Chapter 28


“Hyukkie?” Siwon said rubbing his eyes because someone just knocked his door numerously, knocking him off from the sleep. He was shocked to find Hyukjae in front of their house, crying.


“Who is it, Wonnie?” Sungmin asked walking lazily because their sleep being disturbed. Sungmin gasped as soon as he saw Hyukjae standing in front of their house, crying endlessly. Sungmin pushed away the still shocked Siwon to wrapped his arms on Hyukjae.


“Sshhh... It's okay, Hyukkie. I am here. Wonnie is here. We are here for you.” Sungmin said, hushing the crying one.


“Let's get you inside.” Siwon said and signaled Sungmin to bring Hyukjae inside. He stepped outside to checked if there any certain man following Hyukjae here, but to his disappointment, there's wasn't any.


Sungmin tried to calm the still crying Hyukjae, while Siwon make those chocolate milk to calm him. He was so upset to find that Hyukjae was here, crying, while Kyuhyun was nowhere to be found.


He sneakily took his handphone at the counter, calling Kyuhyun's. No pick up. He tried again, and again, tried to denied the weird feeling that suddenly formed inside him. Watching Hyukjae cried non stop, and Kyuhyun didn't answer his calls; which Kyuhyun never failed to pick up his call even though he will only cursed him for interrupting his time, make Siwon's stomach flipped, nervousness filled him.


He has the need to send massage to Kyuhyun, thus he typed it quickly; “ I don't know what happen, but Hyukjae is here, crying. So u better get your here before I kick it.” Siwon pressed the send button, and put back his handphone on the counter, walking to gave Hyukjae the chocolate milk he needed.


Siwon felt the world spinning around, making him losing his balance when Hyukjae said those hurtful words.


“Kyuhyun had tried to killed me before, Sungmin.”


The chocolate milk slipped away from his hand, meeting the floor and shattered on the floor. Siwon had to supported himself by gripping the counter so tightly, eyes couldn't focused on Hyukjae or Sungmin, because his mind was preoccupied with Kyuhyun.


“Wonnie, what's wrong?” Sungmin asked worriedly, because Siwon was a strong man, and seeing him in this kind of state, anyone would wonder why.


“ are you saying, Hyuk?” Siwon asked, ignoring Sungmin's concern as the same he ignoring how his knees slowly started to give in.


“I... I had memories, Wonnie.” Hyukjae stopped, gulping his own saliva. “Kyuhyun... he pushed me down the stairs.” Hyukjae confessed, and Sungmin gasped.


“Is... is it happen when I first found you lying on floor, bleeding?” Sungmin asked, remembered the first encounter he had with Hyukjae. If it wasn't because of fate, he might not know Hyukjae, and Hyukjae might had died at the moment.


Hyukjae nodded, tears started to brimmed on his eyes once again. Sungmin quickly wrapped himself on Hyukjae, whispering good things for Hyukjae to hear, distracting Hyukjae for once. But Siwon roared makes both Sungmin and Hyukjae turned to him.


It wasn't Kyuhyun who did tried to kill you, Hyukjae. Kyuhyun loved you. He was madly in love with you, that he won't have the heart to hurt you, what's more killing you!” Siwon shouted angrily.


“I remembered that day, Siwon.” Hyukjae shouted back equally. “He asked me out, to discussed on Hae's and my wedding, and he offered me drink.” Hyukjae stopped to wiped away the tears. “And I took it, Siwon. I took it because I trusted him , Siwon. I trusted him. But he poisoned me.” He stopped once again to wipe away the tears. “He then tied me, and brought me to somewhere I didn't know where. I begged him, Siwon, I begged him that Donghae....” Hyukjae stopped instantly once his eyes captured of someone standing at the door, looking at him emptily, no expression was written on his face.


Siwon turned around, only to found Kyuhyun was there, listening to every single details Hyukjae was telling.


“Kyu... listen...” Siwon said and marched to Kyuhyun. “I will make things right, okay?” He said rubbing Kyuhyun's back, slightly scared of the no expression Kyuhyun had on his face.


