Ulzzangs . . . []

[Kevin's P.O.V.]

As I dried SungJong's hair, he hummed happily.

"What are you so happy about?" I asked him as I brushed his damp blonde hair.

((The most recent hairstyle I know about is here: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1120.snc4/148233_187984101211726_133641009979369_716595_1997769_n.jpg&imgrefurl=http://infinite07.wordpress.com/2010/12/27/sungjong-unveiled-his-2nd-mini-album-jacket-photo/&usg=__HMl7JjnGY602bUz68BON05SDPqI=&h=500&w=500&sz=51&hl=en&start=24&sig2=A397cUnwRcqFs97zbTnr9w&zoom=1&tbnid=KrjFGL9C7h-__M:&tbnh=123&tbnw=120&ei=k4iHTZeRDJDuvQOcleG8CA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsungjong%2Bwith%2Bblonde%2Bhair%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3D0bj%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D572%26tbs%3Disch:1%26prmd%3Divns0%2C448&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=158&vpy=148&dur=373&hovh=139&hovw=139&tx=65&ty=65&oei=iIiHTcxnk7m2B9GD-b4E&page=2&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:24&biw=1366&bih=572 Keep in mind I have been gone for two week's. P.s sorry I took soo long my mom couldn't pick us up so we stayed for another week.. Once again I am sorry for not coming sooner. ))

"Umma, I'm happy because I have candy~" He told me smiling.

"The smallest thing's make you soo happy.. Oh yeah, we have to make a weekly video for our fan's and today we make the first." I explained to him and pulled him onto my lap.

"Okay, when are we recording?" He asked, hugging me.

"Around two?" I guessed.

"Alright. I will start the camera when the time come's."

"Umma~ Appa want's love too~" Mika pouted and hugged me from behind.

I had an idea and smiled evilly to myself. "Ji-Yong~ Come into the living room please!"

"You are the Appa now." I told him when he walked into the living room.

"Okay  then..?"

"WHATTTTTT~???!! But I'm the appa~! The one and only appa~!!!" MIka cried.

SungJong caught on to the plan and smiled evilly with me. "deh.. I love Ji-Yong better too~" As soon as he said that Ji-Yong squealed louder than any of our fangirls ever have. "AHHHHHHH~~~~~ MY JONGIE~~ I LOVE YOU TOO~!!"

SungJong's face turned shocked than into a Help-Me-Before-I'm-Eaten-alive!

"Ahhh~ Hyung's help me~!" SungJong screamed and ran out of the room with his arm's swinging in the air with Ji-Yong running after him.

My poor SungJong.. He doesn't stand a chance. :D It was true Ji-Yong can run FOREVER.

"HYUNG!! GET OFF OF ME!!" I heard from the bedroom.


"I was just kidding Mika now quickly we must save our maknae!" I exclaimed and ran into our bedroom.

- - -

After we got Ji-Yong off of SungJong -With Niel helping- we started the camera and showed our fans our dorm. "And the last room is the closet." SungJong said and turned the doorknob and froze. "WHY IS EVERYONE ??!!!" He cried and Ji-Yong hugged him glaring at Karam. -He still had underwear on but I would freakout too if I seen somebody and one partially .-

"Nuuu get out I'm ~~!" Karam exclaimed hiding behind his small towel.

"Noo!!" I heard from behind me.


"My poor baby~ Let hyung help you." Niel cooed to Karam and covered his half body with his and walked out of the closet.

"My, my... That was a shock." Mika said when he turned the camera to us.

"Mika.. Kevin need's a kiss~" Ji-Yong said and I glared at him.

I looked at Mika and his lips pressed against mine, I pulled back and looked at him outraged. "Again.. how many more time's do I have to tell you not to listen to Ji-Yong?!"

"I'm sorry I was aiming for your cheek!" Mika yelled and quickly passed SungJong the camera and ran as fast as he could away from Kevin.

"Well that's all for today~ see you next week!" He sang and turned the camera off.



Well here is a chapter! I'm sorry it's boring but I wanted to post as soon as possible. [:

I hope you guys' still love me after I left you for two whole week's.. I feel really bad. I was supposed to be back within a week and I come back a week later.. Can you guys' forgive me?

Watch this.. WARNING! this video is funny and slightly rated? Don't say I didn't warn you. [;


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foamtwt #1
Chapter 34: That was really good. I liked this story a lot. And I don't care how old it is, this story that I have just read was amazing. I thank you, even though it's late. :3
finally finished it =DD <br />
you are really amazing <3 i'm totally loving it
*screams* i love this story <3<br />
i've finished chap 24 <br />
next is chap 25 =>
I love this story!!
Aww my little Kevin u cry on my shoulder! <br />
O my gowsh! The same thing. Happened to me!! ONly it was my bffs little sisters and bros cuzens friends mom and dad in the middle of the movie that gos with the song Alice Human Sacrifice ... and the orphan ..<br />
It was scary I cried like Kevin...
I loved it!!
It's kay :D<br />
I already forgave you. <br />
But if you're not gonna finish it, you should probably take off the ending. <br />
Or I might finish it when I've done the other two :D
@Nomnomninja: *Le sigh* I wasn't talking about you. XD
audnapal #10
loved it