I didn't mess up?

Who Said It Was Gonna Be Easy?

Uruha stares at the door. His breathing has become heavy and he shakes his head trying to understand what just happened.

Uruha open up” DooJoon drunkenly calls from the other side

Uruha runs his hands into his hair “No” he shakes his head again “You… How could you?”

Please” DooJoon mumbles and knocks softly on the door.

Uruha hits it with a fist “Go away!”

Uruha please open up” DooJoon mumbles through the door

“No” Uruha feels his eyes stinging and there is no way he is gonna let DooJoon se him cry over him again “Just go away”

I’m not going till you hear me out” DooJoon’s muffled voice pleads

“You got more?!” Uruha says through gritted teeth “Are you gonna tell me how you slept with her too?” he hammers his fist in the door

No. I didn’t do anything” DooJoon whines

“Other than kiss her you mean!” Uruha snaps.

Uruha listen to me please” DooJoon begs

“No” Uruha hits the door again “You’ve said enough. I believed in you DooJoon!”

Uruha please…

“I thought… I thought you cared for me…” Uruha leans his forehead against the door again.

I do Uruha, so much so please just listen” DooJoon continues to beg

“Is it because I pushed you away?” Uruha frowns “Is it my fault?”

No Uruha! I didn’t mean to I… I need you to hear me out. Please” DooJoon’s voice cracks

Uruha yanks the door open and glares at DooJoon “What?”

DooJoon looks down shamefully “I… I… I…”

“Get to the point” Uruha snaps

DooJoon looks like he is becoming smaller and smaller “I don’t know what happened… I didn’t mean to…”

Uruha crosses his arms and frowns

“She kept coming on to me. I told her I had someone, I even told her I am gay but she didn’t believe me. It was like it was some game for her” DooJoon looks to the side “I didn’t mean to drink. I didn’t think I drank that much...” He closes his eyes trying to focus his thoughts “I didn’t want to kiss her. I didn’t want anything to do with her. Uruha I only want you”

Uruha huffs “So why did you kiss her?”

DooJoon looks at Uruha completely distraught “I don’t know. My head is a mess. Suddenly she was just there with her hands on me” he frowns “and her lips and I pushed her away. I just wanted to get away and I came here” he rubs his eye and stumbles to the side hitting the wall. Uruha takes a step towards him “How much did you drink?”

“I…I don’t know” DooJoon tries straightening up but he stumbles again and drops to the floor.

Uruha rubs his tired eyes “DooJoon why would you get so drunk?”

“I…” DooJoon lets out a sob “I didn’t try to get drunk. I didn’t want to I just…” He rubs his eyes “I don’t know what happened”

Uruha sighs “Well you can’t go anywhere like that. I could get you a cab home but in that state you probably fall the second you got home. Ruki will be pissed at you so I have to call Gi Kwang”

“He is out of town” DooJoon mumbles as he tries to get back up with little success. Uruha sighs again “You really think I want you in here?”

DooJoon looks away shamefully and hurt “No” he mutters “Why would you” he hides his face in his hands and cries silently. Uruha watch his shoulders tremble and feels like crying himself. He still loves the guy but he just doesn’t know what to think. He takes a deep breath and steps over to DooJoon pulling him up by the arm and drags him in. He places him on his couch and looks at the broken down person in front of him. DooJoon is just looking at the floor like a dead man.

He hears his phone ringing and walks to his bedroom to fetch it. He is up anyway so why not. He picks the phone up from his nightstand and frowns seeing DooJoon’s name on the display. He walks back to the living-room seeing DooJoon sitting motionless on the couch.

“DooJoon who has your phone?” Uruha calls out with the phone still ringing in his hand.

DooJoon doesn’t react.

Uruha sighs and picks up “Who is this?”

DooJoon is with you right?

“I asked a question first” Uruha coldly states as he walks back to DooJoon and sits on the table across from him.

It is JunHyung. DooJoon left and we really have to find him. He can get really hurt!

Uruha looks intensely at DooJoon who really looks messed up, his eyes are blank and empty except for a few tears leaving them every now and then. His shoulders are hanging and his skin is pale.

“He shouldn’t get that drunk” Uruha mumbles “He is here”

Oh thank god he didn’t injure himself” JunHyung sighs relieved “Uruha he didn’t drink that much. He was very clear about not wanting to drink but I don’t know. A friend handed him something which was supposed to be a simple beer but afterwards he just became confused and that stupid girl refused to leave him alone. I told her to off and DooJoon tried as well. Uruha he didn’t do anything I swear! She was the aggressor. When he pushed her away he looked like everything was lost. You have to believe me when I tell you he is probably more upset about it than you. He started yelling at her and then stormed out. She freaked out and said he couldn’t leave. I was stupid enough to let him. I didn’t know she had put something in that bloody beer until afterwards and I tried calling him just to find out  he left his phone here

Uruha stares at DooJoon “She put something… in it?” He frowns and feels himself getting quite angry.

