laughed a little before looking away.

“What look?” I asked confused.

Jiyoung turned her face back to me, an amused expression on her face. “I can take care of myself and Sunny, so don’t pity me.”

I smiled and shook my head. “Doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t except help from other people.” I said and I saw Jiyoung’s face fall.

“No one’s gonna help me, they all left a long time ago.” Jiyoung said sadly setting down her empty mug on the ground before hugging her knees, still starring at the rising sun in front of us.

“Well I’m here.” I said out of nowhere surprising both Jiyoung and myself. “I mean for the next 6 months anyway.”

Jiyoung smiled sadly at me before starting to pluck the grass around our feet slowly with her hand. “You know you’re not as bad as I thought a superstar would be.”

I felt my cheeks heat up at the comment. Wait, T.O.P of Big Bang doesn’t blush… Why am I blushing?

“Here,” I said getting out my wallet. I looked at the amount of cash I brought to me in Incheon before fishing the whole wad out knowing that I can always get more cash from the ATM. I handed Jiyoung the contents of my wallet, ₩ 400,000 to be exact.

“W-what is this?” Jiyoung asked looking at the big amount of money in her hands.

“Rent fee.” I said simply and Jiyoung looked at me wide eyed and confused at the same time.

“What?” She asked starring at the wad of fresh bills in her hands.

“I’m staying here for 6 months and let’s face it I’ll cost you some money for me to be here.” I said with a chuckle. “So here’s money to cover that cost, I’ll pay you every month though, don’t worry.”

“S-Seunghyun, t-this is too much.” She said counting the money in record speed. “400,000? I only deserve like half of this, really.” Jiyoung then started to count the money, only to past half of it to me.

But I rejected this gesture; Jiyoung deserves this money more than anybody. “No, keep it.” I said and pushed the wad of cash back into Jiyoung’s hands. “I’m rich plus I’ll earn more money after I go back in September.”

Jiyoung looked at the money in her hands once more before smiling. “Thanks so much.” She said and looked up at me, a tear rolling down her beautiful face.

“Y-you’re welcome.” I said nervously lifting my hand up to wipe the tear from her cheeks.

The moment was like something that came out of a cliché yet still romantic drama I always caught Daesung watching late at night. I stared at Jiyoung’s eyes, how they looked older than she was. Unlike the other girl’s I met in Seoul Jiyoung have actually fought for a living, I love that.

The wind blew, causing Jiyoung’s hair to blow back, revealing her face to the fullest and I gotta say that she looked more beautiful than all the other models I’ve ever seen or worked with in Seoul.

We both leaned in, some force pulling us together. I tilted to my face to the left and so did Jiyoung as our faces got even closer. My gaze averted to her lips, a trace of lip gloss still on them. I can feel her breath on my face now; yes we were just that close when…

“NOONA!” Sunny screamed from somewhere inside the house.

Jiyoung and I literally jumped back in surprise, knocked out harshly from whatever trance we were in. I stared at Jiyoung and Jiyoung stared at me. Her cheeks were red as tomatoes and by the heat I feel in my face, mine must be to.

“Uh- I gotta check with S-Sunny.” She said hurriedly standing up.

“O-oh sure.” I stuttered out, looking anywhere but at Jiyoung.

When I heard the front door close after Jiyoung my hand mindlessly went up to touch my lips. “Aish….” I groaned half frustrated that I almost kissed Jiyoung and even more frustrated that Sunny called Jiyoung as my lips and hers were just about to touch.

‘Hold up, what’s wrong with me? I’m supposed to take care of Sunny while I’m here not make out with her sister!!’ My mind screamed. “Jinjja? T.O.P get your head together!” I said to myself, raking my hand through my long black hair before getting up, straightening myself before entering the house trying to forget about the almost kiss I just had.


I love my characters and I just wanna clear some things up here. Jiyoung: I know some of you will assume that she's materialistic because she and Seunghyun almost kissed after she got about $325 from him. But just to explain Jiyoung has nobody from what you (the readers) know. She's always working by herself and knowing that after a long time someone she just met (Seunghyun) is willing to help her out... wouldn't you kiss the guy?

*wipes sweat off forehead* Now that I've got that out of they way I'd just like to say...

해피 클스마수!!!

Since I'm not Christian and don't celebrate Christmas in any way I'd just leave the holiday greetings to my friend here >> SANTA SEUNGRI (LOL it looks like a lame Christmas in a TV special) I know that most of you will not know what our magnae is saying but... isn't he cute? With the fake beard and fan >< I want to bite him... like seriously. o_O

I hope that all of you have a great Christmas and happy new years too! Just hope that on that special Christmas morning your bias will arrive wrapped up under the christmas tree #impossible keke


Thepinkbookworm   : T.O.P is getting warm and fluffy now... Just wish he was like this to me keke Merry Christmas and Happy New Year unnie ^^

Michelle-ilivemylife   : Sunny related to Jiyong? Huh? What? Pfft.... *runs away* My readers are so smart... TOO SMART! Well, I'll just go write some more to catch up with your thoughts, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! <3

iamasushiaddict   : I WILL NOT COMMENT ON GD!! >< I shouldn't have put GD's name in that chapter -_-" Seunghyun will be the binguest dad ever... Well lucky me if I knew him for real thought T_T No time for crying, gotta write! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :*

ToDaeLove  : "I don't want to go with unnie, unnie is scary!" << Sunny said this, not me *raises hands in defeat* What's an ? Seriously I don't know << innocent keke Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Unnie <3 <3 <3


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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!