Music Video


Four out of the five members of SHINee huddled around the computer. The maknae was seated as he continued to refresh the webpage they were on for the umpteenth time. They stayed on the page for 30 seconds before he moved the mouse to refresh the page again, but Key hit his hand.

"Taemin," he breathed, "we'd seen her teaser over a hundred times already! Give it a break!"

He pouted. "But hyung! They said that the MV will be loaded at midnight! It's five minute past midnight and the video isn't up yet!"

Minho sighed. "It takes YouTube some time to show the video."

Onew reached out and pressed the F5 button. "It needs to load now!" he complained but then glared at the computer seeing that the latest video was still the teaser.

"Hyung... if it's past midnight... shouldn't her mini album be available on MelOn now?" asked Minho.

The three looked at each other before they started shaking Taemin. "GO BUY IT NOW!" yelled Onew as Taemin was trying to type in the website, but wasn't able to.

"Taemin you spelled it wrong!" scowled Key as he pushed the maknae off the chair and took over. 

Taemin glared at the diva as he stood up and dusted the imaginary dust off of his pants. The page finally loaded and Taemin immediately pointed to the album. "Right there!" he squeaked.

Minho let out a whistle. "Both Broken and Change made it in the TOP 3 already."

"Why isn't it number one!?" questioned Onew.

"It just came out! Besides, she probably won't be battling for the number one spot until next week anyway." answered Key as he clicked on the album. "Oh crap... what's my password?"

"Hyung you're useless!" complained Taemin as he pushed Key off of the computer and logged into MelOn. He purchased the album and was thankful that they had high speed internet because it finished loading in five minutes. He smiled then went back to YouTube and refreshed the page. Taemin jumped and squealed for joy seeing the video was finally up.

"HD, Taemin! HD!" said the leader.

Taemin quickly changed the definition to 720p. They sat and waited a little before Key reached up, clicking the full screen button then the video played.

It started off with the pouring rain with a black background. There was a roar of thunder then the sound of panting was heard as M was slowly running. She stopped and turned. "I gave you everything I had... yet I was used and thrown away...." 

They jumped hearing someone scream and Taemin hit the spacebar, pausing the video. He looked up at his hyungs. "W-what was that?"

Onew frowned. "I'm pretty sure it was Jonghyun."

Key sighed. "I'll go check on him. DON'T play the video until I return." he said, shooting a glare at the maknae before leaving. He walked into their shared room and frowned seeing that he wasn't there. "Kim Jonghyun! Where are you!?"

"K-Kibum?" Jonghyun peaked his head out of Key's closet.

"What are you doing in there!?"

Jonghyun scratched his cheek. "I was sleeping but I heard Minki's voice; I thought she finally came to kill me!" Key laughed, making him glare at the diva. "It's not funny!"

Key gripped his side as he continued to laugh. "P-PABO!" he giggled as he wiped away his tears. "We're watching her MV right now. You should come out and see it too~"

He gulped. "No thank you. I'll see it later; I need sleep."

Key shrugged then went outside to join the others. "Start it from the beginning!"

Taemin nodded then moved the bar back to the beginning and pressed play. The whole opening scene played again and, luckily, this time, they weren't interrupted by Jonghyun's screams.

The scene fade to black as the title appeared then burst into pieces once the song started playing. It started out with a close up of M with her blonde hair, her smoky eyes closed. She sang first line of the song: "I followed you like a fool." She opened up her eyes, showing off the crystal blue contacts as the camera zoomed out. It cut to a camera that was further way, showing off the six male backup dancers she had with her at SHINee's concert, all dressed in white. M, however, was wearing all black and silver. Her shorts were black with a silver sash. She was wearing a silver tank top that showed her mid-drift and had on a black jacket with silver linings that had the sleeves folded up to her elbows. She also had on black fingerless gloves and black boots with silver strings.