 DooJoon lifts his eyes seeing Uruha looking angry and being confused and tired he is sure Uruha is mad at him making his misery that much greater. He forces himself to stand up making Uruha stare even more “I-I’ll go” he mumbles and takes a step but Uruha forcefully pulls him back on the couch

“You aren’t going anywhere!” Uruha says very determined. DooJoon frowns confused.

“Yes JunHyung I’ll look after him” Uruha turns his attention back to the phone. DooJoon pouts “Why does he have your number?”

Uruha looks back at DooJoon “He is calling from you phone”

DooJoon searches his pockets and frowns “Where is my phone?”

Uruha rolls his eyes and sighs. He stands up and walks further away from DooJoon listening to JunHyung telling him more about what has happened.

DooJoon rubs his eyes once again forgetting about the missing phone. He looks in front of him and frowns not really sure where he is. He looks to the side but movement makes him feel sick so he just leans back and closes his eyes “I have to find Uruha” he mumbles drunkenly “I have to”

Uruha turns his head from where he is standing some meters away “He is really far off. I don’t think he knows where he is”

“I love him so much” DooJoon mutters and frowns “I just want Uruha, my Uruha” he messes a little with his hair “I need… Uruha… My Uruha” his mumbles turns into sobs and he wipes his eyes with his sleeve “I ruined it again”

“I-I have to go” Uruha tells JunHyung goodbye and hangs up. He looks back at DooJoon hearing his pleads and slowly walks over to him.

“My Uruha… should be mine… I love him so much” DooJoon just keeps repeating to himself

Uruha places a hand on DooJoon’s shoulder making him jerk away

“DON’T TOUCH ME!” DooJoon yells moving backwards, away from Uruha “Only Uruha can” he cries and shakes his head “Only him”

Uruha frowns  softly “But that is me DooJoon”

“No” DooJoon shakes his head “Uruha is mad at me. I messed up. He won’t forgive me”

“DooJoon open your eyes it is me” Uruha begs

“No” DooJoon keeps shaking his head

“DoonDoon look at me!” Uruha yells. DooJoon sits frozen for a minute before he slowly looks at Uruha and he immediately starts crying “Uruha?”

Uruha smiles and nods. DooJoon jumps at him and wraps his arms around Uruha’s neck and hides his face in his shoulder “I’m so sorry. Please forgive me. I’m so sorry”

Uruha moves his arms around DooJoon “It’s okay. There is nothing to forgive”

DooJoon holds on tighter “I love you so much, I don’t wanna lose you”

Uruha smiles softly “I know”

“I’ll do anything for you Uruha just please forgive me” DooJoon mutters

Uruha “There is nothing to forgive DooJoon. It wasn’t your fault”

DooJoon moves a bit back without looking Uruha in the eyes “No?”

Uruha smiles bigger “No”

DooJoon looks down and frowns confused “So… I didn’t mess up?”

Uruha chuckles “No you didn’t”

DooJoon slides his arms down and tries stepping back but Uruha doesn’t let him. He keeps smiling at him instead. DooJoon looks at the arms holding him and then looks up at Uruha like a child would look at their parent when they weren’t sure what is going on.

“DoonDoon go out with me” Uruha says softly. DooJoon’s eyes go huge and he stares at uruha “R-really?”

Uruha grins “Please”

“B-but you….? Am I…? I’ve proved myself?” DooJoon rambles confused. Uruha laughs at his adorable expression “DooJoon you just refused a girl while being drugged… what more can you do to prove you want to be with me?”

“I-I don’t know” DooJoon blushes and looks from one eye to the other. He feels like a school girl who is for the first time being noticed by her crush and he doesn’t mind.

Uruha looks at DooJoon’s face smiling softly “And you were damn adorable mumbling about wanting your Uruha” he smirks playfully.

DooJoon hits him and pouts “I didn’t know you heard me” he sighs and leans against Uruha resting his forehead on hiss shoulder “I don’t feel so good”

Uruha his back “It is okay. I’ll take care of you”

DooJoon smiles and moves his arms lazily back around Uruha’s neck “I love you Uruha”

Uruha smiles and kisses his ear “I know”






Surprise!!!!! Don't worry the story isn't near finished yet but I really thought it was time for this.

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I changed the name and poster again. . . Well I just didn't think I was gonna want to develop it in the way I'm doing now so I had to!!! This is better anyway


