What The Hell?

The Conquest of Cassanova
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It's been two weeks since that day. Since that Cassanova stopped bothering me. But trust me, she is still bothering me, bothering my head. Because she always shows up with all her arrogant swag and never looked at me, like, there's nothing happened between us. Somehow, I feel weird because she acts like she doesn't know me. I thought after she knows who I really am, she would, maybe, talk to me or hang out with me because… come on, our families are bond. We're practically one family.


Maybe I should stop calling her Cassanova .


But I can't, because she is still a . She is still bullying people who she thinks disrespect her.


And she is still ing around with those hot girls. I can't even tell which one is her real girlfriend and which one is not.


I've been really working, with no interruption. Students start to like me because of my teaching method. I like bringing my guitar I got from my brother when I was in high school and sing together with my students. They seem enjoying it.


Actually, rich little brats are not that bad.


Well, I've never got a chance to teach Cassanova though. She is my student but she is always absent in my class. She never attends. Whenever I ask my students, all they say is… 'You don't look for Cassanova, she finds you. So, we will never know where she is.'


What kind of quote is that?


At this time, students are at the gym, because it's sports time. Yeah, this is a college but it seems like a high school for me. But I really enjoy teaching here. I'm friends with Bom now. Cassanova is also not bothering her anymore, maybe that is smart enough to know that if she bothers Bom, I will do something to make her stop.


Maybe Cassanova really is afraid of my threats. Which is good.


There is a group of boys, athletic and handsome boys. They are my students, they greet me. They like to tease me even inside the classroom, now, it's not impossible that they will tease me again.


"Hello, Miss. Pretty Park." The tallest one said.


I just smiled to him, "Hello, giant" That's the name I gave to him because he is way too big.


Ugggh, why am I trapped with these people. They can't stop teasing and flirting with me. They keep asking my personal questions which I would never answer seriously.


"Miss Park, I think you're bleeding."


Yeah, I feel something flowing out of my nose. Nosebleed. Damn! I hate this.


"Do you want me to take you to the clinic?"


I rejected them all quickly and walked toward the garden, where nobody is around. I sat down on the bench and cleaned my nose with tissue paper which I always bring anywhere. Why should I get nosebleed at time like this? It makes me look ridiculously weak.


I heard a steps, sounds of heavy heels hitting the grass. I turned my head to the right, wow, how can I always get goosebumps every time she is around?

Because it's sports time, she has to wear something sporty too, she is wearing black t-shirt and grey loose trousers, her hair is tied up with rubber, this time, real rubber, but still using heels? This girl is weird.


"You had fun ing with those guys?" She suddenly said and stood up in front of me. I frowned and pinched my nose lightly to squeeze all the blood out.


"You okay?" She asked, she touched my nose but then she is like, blinking and quickly move away her hand from me.


"Haha… I thought you would never ever touch stranger." I said, sarcastic.


"Why are you so weak!? How much blood have been flowing out of your body this week?"


Cassanova sounds different today, she is still cold and annoying with the words she use but she sounds more… gentle. And the way she dress up like ordinary school girl seems really fine to see. I'd like it better than her -too much- style of fashion.


"Why are you here, Chaerin? Aren't you supposed to be doing sports?" I looked at her from head to toe, wondering what sports she is doing. She doesn't look like someone who does sport at all.

But that fabulous body is suspicious.


"I'm bored. Why? I can't even visit this garden, Mistress owner!?"


Now she is teasing me. Oh, cut it off, Cassanova . I'm not in the mood of fighting or arguing with you.


"I'm not fighting with you, not anymore. Now, why don't you sit down?" I patted the empty spot beside me. She is just starring at it. "What's wrong?" I asked.


"Do you know how much bacteria there? It's dirty, I'm not…" I grabbed her hand and pushed her down until she is seated.


"What the…???"


"Sssh… you can't curse at your teacher." I said.


"You're not even a real teacher."


"Hey, I'm a real teacher. You know, kids like me." I said, proudly.




Geez. Even talking to her is this tiring, how come those girls stand it dating her!?


Some people who are doing the jogging around the garden are starring at us with those different types of stares. Jealous? Confused? Surprised? Unbelievable? Do I look Funny?

It's all because of this Cassanova . Why the hell she is here anyway? I mean, she has no business with me.


Except, she is trying to flirt with me.


HAHAHA, don't tell me my guess is right.


Just thinking about it already gives me this disgusting feeling.


