
The Little Sister Project [Version 2]

Author’s POV

Jiyoung walked inside the practice room and sat down in one of the benches in the corner. She took deep breaths as she looked outside through the window next to her, trying to calm herself from her last encounter with… him.

Sunny on the other hand didn’t notice her sister; she was way too indulged watching her oppas dance and sing.

“Oppa, is so daebak~” Sunny clapped as the 3 finished practicing a routine.

The 3 grinned unknowingly, happy that the little girl that was their hyung’s little sister liked their simple dance routine.

“Hey,” Taeyang said crouching in front of Sunny. “Do you wanna learn some dance moves?” he asked to the little girl who nodded in excitement.

Jiyoung watched as Sunny had the time of her life with Daesung, Taeyang and Seungri. Her heart ached, how could she pull Sunny away now? She just can’t face him… She swore that right after that break up…

~~~ Flashback ~~~

Jiyoung stared at her English teacher in pure boredom. It was pretty unusual for this girl who aced and loved the subject to have almost no interest today. But her mind was far from her studies…

She flinched as a small crumbled piece of paper landed on her desk. Jiyoung looked at it confused before looking beside her to see Jay looking at her worriedly.

‘Hey, you ok?’ Jay’s handwriting was messy but Jiyoung smiled, seeing the message from him.

Jiyoung turned to Jay and gave him a reassuring smile and nodded. He sighed, knowing that something wasn’t right but gave up the subject knowing Jiyoung would probably get mad if he pushed it.

After another boring 30 minute lecture, the bell finally rang through the speakers of the school, signaling the students of the end of the school day.

Each student got up and packed their stuff, all happy to be going home… except Jiyoung who looked like she’d rather endure another lecture than go home.

“Jiyoung,” Jay said catching the distracted girl’s attention.

“What’s up?” she asked casually as she slung her backpack around her slim shoulders, ready to leave the classroom and avoid Jay’s interrogation that was sure to come any second now.

Jay sighed. “Look, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, Jay.” Jiyoung said with a smile that said ‘please drop it.’

“Ok, fine. Well I’m going to go to the café down the street if you wanna join me.” He said hopefully that Jiyoung would come with him.

But Jiyoung shook her head. “I have some… matters to take care of, pick me up tomorrow?” she asked seeing Jay’s frown that turned into a smile at her invite.

“Sure, I’ll go to your house at 8.” He beamed at her before walking away.

Jiyoung sighed as she looked at Jay disappear down the hallway towards the exit, wishing that she could go with him, laugh with him, and probably get some free coffee from him…

But her feet moved in the opposite direction towards the west exit of the school that led to the school court yard where she knows he’ll be, waiting for her.

They’ve met there on special occasions… or when the high school couple just wanted some alone time. But this time, Jiyoung knew this was the last meeting for her and Jiyong… and it wasn’t going to be sweet like all the other meetings.

She was right. As soon as Jiyoung stepped out into the basket ball court she saw him, reading what looks like music sheets under the big old tree near the fences that separated the school from the community park.

“Hey, babe.” Jiyong smiled warmly as he looked over his music homework at his girl friend that stood a few feet away from me, a stone expression on her face.

Jiyoung stood there, unmoving, her hands clenching and unclenching around the straps of her backpack that seemed a few pounds heavier than it was a few minutes earlier.

“Was she better than me?” Jiyoung asked starring coldly at Jiyong who dropped stared at her, confused.

“What are you talking about baby?” He asked, sitting up, looking at Jiyoung who remained where she was, her expression unreadable.

“Geun Young… was she better at kissing than me?” Jiyoung asked again and stopped herself from smirking in satisfaction as her soon to be ex-boyfriend’s face froze in horror.

Jiyong stood up from his seat slowly, his heart beating a million miles an hour.

“H-How…” he started to ask only to be cut off by Jiyoung who balled up her fist as anger rose in the high school student’s body.

“You shouldn’t have made out in such a public place,” Jiyoung stated coldly.

She hated this, she hated acting so cold when all she wanted to do was cry and let out all the frustration she’s kept inside her since last week, since the cab ride home from the small café.

But she couldn’t let her guard down; she’s not going to let Jiyong see her weak side, not at this time, not ever. Jiyoung stood up a bit straighter, starring down Jiyong.

“Ji, let me explain this…” Jiyong begged inching closer to his girlfriend who backed away slightly.

“There’s nothing to explain Ji, we’re over now.” Jiyoung mentally sighed in relief, turning around to walk away thinking it was over when a hand grabbed her wrist, forcing her to turn around again.

“Please, let me explain…” Jiyong literally begged as he stared at Jiyoung’s cold eyes.

“What’s there to explain?” Jiyoung asked, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “The truth is clear, I’m done with you.”

Jiyong shook his head, trying to stop the tears that threatened to flow out of his eyes at the moment. “No, I’m not done… Geun Young she was just a…”

“A what?” The hurt and broken hearted girl balled up her fist in anger. “A fling? If you wanted to find a replacement for me then break up with me first before you look.”

Jiyong stood frozen where he was, his hands loosening its grip on Jiyoung’s wrist. “J-Ji… it’s not like that…”

“There’s no other explanation to why you did what you did.” Jiyoung said, her voice almost daring Jiyong to try his luck and start to explain.

“No… there’s no other explanation.” Jiyong said and looked up at Jiyoung with tear filled eyes. “But I love you, Ji.”

Her heart stung hearing his words but alas, her heart was already too numb to care. “I don’t care, we’re over, you can go out with Geun Young if you want, I don't give a anymore. Just do me a favor and stay the hell away from me.” Jiyoung stated sending Jiyong into shock before turning on her heels, strutting the path she just came from, back to the school building.

Each step felt heavier than the one before and as Jiyoung finally reached the top of the stairs that led to the entrance to the school she stopped.

Looking down she let out the hot tears she’s been holding back and bravely looked back at Jiyong. She felt her chest tightened as her eyes landed on Jiyong who was still starring at her, but tears now flowed down his handsome face.

Jiyoung heard a loud rumble before small rain drops start to moist her jacket. Taking one last look at Jiyong she entered the school building, leaving all her feelings for the boy that cheated on her back in the basket ball court.