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Chapter 32: Oh my! I'm sooo loving this story! Please keep it up ♥
Chapter 28: This is very interesting...I remember a part about Uruha having relationship problems, himself, although of a different nature than Doojoon's.
What is it that Doojoon will have to find out?
hehe~ you seem to be deliberately putting Doojoon back into his arrogant, protective character ^^ I like how they are mutually submissive ^^ It suggests the equality that ought to be in a real relationship :)
That's one thing I particularly like about this story- the characters' reactions and the way in which Doojoon and Uruha are progressing with their relationship.
I'm very interested by this "secret detail" that seems to be undisclosed to Doojoon, though. Hopefully it won't have a negative impact on his and Uruha's new relationship...
Chapter 27: And I forgot to mention- your writing has improved a lot since the beginning of the story ^^
Chapter 27: I certainly have enjoyed this chapter just as much as the last^^
I hadn't ever really thought of it, but now that it seems as though Doojoon is being portrayed as the delicate one in the relationship, or, as a commonplace term, the "submissive", I can say that I find this newfound fragility in Doojoon to be quite tasteful. It's really quite a nice inversion; a stray away from the conventionality of what might be expected from any pairing involving Doojoon and I really like it ^^ Somehow, it certainly seems much more realistic that someone as unsure of himself, as frightened and as estranged from love as Doojoon is, would need someone to take care of him both physically and emotionally. And it just seems appropriate that that someone is Uruha, no matter how pretty or "girly" Uruha's appearance might make him out to be.
It seems like a theme in this story- not judging someone by their appearances or reputation ^^ Like how "player" and "manly" Doojoon certainly has a full range of emotions, as does anyone else, and is by far much more hurt than anyone would ever have perceived. And how Uruha, who seems to be publicly more of a flamboyant type of person, attentive to his implied feminine appearance seems to be the one who can offer Doojoon a sense of safety and protection that he seems not to have ever had before.
Uruha kissing Doojoon's palm is such a tender moment in the story ^^ And, having read and written some mpreg, myself, Uruha wrapping his arms around Doojoon's stomach gave me a faint impression of Doojoon having a baby or something hehe~ ^^' (my mind out of wraps...) but a very loving gesture, indeed ^^
Chapter 26: Hehe~ second time reading this chapter today ^^
Doojoon is so cute when he was crying and wanting his Uruha ^^ poor Doojoon... He thought he messed up again...
I'm so happy about this chapter (⌒▽⌒)
Chapter 26: Yes, yes YES!!!!!!! :D
This chapter made my day, even though it's just starting ^^
I'm so glad it wasn't Doojoon's fault and that girl is just horrible DX.
Yay!!! Uruha asked Doojoon out again!! :D
They're already so cute together and poor Doojoon when he wanted 'his' Uruha ^^ he seems so fragile in this chapter and I liked that ^^
Chapter 25: Oh no...! :(
Doojoon...! What have you done...?!
I have a pretty bad feeling for how things are going to go for Doojoon now... Actually not so much in terms of a relationship, but I think Doojoon himself is going to suffer a lot with what happened...I feel like he's going to give up on himself, not just on a relationship with Uruha but give up on himself as a person...
Chapter 24: This is one of my favorite chapters ^^
I really like Doojoon's dad and how he so easily accepted that his son is in love with a man :)
The chapter was so full of warmth and love and this chapter, more than any other, really shows how Doojoon had changed. It's great to see that he really is love with Uruha and that he's reconciled with his father. It certainly seems necessary for him to love his family before entering into a relationship with Uruha.
It was actually quite striking to hear how Doojoon's father married a year ago and Doojoo wasn't even aware of it. It shows just how distant from those close to him he became.
Hopefully Yoonja's daughter won't give Doojoon a hard time... ^^'
It would be very interesting, indeed, to see Uruha meet Doojoon's parents ^^
and hopefully Doojoon will fnd some solace about his relationship with his mother. That rejection when he was only seven must have been terrible.
Chapter 23: :'(
What an emotional chapter!! It was great, but poor Doojoon! It seems like this was really the breaking point for him,but I'm actually glad that he got so many negative feelings out in the open. It seemed like a necessary thing to do and now people know exactly how he's feeling. I think it is time that he's given a little more care and support ^^ and I think that the fact that he went to apologize to Donghae shows that he is changing and him pushing Donghae out of the way is proof of the good person that Uruha sees in him :D
I really love the realism in this- how Uruha's not plunging into a relationship, but not giving up on Doojoon, either and how Doojoon's coming to face himself :)
Chapter 22: <3
Thank you for thinking of me ^^~ And my exams did go well ^^
That's okay! You take your time in updating- I always love reading this story and I will patiently await your updates :D

I was really glad that Uruha and Doojoon privately spoke with each other in this chapter and that Uruha noticed not only the effort that Doojoon has been applying in trying to change, but also how Doojoon's been struggling with a rather rude confrontation of his faults. I think that having bad feelings go unacknowledge by others is just as bad as dealing with those feelings alone and I was happy that Uruha stood up for Doojoon, despite how much trouble Doojoon's put him through. Doojoon certainly does deserve some notice for his genuine efforts to change.
I like how Uruha is just as protective of Doojoon as Doojoon seems to be over Uruha ^^~ And there was really quite a bit of wisdom in this chapter, about having to trust yourself first, before expecting others to trust you.
I think the seriousness with which Uruha told Doojoon that he liked him and shouldn't let people tell him that he's heartless had quite an impact on Doojoon. It seems to me that this may have been one of the first times, if not the only time, that someone has really seen Doojoon's vulnerability and said to still have feelings for him, regardless. It feels like this sort of reassurance and support is not at all something that Doojoon would have received, prior to speaking with Uruha, on account of his mother not being in his life anymore.
hehe~ in my opinion, there should be even more subscribers for this story! ^^ Although there are not many jrock stories on here and even less "cross-overs", I think that there is a significant audience for this and this is a really awesome story ^^