She stood there, singing, as some of the backup dancers moved to the front and danced. She later joined them, standing in the very front, but the scene was immediately switched. Now, M was back with black hair and happily smiling and holding hands with a male. He smiled back at her as he kissed her forehead then the scene switched again to her finding him with another girl. Though no words could be heard, any viewer could tell what they were talking about. They showed a close up of the male's lips as he say something then turned to M who stared at him with wide eyes. She took a step forward and lunged at him. She was immediately pulled off him by some security guards, but she continued to struggle to get back at him.

The MV cut back to M dancing, showing off the powerful choreography for the song. At one point, she stood in the front while the dancers continued. She reached out in the air, singing: "My world shattered in an instant and it was all because of you."

It went back to the drama. M was standing in the middle of a trashed-up room. She bent down, picking up a photo of them together. She shook in angry as she looked up at the camera and grabbed a lighter, setting the photo on fire and dropping in on the ground, letting the whole place catch on fire and she walked away, a determined look in her eyes.

The remainder of the MV was the dance and during the last bit of the song, it cut to M standing back in the rain, a old style mic was in front of her as she sang out her last couple of lines. "My heart was broken, but I won't let that stop me. For now on, you will see a brand new me and I'll make you regret what you did."

The song ended, but it went to a dark room full of mirrors. The same guy was tied up in a chair in the middle of it, his hands bounded and his eyes and mouth were covered. The sound of heels clicking echoed throughout the place as the blonde M walked on the screen wearing a black mini-dress. The cameras zoomed in as she walked over to him and took off the blindfold. His eyes widened seeing it was her and he tried to get out of the chair. M just smirked and placed the blindfold back on. The screen went black and the title appeared again before the video came to an end.

The guys all leaned back and released the breath that they were holding. "Wow...." commented Taemin.

"It was probably a good thing that Jonghyun didn't see this right now." said Key.

"Oh, but he'll end up seeing it sooner or later." replied Minho.

"Hyungs! Can we learn the choreography!?" smiled Taemin.

"Well, we'll need to see the whole choreography first." answered Key.

Minho turned to their quiet leader. "Are you okay hyung?" The other two looked at him.

Onew's eyes were still glued on the screen, his face expressionless. "I'm going to kill Jonghyun." he muttered as he was about to make a mad-dash to the room but Key, Minho and Taemin quickly got a hold of him. "LET ME GOOO! HE RUINED MY INNOCENT BABY MINKI!!!" They looked at each other for a bit; the reason was pretty valid, but they knew that SHINee need their lead vocals. However Taemin let Onew go because he knew, after some more vocal lessons, he could probably take over.

"Calm down hyung!" exclaimed Minho.

"If you don't calm down, I'm not going to let you eat any chicken for a month!" added Key and that instantly calmed the leader.

They sighed and Minho glanced at the time. "We should probably got to bed; we have a schedule at seven."

"You guys go ahead." said Key as he sat at the computer. "I want to check the comments first before going to bed."

"Okay, tell me if anyone said anything bad... I'll beat them up." he said as the walked the two youngest to their room.

Key moved the mouse and clicked on the option to view the comments. Being redirected, he paused the video and scrolled down to the comments.

Top Comments

People should stop comparing her to BoA! Sure, they said that BoA helped her with the lyrics, but the keyword is "HELP." She didn't write the whole song for M. Geez, stop bashing her by saying that BoA is better! I personally like M since I saw the teaser. She's fierce! A big contrast with the other girls of SM.

Key smiled and clicked the thumbs up button. 'I'm glad there are people like this out there.' he thought as he read the second comment.

Even though I don't quite fully understand Korean yet, I can tell that this song has a DEEP meaning to it! It feels like it actually happened to her and I can feel her pain.

"If only you knew." he muttered as he scrolled down to see the other comments.

All Comments (561)
265 more comments since you started viewing. Show them.

I see great potential in her. She opened up strongly and this definitely made an impact. She's the best artist to have debuted this year so far.

