Chapter 29




Ryeowook smiled sadly at the latter.

“Am I dead?” Hyukjae asked, watching how his soul was separated from his body. He saw his body lay flatly on the bed, with Sungmin accompanied it.

“No, you didn’t.” Hyukjae turned to his angel, demanding an explanation. “I separated your soul and your body.” Ryeowook said with sad smile.

Hyukjae didn’t know why, but a strange feeling was occupied him, looking at how sad Ryeowook’s smiles were, he instantly knew something were wrong.

“It’s time.” Ryeowook paused to took a deep breath. “It’s time to bring you to the truth.”

“Truth?” Hyukjae his own hair, an action he didn’t even realized.

Ryeowook watched the latter, sadly. “It’s time for you to learn everything back, Hyukjae. Because we, the angels, couldn’t do anything to save him anymore.”

“Him?” Hyukjae titled his head. “Who are you talking about, Ryeowook?” he asked nervously.

“Took my hand, Hyuk, and I shall let you see everything. Every from the start.” Ryeowook said, extending his arm for Hyukjae to take. Even though he was hesitated, he still took it. Because he himself need answers for everything. Everything that had happened in his life.

In a blink of eyes, Hyukjae found himself stand in a big house, with two little boy, one inside a toy car, and another one standing not so far from him.

“The one inside the car is Donghae, and the one beside you is Kyuhyun.” Hyukjae squealed at how cute his two boyfriends were when they were young.

Ryeowook cleared his throat, tried to hit some reality in Hyukjae’s mind. “I knew they were cute, but no need to shrieked in happiness like a girl.” He said making the other blushed.

“Sorry.” He mumbled, rubbing his neck in shyness.

Ryeowook sighed. “They were two cousins getting along with each other. Kyuhyun had Donghae to protect him, and Donghae had Kyuhyun to be protected.” Hyukjae nodded at Ryeowook’s explanation. “But things worse when they grew up.”

Hyukjae’s was travel to the moment when Kyuhyun being harassed by Donghae’s maid.

“This is when all this started.” Ryeowook said. Suddenly they were brought to where Kyuhyun was trapped inside a fire. Hyukjae gasped, trying to took Kyuhyun’s hand and lead his way out. He turned speechless when his hand went passed through Kyuhyun, as he was just an air.

“There’s no use. This is the past. Nothing we can do to change it.” Ryeowook explained.

“But he will die!” Hyukjae shouted.

“He won’t.” Ryeowook said sadly. “Because the one was going to die is…” Before Ryeowook could finished, a loud voice interrupted them.

“Kyuhyun!” A loud bang on the door made Hyukjae turned to the source, while Ryeowook closed his eyes. Hyukjae watched how Jongwoon wrapping his arms toward Kyuhyun who slowly lose his breath, and brought the latter out.

Kyuhyun was safe. Hyukjae sighed in relief. But when suddenly one of the wood fall down to Jongwoon, Hyukjae and Kyuhyun screamed.

“Uncle Jongwoon!” It’s all Hyukjae could heard from Kyuhyun before Kyuhyun’s fainted.

“Jongwoon replaced him.” Ryeowook said suddenly. Hyukjae eyed how the fire was eating Jongwoon. He couldn't open his eyes, because tears threaten to fall from his eyes.

Ryeowook brought him to the moments where Kyuhyun and Donghae made love inside the room. “You might don’t want to see this…” Ryeowook said and Hyukjae cupped his ears, not willing to watch the scene in front of him. Ryeowook then brought him to another scene.

Hyukjae gasped. “No… no… It can be…no…” Hyukjae shook his head. Then it hit Hyukjae finally. The taller that he keeps dreaming all this while… was Kyuhyun.

“It is, Hyukjae. He was the guy from your dream. The guy that you was head over heel with. The guy that you’re drowned at. They guy that you gave your first at.” It was a scene where Kyuhyun was kissing Hyukjae, softly and gently, full of love. “The guy that you loved with all your heart.”

“Why?” Hyukjae asked, tears already run down his tears. “Why don’t I remember him?”

“Because…” Ryeowook took Hyukjae’s hand, travelled to somewhere else. “Because of this incident.”

Hyukjae slumped down, defeated. Now, everything was clear. He had made a mistake. Siwon was right. It wasn’t Kyuhyun. The one that had poisoned and pushed him wasn’t Kyuhyun. It was his own fiancé. The guy that he had thought loved him so much. It was Donghae.

