Moon Geun Young

The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

"BUT UNNIE YOU PROMISED!!" Came a loud shreek from the kitchen I supposed. I groaned and turned my body, covering my headwith a thick pillow, trying to block out the very loud screams that can only come out of Sunny.

'What the is going on?' I thought after a few minutes of listening to Sunny's cries.

Deciding that I don’t want to show Jiyoung and Sunny my pajamas (not that I’m embarrassed or anything but what if Jiyoung took a picture and spread it? The fan girls would never stop teasing me for these rubber ducky pants), I went into the bathroom and got showered… well got decent in general before going back to my room.

I put on the house slippers Jiyoung gave me and exited my room again, making my way to the dining room where I know now the cries are still coming from.

"Mian Sunny-ah but I gotta work today. Please don't cry." In the middle of the dining room Jiyoung was kneeling in front of Sunny, tears rolled down the little girl's red cheeks.

"Honey, please don't cry, you're gonna wake up Seunghyun..." Jiyoung pleaded to Sunny who seemed to quieten up a bit at the sound of my name.

"I'm already up." I announced which caught both the attention of the girls. "What's going on?" I asked and Jiyoung stood up and faced me while Sunny hurriedly wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Seunghyun, can I have a word?" Jiyoung asked dragging me from the dining room to the kitchen.

When Jiyoung made sure Sunny was far from earshot she faced me, a desperate look on her face. Then I noticed it, I noticed that Jiyoung looked different. Her face was heavily covered in make up, her lips covered with such alluring red lipstick. Jiyoung was wearing a short red knee lenght dress paired with a pair of black killer heels.

"W-what are you wearing?" I asked Jiyoung in shock. Even though Jiyoung told me that she was a few years older than me I didn't expect her to dress up like... this. "You look like a hooker." I blurted out.

"Well thanks." Jiyoung said sarcastically looking down at her attire with a resentful look. "Look," she looked back up at me with that pleading look back in her eyes. "I need a favor."

I raised my eyebrows. "A favor?"

"Yes," Jiyoung looked at the direction of the dining room where Sunny could be seen sitting on a chair, tears still slowly rolling down her cheeks.

Sunny was wearing some sort of uniform. She wore a brown skirt and a yellow collar shirt with a vest over it while a cute yellow ribbon was tying her long brown hair back in a pony tail. The vest that she wore were covered in colorful badges, one had a picture of a smiling girl while one had a picture of a lake on it. Then it occurred to me that Sunny was wearing the classic uniform of the girl scouts.

“Sunny, she’s going up rank in the local girl scouts and today’s the meeting,” Jiyoung explained; a sad look on her face. “But sadly I can’t come; my boss called and told me I had to work today.”

Hearing this, my eyes went over to Jiyoung’s ‘barely there’ clothing again. “And what is your job?” I asked and Jiyoung scoffed.

“I’m not a hooker that’s for sure.” She said and I raised my eyebrow in doubt. “Seriously!” Jiyoung hit my shoulder and I chuckled.

Jiyoung sighed, her face showing an expression I’ve seen on my dongsaeng’s thousands of time, it was a look that seemed to say ‘Why the hell am I talking to you? It’s useless.’

“So I need you to take Sunny there, this really means a lot to her… please Seunghyun.” Jiyoung begged and I smirked, crossing my arms.

“What’s in it for me?” I asked and Jiyoung’s jaw dropped as if I’d just said something unbelievable.

“Excuse me?” she asked and I uncrossed my arms.

“Sure, I’ll take Sunny to her girl scouts meeting or whatever but… what’s do I get?” I asked again.

“I already put a roof over your head, what else do you want?” Jiyoung said, her voice rising in anger.

“I want you to admit defeat.” I said and Jiyoung look of anger disappeared to be replaced by a look of confusion.

“Defeat of what?” she asked and I smiled.

“Admit that I won our little game last night.” I said and Jiyoung looked away, a tint of red on her cheeks.

“W-what g-game?” she asked but her slight stuttering told me she knew what I was talking about.

I smirked and stepped to the side, forcing Jiyoung to look at me. “You know, that what I’m talking about so just admit it and you can get your seemingly like a stripper job faster.”

Jiyoung bit her lip before sighing, giving me a dirty look before speaking. “Fine, you won last night, ok? You happy?”

I smiled seeing how easy it is to defeat this girl. “I’m happy.” I said and Jiyoung looked like she was close to hitting me with a bat.

Instead of knocking me out Jiyoung just pulled out a piece of paper, what looks like a phone number scribbled on it.

“This is my number, call if anything goes wrong.” Jiyoung said before turning around and leaving, the front door closing loudly behind her.

I took the piece of paper with Jiyoung’s phone number into my pocket before making my way to the dining room where Sunny was still sulking on the dining room chair.

“Come on,” I said catching the little girl’s attention. “You’re coming with me.”

