Of Stars & Family

The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

Jiyoung’s POV

“Jiyoung… are you awake?” I heard the faint voice from outside my bedroom door.

Shaking my head I opened my eyes awake. ‘What time is it?’ I looked at the clock on my bed side table and did a double take. “It’s 8:30?”

“Aish, oppa, you’re taking too long~! I’m hungry~” The voice of Sunny complained.

Raising my eyebrows I got up from my bed before walking towards the door that seemed to be holding back a whole bunch of noise from those 2 idiots outside in the halls.

“What’s going on-” My words were cut off. Apparently I opened the door the exact time Sunny pushed Seunghyun…. Causing Seunghyun to fall forward… Hitting his head… On my brea- chest.

My eyes widened and I bet so did his when he realized what our position was in now.

“Mwoya?” I half asked half screamed feeling my cheeks burn like crazy, pushing Seunghyun away by his shoulders before stepping back, wrapping my arms around my now not- chest.

Seunghyun’s POV

‘What the did I do? What the did I do?! WHAT THE DID I JUST DO?!?’

Yeah, that was the only thing going through my mind as I staggered back, my cheeks feeling unhealthily warm.

After sending a quick glare at a particular little girl that pushed me, I bravely turned to a fuming Jiyoung.

“M-mianhae…” I stuttered.

The time seemed to stop and the awkward atmosphere seems to eat me alive for the next 5 seconds before Jiyoung finally responded… by slamming the door in my face.

“You both go downstairs… I’ll be there in a sec.” Jiyoung muttered quietly from behind the closed door.

I rubbed my neck and muttered an audible ‘alright’ before turning to Sunny who looked up nervously at me.

“Oppa, you’re not mad… right?” she asked in a scared tone.

‘Aish this cute little thing…’ I thought looking at the puppy dog eyes Sunny was looking up at me with.

“C’mere you little monster!” I said with a fake scary voice while making clawing movements with my hands.

“Oppa, no! I’m sorry!” Sunny screamed and tried to run to her room but I caught her just in time.

Wrapping my arms around her waist. “Gotcha!” Ok, weak spots: waist, neck and armpit.

“Oppa, mian… m-mian…” Sunny said in between gasps of air and laughs as I tickled her.

After a good 5 minute torture (yes, that was my torturing method) I decided to stop and carry the half smiling, half panting Sunny downstairs to set up the balcony for the… surprise.

Jiyoung’s POV

I put on my white cardigan over my sweatpants and little shirt knowing that the air was a bit cold tonight before making my way out of my room.

‘That’s odd.’ I thought tilting my head a little as I entered the dining room. ‘It’s quiet. Those 2 are never quiet.’

“Unnie!” Sunny called out, appearing out of nowhere so that she was now standing in front of the door to the balcony.

“Sunny, why are you standing there? Where’s Seunghyun?” I asked curiously only to be answered by a smile.

A click was heard as Sunny opened the knob behind her back. She stepped aside letting the door open. With a confused look on my face, I walked forward onto the balcony.

“Wow…” The word of awe escaped me before I could stop myself.

The balcony was fixed so well… I thought I went back in time to when I first came to the house. The bits and pieces of wood that was once scattered on the balcony was gone, the nails that stuck out from the floor was gone and the railing that was once broken and wrecked was perfectly fixed.

But that’s not all…

Fairy lights were wrapped around the railings creating a light glow around the balcony. And then there was this smell… it was… grilled meat? Kimchi? Paprika? Rice? God I must be hungry to be able to detect those smells.

“Surprise.” I looked to my right to see Seunghyun standing over a small grill that was placed near a small table that looked vaguely familiar.

“Wha-what’s all this?” I asked, feeling a smile creeping on my face.

“A small surprise.” Seunghyun said with a warm smile. “Jay and I arranged this so he wanted me to give him credit too.”

“You and Jay did this?” I asked, surprised. ‘Huh, so they didn’t kill each other after all.’

Seunghyun nodded. “He had to leave for a reason though, but he said he’ll come by another time and throw his own party here.” He said, though the look on his face told me he’s not looking forward for the day Jay came around again.

“This is…” I tried to say something but this, this is just so heartwarming… I haven’t felt this way in a long time. “I don’t know what to say.” I admitted and Seunghyun let out a small chuckle before stepping away from the grill to pull me to the table already set up with utensils and side dishes.

“Don’t say anything, let’s just enjoy this, ne?” He said and I nodded before taking a seat at the table.

Seunghyun smiled opening a small container of thinly sliced beef before starting up the grill to cook them.

Just as I was admiring Seunghyun’s (questionable) cooking skills I heard a small sort of stomp from the balcony’s edge.

“Unnie! Oppa! I’m hungry too!” Sunny pouted at the 2 of us.

Seunghyun merely chuckled before continuing to cook while I just shook my head and patted the seat next to me.

“Well then come here then!” I said and Sunny smiled, skipping excitedly to the seat beside me.

20 minutes later~

“Dig in everyone!” Seunghyun said putting the plate of grilled beef and short ribs on the table.

“Wah~” Sunny and I said at the same time, our eyes glued to the delicious food in front of us.

