

Donghwa and Minki were currently in a studio getting ready to film her first commercial for a new line of make-up. Minki closed her eyes as the make-up artist brushed eye shadow on her.

Donghwa stood next to her. "Okay, just like how we rehearsed, alright?"

"Oppa, I don't really have any lines, okay? It's a commercial in which I just have to kiss the male actor and that's it!" she exclaimed then kept her lips parted so the make-up artist could apply the lip gloss. "Who's my partner anyway?"

He nervously looked around when he heard her question. "Oh, you missed a spot." he pointed out.

They dabbed on a bit more lip gloss before leaving the room. Minki made sure that the door was closed before she turned around in her chair to her manager. "Oppa, who am I working with?"

"Well...." Before he could continue, they heard some screams from outside. The two looked at each other before heading towards the door, however before Minki could open it, Donghwa blocked it.

She looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You do know that this dressing room is shared by both actors right?"

At that moment there was a knock on the door. "May we come in?"

Minki furrowed her brows together when she heard the voice since she knew she heard that voice somewhere before. "Oppa, opened the door."

Donghwa sighed, knowing that he couldn't avoid it anymore. He stepped to the side, opening the door. The person at the door froze when he saw her standing there. "M-Minki."

Her face was blank for a few seconds before a sly smirk appeared on her lips. "Well well, this is a surprise." she said as she grabbed her manager's arm and pulled him out of the room. "Jonghyun~ hwaiting~" she whispered as she passed him. She pulled Donghwa to a secluded part of the set. "Oppa, why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't know until this morning!" he defended. "Don't blame me, okay?

Minki sighed and raised her hand to run through her hair but Donghwa stopped her. "You don't want the stylists to yell at you."

She frowned. "Fine, but I'll make the best of it then." She walked onto the set where Jonghyun was waiting with the director.

"Minki-ssi, I know that this is your first commercial but don't be too nervous, okay?" smiled the director as she tucked back a strand of her hair then turned to Jonghyun. "Jonghyun-ssi, I know you are in a relationship, but I hope you understand that you have to kiss her NO MATTER WHAT." she glared.

Minki giggled as she hugged his left arm. "Unnie~ you're so mean~"

"Nobody messes with my family and gets away with it."

"YOU TWO ARE RELATED!?" yelled Donghwa and Jonghyun.

Minki pouted. "You don't recognize Jinki oppa's older sister? So sad when you have met Jinkyung unnie a couple times before too."

"Yes, Jonghyun-ssi, I'm so hurt now." Jinkyung said as she pretended to be hurt.

"Unnie, I never thought that you would be able to get Jonghyun as my partner!" Minki clapped. "You are definitely the best!"

Jinkyung laughed and hugged her. "Anything for my little cousin~" She leaned in closer to her ear. "Show him why no guy should mess with the women in our family." she whispered.

Minki smirked then looked up at Jonghyun. "My pleasure, unnie~" He gulped and looked away to the side.

"Okay, back to business." Jinkyung said as she placed her hands on her hips. "You know what I want you guys to do, but let me go over it once again."

Minki sat at the makeup table and picked up the brush. She gently it against her cheek, trying not to ruin the hard work they had already done. Jonghyun stepped on to the set; he was completely nervous about having to work with her, but he wouldn't allow it to show while filming. Clearing his throat, he called out her name.

She gently placed the brushed down and slowly turned around. When she saw him, a smile appeared on her face. "Jonghyun!" She walked up to him and hugged her arms around his neck while his arms automatically hugged her waist. Minki leaned in closer so that their noses touched. "You do know why today is special, right?" she whispered, her breath tickling his lips.

"W-why?" he stuttered then mentally cursed himself.

A small smirked appeared on her lips while her eyes gave away a tint of sadness. "It would have been our anniversary; happy eighth month anniversary, Jonghyun." she said before kissing his lips.

Onew happily stuffed the piece of chicken in his mouth as the rest of SHINee were chatting along. It was the evening and they were having dinner at Jaehyun's place since he nicely invited them over. Jaehyun was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "Why does everyone always come to me for food?" he asked as he pinched his nose bridge.

"Because you cook like crazy on your days off." grinned Taemin as he reached out to get more of the Vietnamese chicken salad before his hyung devoured it all.

"And you always cook for MBLAQ hyungs, so why not us?" asked Minho.

Jaehyun's eyes widened as he pushed himself off of the wall. "Wait MBLAQ should- no, they're in Japan right now." he sighed. 

"Hyung! We're running out of your chicken salad!" complained Key as he quickly took the last piece of chicken on the plate and popped it in his mouth. "Seriously, you need to teach us this recipe."

Onew, who was currently glaring at the diva, nodded. "You're the only person we know who makes this." he said as he turned to the older male by the kitchen. "It's almost on par with fried chicken!" Everyone in the room gasped and stared at the SHINee leader with open mouths. "What?"