That was amazing~! I love her dance~! And the storyline~! Oh god, the song is so catchy! I'm sure I played it at least 20 times already! keke I love everything so far! Can't wait to see her debut stage tomorrow! <3

She's not that hot. Compare to people like Victoria and Jessica, she's lacking in the beauty department.

Key's eye twitched when he read that comment. He moved the mouse over and clicked on thumbs down button a million times, even though it would only count once.

This video reminds me of BEG's Abracadabra! I bet she stole the plot from that! Plus, it sounds like she's lip singing to someone else's recording. -___-;

Again, Key clicked the thumbs down. "Sure, it's similar that the guy cheated on her, but both went a completely different route!"

Geez, stop bashing on her because of her looks! Yeah, looks are important, but the most important thing to an idol is TALENT! I'm not saying that she's not pretty. I think she's gorgeous really, but this song was amazing. I was completely shocked when I saw this; totally underestimated her.

Vote up.

Man... she's hot... as either a black or blonde ;D I wonder who would want to cheat on her? Probably some stupid guy.

Key nodded. "Yes, 'some stupid guy' by the name of Kim Jonghyun." he sighed then turned off the computer and went to bed.

Once the whole dorm was asleep, Jonghyun sneaked out of his room and towards the computer. He was very interested in what her video would be like, even though the thought that the song was dedicated to him scared him a lot. He sat there, watching the video and at times, he would pause it to calm his nerves. Once it was over, he just sat there. "What am I going to do now?" he asked. "Why are you such an idiot, Kim Jonghyun?"


My unnie loves you all too much. I was planning on writing this chapter but she had beaten me to it. Anyone laugh as hard as I did? I bet. Like before, unnie had written everything here but I gave ideas here and there (*cough*onewmurderingjonghyun*cough* >_>) and I also wrote the comments. Oh! If M is real and becomes really famous in the future, would you like her to go to your country? kekeke Comments if you can but remember, Comments = <3

Wee~ another chapter done by me~ keke My younger sister is definitely taking the next chapter. I'm too tired to do more keke but I knows what my sister lacks... so chapter 14 will be written by me too! Music Bank performance!

Hmm... if chapter 14 is Music Bank and we're only on chapter 12, then what is chapter 13? 

Well, this is happen and that will happen~ ;D

How do you guys like Minki's MV? I don't know what to feel, but my sister said it was daebak. xD;

Hope you enjoyed this random funny chapter~<3


People who cheat on innocent people doesn't deserve to walk away easily. That's why revenge is sweet. A war against Jjong's fans and M's fans. Who will win? That's for YOU to decide.
Ooo~ fan battle! M's fans vs Jjong's fans~ XD;

I don't think that I'm your unnie so please don't call me that! I feel old if you do~
Unnie only applies to me, blacknightsky. :) The real author of this story is the same age as you~ Youngsters~ Ahh I feel old~ LOL

If only the fans knew the truth..... I wonder what will happen if they do..... 
"Jongie hwaiting"? LOL I thought you were on Onew's side. XD;

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Chapter 19: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
vanessanesangtae #2
Chapter 19: One of the best fanfic I've read, the story is clean and make yiu want to read more. Update please :D
Chapter 19: Hello :) great comeback, keep it up**
Chapter 18: Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
Chapter 18: ;^; I'm so happy for an update c:
Chapter 18: '6000 years ago' BWAHAHAHA exaggerating much?
You're so funny. least u updated now and thats what matters. ^^,
love the update and I still think Jonghyun should do something. or Die.
Chapter 17: Update >W<
I just want to say I just started reading this and I am totally hooked! I haven't found too many fics that I like and am totally stoked for the next chapter. I really love this so far and everything is so good! I am really excited to continue reading ^^
xxtru3lov3xx #9
Love the scene where onew was planning different scenerios to kill jjong Lol
xXRainyWishXx #10
New reader and subscirber here!^_^<br />
I love this story, especially those little imagination sequences!^^<br />
Like Onew thinking of ways to kill Jonghyun!!!<br />
I hope you'll put up the next chapter soon! :)