It's Official


It's been a week since SHINee's two day concert and they haven't seen nor heard from Minki since. Every time then would go to SM, Onew and Taemin would ask if she was in, but they were always turned down. There had been no news from the company about M debuting and they were wondering if she would ever step on the stage again.

It was early Tuesday morning, they were all at their dorm, enjoying a nice day off. Key was on the computer in the living room and was going to check the latest idol gossip since he'd been behind in everything since Jonghyun revealed he was dating Sekyung. He decided to go on Allkpop to test out his English skills and one of the popular articles stood out to him.

SM to be debuting a new solo artist in mid-January!

He immediately clicked on the link.

Recently it was discovered that a new artist webpage was added to A representative from SM stated that they would be debuting a new female solo artist in the middle of January. The artist, going by the stage name of M, will be releasing her first mini album on music sites on January 13th while the physical copy will in sold in stores on January 15th. It was announced that she will be having her first debut stage on January 14th on KBS Music Bank.

"It's been almost five years since SM debuted a female solo artist." said the representative. "We first showed her off at SHINee's first Korean concert and the reaction was quite good. We're positive that M will become a great hit in the music industry."

Fans had been have mix feelings about M's debut. Comments ranged from: "She's going to be the second BoA." to "SM shouldn't be focusing on a debuting a new person and focus on some other groups comeback."

Check out the fancams of M at SHINee's concert and tell us what you think!

Key didn't need to watch the fancams since he saw her talents. Instead he opened a brand new tab and typed in the website. Surely enough, the page loaded.


He went back to the article and read the comments.

"Gah, after watching those fancams, I'm already her fanboy! But I have to wait THAT long for the mini album! Call me impatient but I want it NOW."

"Her voice sounds so unique~ I love it already~! But, for some odd reason, I get a feeling that she's similar to SHINee's Onew... IDK I just might be weird!"

"How could they compare her to THE BoA? BoA is definitely a million times better! ~_~"

"NOOO! SM!!! Why don't you debut a hot new boy band instead!? OR better yet! DBSK COMEBACK! :D"

"Another artist debut? Really... every company is popping out new artists every week. -__-;"

"I absolutely love her already! Her strong vocals... her powerful charismatic dance... plus her hot looks ;D"

He frowned at the last comment he read and went up to the similar stories that Allkpop had.

SM reveals the tracklist and cover to M's first mini album, BROKEN

J.Tune Camp's J takes a picture of SM's M on her MV set

M's MV Teaser video revealed

Key opened all the related stories on his browser on different tabs.

SM reveals the tracklist and cover to M's first mini album, BROKEN


Earlier this week, we revealed that SM will be debuting a new solo artist by the name of M. The tracklist was her first mini album, BROKEN, was revealed earlier today!

04. I WILL
사랑 (NEVER)
잠꼬대 (NIGHT)

The title track, BROKEN, was composed by Yoo Young-jin, who produced many of SM artists big hits, and the lyrics were written by M with the help of labelmate, BoA. 

Many already took note at the cover for her mini album. Unlike the album covers released from under SM, M's does not feature a picture of herself on it. Instead, it is a plain cover with a M was seemed to have been broken and put back together.

With only one more week until the release of her mini album, fans are already anticipating the debut. 

Continue to check in with Allkpop about news of this artist!

Key quickly went to the next tab.

J.Tune Camp's J takes a picture with SM's J on her MV set

Recently on Twitter, solo artist J, uploaded the picture above of SM's new solo artist, M.

On January 7th, he wrote, "Look at my little dongsaeng!!! keke It's 4 in the morning right now and she almost finished with her first MV shooting~! M hwaiting~!!!"

Netizens commented, "Oppa! You stayed with her during her whole filming? You two must be close then!" and "Just looking at the set, it seems like it would be good."

"What's that?"

Key jumped in his seat and turned around to see Taemin standing over him with a carton of banana milk. Taemin looked closer to the computer screen. "OH! It's Minki noona!" he exclaimed. Key quickly clamped his hand over the maknae's mouth, but it was already too late.