"We just never thought we'll get to see the day that you say something is almost as good as friend chicken." answered Jonghyun as he reached out for his glass of water.

Jaehyun laughed. "You guys are definitely something else." he said as he reached back to tighten his apron and stepped back into the kitchen. "Besides, I would love you show you how to make it, but I sure none of you guys will ever touch a raw chicken."

They all looked at each other, silently figuring out who in the group would have the courage to work with the raw poultry. "I guess you're right, hyung." stated Taemin as he sighed and leaned back against his chair, waiting for more food to come.

"Coming right up." said Jaehyun as he pulled the boiled chicken out from the pot and placed it on the cutting board.

As they were waiting, they heard a phone ring. Everyone reached into their pockets and pulled out their phones, thinking that it was for them, but it was Onew who had a call. He accepted the call then put it on speakers so he could finish the pieces of chicken he had in his bowl before more coming. "Yobosaeyo?"

"Jinki! Where are you?"

He smiled as he immediately recognized the voice, however Jonghyun was on the other side staring at the phone with fear. "Noona! We're at Jaehyun hyung's apartment right now having dinner. Noona, how are you?"

They heard her giggle on the other side of the line. "I'm fine. Jinki, since you're busy, I'll make this short; be sure to be on SBS around 21:19 tonight!"

He blinked. "Why? What's on? Are they showing your new commercial then?"

"Yup! Make sure you don't miss it! It's to kill for!" They heard her laugh again before the line went dead.

Jonghyun gulped and placed his bowl and chopsticks down. "I'm full now." he muttered as he got up.

"Full? You barely ate anything!" exclaimed Key as he eyeballed the main vocal.

"Hyung, are you okay?" asked Minho as he noticed how pale he looked.

He forced a smile on his face as he was hoping for his stomach to calm down. "I'm perfectly fine."

Onew and Taemin were the only ones in the living room of their dorm while the rest of the members had retreated to their rooms. Taemin sat on the chair with his legs tucked up beneath him. He main focus was on the screen of his DS but he would occasionally glance at the TV screen. Onew was flipping through the channels since no one knew the exact number to the SBS channel. He anxiously glanced at the clock on the wall as the minute hand was getting closer and closer to the time.

As he was rapidly searching for the channel, he caught a glimpse of Minki and quickly went back to it. Onew blankly stared at the TV, the remote he held dropped onto the couch.  Taemin, however, jump at the first sight of her and squealed in excitement, "Noona!" He then jumped then he heard a loud groan coming from where Jonghyun is currently hiding in. Their eyes were glued to the screen and soon, both their mouths were hung wide open from what they just saw.

'Did they just do what I think they did?'  Onew thought.  Taemin noticed his horrified expression and waved a hand in front of his face.

"Hyung? Hyung! HYUNG!!!" The maknae screamed into the Dubu leader’s ear, but no response. Taemin placed his DS on the couch and made a mad dash to find the diva and the charisma rapper to help him.

As that was happening,  Onew was formulating some plans. 'How should I murder him? No one will miss him that much... will they? Nah, who will miss him anyways? We'll just have Taemin work his charms on Jonghyun's fans then he wouldn't have any.  Plus he's a dinosaur! Dinosaurs are extinct! Why is Jonghyun so special that he's the only dinosaur alive? So let's see.... Did Minki say she knows someone with a sword?'


"Minki! I'd been trying to reach you for the last two hours!" sobbed Onew. "Why pick up now?"

"Oppa, you know the idol life. Is there something you needed?"

"Yeah, don't you have a friend with a sword?"

"Oppa, he's in Japan. Why?"

Onew shook his head to get that idea out of his head. 'Nah, that would take too long.'

Taemin, along with the two rappers, quickly ran to the living room. Key walked up towards their leader while the other two stood cautiously by the hallway.

"YAH! Hyung! Snap out of it!" Key did everything to make him snap out of it. He shook him, slapped him, punched him, waved a piece of chicken in front of his face and even tried to impersonate Minki, but,  none of them work as Onew did not even move from his spot.

'Maybe I should push him out of a helicopter?'

"H-hyung, please think this over." begged Jonghyun as he was dangling out of a helicopter. He looked down behind him and gulped as he saw the boiling lava of the volcano beneath him.

"Who's fault is this, Jonghyun?" Onew glared at the main vocalist. "You broke her heart then you go back and kissed her!?"

"I didn't! She kissed me!" he defended.

"Don't give me any excuses, Kim Jonghyun." Onew said before he let go of the front of his shirt and laughed crazily as the dino fell into the volcano.

Onew frowned. 'Something like that would cost a lot of money.' He turned his head and saw Key sanding there. 'Oh, since when was he there? He can wait a little bit longer.' Onew turned his head away from Key to face the TV once again.

