Kwon Sun Yi

The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

Sunny’s POV

I looked over at my side to sneak a peek at my oppa. It’s probably about 6 pm right now; guess Seunghyun oppa and I spent more time in that restaurant than I thought. We are both now inside a cab on the way home from the restaurant where I told Seunghyun oppa the story of my unnies.

‘He seems different.’ I thought as I looked at my oppa who was looking out the window, his eyes blank.

I knew that look, he was thinking. I’ve seen that look on my unnie when the end of the month. See, on the 28th of every month my unnie would sit in the dining table for the whole day. Endless pieces of paper in laid out on the wooden table that was supposed to be used for meals in front of her.

She always told me to go to my room and play, a sad look in her eyes, her smile showed just how tired she actually was. But even if I stay in the kitchen she would not even notice because she would be starring at those papers, that blank look on her face as she looked at the papers that had endless numbers on them: they were the monthly bills.

Jiyoung unnie wasn’t a person to complain, she would always do things by herself… but at those times I wish my parents were still alive. I wish that my unnie could just have fun for once, real fun not work, work and work like she always does.

But I know she’s working for me and only me. My unnie loves me like I’m the only one in her life and I love her too but… I just wish that Seunghyun and Jiyoung unnie would-

“Hey, let go of me!” My head snapped to the direction of the familiar voice coming from the alley way that the taxi had just passed.

“O-Oppa, i-is that Jiyoung u-unnie?” I asked horrified that my theory is correct. Seunghyun immediately turned his head to me hearing my unnie’s name. He leaned in closer to the window and looked out in horror with me as the 2 guys attempted to drag the struggling girl into an alleyway.

Then the girl swung her head back causing her hair to whip back revealing her face. I gasped and covered my mouth. It was Jiyoung unnie…

Seunghyun’s POV

“Stop the car!” I yelled at the driver who immediately stepped on the brakes, causing the cab to come to a halt. “Sunny stay here, ok?”

Sunny merely nodded, tears already b her eyes. I was about to step out of the car when Sunny suddenly called my name.

“Seunghyun oppa!” Her small voice called out causing me to turn around and look at my almost crying ‘little sister.’ “Save unnie, please.” She sobbed out, tears finally streaming down her small rather chubby cheeks.

My heart clenched seeing the sight and I nodded knowing what I exactly needed to do. Thank god the streets were empty so that I could run across the street without getting hit.

“LET GO OF ME!” Jiyoung screams finally reached my ears and I ran faster, adrenaline rushing through my veins as I finally reached the struggling girl and 2 gigantic men.

“Let her go!” I screamed, my voice rough and loud voice catching the attention of the 2 men who looked surprised.

Not letting them get a good look at me I punched the guy that was standing near me. He must’ve been drunk or just plain weak because after I punched him he staggered to the ground and stayed there, unmoving… man I hope I didn’t kill him.

I brushed off that thought and looked up at the other retarded guy who just stared at his fallen friend with a blank look. Before the guy even realizes that I just knocked out his friend, I pulled my fist back and landed a strong and hard punch at his jaw. That man too fell to the ground, not bothering to get up either.

“S-Seunghyun.” I was panting, the rush of adrenaline starting to wear off as I looked at the shocked looking Jiyoung.

“Y-you ok?” I asked in between huffs of breaths. Now that I looked at her she didn’t look ok… no, she looked far from “ok”.

Her hair was all frizzed up and clumpy, her makeup was smudged all over her face, the red dress she wore was stained with what I think could be alcohol. Jiyoung looked at me with red bloodshot eyes, her skin pale, her whole body shaking slightly.

I didn’t get an answer from Jiyoung which wasn’t really surprising considering the girl’s condition. “Here,” I said and ped the jacket I was wearing and wrapped it around Jiyoung’s small shoulders. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

A ghost of a smile passed over Jiyoung’s face as I wrapped my arm around her slightly shaking shoulders, guiding her across the street and into the cab.

~15 minutes later~

I paid the cab driver an extra $10 before exiting the small vehicle to follow the 2 siblings up the steps towards the house on top of the small hill.

Sunny was leading, her small hand holding her sister’s shaking one. I smiled a little seeing Sunny, she always talks like she’s older than she is and now she even acts like she’s older than Jiyoung herself. ‘No kid acts like that… I wonder what forced her to be an adult…’

“Unnie sit down.” Sunny said to her unnie who sat at the dining table obediently.

I followed Sunny to the kitchen where I found her getting out 2 mugs from the shelf.

“There anything I can do?” I asked and Sunny looked at me for a second before shaking her head.

“Ani, oppa.” Sunny said before smiling and for a split second I saw another person in front of me. Sunny’s smile looked familiar, but I couldn’t quite pin point just who she reminded me of.

“Oppa, just go to the dining room with unnie and wait for me, ok?” she asked and I merely nodded and stepped out of the kitchen.

Jiyoung sat in the dining table, her head hung low, her clumped hair falling over the sides of her face. I sat on the chair placed across from Jiyoung but even with the sound of me sitting down she didn’t look up, just kept on starring at her hands as if they were the most interesting things on earth.

A few minutes later Sunny came out of the kitchen bringing with her what looks like a cup of steaming coffee and another cup of hot chocolate. ‘Now how did a little girl like her make coffee?’ I thought as Sunny placed the mug filled with coffee in front of me

“Unnie drink up.” Sunny told her unnie as she held up the mug of chocolate to her sister who took it with a tired smile.

Jiyoung sipped the light brown liquid little by little, her shaking seem to have stopped but I could still see the left over fear in her eyes which I was happy to see fade away with every sip of Sunny’s chocolate.

