
The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

“So oppa, where are we going today?” Sunny asked me enthusiastically as soon as she swallowed her last bite of cereal.

I chewed the piece of toast in my mouth and swallowed the bread before answering.

“Well, I have to go to the YG building today, how bout you 2 come with me and we can have lunch later?” I asked and Sunny grinned, looking like she was exploding with happiness.

“Will the rest of Big Bang be there, oppa?” Sunny asked and I raised my eyebrow at her.

“I think so,” I said remembering the text I got from Seungri a few hours earlier, at 5 o’clock in the morning. 5 o’clock in the freaking morning! Wow, he must be scared that I won’t come.

Sunny then clapped happily in her seat, bouncing on the chair slightly. “Ah, I’m so excited!” She squeaked before turning to her big sister. “Unnie, are you excited?”

Jiyoung looked up at Sunny and gave her a small smile. “Yeah, I’m excited.” She lied before continuing to stir the contents of her half full cereal bowl.

Both Sunny and I raised our eyebrows at Jiyoung; what’s wrong?

“Sunny,” I said catching the attention of the girl sitting beside me. “Why don’t you get ready first, ok?”

Sunny nodded and jumped off her seat before running up the stairs that led to the 2nd floor.

After seeing Sunny disappear, I turned to Jiyoung, a worried look on my face.

“Jiyoung, Gwenchanha?” I asked and Jiyoung looked up at me and gave me a small smile that made my heart skip a beat.

“I’m fine, Seunghyun.” She said in the tone of voice I know meant “I-am-not-fine-but-please-believe-that-I-am.”

I bravely put the palm of my hand on her forehead, feeling her normal temperature.

“Well, you don’t feel hot… you sure you’re ok?” I asked and held back the small smirk seeing Jiyoung’s cheeks turn a reddish color.

She got up quickly from her seat looking a bit embarrassed. “I-I’m fine, Seunghyun.” Jiyoung said, covering her blushing cheeks with her hands.

After mumbling out something about helping Sunny, Jiyoung practically ran upstairs. I stayed in my seat, watching her leave with a smile on my face, kinda of proud of what I did.

Plus seeing Jiyoung act that cute was pretty rare…

Jiyoung’s POV

My mind stayed empty as I got on the car Seunghyun’s manager sent over.

“Unnie, are you sure you’re ok?” Sunny asked for like the 5th time since breakfast.

I smiled seeing her care so much about me. “I’m fine, Sunny… don’t worry, ok?” I said and hugged her around the shoulders before turning my view to the streets outside the window.

‘I guess we’ll finally meet him today…’ I sighed and closed my eyes, praying silently so that everything would go smoothly today.

Author’s POV

An hour passed before the minivan finally arrived in front of the giant YG office building. Sunny and Jiyoung looked up at the magnificent building in awe while Seunghyun on the other hand merely sighed seeing his second home.

“I’ll drop you guys off with the guys in the practice room; I need to go speak with YG for a bit, ok?” Seunghyun said as he led the 2 girls into the YG building.

“The guys?” Jiyoung questioned, trying to stay focused despite the urge to look around the amazing looking lobby. “You mean your band mates?”

Seunghyun nodded. “Who else?” He asked as he pressed the elevator button. “You ok, with that right? I mean I won’t be gone for long.”

“O-Oh, ok.” Jiyoung said and nodded despite her stomach feeling like it was going to explode with nervousness at the moment.

The elevator took the 3 people up into the practice rooms. Sunny looked around the building in awe, she never in her life been to a place this amazing before.

“Welcome to my 2nd home!” Seunghyun cheered happily as he dramatically opened the door to Big Bang’s practice room, succeeding in surprising his 3 dongsaeng’s inside.

Taeyang, Daesung looked surprised while the magnae merely smiled in welcome as he stood up, embracing his hyung and the 2 girls in a friendly hug.

“Oppa, what’s wrong with them?” Sunny tugged at her oppa’s shirt, pointing at the gawking figures of Daesung and Taeyang.

Seunghyun chuckled and took his little sister’s hand in his as he walked forward to his 2 dongsaengs, his feet feeling heavy as they took steps closer and closer to the 2 people.

He felt guilty, guilty for being such a bad hyung to the both of them… And he sort of forgave them, forgave them for sending him away because frankly that was the best things that they could’ve ever done to him.

“Hey,” Seunghyun said awkwardly, not knowing what to say or what to do at the moment.

The 2 looked at each other, snapping awake realizing that was happening wasn’t a dream they thought it was before standing up straight, still looking at their hyung they haven’t seen in months in surprise.

“H-Hyung, what are you doing here?” Daesung spoke up first, sounding like he was talking to a ghost rather than his hyung who he’d known for years now.

The corner of Seunghyun’s mouth quirked upwards into a sly smirk before he let go of Sunny’s hand, engulfing his 2 beloved dongsaeng’s in a big hug. Daesung’s and Taeyang’s eyes went wide before softening, hugging their hyung.

It was a heartwarming scene for everyone in the room, even for Sunny who looked up at her oppa with a soft smile on her face… even if that smile wasn’t reflecting pure happiness.

“Hyung, who’s that?” Daesung asked as he let go of Seunghyun, finally spotting Sunny who grinned.

