Chapter 12




“Hyuk…” Kyuhyun called the latter as he was about to fallen asleep. Damn breeze… I want to be awake. He cursed when he felt that his eyes were heavy that he can’t handle it anymore. “Talk to me.” Kyuhyun begged, because he needed Hyukjae to talk with him, so that he can still awake.

But Hyukjae was too busy the ice – cream in his hand, too much for Kyuhyun dislike.

“Hyukkie…” he whined, because obviously that Hyukjae was ignoring him, for something that people called as an ice cream.

“Hmm…” Hyukjae answered lazily, because he was enjoying that damn delicious strawberry ice cream, his favourite.

“Talk to me.” Kyuhyun whined once again.

“I am eating.” Hyukjae simply replied.

Kyuhyun sighed. “That is why I hate that stupid thing.”

Hyukjae heard it. “This is not stupid thing. This is called an ice cream. You don’t need 4 digits IQ to understand how delicious this is.” Hyukjae said, defended he so called heaven. “It’s tastes of heaven.”

“Have you been to one?” Kyuhyun snickered.

Hyukjae shrugged, completely ignoring the latter. But Hyukjae could saw that Kyuhyun actually was a bit sleepy, so he extended his legs, because they were sitting under the shady tree, after tried walking around the park, hand to hand.

“Here, sleep on my laps.” He instructed patting his laps after the ice cream completely went into his stomach.

“But I don’t want to fall asleep.” Kyuhyun retorted.

“I know you’re tired. Just do it. And I will wake you up later.”


“Ermm…” Hyukjae scratched his head. “After half an hour?” he titled his head.

“That’s too long. What are you going to do during that time?” Kyuhyun frowned, not liking the idea.

“Erm… I don’t know. Well, I will do nothing. I am so good at it.” Hyukjae said proudly.

Kyuhyun chuckled. “It’s not something that you should be proud at.” Kyuhyun yawned. He obviously cannot fight against tiredness anymore.

“Kyuhyun… just sleep. I will be fine.” Hyukjae said and lead Kyuhyun’s head to his laps. Although Kyuhyun was reluctant, he finally gives in.

“I am still not sleeping. I’m just closing my eyes for a moment.” Kyuhyun said to Hyukjae.

Hyukjae chuckled listened to it. “Okay. I know.”




“Just sleep Kyuhyun. I won’t go anywhere.”


“Yes.” Hyukjae said sealing their pinky together.


Hyukjae chuckled. “Why?”

“Just want to make sure you are here.” Kyuhyun answered.

“You’re lying on my laps, Kyu. I can’t go anywhere without you realized it.” Hyukjae assured him.

“Yeah. I forgot that.” moments later, Kyuhyun had fallen to deep slumber. Hyukjae just smiled at his new boyfriend. Kyuhyun sometimes was like a child, but he always serious all the time, thinking that he was an adult one, and he should acts like one.

Kyuhyun brushed Kyuhyun’s bangs that fallen and hiding his handsome face. “I’ll protect you, Kyuhyun. I will” Hyukjae said, remembering the every night he had to calm Kyuhyun down, because of his nightmare.

Hyukjae was just about to fall asleep, when suddenly he felt the person lying beside him was moving too much, too much till he disturbed his sleep.

He switched on the table light, only to be welcoming by Kyuhyun struggling in his dream. He still had his eyes closed, tight, but he was sweating a lot, and he kept mumbled something incoherent.

“Kyuhyun… wake up.” Hyukjae tried to wake up the latter, but no response was coming from him. Instead, Kyuhyun struggling harder than before.

“Kyu… hey… wake up. Don’t make me worry.” Hyukjae said after he saw that Kyuhyun was like in pain. His eyebrows were attached to each other, and he was gasping for air, not to count how sweaty he was that his pajamas already wet.

“Kyuhyun… hey Kyuhyun…”  Hyukjae called while grasping to Kyuhyun’s hands with both his hands. “Please, wake up. Don’t scare me like this.” Hyukjae said, bringing the hands to his lips, kissing it. Hyukjae prayed something, something that he wasn’t sure what, because he just copying what Siwon always did when he was in the same state.

“Kyuhyun… please wake up.” Hyukjae’s tears started to flowed down. Drip by drip fall down to Kyuhyun and his hands, because he was afraid. He was afraid that he will lose Kyuhyun, just like he had lost Donghae.