Hyukjae gulped his own saliva, his eyes still couldn't ran away from Kyuhyun, so does Kyuhyun. “I begged him that Donghae wouldn't like this.” Unconsciously, Hyukjae's mouth moved without his brain instructed.


“Hyukjae, stop!” Siwon yelled, hid Kyuhyun with his own body, tried to block whatever Hyukjae was saying from be heard by Kyuhyun.


“We arguing... and when he couldn't take it anymore, he pushed me down the stairs. I rolled, rolled and keep rolling, when my head hit the edge of the stairs, and I stayed unconscious for months because of it.” Hyukjae cupped his mouth when he finished narrated back the story. His tears didn't stop, and his heart ached when he saw no expression written on Kyuhyun's face, again. It scared Hyukjae. It's really scared Hyukjae to saw Kyuhyun like that. But Kyuhyun had done those things to him. If not because of Sungmin, who accidentally took the road there, and found him lying with pool of blood, Hyukjae might had died before Donghae.


Kyuhyun pushed away Siwon slightly from blocking him, eyes stayed still on Hyukjae. “I am sorry.” he whispered loud enough for three of them to hear. That was the only thing he said before he turned away and leave.


“Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun!” Siwon tried to called him, but being ignored. He was about to go after Kyuhyun but turned around when he heard loud thud followed by Sungmin's scream.


Hyukjae fainted as soon as Kyuhyun leave. Siwon carried him in bridal style, brought him to the bed while Sungmin make a call to Hyukjae's private doctor, Zhoumi.




“There's nothing is wrong with him. Just a fatigue.” Zhoumi said and switch off the small light he used when he checked on Hyukjae's eyes.


“Zhoumi...” Sungmin asked because he was the only left with Hyukjae, as Siwon was out looking for Kyuhyun. “Do you remembered when Hyukjae was coma because of the heavy impact on his head?” he asked and Zhoumi nodded. “Is there any possibility that Hyukjae had lost his memories of certain time, or perhaps someone?”


“Well, there's a case like that. But Hyukjae remember everyone, isn't he? His parents had test him and he proved to us that he didn't lose any of his memories.”


“But...” Sungmin hesitated. Zhoumi nodded for him to keep going. “But what if Hyukjae was seeing someone, someone that nobody know he was exists, even his parents?”


Zhoumi rubbed his chin, thinking hardly. “Well, if that the case, he probably forgetting that certain someone.” He nodded, confirming his hypothesis.


“Is there any chances for him to mix up the memories?” Sungmin asked eagerly.


Zhoumi nodded. “Most of the patients will experienced that, because sometimes the memories not coming in order and might mixing with patients emotion at that times. For example, he might thinking of the other so much, that trigger the memories and boom... the memories came out, but with the person he was thinking much in the picture.”


“Which mean... let's say... if Hyukjae had lost his memories, and he was thinking of Donghae all the times. His memories came back but actually the person in his memories was someone else. Will he probably mistaken Donghae as that person?”


“Bingo.” Zhoumi said. “In medical, it was called post-traumatic memory loss. Hyukjae had bad accident, he had hurt his head, which we found that the hit went to his hippocampus, that why he is suffering from several memory loss. He sometimes forget of certain things, right?” Zhoumi asked and Sungmin nodded. “That's the post-traumatic memory loss effect.”


“But you said that Hyukjae didn't suffered from memory loss.”


“Not a major memory loss. Forgetting things could be treated by times. But this is memory, Sungmin, stored inside our brain. No matter how good our science and technologies were, they always certain things that we can't grab simply. Hyukjae might or might not suffered from memory loss, its all depending on his own. The only medical history we had with Hyukjae, he passed the test, and we have confirmed his post-traumatic memory loss wasn't something serious. Hey, he stopped forgetting things, right? So he had gained his composure back.”


“But he might had forgetting of someone.” Sungmin said sadly.


“It all depends on him Sungmin. If he has, then he need to remember by his own. No medicine could bring back his memory.” Zhoumi said smiling. “If there's nothing else, I shall take my leave.” Zhoumi said and packed all his things.