“Yah!” Seunghyun said snapping his hand in front of both Sunny and my face. “You 2 never eat meat before?”

“Ani, it’s just that…” I said, my voice trailing quiet, not knowing how to explain myself.

“Oppa, we’re hungry, that’s all!” Sunny said and I nodded in agreement.

Seunghyun nodded and contemplated for a second before putting a small piece of lettuce on his plate. He picked up a hot piece of meat with his chopsticks, dipped it in sauce before placing it on top of the lettuce leaf and wrapping the beef with the leaf.

“Ah~” Seunghyun said and Sunny opened , letting her oppa stuff the wrapped up meat in .

“How is it?” I asked Sunny but was too full to answer so she just gave me a stuffy smile and 2 thumbs up.

“Here, taste.” I was surprised to see Seunghyun holding up a wrapped piece of meat near my mouth.

“Oh, uhm… it’s ok, I’ll make one myself.” I said about to move away when Seunghyun frowned.

“I already cooked for you, c’mon, show some thanks and taste this.” He said in a half offended half sad voice.

Giving in I opened my mouth and carefully took the wrapped up meat in my mouth.

‘Tastes… really good.’ I thought as I chewed the delicious tasting food.

“맛있다? (Delicious?)” Seunghyun asked hopefully.

I swallowed and took a breath before smiling up at him. “Delicious.” I answered and he gave me a satisfied smile before eating some more.

The 3 of us kept eating. To be honest, I don’t remember having this much fun eating… ever. It was like I was a toddler again, eating with my mom in a worn out restaurant for my birthday. It was simple but… enjoyable.

“Oh, look oppa! Unnie!” Sunny who was done eating looked up at the sky.

Seunghyun and I looked up too and was amazed to see a billion stars above us.

“They’re usually not this bright.” I said remembering some starless nights happening.

“Wow… they don’t have this in the middle of the city.” Seunghyun said and I looked at him.

“Really? You never see stars in the middle of Seoul?” I asked and Seunghyun looked down at his half empty plate.

“I don’t know, never looked.” He said gloomily.

“Well, look up at them now.” I said and looked up at the starry sky. “You never know when they’re gonna disappear. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

Seunghyun looked shocked at my words for a second before following my lead, looking up at the stars. “You’re right. I’ll make it last.” He said… but for a reason I don’t think he meant what he said about star gazing.

Feeling tired and worn out the 3 of us made a quick clean up before retreating up to the bedrooms to rest and get a good night of sleep. Seunghyun quickly bid Sunny and I goodnight before retreating inside his room.

‘He must be so tired.’ I thought looking at Seunghyun’s closed doors before going into Sunny’s room to tuck her in.

“Are you full?” I asked.

“Ne, unnie.” Sunny answered with a smile.

“Well, get a good night of sleep, you have school tomorrow.” I said and Sunny nodded, her eyes already drooping closed.

“Unnie…” Sunny said in a dazed voice.

“Hm?” I asked as I Sunny’s hair slowly, knowing that could make her sleep faster.

“I’m glad we’re a complete family now.” She said before falling into what looks like a deep sleep.

Family?’ I thought confused for a second.

Looking at the peaceful looking Sunny I frowned, feeling worry creep up in my system. ‘Sunny… you know this family isn’t permanent, right?’

Now that I’m so used to seeing Seunghyun every morning, cooking for him, seeing him hangout with Sunny… I can’t imagine being left by him now.

‘I wouldn’t mind if this family was permanent though… it’s the greatest family I’ve ever known that’s for sure.’ I thought with a smile.

MY HEAD IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE!! Practicum tests >> 9th Grade Semester 2 tests >> Grade 7-9 tests... 3 FREAKING WEEKS IN A ROW /goes to cry to TOP/ T_T

I swear thinking about fanfics and Bigbang is the only thing keeping me sane. It's the night before science tests (my worst subject) and I'm writing... boy it feels good to rebel (?)

I seriously love all of you right now for some reason -___-"

Mian for the cray words /bows/ but seriously I'm so worn out...

GOOD NEWS: After TLSP I'm gonna write atleast 3 more fanfictions!! A history fic (Love & War), a Taeyang fic (my first ^^) and a B.A.P fic (Zelo, if anyone is interested) << shameless promotion


Thepinkbookworm   : 'He'... well it's a guy that's for sure -_-v Thanks for the support and for waiting! I'll update whenever I can =))

ToDaeLove   : Yeah! I'm like 5'7 or 5'8!! /years of drinking milk pays off/ LOL XD .... Just scared of high school, those movies about bullies and cliques don't really help either TT_TT

andriianist   : Unnie is in a university? Wah keren! Aku aja SMA belum kesampean -_-v 2-3 years? I think I'll be back in Jakarta by that time. Nanti aku suruh TOP nungguin aja ya? /biar romantis gimana gitu/

iamasushiaddict   : I AM NOT GOING TO REVEAL ANYTHING!!! ^^v Thanks so much for the support!

maemaeVIP  : Ya gitulah ceritanya /locks idea away in a vault/ Wah, makasih! Udah semangat kok jeng~


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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!