Seven Years of Love

We Can Meet In Dreams


“Aish! Yuya! Why must I go to your lover’s house, on top of that walking under the bright, hot and energetic sun?”, Jaejoong was being pushed by Yuya all the way to Kazuki’s place.

“Aniki! Quit with the ramblings or we will never get there!”, Yuya replied, while pushing his favourite brother to his lover’s place.

Both of them were fighting as to why should Jaejoong goes to Kazuki’s place as Yuya’s guardian. Jaejoong was a bit reluctant earlier as he could sense something that will befall upon him. Although Yuya found his aniki to be amusing, sometimes he could not help but to think that Jaejoong was full of superstitious belief inside his head.

After thirty minutes of walk, which surprised Jaejoong, they finally arrived at the said place. Yuya knocked the door, only to be greeted by Boa and Seohyun. The girls seemed excited, especially Boa since she was waiting to meet Yuya, until her eyes laid on the blonde-haired male standing behind Yuya.

“Jaejoong?”, Boa can’t seemed to believe her very own eyes. There, stand a man she used to love so much before and perhaps the man that she would only love until the end. Jaejoong’s eyes were bulging out of its socket seeing the woman that he truly loves all this time. He was completely lost at words.

Seohyun and Yuya were puzzled seeing their guardians started to have a staring contest in front of the main entrance of the house. Kazuha, who was clueless about the situation suddenly butted in, disconnecting the lover’s eye contact.

“Yah! Why did you do that?”, Seohyun carefully whispered to Kazuha.

“What?”, Kazuha shortly replied.

“Can’t you read the situation between Boa unnie and Jaejoong-ssi earlier?”

“What kind of situation?”, Kazuha was still dumbfounded.

“Kazu-chan, they are lovers.”, Yuya butted in, answering the whole confusion Kazuha faced earlier. Kazuha gasped, too shocked about the revelation made by Yuya. The three of them set their eyes carefully towards their favourite senior. Both Jaejoong and Boa resumed their staring contest until Boa decided to start the conversation.

“So, you are Yuya’s guardian in Korea…”

“Yes, I am. He has been working in my bakery for the past two months.”, Jaejoong replied.

“Why did you leave me?”, Boa’s question startled Jaejoong. He took in his breath before answering her question.

“I am here as Yuya’s guardian, Boa-ssi.”, he replied in a very formal tone, which irritates Boa.

“Well I am inviting you as Yohee’s guardian too. But since YOU are the Yuya’s guardian, and since YOU are in my house, YOU should be answering my question just now.”, she stated in a very firm and formal tone. She tried her best to conceal her tears that would fall anytime.

Jaejoong sighed heavily. “I am sorry, Boa. I should answer you, but not now. Let’s just focus on the kids. I promise you I will answer all of your question when the right time comes.”

 “You’re trying to run away from me again, aren’t you?”, Boa spat.

“I am not running away from you!” Jaejoong defending himself.

“Yes you are! You never put a piece of trust when it comes to me! I don’t love Yunho! I never love him! I only love you and yet you never believe me! You ran away from me!”

“You don’t know how it feels to be torn apart between your own sworn brother and the woman whom you love so deeply, Boa.”

Jaejoong’s statement halted Boa from throwing any tantrums further. The living room was in silence before Boa suddenly sobs. She was crying and she cried heavily, which shocks all of them. Kazuha signaling Seohyun to take their elder sister to her room, while Yuya halted Jaejoong from approaching Boa any further. Jaejoong was devastated upon seeing the woman that he loves crying right in front of him. He believed that he was harsh towards Boa and that thought made him guilty.

 “Jaejoong-ssi, pleased to meet you, I am Kim Yohee @ Hanazono Kazuha. I am Yuya’s childhood sweetheart.” Kazuha introduced herself properly, after the situation gets better.

“Hello, Yohee-ssi. I am Kim Jaejoong, Yuya’s current guardian.”, Jaejoong smiled a little.

“How long have you been living together with Boa?”, Jaejoong questions her, since he was a bit confused as to why Kazuha have the Korean names and at the same time possessed a different surname compared to Boa’s.

“I have been living with Boa since two years ago, right after my adoptive father’s death.”, she answered calmly.

“You are not Boa’s adopted sister, aren’t you?” Kazuha slowly nodded.

“Where is your adoptive family?”

“They are here. But I choose to leave the family.”, Kazuha answered flatly. Yuya seemed to be unconvinced by Kazuha’s answer.

“Is that so? But our young man Yuya here always told me that you are the kind and sweet girl that he has always loved. I don’t believe that you would leave your adoptive mother behind.”, Jaejoong tricked her to answer his question honestly.

“Yohee was thrown out by her adoptive mother.”, Seohyun answered their puzzle earlier.

Yuya was shocked and look straight at Kazuha to find the truth behind Seohyun’s statement. Kazuha could not face him straight as she does not want Yuya to learn the truth. 

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Hajimemae! Annyeong! This is the first time I leave my message here... Readers, I hope all of you do enjoy my stories here.. Do comment and support me! TQ!


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teddiebears #1
popping in to older fics to say hi .u.

hi, thank you for reading this fanfic. it has been my wish to write something regarding the mystery realm of dream. and here it goes!

I do read (my favourite pairing of all time =YunJae) so I'll look forward for yours to read... ^_^

thank you for your support and subscribing...!
new reader here!
i never read non- fic before. this is my first time and first fic. its look very nice.
just few mistake.
its really nice and interesting that they can meet in dreams. its really amazed me.
i'll keep looking forward to this.
thank you for sharing! update again! all the best! ^^