Code Name: Cute Little Girl

The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

“This is the place.” The driver announced after what seemed like a 4 hour ride with the traffic and all that. ‘I hate Seoul…’ I cursed in my mind.

I lazily looked out the window to see a gigantic hill in front of me, a big flight of stairs that led to a small house. The house looked like quite welcoming actually with the open windows and toys that scattered on the front porch but that got me thinking: How old is my little sister really?

“I have to climb that?” I asked the driver pointing at the stairs that I’d have to climb just to get to the house.

“Well yes.” The driver said and I slouched back into the seat.

“Can’t you carry me?” I asked and driver just chuckled before turning off the engine and exiting the car to unload my bags from the van’s luggage.

I sighed and took off my shades hooking the accessory on my t-shirt before stepping out of the car. I was met by the cool spring breeze as I stepped out into the crummy looking neighborhood that is my new home.

“Aren’t you going to help me bring this up?” I asked the driver who just unloaded my suitcase and backpack and was attempting to re-enter the car without me noticing.

He turned around, a sheepish smile on his face. “Jiyong said for me to drop you off and leave,” he said with a scarred look on his face before bowing his head to me. “Goodbye.” He said before entering the car, starting the engine and driving off.

I gaped at where the car had just been parked. ‘Unbelievable…’ I looked at my heavy suitcase then at the long flight of stairs that led up the hill towards the house on top of the hill before grunting. ‘Jiyong is so dead in 6 months.’

Lazily I slung the backpack around my shoulder before grabbing the handle of my suitcase, lifting the heavy thing up as I slowly climbed up the steps that seemed endless from where I am now and with the weight I was bringing up.

Finally after 5 whole minutes I slammed down my suitcase on the front porch of the house. I wiped off the sweat that actually formed on my forehead before knocking rather loudly on the door.

Just after a few seconds the door opened. At first I was confused on why no one was in front of me until I looked down to see a little girl, she was about 130 cm tall with long curly brown hair and big beady eyes, she’s maybe 6 or 7 years old.

“Who are you?” she squeaked innocently and I groaned inwardly. ‘Don’t tell me that this is my sister…’ I thought but then another voice came from inside the house.

“Kwon Sun Yi, what are you doing?” A shrill female voice called out before a beautiful girl in her early 20s stepped out from behind the little girl. She was tall, maybe around 165 cm, just a little shorter than me. Maybe they were siblings because I noticed some similar facial features between the little girl and the older girl.

“Helping unnie open the door,” the little girl named Kwon Sun Yi said innocently looking up at the older female.

“Aish, don’t do that ok? What if someone bad comes?” the older girl scolded the younger, a look of worry on her face.

The little girl pouted before hugging her unnie’s waist. “Mianhae~” she said cutely and the older girl did nothing but smile and ruffle the shorter girl’s hair.

“Ehem…” I cleared my throat noticing that my presence wasn’t noticed anymore by the 2 people in front of me. The older girl looked up at me for a second before immediately pulling Sun Yi away from the door, forcefully making the short girl stand behind her.

“W-who are you?” The older girl asked me nervously.

“I’ve been sent here, I’m part of that project- big brother or…” I stopped suddenly forgetting the name of the stupid program Jiyong signed me up for that led me to where I am standing right now.

“The Little Sister Project?” The older girl suggested and I nodded.

“Yeah the little sister project.” I confirmed and the older girl started looking at me up and down. “Mwoya?” I asked stepping back awkwardly.

“I’d just thought they’d send someone a bit younger that’s it.” The girl said airily as if there was nothing wrong.

‘Hold up? Did this chick just call me old?’ I thought feeling anger start to boil inside me.

“But no matter,” the older girl smiled up at me wildly and for a split second I forgot all about being angry and admired the girl’s bright smile. “So, do you have a name?”

I mentally slapped myself for starring at this girl. ‘Snap out of it, she’s not that beautiful Seunghyun!’ I thought before regaining my earlier ‘cool’ composure. “Choi, Choi Seunghyun, and you are?” I asked in my best ‘James Bond’ impersonation.

“My name’s Go Ji Young,” The older girl named Jiyoung reached out her hand which I accepted half heartedly though this rather upbeat girl didn’t notice a thing and pulled the rather scarred little girl from behind her. “And this is your new little sister Seunghyun-sshi, Kwon Sun Yi.”

“Annyeong,” the girl said shyly. “Sunny imnida.” Sunny said before retreating behind her unnie’s leg once more.

“So…” I said shaking my suitcase slightly but frowned a few seconds later realizing that these 2 girls wasn’t getting what I was implying. “Aren’t you going to let me in?” I asked rather harshly which woke up Jiyoung right away.

“Oh, yes of course, please come in Seunghyun-sshi.” Jiyoung said immediately before moving to the side to hold open the door for me bringing little Sunny with her.

I slowly entered the small house, dragging my suitcase closely behind me. I wasn’t surprised to see just like the front yard the inside of what I guess was the living room was also littered with toys everywhere, the couches and even the floors were covered with bright toys.

“Sorry, it’s a bit messy in here.” Jiyoung said rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly after she’s done closing and locking the front door.

‘A lot messy,” I thought as I poked my feet against a rag doll near my feet.

“Uhm… Sunny why don’t you be a good girl and clean up the toys while I show Seunghyun-sshi around the house.” Jiyoung suggested crouching down to little Sunny, handing her a small blue toy basket.

“Unnie, who is he?” Sunny asked her unnie pointing a rather rude finger in my way.

‘Tsk… kids.’ I thought bitterly.

“He’s your new brother, Seunghyun oppa.” Jiyoung said and I raised my eyebrow up at her. ‘Who gave her permission to use that honorific? It’s a bit… personal, don’t you think?’ I thought but that thought was wiped away from my head when Sunny turned to me, a scarily big grin on her face.

