Go Ji Young

The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

Sadly the rest of the girl scout meeting went on without anything exciting happening, and when I say exciting I mean Geun Young was too busy to chat with me again… to my great disappointment actually.

“Oppa, come on, we need to get home.” Sunny approached me with a big smile on her face.

“Ah, geurae.” I said mindlessly as I stood up from the chair I’ve been sitting in for the past hour. I looked around, even taking the effort to stand on my tiptoes trying to see a particular girl that’s been in my mind for a while now.

“Oh,” a surprised yet amused look spread over Sunny’s small face. “Oppa, if you’re looking for Geun Young unnie, she’s left.”

I looked at the small girl beside me in confusion. “How do you know that?”

Sunny shook her head before looking up at me. “Geun Young unnie left with her sister, Geun Hye. They said goodbye to me like 15 minutes ago.”

“Wait; hold up, you’re friends with Geun Young’s sister?” I asked and Sunny merely nodded.

“Well Jiyoung unnie was friends with Geun Young unnie too but that’s another long story.” Sunny said with a nostalgic look.

I raised my eyebrow at my ‘little sister’. ‘This girl is much too young to even have that look on her face.’ But my curiosity got in the way and I ended up asking Sunny what she meant by Jiyoung and Geun Young being friends… sadly I should’ve known that Sunny was as hard headed as her sister.

“I’ll tell oppa everything… over lunch.” Sunny said with an innocent yet mischievous smile I swear I’ve seen before… but not on Jiyoung exactly.

“Are you… are you asking for a price for that piece of information?” I asked the little I didn’t expect to have an evil side.

Sunny smiled. “Well yes.”

“Tsk, I’m not gonna give in, come on let’s just buy some instant noodles and eat at home.” I said shaking my head, starting to walk to towards the exit.

Sunny merely shrugged and started to walk beside me. “Too bad oppa, it’s quite a history my unnie have…” she said in a persuasive voice that I have to admit tempted me a little.


1 hour later…

I couldn’t believe this kid, she was an eating machine! After about 45 minutes in the restaurant she’s probably cost me about 50$ worth of food already… .

“Are you done yet?” I asked feeling a bit like I’ve been tricked.

For the last 45 minutes she’d done nothing but eat… eat… and freaking eat! I’m starting to wonder what kind of information this little girl has for being so brave in ripping me off.

“Wait oppa,” she the last bit of soup from her spoon and finally set the overused utensil down on the table. “Ok, now I’m done.”

“Finally!” I sighed and leaned in, giving Sunny my scariest glare. “Now tell me… everything.”

Sunny smiled before sitting up straight. “Ok so the story goes…”


Author’s POV

“Geun Young! Over here!” The young Jiyoung called out to her friend from across the soccer field she was currently running in for gym class.

Geun Young gave her sunbae a small bow before walking towards her unnie with heavy feet to say the least.

“What is this?” Jiyoung asked as she got a good look at her dongsaeng. “What’s wrong?”

Geun Young piped up, not wanting her unnie to notice anything’s wrong, not when the ‘something’ is this big. “Ani, nothing’s wrong!” Geun  Young smiled brightly to Jiyoung.

Jiyoung eyed her dongsaeng suspiciously for a second before shrugging. “Fine if you’re not going to tell me.” She said before brightening up, not wanting to dampen the mood. “Are you free after school? We can go hangout at the beach.”

Geun Young smiled nervously at her unnie before speaking. “I-I have to go study unnie, got a big biology test tomorrow.” She said, a convincing sheepish look on her face.

“Oh,” Jiyoung face fell immediately. “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?”

“A-araso, unnie.” Geun Young bowed her head and smiled. “Annyeong.”

“Annyeong!” Jiyoung waved to her dongsaeng half heartedly, getting a bad feeling in her gut about her suspicious acting dongsaeng.