“No… please… not my mother.” Kyuhyun finally said something that can be understood by Hyukjae. “Please… don’t hurt her. She is sick… please… I’m begging you.”

“Kyuhyun… please wake up.” Hyukjae grasp tightening on Kyuhyun. “Please, Kyu… it just a dream. Wake up.”

“No, mummy… no… don’t leave please. Please… I don’t want to live anymore. Please… bring me with you.” Kyuhyun said in his sleep, shocking Hyukjae who was listening to it since before.

“Don’t tell me…” Hyukjae could guess what will happen if he still didn’t do anything. “Kyuhyun… please… if you love me… please… wake up… don’t go there…” Hyukjae begged, hugging the other so tightly. Hyukjae knew, if Kyuhyun followed his mother in his dream, then Hyukjae will definitely lost him. He knew, because it has been so many times, he was about to follow Donghae. But Siwon and Sungmin always woke him up, even though that means they will do it with an extreme way.

“Hyuk?” Kyuhyun said, opening his eyes. He was too shocked to found that once he opened his eyes, Hyukjae was hugging him, tightly.

“Kyuhyun? You’re awake?” Hyukjae said once he heard Kyuhyun’s voice.

“Hey… why are you crying?” Kyuhyun asked, wiping Hyukjae’s tears with his thumb.

“Thank God.” I said prayed to the above. “I thought I was about to lose you.” He said releasing the hug.

Kyuhyun chuckled. “What are you saying, Hyukkie?”

“Kyu… what did you dream of?” Hyukjae asked in concern, completely detected Kyuhyun’s darken face.

“Did I having a nightmare again?” Kyuhyun asked slowly.

Hyukjae nodded weakly. “And it worsens this time. You’re about to die.” Hyukjae explained.

“W-what?” Kyuhyun himself was shocked. “Till that extend?” he asked can’t believed what he just heard.

Hyukjae nodded again.

“D-did I… did I said anyone’s name?” Kyuhyun asked stuttered, unsure whether it was a good question or not.

Hyukjae blinked, completely wondered why Kyuhyun asked him that question. “No… you just said about your mother.”

Kyuhyun sighed in relief and closed his eyes.

“Do you want to meet therapist?” Hyukjae suggested. “I know one. And he is very good.”

Kyuhyun smiled and pulled the latter towards him, hugging him. “Let’s sleep.” He said, both now lying on the bed.

“Kyuhyun… if you want to talk about your dream… I can listen.” Hyukjae said.

Kyuhyun kissed his forehead. “Let it be my secret, okay? Now, let’s sleep.” Kyuhyun said and closed his eyes, completely wanted Hyukjae to forget what had happened before.

Hyukjae intertwined their hand together. “Sleep well, Kyuhyun. And have a nice dream.” Hyukjae closed his eyes and seconds later he was snoozing.

Little did Hyukjae knew, that Kyuhyun had opened his eyes after that. “How could I have a sweet dream when my nightmare was just in front of me?” Kyuhyun said, caressed Hyukjae’s bangs full of hatred. “Therapist? I have went to them too much, Hyukjae. But my hatred to your beloved one was too much for them to handle. Even a medicine couldn’t help me now. Only you could help me… only your suffering can make me out from my own hatred.” Kyuhyun said, closing his eyes once again.

“I know you awake.” Kyuhyun said, caressing Hyukjae’s hand when he can felt that Hyukjae was looking at him at one second, and closing his eyes pretending to sleep. “Wake up, sleeping beauty.” Kyuhyun said and rose from Hyukjae’s laps.

“Why did you awake so soon?” Hyukjae said, pouting because he was just about to sleep.

“I don’t want you to get tired.” Kyuhyun casually said.

“But we are resting, Kyu.” He retorted.

“No… you’re sitting. And you let me lied on your laps. I know it’s uncomfortable. I don’t want you to feel that.” Kyuhyun said gently.  “Let’s go back. So that we can have real rest.” Kyuhyun said and stretching his arms for Hyukjae to take.

Hyukjae took Kyuhyun’s hand, and without trouble, he lifted his up. Hyukjae didn’t expect that, so he stumbled forwards and his lips landed to Kyuhyun.

“Wow…  don’t know you like to stole my kiss.” Kyuhyun teased, his lips.

“No… that was unintentionally.” Hyukjae blushed.

“You can always ask for that, baby.” Kyuhyun whispered on Hyukjae’s ear. “And I would gladly give you that… and more.” He said and pulled Hyukjae’s head and kissed him passionately.