"Is Minki here!?" asked Onew as he ran out of his room and frantically looked around, only to frown in disappointment. 

Minho and Jonghyun casually walked out of their room. "What's going on?" asked the flaming charisma.

Taemin pulled Key's hand off of his mouth and pointed to the computer screen. "There's a picture of noona on the computer!"

"WHAT!?" they exclaimed as the all gathered around the screen.

"Kibum, what is this?" asked Onew.

"Allkpop. I'm reading the articles that they had written about Minki." he answered as he moved the mouse over the last tab.

M's MV Teaser video revealed

With only a couple of days left until the release of the mini album, SM uploaded the MV teaser for M's debut song, BROKEN.

The teaser starts off with a black-haired M slowly running in the rain. She stopped and looks around before the video fade into black and an electric tempo was heard. They showed a small clip of her with platinum blonde hair and a sneak peak at her choreography. Only one line from the song could be heard, "I wasn't just a toy that you could break."

Check it out below!

Her first mini album will be digitally released on the 13th of this month and the physical copy will hit stores on the 15th.

SHINee remained silent after hearing the teaser then they turned to look at Jonghyun. "It seems like this whole album is dedicated to you, hyung." smirked Minho.

Jonghyun gulped and backed away from the computer. "I need some fresh air." he muttered as he ran out of the dorm.

They turned back to the screen and Taemin reached out to replay the teaser. After watching it for the second time, he was going to play it again but Key shooed his hand away. Onew took a deep breath. "I guess it is official; my Minki is becoming an idol."

"How do you feel about that hyung?" asked Key.

"I really don't know, but I'm going to support her through everything." he nodded as he pumped his fist. The three smiled and did the same.

"Minki noona! Hwaiting!" giggled Taemin.

They laughed. "Minki, hwaiting."

Jonghyun walked down the streets with his hands in his coat pockets. He'd been nervous about what Minki was planning since he saw her at their concert and now, after seeing all the news, he was even more nervous than before. 'Nothing will happen. Nothing will happen.' He kept on repeating that in his head, but he was still doubtful.


Ah, I didn't write anything for this chapter! But I gave ideas to her plus I was the one who wrote the comments for the post (with a little bit of alterations here and there >_>). So.... anyone wants to break the news to her parents for me? Oh! The cover and website page were the result of my unnie's boredom one day after her classes has ended. Don't expect and more after this!~ Comments = <3

I'm pooped from writing this chapter! ~_~; All the articles in this chapter were all written by me and I'm not one of Allkpop's writers, so please don't associate us with them. Also, I really hope that you don't try to type in the website because my sister had done that. That "screencap" was made by me and so was the cover. If you want to see them better, click on them~

OH! Around this time, DBSK made a comeback, but... for the sake of the story, they're comeback is pushed back so that the fictional people can focus on M. :D

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Chapter 19: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
vanessanesangtae #2
Chapter 19: One of the best fanfic I've read, the story is clean and make yiu want to read more. Update please :D
Chapter 19: Hello :) great comeback, keep it up**
Chapter 18: Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
Chapter 18: ;^; I'm so happy for an update c:
Chapter 18: '6000 years ago' BWAHAHAHA exaggerating much?
You're so funny. least u updated now and thats what matters. ^^,
love the update and I still think Jonghyun should do something. or Die.
Chapter 17: Update >W<
I just want to say I just started reading this and I am totally hooked! I haven't found too many fics that I like and am totally stoked for the next chapter. I really love this so far and everything is so good! I am really excited to continue reading ^^
xxtru3lov3xx #9
Love the scene where onew was planning different scenerios to kill jjong Lol
xXRainyWishXx #10
New reader and subscirber here!^_^<br />
I love this story, especially those little imagination sequences!^^<br />
Like Onew thinking of ways to kill Jonghyun!!!<br />
I hope you'll put up the next chapter soon! :)