Jiyoung waited a while before going home, knowing that Geun Young’s class is the last to leave. Seeing that Geun Young was probably out of class by now, Jiyoung tied her long black hair in a bun and put on a thick pair of shades before exiting her class hoping that her unusual style would hide her identity as she stalked on Geun Young.

It’s not that she didn’t trust her hoobae. It’s just that this isn’t the first time that Geun Young have been caught acting suspicious. Jiyoung remembered the good old days of middle high school when she first met Geun Young.

They both instantly became best friends even with the 1 year in between. In those days both of them would hang out day and night. Surprisingly that tradition went on until high school but lately Jiyoung and Geun Young have been growing apart… ever since Jiyoung went out with a certain boy.

He was the most popular guy in school. With good looks, singing skills and dancing skills in his hands, who wouldn’t fall for him?

“Bye guys!” Jiyoung ducked behind the nearest wall as she heard the familiar voice of her dongsaeng saying goodbye to her friends.

Geun Young waved goodbye to her friends before walking through the seemingly empty hallway. A smile formed on her face as she felt the excitement build up inside her with every step but know this: no, this excitement is not about studying.

Jiyoung followed Geun Young from behind as she entered the crowded street just a few meters from their school gate. Jiyoung sighed in relief seeing that there was a rather thick crowd of people walking around at the time knowing that she would’ve been caught a long time ago if she wasn’t covered up by the 10s of other people around her.

After a few more blocks of walking Jiyoung saw Geun Young finally enter a building just to her left. When Jiyoung stood in front of the familiar bar that her younger boyfriend owned she was shocked. ‘There is no way Geun Young would study biology here.’

The feeling of nervousness was in Jiyoung’s system as she entered the familiar musky café/bar. Jiyoung’s boyfriend had only taken her there once and Jiyoung was not happy about going in this place again. The place smelled like alcohol and cigarettes, 2 things that Jiyoung never liked so Jiyoung’s boyfriend never took her to his family’s café again.

Café or bar this place was not somewhere a high school student, especially a junior like Geun Young should be visiting. Jiyoung stood on her tiptoes trying to find Geun Young when she spotted them.

The café had 3 kinds of places for you to sit; on the stools at the small bar, the small tables placed in the middle and finally the more private booths in the corner where you can talk, get drunk… or make out with your sunbae’s boyfriend to your heart’s content.

‘No… No… this isn’t happening.’ Jiyoung thought as she grabbed on the bar stand for support feeling her knees get weaker and weaker as she kept on looking at the person she loved kiss passionately with none other than the person she trusted most, Geun Young.

“Finally came here sweetheart?” She heard a familiar bitter voice say to her. Jiyoung turned her head to see the face of her boyfriend’s sister. Jiyoung’s boyfriend’s sister never liked her, she didn’t like the fact that her brother fell for such a ‘good’ girl.

“W-what’s going on? H-how are t-they-” Jiyoung tried to ask but she was just too shocked to speak.

Her boyfriend’s sister smirked. “They’ve been making out in that booth for a week, holding hands for maybe a month if that’s what you want to know.” She said as if it didn’t even matter.

Jiyoung felt a sharp pain in her chest and it wasn’t caused by the great amount of emotion running through her. She didn’t have the power to confront them, knowing that this bar was filled with drunken men, making a scene wasn’t the smartest thing to do. Jiyoung knew that in school, where she could have the entire student body by her side was the best place to make a scene.

With heavy feet the broken hearted girl exited the café, breathing in the fresh air as tears streaked her face. She got out the heavy sunglasses she took off earlier when she entered the musky café and put them on, not wanting to look weak and or attract any attention to herself.