"Aish hyung! You're impossible! Your turn Minho!" Key stomp over to Taemin and Minho now stood next to him.

Key signed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Explain to me what happen again please, Taemin."

"Onew hyung saw the makeup commercial that had both Jonghyun hyung and Minki noona in it! They kissed!" Taemin squeaked.

He nodded his head, knowingly, then glanced over at Minho who was currently talking and rapping loudly into Onew's ear. Key sighed once again as Minho made his way towards them.

"Nothing seems to be working." Minho shook his head.

'I could always poison his chicken. Yes! Death by chicken!'

Onew knocked on the door to Jonghyun's and Key's room. After hearing a faint 'come in,' he opened and saw Jonghyun lying on the bed with music sheets in front of him. He looked up from his paper than sat up seeing that his hyung was in the front. "Is there something you need, hyung?"

He shook his head. "Just wanted to bring you some chicken." he smiled as he placed the plate of a drumstick on the nightstand.

Jonghyun looked at him and the chicken oddly. "Why didn't you eat it hyung?"

"I already ate five buckets!" Onew stretched and plopped down on the bed. "Really! I'm so full now!"

He laughed as he took the plate. "That's my hyung for you." Jonghyun smiled as he picked up the chicken and slowly brought it to his mouth.

Onew shook his head. 'No, that's a waste of chicken. I will never use it in a murder.'

Jonghyun nervously poked his head out of his room. "Is everything... okay?" He whispered to the three near him. He glanced at their leader on the couch and knew already from the facial expressions that he was already planning a murder, his.

"I think you should stay away from hyung for a little bit longer." answered Key. Jonghyun nodded  then retreated back into his room to conceal himself.

"Jonghyun...." Onew quietly muttered, drawing everyone's attention.

Key made his way towards him once again. "Yah, are you finally snapping out of it?" he asked but after two minutes of silence, he screamed in frustration when he didn't get a single response.

'I could just choke him. Yeah, I just need to get my hands around his neck.'  Onew abruptly stood up, making Key jump back, startled by his action. He took note of the look in his eyes as Onew turned around and stared at the door to Jonghyun's hideaway.

"Get him!" he shouted, just as Onew made a mad dash towards Jonghyun's door. Minho grabbed one of his arms and pinned him against the ground with Key pinning his other arm soon after. Taemin, unsure of what he should do, sat on his legs.

"Hyung! You cannot kill Jonghyun! You have to calm down!" yelled Key as he tried to keep him pinned down. 'How does someone who eats so much chicken still have muscle!?' he thought then almost yelled out when Onew had hit him on the face. "We all agree that it would be good to see Jonghyun suffer a bit after what he did to Minki...."

"Hey!" Jonghyun screamed, but the members didn't pay attention to him as they were trying to calm down the leader.

"But still, you can't kill him!" they all yelled out in unison. Onew grunted in disappointment and calmed down a bit but he continued to keep struggling out of their hold.

"If you don't calm down, we won't let you sit next to Minki on the plane ride to and from Japan!" yelled Minho, knowing that both Onew and Taemin had already claimed the two seats next to her.

Onew, not surprisingly, stopped trashing around then sighed. "Why do you guys do this to me?"

Taemin cheekily grinned. "Because we love you, Onew hyung!"


Wah! It's been so long! Hope you guys are alright and not cra-cra-crazy LOL Okay, wrong reference again =.=;

Since it's been a while, we gave you a pretty long chapter! Over 2600 words! :O

And now it's almost 7AM and I'd been up for a while trying to finish this ><;


Oh, before my sister says anything, I was definitely taking my sweet time getting this out. Sorry! ><;

Replies will be answered later cause I need sleep! Again, SORRY!

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Chapter 19: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
vanessanesangtae #2
Chapter 19: One of the best fanfic I've read, the story is clean and make yiu want to read more. Update please :D
Chapter 19: Hello :) great comeback, keep it up**
Chapter 18: Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)
Chapter 18: ;^; I'm so happy for an update c:
Chapter 18: '6000 years ago' BWAHAHAHA exaggerating much?
You're so funny. least u updated now and thats what matters. ^^,
love the update and I still think Jonghyun should do something. or Die.
Chapter 17: Update >W<
I just want to say I just started reading this and I am totally hooked! I haven't found too many fics that I like and am totally stoked for the next chapter. I really love this so far and everything is so good! I am really excited to continue reading ^^
xxtru3lov3xx #9
Love the scene where onew was planning different scenerios to kill jjong Lol
xXRainyWishXx #10
New reader and subscirber here!^_^<br />
I love this story, especially those little imagination sequences!^^<br />
Like Onew thinking of ways to kill Jonghyun!!!<br />
I hope you'll put up the next chapter soon! :)