Chapter 24





Leeteuk was watching Donghae intently at him, while Donghae returned back the same attitude.


“That is my body.” Leeteuk exclaimed.


“It WAS your body. You're out, I'm in.” Donghae smirked. “That's all the deal.”


“I'm dead at the moment. You supposed to left alone my body, not getting inside it.”


Donghae stood up. “As you said, you're dead. So that mean this body belong to no vessel. And I was smart enough to get inside first.”


Their argument being interrupted by Heechul who calling Leeteuk from the kitchen.


“Teukie...” Heechul called him from the kitchen. “Come and have dinner.”


“Quiet lovely, isn't he?” Donghae smirked.


Leeteuk alarmed of the tone Donghae's used.


“Ah... I'm about to go crazy here.” He ruffled his hair. “Living in the same roof with the person who had hurt my little lover.” He clenched his first. “What should I do to your little lover? Torture him to death?”


“What are you talking about?” Leeteuk shouted. “Never ever touch Heechul. What he had done to you?”


“You and him hurt Kyuhyun.” Donghae said in low tone, so dark and dangerous to Leeteuk. “You made him suffer.” He said while looking at him darkly. “You both him.”


Leeteuk shivered at Donghae's.


“Don't... don't hurt Chullie... please.” Leeteuk knelled to him, begged.


“For the time being... maybe... but I can guarantee his future.” Donghae said and left Leeteuk all alone.


“Tsskk... Now you know who you were dealing with.” Donghae snickered, eyeing Heechul who had walking here and there, cleaning the house. “And to think that such a beauty dare to lay finger on my Kyuhyunnie.”


“What are you staring at, you ert?” Heechul snickered at Donghae who in Leeteuk's body once he found him.


“Your swaying .” Donghae said while his lips.


“ert.” Heechul said and threw the pillow to him.


Donghae come forward and whispered to Heechul's ear. “I know you love it when I all ert for you.” Donghae then pulled Heechul with him, entering the bedroom, being watched by Leeteuk.


Pain were all over Leeteuk's face, but then Donghae just smirked at him.


Heechul moaned loud when they were together, making Leeteuk's eyes went teary. Heechul never knew that the person with him right now wasn't Leeteuk, but someone that had intention to hurt them, because they hurt his lover before.


“That was....” Heechul said in panted once their finish.


“Awesome?” Donghae guessed.


Heechul blushed, nodded. Never in his life Leeteuk had gave him this pleasure, that was coming with mighty pain, of course. But Heechul didn't care, because he liked it when Leeteuk treated him that way, unlike the usual angelic Leeteuk that keep making him feeling like a fragile thing.


Heechul yawned, feeling tired.


“Sleep.” Donghae said. He then stood up, going out from the room.


“You're not going to sleep?” Heechul asked.


“No, I had something to do.” Donghae said and left. Heechul just about to follow him when he suddenly felt great pain at his lower part. He lifted the blanket, only to found that he was bleeding.


Heechul blinked. “Was I so immersed into pleasure that I didn't realized that Teukie had made me bleed?” He suddenly felt rush of sadness went through his vein.


“He don't even check whether I'm okay or not.” Heechul said and tried hard to lift up his body, cleaning himself.


Heechul entered the bathroom, to treat his wound.


“You're here, yet you're far away.” he said to his reflection on the mirror. “Ever since you got into accident, this is the first time you touched me.” He sighed. “Yet, you're hurting me.” He wiped the tears from his face.


Heechul heard a car left the house, he quickly went to the window, just to witnessed that Leeteuk had gone out from the house, without informing him.


Heechul fell on his knees, crying. Being watched by Leeteuk, who couldn't do anything to comfort his lover.




Kyuhyun rubbed his sleepy eyes, walking half sleep towards the ringing door.


“Whoever you're, you must know to not coming to someone... mmphh...” Kyuhyun was silenced by something on his mouth. He had opened his eyes widely once he saw Leeteuk was kissing him, roughly.


He tried to pushed Leeteuk away but didn't success because first, Leeteuk was obviously much stronger than him, and second, he was still trauma of what the other had done to him.


Donghae that was on Leeteuk's body, pushed Kyuhyun inside, locking the door behind him. He knew no one was inside other than Kyuhyun, because Hyukjae had been with Sungmin for a while.


“What... what are you doing here?” Kyuhyun asked, shaking.


Donghae just his lips. “It's been a while, and I'm missing you.” Every time Donghae took step forward, Kyuhyun moved backward. Until he can go further anymore.


Kyuhyun was trapped on the wall, with Donghae all over him.


“Please... don't.” Kyuhyun in fear and was shaking the moment Donghae kissed his neck.