Sunny looked at me with a glum face. “Where?” she asked, that frown still planted firmly on her face.

“To that meeting or meeting or whatever.” I said and Sunny’s eyes immediately widened. “Do you wanna go or not?” I asked impatiently tapping my feet against the wooden floor.

“Yes!” Sunny cheered, pumping her fist in the air. I forced down the smile that was threatening to form on my face as Sunny literally jumped off the chair and started straightening her badge covered vest.

“Let’s go oppa!” she said happily grabbing my wrist, pulling me in the direction of the front door.

Both of us made our way to the big road about a block away from the smaller winding roads that led to the house. As we walked I noticed that the houses in the area looked small, unlike the big apartments in Seoul I was so used to seeing.

‘I wonder if the people in Hongdae or Gangnam have ever been here.’ I thought. But those thoughts were quickly cut off when I noticed where Sunny and I were standing.

“Were taking the bus?” I asked just noticing that Sunny had taken me to a bus stop.

Sunny looked up at me and nodded. “Unnie always takes the bus; she says taxis are too expensive.”

I shook my head and dragged Sunny to a busier side of the street where I hope a cab would pass by more quickly.

“Oppa, what are you doing? We’re going to miss the bus!” Sunny said attempting to drag me back to the bus stop but her strength was no match for mine (obviously).

“No, I am not going in a bus.” I said and raised my hand, hailing a passing cab.

“We’re gonna ride a taxi? But I didn’t bring any money.” Sunny said sadly patting her empty pockets.

I looked at the little girl beside sadly before smiling and opening the cab’s door in front of her. “Don’t worry kid, when you’re with me, you’ll be fine.” I said and Sunny smiled, mouthed a ‘thanks’ to me before getting into the vehicle in front of us.

Sunny explained rapidly told the driver where we needed to go before the taxi sped off… to god knows where. 30 minutes later the taxi came to a halt. I looked out and was surprised that we were on the edge of what looked like a forest.

“W-where are we?” I asked Sunny nervously as I stepped out of the taxi after paying the driver.

“The scout hall is inside, come on!” Sunny cheered pulling me towards a small road leading inside the forest.

“What? We’re going into the forest?” I asked feeling a bit panicked about being pulled into a forest by some kid I’ve just met a few days ago… I mean would you do it?

“Yes, trust me oppa, I know where I’m going!” Sunny said and looked up at me with her big round eyes.

I forced myself not to say ‘awe’ and nodded. “Fine but just slow down, ok? We don’t need to run.”

“Araso oppa,” Sunny flashed me a grin before pulling my hand more softly as we walked deeper and deeper into the forest.

The girl scouts. You’d think they’d meet out in some old ladies house and if their meeting place was in a forest you’d think it would look something like a camp. Wrong!

It looked like a giant pile of wood made for a bonfire. The whole structure was like 3 stories high and a giant door the shape of fire was on front.

“Like it? Unnie loved it when she first went here.” Sunny asked and I nodded. She giggled before running in the direction of the door causing me to follow her even if I was still gaping at the amazing building.

“Sunny, you’re here!” A woman said happily approaching us as both Sunny and I stepped into the crowded hall.

The woman was wearing a yellow shirt matched with a brown pencil skirt. Even if the outfit she was wearing is lamely close to the uniforms Sunny and the 100 kids in this room amazing, she still looked amazing, the outfit showing off her… uhm… womanly curves. She had a round face and long black hair. She looked young, maybe a year or 2 younger than me.

“Hi, I’m Choi Seunghyun.” I said with my signature bad boy smirk to the woman whilst holding out my hand. She looked at me and my outstretched hand with an emotionless face before looking back at Sunny who was giggling slightly at my failed attempt to talk to the lady.

“Sunny, who is this? Where’s Jiyoung?” The woman asked Sunny, a concerned look on her face.

“Unnie’s gotta work today so I came here with my new brother, Seunghyun oppa!” Sunny chirped happily, hugging my arm.

“Oh… ok. Well the rest of the 5th troop is near the stage.” The woman said and Sunny nodded dragging me off into the middle of the crowded hall.

We passed all clusters of girl’s scout troops. Some were the same age as Sunny and some were younger while some were much, much older. Do they even let 16 year old girls be a girl scout?

“Sunny,” I said catching the attention of the little girl leading me as she waved to a 12 year old girl who was probably a friend as we walked by. “Who was that lady?”

Sunny looked up at me, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “What lady?” she asked and I looked away… at the direction of the woman that talked to us earlier.

“Oh, Geun Young unnie?” Sunny asked pointing at the lady named Geun Young that greeted us earlier.

“So her name’s Geun Young?” I asked for confirmation and Sunny nodded.

“Moon Geun Young to be exact.” Sunny added and I looked at Geun Young who had just stepped up onto the giant stage, giving me a clear view of her.

‘Moon Geun Young, huh?’ I thought as I starred at Geun Young who was talking to some ahjummas on stage. ‘Beautiful name.’

