

"Why did you cheat on me? Was I not good enough for you?" she asked, clenching her fist tighter and stepping closer to him. "Answer me, Kim Jonghyun!"

Jonghyun stepped back as she continued to come closer to him and held his hands out for defense. "L-look, we can talk this through Minki." he stuttered.

"Talk what through? You cheated on me yet you want to 'talk this though'? Do you think I would want to talk this through!?"  She snapped, making everyone in the room to jump since, never before, had anyone seen her this angry, not even Onew.

"Looks like hyung would get it bad~" Taemin whispered to Minho, who, in returned elbowed him in the ribs and told him to be quiet.

Onew, who was frantically trying to think of a way to stop to calm her down, carefully walked over to Minki and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Minki, let's stop this before things gets too violent and talk it over."

"'Violent'?" she repeated. "Oppa, this is not violent... but this is violent." She brushed his hand off her shoulders the grabbed the front of Jonghyun's shirt and roughly slamed him against the wall. Everyone the room winced in pain. For an average, 19-year-old girl, she's pretty strong... well, considering the fact that she has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

She kicked him in the groin and he hunched over in pain. She slamed him against the cold, flooring of the SHINee dorm and then placed one foot his chest.

"I won't be one of those little girls cries over their boyfriend who cheated on them like in all those dramas out there. You are not worth my tears." She pressed the foot harder against his chest and a grunt escaped his lips.

"Minki! Stop this right now!" The leader pulled her off of Jonghyun while Minho and Key helped him up.

She pushed Onew away from her and glared at Jonghyun. "I knew I should have never trusted you. But, I have to say thank you.

'Because of you, I've change. For now on, Lee Minki is an independent woman!" She stormed out of the dorm and slamed the door shut.

Silence filled the air. "Uh... I bet this is a bad time to ask for banana milk...." commented Taemin which resulted on him getting a few smacks on the head.


Whoohoo! Chapter 6 is finish (with much procrastination)!~ I added the forward in here and had to change the wording a little bit but not much. Hope you enjoy reading this!~

keke This is a very short chapter, no lie. .__.; I'm not writing my additional three paragraphs for this chapter since I will writing chapter 7. Please look forward to that cause it will be up later on today. :)

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Chapter 19: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
vanessanesangtae #2
Chapter 19: One of the best fanfic I've read, the story is clean and make yiu want to read more. Update please :D
Chapter 19: Hello :) great comeback, keep it up**
Chapter 18: Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
Chapter 18: ;^; I'm so happy for an update c:
Chapter 18: '6000 years ago' BWAHAHAHA exaggerating much?
You're so funny. least u updated now and thats what matters. ^^,
love the update and I still think Jonghyun should do something. or Die.
Chapter 17: Update >W<
I just want to say I just started reading this and I am totally hooked! I haven't found too many fics that I like and am totally stoked for the next chapter. I really love this so far and everything is so good! I am really excited to continue reading ^^
xxtru3lov3xx #9
Love the scene where onew was planning different scenerios to kill jjong Lol
xXRainyWishXx #10
New reader and subscirber here!^_^<br />
I love this story, especially those little imagination sequences!^^<br />
Like Onew thinking of ways to kill Jonghyun!!!<br />
I hope you'll put up the next chapter soon! :)