“Hmmm...” Donghae hummed.


“Please stop, Sunbae.” Kyuhyun begged.


“No.” Donghae said and searching something from his pocket. He fished out his hand phone, which make Kyuhyun's eyes widened, because he knew well the gadget.


Donghae unlock the keypad, looking for a specific video. Once he found what he wanted, he press the play button.


The video played and Kyuhyun had to plugged his ears with his hands, blocking the sound and memories that coming back.


He was tearing when he begged for Leeteuk to stop the video.


Donghae then threw the phone to the floor, unplugging Kyuhyun's hands that blocking his ears. Looking intensely to Kyuhyun's eyes. He then whispered to Kyuhyun, so lovely.


“I'll clean you from those bastards.” he said making Kyuhyun's shocked.


Donghae started once again kissing Kyuhyun, on all over his face. The touches was so soft and loving, that remind him of someone. Someone he had hated to death, but at the same time feeling loved.


Donghae laid Kyuhyun on the bed, manipulating the confused one.


“I have missed you so much, my babyKyu...” Donghae whispered lovely at Kyuhyun's ear.


Kyuhyun moaned at the action Leeteuk did to him. He didn't know why, but he kinda have feeling that the person on top him right now wasn't Leeteuk.


He resembled him.


The way he whispered to him, the way his hand bring pleasure to his body, the way he was kissing him, wasn't the way Leeteuk had done to him before. Wasn't the force Leeteuk nor Heechul had did to him before.


He resembled someone Kyuhyun had hated, yet longing to have him with him.


He resembled someone that makes Kyuhyun tore between him or Hyukjae.


He resembled.......... Donghae.


Kyuhyun's eyes snapped open from the thought, and the hand that started to his shirt. Kyuhyun struggled to break free from Leeteuk.


“Stop thinking that you can manipulating me again, Sunbae.” He said and struggle harder.


Donghae hissed at the sudden struggling that he had to weighted his weight on Kyuhyun's body more, trapping both Kyuhyun's legs with him.


“Stop struggling.” Donghae hissed.


“No.” Kyuhyun kept struggling to break free.


Donghae kissed and Kyuhyun's neck, knowing that place was Kyuhyun's sensitive spot.


Kyuhyun become powerless when Leeteuk did that, and his struggling did weaken.


I hate him. But I hate myself more, for not being able to protecting myself. Kyuhyun thought suddenly bring him to Hyukjae.


I'm sorry, Hyukkie. I'm very sorry.


I'm sorry that I can't fulfill all the promises we had made before.


I'm sorry that I have give up on everything now...


I am sorry...


He thought and tears run down his cheek. He closed his eyes, allowing whatever Leeteuk wanted to do to him. Because he has no strength anymore. He has no strength to fight back.


No more.



After all this, we will get married. We will move to village, only you and me, without anyone to interfere our lives anymore.” the tall man said to him.


Really, _______? No more him to separate us?” Hyukjae asked the taller.


The other nodded. Hyukjae's eyes shining of the thought.




I promise with my life...” the taller said and kissed him, fully on the lips. “I love you.”


I love you too, ______” he said returned back the kisses.


Hyukjae's woke up abruptly, scanning the whole room. He found nothing. He only accompanied by the sound of the fan, No taller man beside him. No one and he was all alone.


“It just another dream, Hyukjae.” he said assuring himself. He walked to the kitchen, to drink some water, to ease the nervousness that started to build inside him.


“What is your name? Who are you?” Hyukjae asked to nothingness, thinking of why he kept dreaming of the same man, without had any chances get a glimpse of how does he look like, or having heard his name said.


Hyukjae left out huge sighed. He stopped thinking of that thing, and started to take the glass, because he was damn thirsty at that time.


When he was about to fill his glass with water, out of nowhere, the glass slipped from his hand.


Hyukjae watched how the glass shattered to pieces, while his thought fled to Kyuhyun.


“Kyu....” he whispered that name, didn't even realized that he had tears on his face.



Donghae was busy tasting Kyuhyun's body, while his younger cousin just left him do anything he wanted.


It was when Kyuhyun had half , crying endlessly that he felt his soul had left his body, when suddenly Donghae had been thrown away from him.


Someone was stand in front of Kyuhyun, his shoulder raised up and down, his right hand balled into fist.


“How dare you...” deep voice full of anger, Kyuhyun couldn't took a glimpse who is him, because his eyes were blurry with tears. But if he wasn't mistaken recognized the voice, that deep voice belongs to his favourite uncle, Jongwoon.


Donghae smirked. “So, it was him, now?” he said didn't care how dangerous Jongwoon look at that time. “Your new human?”


Kyuhyun listened to the conversation, but slowly feeling that his consciousness faded away.