“Oppa, do you like Geun Young unnie?” Sunny asked and I looked at her in shock before faking a laugh.

“No… that’s… pfft… that’s ridiculous!” I said but Sunny smirked seeing through my lie. “Come on, let’s get you to your troop.” I said and urged Sunny to walk faster.

Near the stage there were a group of 5 kids, each of them different. The kids I noticed were all about the same age as Sunny. All of them had their sisters or mothers standing beside them… well everyone except a rather tall girl, sitting on the stage, looking down gloomily all by herself.

“Sunny!” The gloomy kid looked up as soon as we approached, her face lighting up 10 fold. The girl hopped off the stage and almost ran at the small Sunny.

“Hi  Geun Hye!” Sunny said waving at her friend. Before I could stop her Sunny had already grabbed the tall girl named Geun Hye and ran off somewhere into the crowd of small girls.

“Wait, don’t leave me!” I called out to Sunny but it was no use, I was alone.

Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and was surprised to be now standing face to face with Geun Young, the woman I was just starring at earlier.

“Oh… uhm, h-hi.” I stuttered out. Wait? Did I just stutter? Why did I stutter? Choi Seunghyun never stutters.

“Hey,” Geun Young replied, her voice sweeter, less cold to be exact from our first meeting. “Wanna get a drink?” she asked and I nodded not wanting to stand like an idiot in the middle of the hall any longer.

We both made our way to a table filled with snacks and refreshments. I got a cup and filled it with punch before handing it over to Geun Young.

She raised her eyebrows at me as she took the sweet drink in her hands. I got myself a cup of punch before facing her and was curious on why Geun Young’s eyebrows were still raised.

“What?” I asked and Geun Young looked down at her drink before looking up back at me, her eyes seem to be scanning me now.

“You’re not as bad as I thought you were… being a celebrity and all.” Geun Young said before taking a sip of her punch.

This time I raised my eyebrows. “You know who I am?” I asked and Geun Young nodded.

“Well yes, my little sister is a fan of yours.” Geun Young said and I nodded. “So, you’re Sunny’s brother? I didn’t know she had a brother, especially a famous one.”

“Oh, no… I’m not her brother.” I said quickly. “I’m part of a program called-”

“Let me guess, you’re part of a program called The Little Sister Project.” Geun Young said finishing my sentence with a knowing smile.

I looked at the girl in front of me confused. “How do you know that?” I asked but Geun Young just looked down at her cup of punch, the look on her face turning a bit sad all of a sudden.

“Well it was nice talking to you Seunghyun.” Geun Young looked back up at me and flashed me a smile that got my heart racing. “I’ll see you around, ok?”

And with that Geun Young her heels, her long black hair bouncing on her back as she walked away from me. I unconsciously put my hand over my heart that’s racing like crazy now, an idiotic smile slowly forming on my face. ‘Choi Seunghyun, are you falling for her?’ I asked myself.


Hey guys~ *puts on guilty face* I'm sorry it took me so long to update despite the fact that I promised you to update early. Life's been getting in the way *ehem- a break up- ehem* but I plan on writing more now that the breaks are coming in a month's time, though I won't be updating alot in early December seeing I'll be taking my tests then.

Now I've introduced you to a new character:

Moon Geun Young (Geun Young):

(So I was too lazy to find a picture of her alone so I found a picture of Geun Young on Running Man with Jong Kook and thought it's cute. I mean best pedo couple ever!)

  • Age: 22
  • Birthday: December 24th 1987 (Ok, not her real birthday, I needed her to be a dongsaeng for Seunghyun)
  • Education: Seoul Korean Traditional Arts Middle & High School
  • Fact: A hoobae of Jiyoung

[!!!!!!!] I've noticed I've gotten a very small amount of comments. Please share with me about your thoughts. What am I doing wrong? How would you like the story to progress? I read all your comments and even get inspiration sometimes so please... comment a lot!! ^^b


Michelle-ilivemylife   : Ok, no need to be shocked, Seunghyun can cook in my fanfic, don't know about his real life cooking skills though =P Well this story is gonna have a long plot so I'm planning on making the progress of the storyline go faster than in my other fanfics

ToDaeLove   : But I heard that Peruvian VIPs along with the other South American VIPs were like crazy dedicated. Some even camped out in the venue a week before the actual concert... I can't even imagine doing that -_-" Jealous? Why? Wasn't BB energetic in the US? I still remember us Indonesian VIPs almost made GD cry... just almost #greatmemory Well I'm planning on brining Bingu TOP in this fanfic... hope that I succeed even though I'm not a funny person =_=

Thepinkbookworm  : Ice cream can mend a broken heart... and win over a kid's heart anyday!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

No promises about when I will update next because I don't want to get your hopes up but I'll make sure that I write as much as I can and as fast as I can.

Thanks for reading!!

Luv ya!~

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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!