“But Sungmin... if you say that Hyukjae was forgetting someone that important to him... Let's not take this talk as I'm his doctor.” He stayed silent. “Hyukjae's mind might had forgot that someone... but his heart wouldn't right?” he said smiling. “If he really had forgot that person, I'm sure he will remember him back. Because as I know him, Hyukjae is someone that willing to give more than his life for his love. He will remember... for sure.” Zhoumi chuckled.


“And why are you laughing?” Sungmin asked.


“Nah... I just remebered this silly things my boyfriend had told me.”


Sungmin smiled. “You mean, Henry, the mochi?”


Zhoumi nodded. “Whenever he watches drama or movies, which the actor loss their memory, he always thought that hit them at the back of their head would bring their memories back.“Hard impact must be treated by hard impact back.”. He told me that.” Zhoumi chuckled again, making Sungmin laugh too.


“Henry is too childish.” Sungmin said. He nodded when Zhoumi finally leaving for real.




Siwon couldn't find Kyuhyun anywhere. Not at his apartment, not at the office, nowhere. Kyuhyun had just disappeared. And thinking of what Kyuhyun would do once again, he grew scared. No. Kyuhyun couldn't be left alone. His sickness would attack him again.


Siwon shocked to found their shared apartment shattered in mess. “What the hell is happening? Where's Kyuhyun?” he asked searching for the latter, kicking the mess away from blocking his ways. He was out to China, to closed business deal there which make he had to leave Kyuhyun for two weeks. He had offered Kyuhyun to followed him, but Kyuhyun declined, to busy to heal his hurting heart when he found that Donghae and Hyukjae was dating. He didn't understand why and how, the only he knew that Hyukjae had accident, and somehow Kyuhyun didn't exist in his life. And what more confusing him more, Donghae tried to denied Kyuhyun's presence of Hyukjae's life.


Kyuhyun fall to depression, that make Siwon had to drag him to psychiatrists. Even so, they couldn't cure Kyuhyun as Kyuhyun had fall too deep, in their terms, Kyuhyun had gone crazy, and nothing could help him anymore. It was strange for Siwon, because Kyuhyun still remembered how to dress casually, eating his foods and stuffs. But Siwon finally understand when one day Siwon found Kyuhyun talking to air, laughing and being all sweet. That was the day when Siwon had become place where Kyuhyun released his ual needed. Siwon agreed to it because he wanted Kyuhyun to returned back to himself, thus Siwon always being the one besides Kyuhyun, replacing Donghae's position, because now Donghae had lover, and he didn't want to care about Kyuhyun anymore.


Siwon assumed Kyuhyun fall into that deep core because Donghae had left him, but he turned out to find his assumptions were wrong when Kyuhyun told him everything. Everything, including how Donghae would forced him to have with him, how Donghae will beat him if he didn't listen. Siwon don't understand why Donghae did that to Kyuhyun, but one thing Siwon was sure, Donghae wasn't the type that will let anyone take away what belong to him. Just in this case, Siwon didn't know which one Donghae claimed to be his, Kyuhyun or Hyukjae?


But as long as Donghae didn't beat anyone anymore, he cool with the facts that Donghae dated Hyukjae. Because Hyukjae was all happy when Donghae was around. He could take care of Kyuhyun, he would treat Kyuhyun as the most precious things in the world. He will give his feeling to Kyuhyun, which Kyuhyun craved to get from Hyukjae. It's okay. Siwon will loved Kyuhyun, even though Kyuhyun loved Hyukjae so much, because he wasn't attached to anyone, and Donghae and Hyukjae deserved happiness too.

Kyuhyun turned better with Siwon's presence. He no longer talking to air, and Siwon no longer need to bring him to psychiatrist. But one thing didn't chance, Kyuhyun need Siwon to fulfill his ual needed, even at that time Siwon already seeing Sungmin. But Siwon didn't pushed Kyuhyun away, because he had made vow to the God that he will take care of Kyuhyun, even though it was wrong, because he was the only one Kyuhyun had left. Out of all people, only Siwon was there for the start till the end. Only Siwon the one that willing to be Kyuhyun's 'tall alien' till the end.