Hyukjae was gasping for air, because Kyuhyun’s kisses was too hard for him to handle, and he wasn’t ready. Kyuhyun finally let him go when he too needed air. Kyuhyun smirked at the still blushing Hyukjae. “Let’s go.” He said and placed his arm on Hyukjae’s waist.

They were waiting for the light to turned green when Kyuhyun saw him. He was standing at the other road, looking at them with hatred. He saw him. And he knew he wasn't mistaken others as him. He knew him, and he knew he saw him.

He saw Donghae.

A car passed on the street, blocking his sight. The moment the car passed, he no longer saw Donghae.

“Kyuhyun, let’s go?” Hyukjae asked because Kyuhyun didn’t have intention to move. He looked at where Kyuhyun was looking, but there was nothing.

“Let’s go.” Kyuhyun said and grabbed Hyukjae’s hand. Kyuhyun was smirking. “So, you’re back? Good!” he smiled at Hyukjae, and the one smiled back, oblivious to reason of Kyuhyun’s smiled. “So pure. You are so innocent, Hyukjae.” Kyuhyun said.

Hyukjae blushed because of the sudden praises. “What are you talking about?” he said shyly.

“So pure… You are so innocent that he had to back from death to protect you.” Kyuhyun said smiling.

Hyukjae didn’t understand anything, thus, he thought that Kyuhyun was joking and teasing him.

“Silly Kyu.” He said and went inside the car. Kyuhyun eyed every movement Hyukjae have made.

Hyukjae was oblivious, he thought that Kyuhyun was tried to seduce him, because he did it numerous times, and they always end up on the bed after all.

But Hyukjae didn’t knew, that Kyuhyun had already have thousand ways to torturing him, to abused him, to kill him slowly, all because of the man named Lee Donghae. 


I love you... baby I'm not a monster....

Yeah, Kyuhyun. you are a monster.

This story actually doesn't make sense, I know. so, just go with it.. please... (puppy eyes)

and yeah,. thanks for the wonderful comments you give, everyone. Keep commenting because I love it~

enjoy reading and don't forget to comment... as usual... and hello, new subscribers. Thanks for subscribing to this. drop in your comment too~~

"I love you... baby.. I'm not a monster...

  I need you... baby.. I'm not a monster...

  I think I'm sick... I think I'm sick"

- this one suits Kyuhyun, right? =)

and yeah.. it will sweet + angst at the same moments, ok?


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Chapter 20 is not contain any mature scene. I don't know why it marked as (M). Feel free to read with ease.


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kyuwonfan #1
Chapter 34: it little confusing at first...unexpected plot...i like i love it how u end this....ur my fav...
EunHaeLove42 #2
Chapter 25: Instead of going after his supposed to be love he goes to Kyu. It was really nice reading though so I hope you get much love for it.
EunHaeLove42 #3
Chapter 25: Yeh well I was enjoying but it got a little confusing for me. First Donghae was so in love with Hyuk and hated the man that was taken him away so he jumps into a body but ins
saruikun #4
Chapter 2: woah kyu! your words to hyukjae makes me speechless ._.
i hope hyuk will be nice soon to kyuhyun>w<
saruikun #5
Chapter 1: nice story~ poor kyuhyun~
I imagine if kyuhyun were old fashioned and nerdy boy ow i think is so cute >w<
Chapter 34: I know I must be happy, even so, since you always speaks to me with true, I'll do the same, it hurts me. I can't really pair Kyu with someone else asides Hyuk, even so, I must confess it is well written in first pov so you can develop better Donghae's feeling and how his love became dark and twisted, it is really good :D
Chapter 33: It... ended -no words left my mouth because my heart squeezed- it really end -sighs- I'm gonna miss it.
It was cute and I love Donghae, he finally found peace forgiving and maybe forgiving his self.
Sarangheyou my dear friend!!! And I loved this story. Now I'm gonna go to the bonus >.<
Chapter 33: Finally i can finish reading your fic. The ending was soooo sweet...and also full of hope and love.
I really love how you end the fic,
Thank you for writing this and sharing it with us.
analee592 #9
Chapter 33: Aaaw...kyuhyuk finally found their happiness was so sweet...hae did the right thing in the him^^
Indyie7 #10
Chapter 33: I can't believe it already ended~
Awnn I like this story soooo much : D
I am happy that they forgave Hae and that they are happy together :D
thank you so much for this amazing ff ^^