Calmly Jiyoung hailed a cab, entered in and ordered the driver to take her to the beach.  Her chest ached in pain, her head was spinning faster and faster… Now she knew that she couldn’t trust anyone because even her bestest friend had chosen betrayal over trust.

~~~End of Flashback~~~

Seunghyun’s POV

I gaped at Sunny after she finished telling me the quite epic tale about Geun Young and Jiyoung. ‘Wow, I thought that Geun Young was a nice person… guess I was wrong.’

Sunny seemed to have read my mind because she started to speak again. “Don’t get me wrong, Geun Young unnie is a nice person and she and unnie made up again… but Jiyoung unnie never told me that story.”

“Wait,” I said holding up my finger. “Jiyoung told you all of this?” I asked not believing that an older sister would share so much to her younger sister that’s 1/3 her age.

“Ani,” Sunny said pouting her lips. “Geun Hye told me parts of the story Geun Young unnie told her.”

My mind ran a few miles for a second before a question popped up in my mind. In the story Sunny didn’t mention who Jiyoung’s cheating ex-boyfriend was. He was popular, a good singer and dancer and at the time he was a bit younger than Jiyoung… was he a trainee?

Let’s say the guy she dated was a bit younger than Jiyoung, maybe by a year or 2 then he’ll be a perfect age to be an idol right now. Plus a lot of idols went to school in this area from what I knew from Taeyang and Jiyong.

“Sunny,” I said catching the little girl’s attention. “Did Jiyoung or Geun Hye mention who Jiyoung’s boyfriend was?”

Sunny put her finger on her chin for a second, thinking, before shaking her head. “Ani, but unnie told me that he was studying to become a star or something but I don’t know.”

I shook my head, not believing this. So there was a big chance that Geun Young and Jiyoung fought over a future idol? ‘Wow, Go Ji Young, I underestimated you… you are an interesting person, almost as interesting as Geun Young.’ I thought a smirk forming on my face.


Hi everybody!!!! *smiles like crazy person* I miss you!!! *hugs you all* Ok, so I'm happy that I get the chance to update in the middle of cramming for my tests on Monday~~~ << cause I love you all

So I've just noticed that this story will be darker than TLSP 1. Yes, it will be cute at times but I've planned more emotional turmoil and a little bit of angst to happen (the story is gonna feel a bit like my first Big Bang fanfic "Best Friend")... There will be some history so little facts will come up alot........ I hope that's ok =)

Awe your comments are just.... brings tears to my eyes I tell you!!!!!!! I love everyone of you!!!!


Thepinkbookworm   : *hugs back* Thanks for the encouraging words unnie! ^^ Well I try to potray myself as an annoying kid a few years ago when I write Sunny so I'm glad you like her!

iamasushiaddict   : I've always though Seunghyun would be good dad *ehem-father to my future kids- ehem* keke Well I'm planning to reveal more about our 3 ladies (Jiyoung, Geun Young and Sunny) in the next chapter. Jiyoung x Seunghyun huh? JiHyun? SeungYoung? *fail couple names I've come up with*

jackytomboy96   : Thanks, I feel alot better after updating though (?) <3 Love triangle? So Sunny has no chance? keke, she still gonna fight for her older brother's attention too you know~~

Michelle-ilivemylife   : But Jiyoung wouldn't be a stripper... I don't want this fic to be too adult like *plus I'm 14, I don't know how the stripper mind works* Oh, Seunghyun's got a long way in my fic before he could settle down with anyone~~

ToDaeLove  : They were probably tired because the what? 5 hour flight they had to take. Plus they got detoured to Buffalo or something right? But still seeing BIGBANG live was still amazing, right unnie? Unnie was actually considering camping out????? *claps hand* I only arrived at the concert venue 3 hours before the concert began keke << no dedication there... Yeah, um... I may have dated my best friend from way back when I was like 4 before calling it quits 3 weeks later -,-v

Ok~~~ Because I won't be able to update during my 1st semester finals I'll leave with a special picture~~~

KWON LEADAH SO CUTE!!! I swear he's a good looking guy from the day he was born ><

And let's not forget about our twitter addict magnae SEUNGRI!!! I swear he's not even 23... more like 3. (The little brother of the 6 year old Seunghyun keke)

Well~~~ See you guys in 1-2 weeks!!

Luv ya :*

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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!