“Daesung oppa!!” Sunny screamed like a crazy fan girl before engulfing Daesung in a hug.

Even though he was surprised, Daesung reacted in time and bent down, picking up Sunny who was busy trying to suffocate the life out of her idol.

“Hey, I thought I was your bias!” Seunghyun protested with a pout as he laughed, looking at the scene before him.

Noticing the confused looks on Taeyang’s and Daesung’s face Seunghyun cleared his throat and spoke.

“Guys, this is Sunny, my little sister.” He announced and Daesung looked down at the cute girls still hugging him.

“Hyung,” he said with wide eyes.

“Wae?” Seunghyun asked.

“She’s way too cute to be your little sister.” Daesung grinned earning him a light smack on the head.

Seeing that Sunny was just fine in the hands of his dongsaengs, he decided that it was the perfect time to go to YG.

“Hyung, where are you going?” Seungri asked as he saw his hyung exiting the practice room.

Seunghyun turned around and smiled. “Just gonna settle things with YG, where’s Jiyoung?” He asked remembering that Jiyoung was chatting with Seungri when he went to introduce Sunny to Daesung and Taeyang.

“Oh, she just needed to go to the bathroom.” Seungri said and Seunghyun nodded.

“Well, I’ll be back in a few, tell Jiyong to get out of the recording studio… I want to practice.” He said, flashing a thumbs up at his beloved magnae before disappearing.

Seungri stared wide eyed at his hyung before a smile grew on his face. “You’re finally on the right track again hyung.”

Jiyoung’s POV

“Man, bathrooms at Seoul are weird.” I mumbled to myself as I exited the bathroom stall and washed my hands.

I looked at myself in the mirror, puffing out my cheeks as I comb my straight hair with my hands. Usually my hair is a bit curly and untidy, but today it’s perfectly straight and neat. Why? Because Seunghyun and Sunny decided to play salon on me this morning… kids.

I don’t really know why they did it and frankly I don’t know why they were so happy after seeing the results. Sure, I look way better than when I was in Incheon but still, in the mirror, I still see the unsuccessful small town girl I always see in the mirror.

Seeing no point of staying in this bathroom I exited out into the halls, now to find my way back to the practice room… which is…

“Yeah, finally realize… that… I’m nothing without you… does that sound right?” A voice from behind one of the many recording studios said.

I stopped in my tracks, my heart literally stopping before going into a rapid race inside my chest. That voice… No… Is it really him?

My feet moved on its own accord, step by step I got closer and closer to the closed door that led to the studio. I bit my lip as I saw through the little window on the door and inched closer, looking inside the recording studio.

Inside there were 2 men. One of them was a bigger guy, he had a handsome yet intimidating looking face, his eyes were focused on the computer screen in front of him as the other person talked to him from behind.

‘Jiyong…’ I thought my chest suddenly feeling awfully tight as I stared at the man that was once my lover… a long time ago.

I stared at him, he looked… different. He definitely have grown taller since I last saw him, his hair was long and almost reached his shoulders… but as he smiled I saw that he was still the same boy, he was the same Kwon Jiyong that made me fall for him than cry over him a year later.

‘After all these years we meet again… but you look different Jiyong,’ I thought as if I was speaking to him. ‘But we’re both different now… I’ve changed too… everything’s changed because of you…’

Wiping the tears that escaped my eyes I stepped away from the door before turning and almost running away from the studio in the direction I think led to the practice room. I know that if I’d stayed any longer I would’ve broken down… or worst, I would’ve barged into the studio and gave Jiyong a broken nose.

Seunghyun’s POV

I looked at Jiyoung running and raised an eyebrow before stepping out of the little room I was hiding in earlier.

‘What did she see anyway?’ I thought as I walked towards the closed door Jiyoung was standing in front of earlier.

‘Jiyong?’ I thought as I saw my band mate inside with Teddy, probably working on our song for the next comeback.

My mind was going fuzzy. Why did Jiyoung look so sad? Why did she run away as if she saw a ghost? I shook my head, the puzzle pieces slowly coming into place…

‘No…’ I held in a gasp and stared at my dongsaeng with disbelief. ‘It’s him isn’t it?’ I asked to no one in particular. ‘It was Jiyong… he was the missing piece of the puzzle.’

I'M BACK~!!! Mian for disappearing for a while, I got carried away with school stuff and emotional stuff and blah blah blah... ^^

But I'm back now!! kkk~

I'll try to update faster and with better chapters it's just that *sigh* I need inspiration so any ideas????

~~~ Replies ~~~

iamasushiaddict   : First GD appearance~!!! :3 It's a short one but, he's there, right?? Haha, yes faith will meet us together!! *smiles* Thank you for waiting *bows*

Thepinkbookworm   : Well, I'm trying to get in touch with my fluffy side for the next update so~~~ Fighting!! Thank you unnie... ad thanks for waiting *bows*

andriianist  : Hehe sabar ya unnie, but work hard! Fighting!! Aku juga dulu ELF kok tapi pindah fandom *curhat* ^^; Ne, I'll jaga my health~ Kalo aku bayangin Big Bang di depan aku adanya aku ngiler unnie -___-" kkk~

<3 Dewi

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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!