“After this accident, you lost your memory about Kyuhyun.” Ryeowook said, even though it was hurtful for Hyukjae to hear, he needed to continue. Hyukjae needed to know the real truth. “Donghae took it as opportunity and planned everything. You first encounter with him at the bakery shop, it’s all Donghae’s plan. He make you fall in love with him, successfully buried Kyuhyun in your memories without can be traced back.”

“Stop… stop… I don’t believe you.” Hyukjae said, cupping his ears. It’s hard for him to digest everything.

“Kyuhyun turned devastated.” Ryeowook said and they once again traveled to another scene. Hyukjae tried to reached Kyuhyun when he saw the taller was killing himself. But Hyukjae’s hug couldn’t be return by Kyuhyun. “Do something!” Hyukjae yelled at Ryeowook. And suddenly the door busted open, revealing Siwon in his panic state. Siwon lifted up Kyuhyun and brought him to the hospital.

“I told you, Hyukjae. It was useless. We can't do anything here.” Ryeowook said and they traveled to other scene. There, Hyukjae could saw how the psychiatrist treated Kyuhyun as he was someone with mental problem. He could saw how Kyuhyun threw everything to them, refused to be treated.

And he saw Siwon. “Siwon was the only one left for Kyuhyun. He never left Kyuhyun side no matter what happen. Kyuhyun missed you so much, that he took Siwon as the place for him to released his need of you.” Hyukjae cupped his mouth with his hand, when he saw Siwon entering Kyuhyun, with tears running down Kyuhyun’s face. “Don’t blame Siwon. He didn’t force Kyuhyun into it. But he couldn’t stand look Kyuhyun around strangers. That’s why Siwon willing to replace.”

“Kyuhyun turned better though.” Ryeowook said smiling a little, making Hyukjae’s back turned from the scene. “He no longer needed to meet the psychiatrist. And Siwon decided it was time for you and Kyuhyun met again.” Ryeowook pointed to behind Hyukjae, when he turned, he saw himself and Kyuhyun together. Hyukjae smiled, contented. Because finally they being together back.

“But what you both didn’t know…” Hyukjae turned back to Ryeowook. “Donghae wasn’t happy with it.”

Hyukjae shook his head. “But Donghae is dead.”

“He is.” Ryeowook sighed. “But his future had been suspended. The heaven still hasn’t decided what to do with him. So for the time being, he sticks with us.”

“Donghae controlling you, to get Kyuhyun back.” Ryeowook said sympathy.


“Remember when you and Kyuhyun had made love, when Siwon asked Kyuhyun to pick you up?”

Hyukjae nodded. “I saw Donghae in Kyuhyun.”

Ryeowook lowered his head. “At that moment, Donghae played trick on your mind. You thought that you and him was on the bed, while Kyuhyun thought he was making loved back with you. But the truth is, Donghae entered your body, taking control and having his times with Kyuhyun.”

Hyukjae chuckled, cupping his face with both his hands.

“I’m sorry Hyukjae.” Ryeowook said, hugging the crying one. “Donghae had hated you even from the start. He thought that you’re meddling between him and Kyuhyun. And he did everything to get rid of you.” Ryeowook said and their surrounding turned from a room to a park.

“This is the moment when Donghae decided he needed to came back and took back Kyuhyun.” Hyukjae was brought back to the moments when of their first date. The time when Hyukjae thought he had the worst date ever. Hyukjae smiled seeing how peaceful Kyuhyun’s face was, because he was lying on Hyukjae’s laps. Them both were on the way to went back home, but Kyuhyun stopped in the middle.

Hyukjae turned his head to the direction where Kyuhyun’s eyes was, and he saw him. He saw Donghae. Donghae was looking angrily at Hyukjae, while Kyuhyun watching him. Hyukjae shivered because of the glare Donghae was sending to the oblivious him.  

“Kyuhyun thought that Donghae came back from death because he wanted to protect you. Kyuhyun had a planned to destroy everything of Donghae though. And he wanted to destroy you, too.” Hyukjae quickly turned to Ryeowook. “But of course he couldn’t.” Ryeowook gave Hyukjae an assuring smile. “He is too loving you.” He sighed. “But Kyuhyun didn’t know, it wasn’t him Donghae wanted to kill, as he thought, but it was you who Donghae wanted to kill.”

“And this is when Donghae completely returned back to this world.” Ryeowook said and Hyukjae watched how Donghae was entering Leeteuk’s body.

“Why are you showing me all this, Ryeowook?” Hyukjae asked, finally getting tired of how his life was right now.