"Boss, it's your turn." Said one of her bodyguard, the yellow hair one because the other one has brown and golden hair. This one has smaller face and skinny body with gayer vibe than the other one, come on, he wears all pink.


"Well, I have to go." Cassanova stood up quickly and patted at her , "You sure there's no bacteria going to get in to my skin!?"


"Trust me, bacteria won't even wish to go into your ." I said with my eyes rolling. She hissed, was about to say something to me but she stopped when I looked at her with eyes widened. She must feel like being mocked, yeah, that was my intention. She really needs to stop being such a bossy.


I'm a boss too here.


Cassanova turned around and walked quickly toward her pinky bodyguard, he bowed at her briefly and then walked behind her. Slave.


I narrowed my eyes. Hum. What did he mean by her turn? I mean, what sports is she doing actually? Oh,,, I'm getting so curious and eager to know. Come on, who doesn't want to know about this little gangsta ? No. Not in the fangirl way, I mean, as someone who has something like-connected- with her, it's normal for me to want to know right?


So I decided to follow them to that building, I have never been there, in fact, I have never been to all buildings in this environment. This expensive college is bloody huge.


I entered in the yard, and I heard loud noises from inside that big iron door. Like something being hit, and a yelling. Scary yelling. What is this place?


I popped in my head by the door, wow. You don't believe what I'm seeing.


This can't be… a boxing ring. This is boxing. Cassanova does boxing? Hell no!


I entered in hesitantly, the floor is carpeted with green rubber made. It's a little bit hot here. There are five rings in the middle of the room. The ceiling is so high and this room is so spacious. There are mostly boys practicing here. And some trainers or couches or something like that.


There are girls too. And they are gathering, making a big circle around that boxing ring in the corner.


Cassanova is right there. Standing arrogantly in front of those girls, her bodyguards are busy serving her drinks. She looked serious, I mean, she always looks serious but this is different. Is she going to fight?


This is more than fun!


I walked up closer to watch it closer. And why am I becoming so excited like this?


Cassanova pulled up her black t-shirt and caused a really annoying loud noises from those girls. Wow. If only I'm not shy enough to say, 'Wow.' She has that body. That's her body? Girls are praising her, no wonder.


She has this perfect shoulder and… y collarbone, perfect sized s (not to sound ert, really), flat tummy which I believe has some muscles in there. Then, her bodyguards put in the boxing gloves into her hands. She took a deep breath, inhale, exhale, then…. damn.


She caught me. I mean, she saw me. No. Our eyes had just met.


I looked away. Should I leave? But I want to watch her. Because this looks fun.


"Ready?" The trainer asked her.


Cassanova looked away from me and she nodded. Then she walked up to the ring. Girls started cheering out loud, not only girls, also boys. I walked closer to the audience, no, not going through the audience because I don't wanna be dead because they're way too hippy. I walked a little bit farther behind the audience, slightly beside those two gay bodyguards.


It starts.


Cassanova hits first, her opponent is… I must say, a little bit too strong for her, I guess? This girl has those muscular arms, long and strong neck, firm face, not to mention that she looks meaner than Cassanova , she is still pretty though

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guys I'm on vacation so I can't update!! pls be patience! good chapters are coming (well i hope so) :p anyway, I'm in Hongkong now. is there anybody live here?


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21Hunchae #1
Chapter 31: Hello! Can u believe it’s been seven years since i first read this story? Every chapter was like a roller coaster ride, and your following story writing got even better too. I missed this fic so I read it from scratch again, and I cried at certain parts lmaooo. Probably the 10 year 2ne1 post got me feelin’ stuff hehe. Thank you for writing <3
queenofGZB #2
Chapter 31: Author, can i tell you that i love you so much for wrote this fics for us. i can't stop.
queenofGZB #3
Chapter 1: I'm comeback to read again n again this fanfic. Goshh. Miss this story.
chaerashipper08 #4
mikichow11 #5
Chapter 3: I re read bck all your story. Gosh, u are talented enough. I'm your fans
chaerashipper08 #6
Chapter 31: Sorry for cursing but this is ing hilarious!
I love every bit of it! Thank you so much! Gonna read your other stories.. thanks!
GZB2506 #7
Chapter 31: it's so good , i'm your fan now <333333333
ahille #8
Chapter 31: I'm gonna cry ;-; This is to much love <333333333 LOVE THIS STORY
CHAERAAAA <33333333333
bittersweetlover #9
Chapter 31: Great story!!! I've lost count already how many times I've read this story... I never get tired reading this... You're an amazing author!!!