But things turned complicated, when the company at dangerous state, because Donghae slacking in every way, Sungmin become whiny because less times they had spent, Donghae and Hyukaje decided to engaged, which Siwon become their witness and makes Kyuhyun fall back to his darkness. Siwon found Kyuhyun lying helplessly in the bath tub, with pool of red liquid. Kyuhyun had committed suicide, that he would definitely died if Siwon didn't decided to check on him after the tiring day of Donghae's engagement.


Ever since that, Siwon never dared to left Kyuhyun all alone, along with unstable emotions. He couldn't bear Kyuhyun to do something stupid anymore.




Kyuhyun splashed the cold water to his face, observing if there any flaw on his handsome face. He let the window wide open, although it was raining outside. Kyuhyun didn't know that he was being watched by 'something'. And he didn't know that his angel, Jongwoon was in the room too, because he has been blocked by that 'something' power. Jongwoon shouted, tried to do everything he can for Kyuhyun could heard him, but Kyuhyun was too dazed in his thinking. That certain 'something' smirked when Jongwoon finally weaken and couldn't do anything anymore.


“Good bye, Kyuhyunnie... It's nice to know you.” Kyuhyun said, wiping the fog that suddenly clouded his mirror. “Hello, Cho Kyuhyun.”


Kyuhyun's eyes were different. It's no longer confused, no longer warm, no longer longing at how it used to be. His eyes were empty, his eyes were dark, his eyes... full of anger.


Jongwoon just watched helplessly, how that 'something' whispering to Kyuhyun's ear. This is how is it. This was what the angels were afraid at, this was all the angels tried to prevent from happening to their human.


Because that certain 'something' called Youngwoon, the devil, has started whispered. And Kyuhyun was willing to heard it.


When the devil has started whispered, and the human willing to heard, the angel is no longer needed.



Ahh... quite satisfied with this update compare to previous one.... But Vocab, where are u? Grammar has left me long times ago, I couldn't bear to lost u too.... =(

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Chapter 20 is not contain any mature scene. I don't know why it marked as (M). Feel free to read with ease.


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kyuwonfan #1
Chapter 34: it little confusing at first...unexpected plot...i like i love it how u end this....ur my fav...
EunHaeLove42 #2
Chapter 25: Instead of going after his supposed to be love he goes to Kyu. It was really nice reading though so I hope you get much love for it.
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 25: Yeh well I was enjoying but it got a little confusing for me. First Donghae was so in love with Hyuk and hated the man that was taken him away so he jumps into a body but ins
saruikun #4
Chapter 2: woah kyu! your words to hyukjae makes me speechless ._.
i hope hyuk will be nice soon to kyuhyun>w<
saruikun #5
Chapter 1: nice story~ poor kyuhyun~
I imagine if kyuhyun were old fashioned and nerdy boy ow i think is so cute >w<
Chapter 34: I know I must be happy, even so, since you always speaks to me with true, I'll do the same, it hurts me. I can't really pair Kyu with someone else asides Hyuk, even so, I must confess it is well written in first pov so you can develop better Donghae's feeling and how his love became dark and twisted, it is really good :D
Chapter 33: It... ended -no words left my mouth because my heart squeezed- it really end -sighs- I'm gonna miss it.
It was cute and I love Donghae, he finally found peace forgiving and maybe forgiving his self.
Sarangheyou my dear friend!!! And I loved this story. Now I'm gonna go to the bonus >.<
Chapter 33: Finally i can finish reading your fic. The ending was soooo sweet...and also full of hope and love.
I really love how you end the fic,
Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us.
analee592 #9
Chapter 33: Aaaw...kyuhyuk finally found their happiness was so sweet...hae did the right thing in the him^^
Indyie7 #10
Chapter 33: I can't believe it already ended~
Awnn I like this story soooo much : D
I am happy that they forgave Hae and that they are happy together :D
thank you so much for this amazing ff ^^