‘This tastes…’ I thought as I sipped the surprisingly good coffee Sunny made me. I looked down at the black liquid than at the girl that made it who sat on the chair beside her Jiyoung, mindlessly trying to comb her sister’s hair with her small fingers.

‘I swear, only Jiyong can make coffee this good… so how does a 9 year old make this?’

Sunny looked up and her eyes met mine. “How’s the coffee oppa?” she asks and I smiled at my ‘little sister.’

“Good… uh, I think I’ll go to bed now.” I said and Sunny nodded and smiled at me again and once more I got a feeling I’ve seen that smile before but on someone else, someone close to me. “You 2 gonna be ok, right?”

“We’ll be fine oppa.” Sunny said and waved her hand. “Goodnight oppa.”

“G’night.” I said again before making my way to the stairs and went up to my room.

Not caring that it was probably a bit too late for a shower I went straight into the bathroom before stripping off my clothes and stepping into the shower. As I lathered soap on my hands I noticed them.

Black and blue bruises were now painted onto my knuckles. I pressed one of the bruises and hissed as a mild pain spread over my whole knuckle. ‘The price to pay…’ I thought as I continued showering despite my knuckle start to throb a little.

When I stepped out of the bathroom I was surprised to find Sunny standing in front of the door leading to my room.

“What are you doing?” I asked and Sunny looked up at me with a surprised look.

“Oh, oppa… I thought you were already asleep.” She said and I raised my eyebrow at her. ‘Suspicious little girl.’

“Ani, is your sister asleep already?” I asked and Sunny smiled and nodded.

“I just got her to sleep.” Sunny said and this time I nodded.

A few silent moments pass before I talked again. “Shouldn’t you be in bed or something?” I asked and Sunny stepped forward before bowing a full 90 degrees bow at me.

“Oppa,” Sunny said still bowing at me. “Thank you so much.” She said before standing straight again.

I looked at my little sister with a confused expression before speaking. “Why are you thanking me?” I asked.

Sunny looked down at her feet as she spoke. “Well… thanks for saving my unnie. I c-can’t even imagine what would happen i-if…” Sunny stopped speaking, choking on her words as tears flowed out of her eyes.

My heart literally broke seeing Sunny cry. What made me do it? I don’t know but all I knew was that I needed to comfort the girl in front of me. I kneeled in front of Sunny and hugged the smaller girl’s shoulders.

‘Maybe you don’t look as strong as you do.’ I thought as I rubbed Sunny’s back comfortingly. After maybe about 5 minutes before I pulled back to let Sunny wipe away the remaining tears on her cheek.

“Sunny,” I said and Sunny looked up, her eyes swollen and red. “Gwenchanha?” I asked.

“N-ne.” Sunny answered weakly before looking up at me, once again smiling that smile of hers.

A few moments passed before I spoke. “Want me to tuck you in or something?” I asked and Sunny looked at me in surprise probably not expecting my nice gesture.

“T-that would be nice.” She said shyly and I held down a chuckle before picking Sunny up.

Sunny shrieked and grabbed onto my shirt, looking frightened as she looked at me with wide eyes. “Oppa, what are you doing?”

This time I chuckled out loud at my little sister before carrying Sunny to her room. When I entered I was surprised how small the room was compared to mine. The room was bright pink with a single lamp lighting the whole bedroom. There was a small window with a half empty book shelf under it and in the middle of the room was a white wooden bed with butterfly patterns on them.

I set down Sunny on the bed before pulling up the blanket to cover my sister’s lower body with it. I kneeled down and looked at Sunny’s eyelids which got heavier and heavier and not 2 minutes pass before Sunny was fast asleep.

‘Sunny, you don’t need to be so strong anymore, I’m here. I’ll take care of you and your sister.’ I though and bravely kissed Sunny’s forehead lightly, afraid I’ll wake the girl up before making my way out of Sunny’s room.

I settled myself inside my own bed and looked up at the dark ceiling in front of me before a knowing smile came onto my face. ‘So this is why the other members sent me here,’ I thought before letting out a bitter chuckle. ‘Gotta give Jiyong a hug when I get home in a few months.’


I AM BACK!!! Keke... Sorry for the over excitement I have displayed, it's just nice to look at my fanfic rather than books all day and night. But now the break have started and that means I'll (hopefully) update a bit faster! /claps hands/ I was gonna have a double update tomorrow but then I noticed that today is my 1st year anniversary on AFF /claps again/ keke... just wanted to share that =)

Now back to the story, so Choi Seunghyun is finally breaking down his 'tough guy' exterior and slowly becoming a good big brother to Sunny. Now to get to the lovey dovey sweet madness that is the TLSP siblings~

P.S. I know that I said I'd reveal Jiyoung's job but I'll do that in the next chapter, I promise.

~~~ Replies ~~~

dinaazmi    : Technically I told the story not Sunny but~~~ Well let's just count that as an Author's flashback moment /runs because can't come up with good explaination/

ToDaeLove   : Yes, unnie I've learned my lesson T_T Seungri's threat was hilarious! I almost believed him though -,- If Dae makes a twiter I wonder if there will be awkward moments between him and Ri *remembers watching Intimate Note* keke Well I have alot planned for this fanfic ;) *winks back*

Thepinkbookworm   : Well not angsty really just some emotion like the ones in TLSP 1 =) I'm just hoping that you'll like what I planned for this story~

Michelle-ilivemylife   : Seunghyun is slowly turning good... which is the whole point of this fanfic really ^^ Thanks for wishing me luck, hope it worked!!

iamasushiaddict  : JiHyun~ YES! That's so gonna be the new pairing name =) keke Ah~ But it'll be scarry to have Seunghyun as a father, won't it? With that stare and everything...

Well thanks for reading everyone!!

~Dewi~ <3

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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!