“Seriously, Jongwoon? Being his angel won't stop me from having him.” that was the last things Kyuhyun heard before his vision shut.


Jongwoon watched how Kyuhyun slowly fainted, he did that, so that Kyuhyun didn't have to heard of all the craps Donghae will blurted out.


“Get out from here, Donghae. And never hurt Kyuhyun anymore.” Jongwoon warned, dangerously.


“Let me emphasize to you once more, Jongwoon. No one can take him from me. HE'S MINE. Mine to care, mine to love, mine to broke, mine to play with, MINE.TO.EVERYTHING.” Donghae said, emphasizing more on the last sentence before leaving the house.




Kyuhyun wake up when he felt something wet on his face. He opened his eyes slowly, afraid that once he opened his eyes, he will be welcoming by Leeteuk.


“Oh, you finally awake.” the voice soothing him, coaxing him from the nightmare he just had before.


“Hyukkie...” his voice sounded so weak, so weak to the latter liking. He moved his hand, tried to search for Hyukjae's.


Hyukjae captured his hand, intertwined their hand together.


“You scared me, Kyu. You scared me when I found you lay flatly fainted on the bed.” Hyukjae asked, wiping Kyuhyun's face with the wet towel.


“Hyukkie... Hyukkie...” he said, closing his eyes, snuggled towards Hyukjae.


Hyukjae just caressed Kyuhyun's hair lovingly.


“I told you to not overwork yourself. See what it had get you into now? If I haven't come, who know what will happen.” Hyukjae scolded Kyuhyun.


“Thanks, Hyukkie.” Kyuhyun said even though his face was buried on Hyukjae's stomach.


Hyukjae smiled at Kyuhyun. “Sleep.” He instructed Kyuhyun and the latter fall asleep instantly in his stomach. Hyukjae positioned Kyuhyun back to the bed, and lied beside him. Caressing Kyuhyun's face lovingly.


He knew Kyuhyun had cried, because there are trace of tears on his handsome face. But Hyukjae just didn't know the reason why.



(facepalm) What am I doing??? When I said 'I might not END this story," I keep updating it. But what can I say about this story, please, do not easily jump into conclusion. Not yet.


However, my reason for took long time to update actually because:-

 I got hook up with Kyuhyuk's fics that make me not motivated to update (because reading is more fun). 

I'll list it out here,

Sacrificial Love by LidiaYS ,

Whisper Slowly by Aftermidnight12,

A New Start for Us by THFanny

all EriiAR's Kyuhyuk's fics (trust me, she the best out of the best),

Tsuki-Ah's; I suggest read Fell for a Mannequin first, I can' t get enough of that story and repeating reading it.. >,<

and other Kyuhyuk's fics... which you could find in AFF's.



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Chapter 20 is not contain any mature scene. I don't know why it marked as (M). Feel free to read with ease.


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kyuwonfan #1
Chapter 34: it little confusing at first...unexpected plot...i like i love it how u end this....ur my fav...
EunHaeLove42 #2
Chapter 25: Instead of going after his supposed to be love he goes to Kyu. It was really nice reading though so I hope you get much love for it.
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 25: Yeh well I was enjoying but it got a little confusing for me. First Donghae was so in love with Hyuk and hated the man that was taken him away so he jumps into a body but ins
saruikun #4
Chapter 2: woah kyu! your words to hyukjae makes me speechless ._.
i hope hyuk will be nice soon to kyuhyun>w<
saruikun #5
Chapter 1: nice story~ poor kyuhyun~
I imagine if kyuhyun were old fashioned and nerdy boy ow i think is so cute >w<
Chapter 34: I know I must be happy, even so, since you always speaks to me with true, I'll do the same, it hurts me. I can't really pair Kyu with someone else asides Hyuk, even so, I must confess it is well written in first pov so you can develop better Donghae's feeling and how his love became dark and twisted, it is really good :D
Chapter 33: It... ended -no words left my mouth because my heart squeezed- it really end -sighs- I'm gonna miss it.
It was cute and I love Donghae, he finally found peace forgiving and maybe forgiving his self.
Sarangheyou my dear friend!!! And I loved this story. Now I'm gonna go to the bonus >.<
Chapter 33: Finally i can finish reading your fic. The ending was soooo sweet...and also full of hope and love.
I really love how you end the fic,
Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us.
analee592 #9
Chapter 33: Aaaw...kyuhyuk finally found their happiness was so sweet...hae did the right thing in the him^^
Indyie7 #10
Chapter 33: I can't believe it already ended~
Awnn I like this story soooo much : D
I am happy that they forgave Hae and that they are happy together :D
thank you so much for this amazing ff ^^