‘Why is she smiling like t-’ I didn’t get to finish my thought before Sunny ran at me in full toddler force and before I knew it I was almost pushed off balance as the small little girl hugged my legs, looking up at me with those big eyes of hers.

‘Cute…’ I mentally slapped myself for thinking of such a word for someone who was supposed to make my life miserable. ‘Snap out of it Seunghyun! You hate kids!’

“Get off me!” I said as I leaned down and pried the small girl’s hand off of me. Sunny looked up at me with watery eyes probably surprised by my outburst. I sighed thinking: ‘Aish, those eyes…’

“I-It’s hot a-and I don’t know you that well!” I explained trying to convince the sad little girl in front of me. “Y-you can hug me l-later…” I added quietly and that beautiful smile of Sunny’s returned.

“Arasso oppa!” She said brightly before grabbing the blue basket she dropped earlier, picking up her toys one by one just like Jiyoung ordered her to do.

Jiyoung tapped my shoulder. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room.”

“A-ah, ne.” Grabbing my suitcase I walked away from Sunny who was picking up a pile of Barbie dolls from the corner happily, humming a song I swore Big Bang sang not too long ago.

It turns out that this house didn’t look as small as it looked from outside. The house had 2 whole floors and a small attic over the 2nd floor: the first floor consists of the living room and a small kitchen that connected to a dining room.

“W-what is this?” I asked Jiyoung pointing at a big part of the wall in the dining room that was draped with a white lace curtain over it.

“Oh that?” Jiyoung smiled and went over to where I was standing. She slowly pulled the curtain apart revealing a wooden door behind it. Jiyoung pulled out what looks like a key from her pocket, unlocking the wooden door revealing something I wasn’t prepared to see.

The wooden door opened revealing a terrace with a view I knew only a few people can get. Since I was taken to Incheon I knew that I would be taken closer to the sea but I wasn’t expecting to be so close to the big blue ocean spread out only a few miles in front of me.

“Amazing…” I gasped and I heard Jiyoung chuckle beside me.

“I keep the doors closed because I don’t want Sunny going out there, I know how long the terrace will hold out, the previous owner of the house did say that this house is really old.” Jiyoung explained but I wasn’t really paying attention to her as I remained motionless starring at the vast sea of water.

“Seunghyun-sshi,” Jiyoung said after a few moments, waving a hand in front of my face forcing me to look away from the ocean. “Don’t you want to rest up a bit before dinner?”

I nodded and Jiyoung immediately moved to lock and pull the curtain over the door, covering the beautiful view once more. Jiyoung led me to a flight of stairs next to the dining room. She climbed up the stairs easily while I had to drag my heavy suitcase up with me.

The 2nd floor consists of 3 bedrooms. “That’s my room,” Jiyoung pointed towards the door all the way on the end of the small hallway. “That’s Sunny’s room and next to it is the bathroom.” Jiyoung then walked over to the last door in the hallway.

“And this is your room.” Jiyoung opened the door leading me into a small white room. Inside the room was a single queen sized bed, a desk and wooden chair and a big closet stood in the corner of the room next to the window. “I’ll call you down for dinner later.”

And with that Jiyoung left me, closing the door behind her on her way out. I looked around the room. ‘It’s… cozy.’ The walls were a cream color while the furniture was brown and the bed sheets along with the curtain over the window in front of me was white.

‘My new home,’ I thought as I opened my suitcase and backpack, starting to unpack all of my clothes that my dongsaeng’s had packed for me before they threw me out of the dorm.

‘Those idiots, I’ll get them one day.’ I thought as I bitterly unpacked my stuff quickly, excited about finally getting some sleep after this rather stressful day.

It was a relief to change into some comfortable house clothes, a pair of sweatpants and a comfy t-shirt before dumping myself onto the surprisingly soft mattress.

‘This… is rather nice.’ I thought as I turned my body so that I was looking up at the ceiling. ‘Jiyoung she seems nice… but can I get along with that little girl?’

“Aish…” I groaned and turned so that I was facing the wall. “6 months Seunghyun… Just 6 months.” I said to myself not knowing that my life would take a 180 degrees turn in that short period of time.


Bad authornim... bad authornim... bad authornim :( Mianhae for not updating for so long. I've been so lazy despite having so much support from all of you... Mianhae... I've had some writer's block too and I had to literally strap myself down in front of my laptop to write this...

Well anyway's I've introduced the 2 main characters of this fic:

Go Ji Young (Jiyoung):

  • Age: 23 years old
  • Birthday: February 14th 1986
  • Education: Seoul Korean Traditional Arts Middle & High School (this might spoil something from the future chapters ;D )


Kwon Sun Yi (Sunny):

  • Age: 7 Years Old
  • Birthday March 2nd 2002
  • Fun Fact From Author: Part of the original idea of TLSP

So I've decided that this story will take place in the year 2009 cause I really loved T.O.P in the movie 19 and think that the personality of the character he played could fit really nicely with the plot of this fic.

~~~ Replies ~~~

Thepinkbookworm   : Well I would be mad if I was in Seunghyun's place -_- I mean he feels like his family betrayed him and he doesn't understand why his only family is doing this to him (cause he thinks he's done nothing wrong)... well unlike Seungri, his little sister isn't really dateable ^^b

Nobleza   : I hope I can always excite you! XD

yuki_chicken   : Not stupid... bingu!! ><"

RadiantBelle   : Jiyong oppa is like the best leader ever... in his own mischievous way! \^^/

ToDaeLove  : keke... Unnie, you're watching BBAT NJ now right? Aigo, have fun ok!!

Until next time (that will be soon, I promise)~ Annyeong!!

T.O.P's wife (?) signing out!!

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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!