“Because of this.” Ryeowook brought Hyukjae to the last scene. “He was Youngwoon.” He explained when Hyukjae eyed a guy behind Kyuhyun’s back. “He was a devil. And devil’s job is to whispered at human, making human do the wrong things.”

Hyukjae gasped. He got what Ryeowook mean is. “Yes. Your Kyuhyun has turned soulless now.” He sighed. “He is now the devil’s puppet.”

“H…how… how am I going to save him?” Hyukjae asked, definitely hated the new Kyuhyun in front of him. No. His Kyuhyun wasn’t like this. His Kyuhyun was warm. And he wanted that warm Kyuhyun’s back.

“You know the way, Hyukkie. He was your red cap man. You’ll eventually know.” Ryeowook said and pushed back Hyukjae’s soul inside his body.

Hyukjae woke up abruptly, startling Sungmin who were besides him.

“Hyukkie… you’re awake!” Sungmin beamed in happiness, but Hyukjae didn’t have time for it.

“We need to save Kyuhyun, Minnie. I need to save him.” He said holding both Sungmin’s shoulder, shaking it. “I need to save my lover.” He said to the confused Sungmin.

“There Hyukjae. I had done everything I can.” He said, tears run down his face as he started to fade slowly into dust. “Save Kyuhyun, and live happily. Because an angel like me, only can wishes your happiness.”

“Ryeowook…” Jongwoon called softly, watching in despair how Ryeowook slowly fading away. “Don’t be sad, Jongwoon. I decided this. An angel was not supposed to tell his human the truth, but I broke it. It’s my punishment. And I gladly received it.” He swallowed. “Because Kyuhyun will be saved, and I could see the smile back on your face.”

“Why? You don’t have to sacrifice yourself.” Jongwoon said angrily, his cold heart was melten with Ryeowook’s sacrifices.

“Because I love you, Jongwoon. I know an angel shouldn’t fall in love with another angel. But I couldn’t help it.” He smiled. “And if saving them will bring back those smiles to you, I’m happy for it.” He sobbed. “Just for the last time, Jongwoon. Please hug me.”

Jongwoon quickly went to Ryeowook and hugged him before Ryeowook faded completely.

“Thank you.” Ryeowook said and he finally turned to dust.

“No. I am the one who supposed to thank you, Wook.” Jongwoon said. “Thanks for everything.”


Finally half of the mystery were resolved, right? Sorry if it didn't turned out up to your expectation. Another few chapters and this story will be completely complete. No more complicated, okay?


Meanwhile, kindly check few stories I'm working at right now.

New story ~~~

Because - Completed.

Hit - Just a teaser first~~

Boyfriend - Teaser first~~

Doodle - Two chapter already updated. 


and anyone wanted to request?~~~~


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Chapter 20 is not contain any mature scene. I don't know why it marked as (M). Feel free to read with ease.


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kyuwonfan #1
Chapter 34: it little confusing at first...unexpected plot...i like i love it how u end this....ur my fav...
EunHaeLove42 #2
Chapter 25: Instead of going after his supposed to be love he goes to Kyu. It was really nice reading though so I hope you get much love for it.
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 25: Yeh well I was enjoying but it got a little confusing for me. First Donghae was so in love with Hyuk and hated the man that was taken him away so he jumps into a body but ins
saruikun #4
Chapter 2: woah kyu! your words to hyukjae makes me speechless ._.
i hope hyuk will be nice soon to kyuhyun>w<
saruikun #5
Chapter 1: nice story~ poor kyuhyun~
I imagine if kyuhyun were old fashioned and nerdy boy ow i think is so cute >w<
Chapter 34: I know I must be happy, even so, since you always speaks to me with true, I'll do the same, it hurts me. I can't really pair Kyu with someone else asides Hyuk, even so, I must confess it is well written in first pov so you can develop better Donghae's feeling and how his love became dark and twisted, it is really good :D
Chapter 33: It... ended -no words left my mouth because my heart squeezed- it really end -sighs- I'm gonna miss it.
It was cute and I love Donghae, he finally found peace forgiving and maybe forgiving his self.
Sarangheyou my dear friend!!! And I loved this story. Now I'm gonna go to the bonus >.<
Chapter 33: Finally i can finish reading your fic. The ending was soooo sweet...and also full of hope and love.
I really love how you end the fic,
Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us.
analee592 #9
Chapter 33: Aaaw...kyuhyuk finally found their happiness was so sweet...hae did the right thing in the him^^
Indyie7 #10
Chapter 33: I can't believe it already ended~
Awnn I like this story soooo much : D
I am happy that they forgave Hae and that they are happy together :D
thank you so much for this amazing ff ^^