16: Reminiscing


Onew was currently in his room, packing. Tomorrow was the trip to Japan for the SM concert. As he was folding his fan-gifted underwear, his cell phone rang. He grabbed it and placed it between his shoulder and ear as he answered it. "Yobosaeyo?"

"Jinki dear! It's your aunt!"


Onew's eyes widened when he realized that Minki"s mother called him. "Ahh auntie! How are you? How is America?"


"America is nothing like Korea, but it's a different experience. Jinki, how is Minki? She didn't answer her phone when I called her."


"O-oh, Minki is doing fine; she's probably sleeping now." he answered as he sat down on his bed and hope that she would not ask anything about Minki since he knew that her parents don't know about what happened these last few months.


"Ah makes sense since it is pretty late there now. How is her relationship with Jonghyun? Still doing well I expect?"


Onew gulped as he didn't want to lie to his aunt about the relationship nor did he want to tell her the truth since she is a scary person when mad. He decided not to say anything since it wasn't his place to say anything. "It's fine; they have a very… odd relationship right now."


She laughed. "That's good. I'm glad this this one working out; Jonghyun is a good guy and he won't hurt her like her first love did."


'First love? I thought that was Jonghyun.' he thought. "Auntie, what happened between Minki and her first love?"


"It happened during her trainee days at SM with you guys. Her boyfriend told her to quit being a trainee or else he'll break up with her."


Onew gasped. "I thought she quit being a trainee because they would only let one of us debut!" he exclaimed.


"Nope, the two of you could have debuted, but she quit because of him. However, he still broke up with her afterwards."


"…he used her, didn't he?" asked Onew as he tried to keep his breathing steady.


"He cheated on her, Jinki, and just used her for his gain." she sighed. "That's why I'm glad she's dating something like Jonghyun right now. Well, I should go; you rest up, Jinki." And she hung up after that.


Onew slowly put his phone down and tightly gripped his bed sheets. After finally hearing the truth of when they were trainees together in SM, he understood her plan of revenge was a way to get back at both her boyfriends that had cheated on her. "Oh Minki…."



Minki sat on the sofa in her apartment. It was around one in the morning and she was having difficulty sleeping. She knew that her mother had called her hours ago but she didn't have the courage to pick it up and tell her parents everything that had happened.


She just sat in the darkness, only hearing her breathing. Feeling uncomfortable in the silence, she decided to turn on the TV only to see that the channel she was on was currently airing her MV. "Broken…. You left me broken." she whispered along with the song. "You both left me broken… my heart and my dreams." Her grip on the chair arm tighten as she thought about her first love and how he made her forget about her dreams. "Look at me now… LOOK AT ME NOW!" she yelled out then sobbed.


She moved and rested her elbows on her knees, her hands knotting her hair. "Then it was Jonghyun's turn to break my heart." She slightly laughed as her tears flowed down her face. She looked up, seeing the picture of Sekyung on her coffee table. Minki picked up, staring at it then traced over Sekyung's most noticeable features before she crumbled it up and threw it to the side.


She stood up and walked over to the opened window. Leaning against the ledge, she stared up to the moon with an angered look in her eyes. 'Just watch... I will make the two of you regret ever doing that to me.'



Jonghyun's POV


I sat in the very back of the airplane, avoiding almost everybody. Many of the noonas who are friends with Minki were pretty upset at me since the news was released and Onew hyung has been giving me the cold shoulder since last night; every time I would try to ask him something, all he gave me was this death glare and leave. It was quite nerve wreaking really.


The plane had barely left the ground, yet some of the hyungs were already sleeping and I would be too if I wasn't for the fact and I feel like I'm gonna die if I did sleep. Yes, I'm paranoid, but I rather be safe than sorry.


I sighed then looked out at the cloudy sky. Whenever it was cloudy, it always reminded me of when I first met Minki again after she had quit being a trainee.


SHINee had an outdoors performance and lucky for us, the sun hid behind the clouds the whole day. I was the last one to the stadium and everyone else had already change and was currently putting on their mic boxes. I tried to change as fast as I could with the coordi noona barking at me for my tardiness. As I put on my vest, she, in a fit of rage, strike my head. I winced at the impact and if she wasn't a girl, I wouldn't have let that slide.


I just sat down in the chair for her to mix my makeup and she aimed strike my head with the brush, but I never felt it. Looking up, I saw Minki there, dressed pearl aqua from head-to-toe, holding onto her arm. She was glaring at noona, but it also felt that she was glaring at me. "YAH! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO HIT HIM!?"


Our noona glared back at her and snapped her arm away. "I am their coordinator; you are just a fan that's about to get kicked out of this building."


One of Minki’s eyebrow’s rose up. “You’re the coordinator? Sorry, but all I see is a tly with a temper.”


She growled, and I started to think she was part panther, and raised her hand to slap Minki, but before she could hit her and before I could stop her, Onew hyung’s loud voice could be heard in the room then manager hyung’s.


“What are you doing!?” questioned our manager. “I had fans tell me that you were bullying them, but I choose to ignore it since I didn’t have any proof. But now... you are fired!”


“What!? You can’t fire me! It was her fault!” she whined as she pointed to Minki.


Minki pouted and tugged on Onew hyung’s shirt. “Oppa, she hit Jonghyun and was gonna hit me.”


Hyung wrapped his arms around her. “I can’t believe you were about to hit my cousin.”


Noona gulped. “C-cousin!?”


“Take your stuff and go; you are no longer their coordi.” said manager hyung as he roughly tossed her her things and pushed her to the arms of the waiting security.



Since then, I hung out more and more with Minki cause she always came to visit until she started living with us. She became the envy of all fangirls, but they accepted her since she was Onew hyung’s cousin and one of the top students at her university. Then eight months ago, we started dating and a month ago... I started dating Sekyung.


I know I’m at fault for hurting Minki like I did; I know I still love her, but an opportunity came with Sekyung and I went for it! I hit myself on the forehead and looked back out at the clouds while my heart stung a little.




Oh. My. Gosh. What have I been doing with my life? When was the last update? 6000 years ago? I'm so sorry for being AWOL. It's my fault, not Jae's. I have nothing to say about myself, I'll just huddle in the corner of shame. Thank you all who have been waiting and supporting, if there were any...

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Chapter 19: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
vanessanesangtae #2
Chapter 19: One of the best fanfic I've read, the story is clean and make yiu want to read more. Update please :D
Chapter 19: Hello :) great comeback, keep it up**
Chapter 18: Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
Chapter 18: ;^; I'm so happy for an update c:
Chapter 18: '6000 years ago' BWAHAHAHA exaggerating much?
You're so funny.
anyway..at least u updated now and thats what matters. ^^,
love the update and I still think Jonghyun should do something. or Die.
Chapter 17: Update >W<
I just want to say I just started reading this and I am totally hooked! I haven't found too many fics that I like and am totally stoked for the next chapter. I really love this so far and everything is so good! I am really excited to continue reading ^^
xxtru3lov3xx #9
Love the scene where onew was planning different scenerios to kill jjong Lol
xXRainyWishXx #10
New reader and subscirber here!^_^<br />
I love this story, especially those little imagination sequences!^^<br />
Like Onew thinking of ways to kill Jonghyun!!!<br />
I hope you'll put up the next chapter soon! :)