~~~ End of Flashback ~~~

Jiyoung sighed looking out the window before she heard the door to the practice room open. She turned her head to find Jiyong there, a few feet beside her.

She wanted to look away but she couldn’t… So Jiyoung just kept starring at him. Feeling someone looking at him, Jiyong looked around the practice room, dismissing the question on why there was a toddler dancing in the studio with the other members before he spotted Jiyoung, sitting in the corner.

Their eyes met, their hearts beat faster, just like old times…

And the drama continues~! *grins* Kkk~ So, the puzzle pieces are starting to connect but I assure you there are still some missing pieces of the story so keep reading, ne? ^^v

I'm kinda sad to say this may be one of my last updates in this fic in a while because I just heard the news from my mom that I'm moving on the 28th which is like a week from now~ and I won't have internet access in a new place... but I'll try to keep writing and come back with a lot of chapters, ok? :D

~~~ Replies ~~~

ToDaeLove   : Well glad you're back unnie ~^^~

iamasushiaddict   : I hope this chapter answered your question ^^v as for the reaction and interaction, it'll be on the next chapter~

jackytomboy96   : No... don't punch GD in the face~!! Big Bang needs his face intact ^^;

Thepinkbookworm   : I'm going to explain bits and pieces of history in scattered flashbacks in some chapters, so I hope you can understand it even if the explanation is kinda cut off :)

andriianist  : Aku team Big Bang aja unnie ^^" Pindahan iya... belajar? Hehe, break dulu unnie sebelum catch up pelajaran di US~ Wah, nyebar demam VIP nih unnie, sama kaya aku~ *satu tim basket sekolah jadi VIP* wkwkwk... Ne, unnie!! Gomawo <3

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Chapter 22: Great chapter! I hope that you will be able to update soon :) Good luck with school!

Li Li
jackytomboy96 #2
Chapter 22: Eeeeh!!! Date!!! :D
SoongYeong-a #3
Chapter 22: Oh it's a good start for both of them^^
myseunghyunchoi #4
Chapter 22: finally d update.... huaaa fighting author-nim... I love ur story sooooi much.... :-)
jackytomboy96 #5
Chapter 21: Omg omg omg!!!!! Im going crazy, do you do this to me!! Amazing chap by the way c:
iamasushiaddict #6
andriianist #7
Chapter 20: Finally an update!! ^o^
Yeaah SeungJi team!

Apakabar di LA?? Baik baik sajakan?? Haha
SoongYeong-a #8
Chapter 20: Whoa! Finally an update! And I'm happy that Sunny ship SeungJi than JiJi~~ gimana LA? Haha
Chapter 20: SeungJi. I love it! Sunny is so cute :) I am glad that you are settled in once again, thank you for updating, and I look forward to what will happen next!

Li Li
nonienonie31 #10
Chapter 20: Keep updateeeeee... Authornim, Hwaiting!