New friend

I think I'm Falling in Love with a Boy


Dae Sung POV;

A loud bang interrupted Seung Ri and my conversation. We all look towards Hae In and Hyun Seung. Omo! We all race to them immediately,

“HAE IN!” We all scream. Faster than Gi Kwang, G Dragon picked Hae In up off the floor. I looked back at Gi Kwang and saw his disappointed and angry face. Could it possibly be that they both..? Aish, am I accusing my hyungs to be gay?! Ah no, no, that can’t be right. But how come I feel a stab of pain in my chest? I clutch onto my chest.

Hyun Seung POV;

Hae In collapsed right beside me, but I just stood there. Ah I hate my slow reactions sometimes. G Dragon raced over and carried her. That was meant to be MY job. I feel tears swelling up behind my eyes,

“Hyun Seung, even if we’re brothers, I won’t let you off the hook if anything happens to Hae In-sshi.” Du Jun said as he walked passed me following G Dragon. Every member gave me a disgusted look as they walked by, even Big Bang. I feel a load of guilt on my shoulder. After everyone left, I crouched down on the floor; I felt my tears drop from my eyes and down my cheeks. “Hae In, mianheta, please don’t let anything bad happen to you. I’m so sorry…” I whisper to myself whilst crying.

Tae Yang POV;

We’re all at the emergency room waiting for Hae In to come out.  He collapsed on the floor, I don’t think this is the first time. I’m not sure what to say but it seems very serious. The doors open but to our disappointment, it was the surgeon who walked out.

“Who’s the patient’s relative?” He asked,

“No one- but we’re-” Dong Woon started,

“I’m sorry but I’m not allowed to let anyone else other than the patient’s relative in. Please go home and rest first.”

“But-” I started thinking I could turn this around, but before I could say anything the surgeon turned around and went back in the emergency room.

Your POV;

I opened up my eyes slowly and saw a peek of light. I sat up as a nurse ran over to me.

“Ah ma’am, please take care!” She says worried,

“Ah ne, I know, thank you.” I smiled at her.

“Did the surgeon tell you what was wrong?”

“What did I do this time?” The nurse laughed and started explaining,

“Well, you sneaked out of the hospital,”

“Ah ne, that was… umm, an emergency” I lied, well it was kind of.

“Ah alright, but then when you came back, you were soaked and you collapsed. Do you remember that?”

“Oh! So I collapsed~ No I don’t, but now I know”

“The surgeon said you collapsed because of those,” she pointed to my protection vests on the side of my bed,

“You were wearing two, on the tightest hook too,”

“Ah yeah…”

“Well because we’re both girls, would you tell me why?” She asked sitting down on my bed,

“Well, you know those guys before?” I said after a while,


“They’re my dance group, 6 of them and the other 5 are my friends” She looked at me puzzled still, “well, the story is, it’s an all-boys group…” Damn, that’s another person who knows my secret,

“And you have to cross dress as a boy to join them?” she finished my sentence,

“Yeah, I-”

“Ah just like those dramas~ Even though, you don’t have to wear two of these,” she picked up my protection vest,

“I just wanted to make sure that-”

“I know, but wearing these too often and too tight can be a real problem,”

“I know, but-”

“How long have you been in this dance group?” She changes the subject completely. I try to think,

“Ah, about 3 months?” I estimated,

“Wow, you haven’t been a girl for 3 months?!” She exclaimed, I laughed at that, I don’t know why but the way she said it was funny,

“Ah you could say so,”

“Well you know what? Since I’m getting along so well with you and because I have a day off tomorrow, why don’t we go out together?” She smiled at me,

“Oh, sure that would be great!”

“But, you can’t wear these,” she held up my protection vest, “But you’ll have to wear a dress,”

“A dress?!” I choked out,

“Nene~ A dress!”

“But I don’t have one…” I looked down onto my lap,

“Hmm, come over to my house at 9am tomorrow and I’ll let you borrow mine~”

“But that’s so much trouble for you~”

“It’s okay, we’re friends now aren’t we?” I smiled,

“Nene, we are” Just as I finished my phone beeped. ‘You have a text message, you have a text message’ my phone sang, I laughed slightly and read it, ‘Yah Hae In, remember to come to tomorrow’s practise!’ Jun Hyung texted me. I looked at the nurse,

“Tell him you’re going on a date~”

“A date?!” I yelled,

“If you’re not going to do it, let me!” She took my phone and texted back. She showed me the phone screen, ‘Successfully sent!’I look at her and laughed. She closed my phone. “Alright my patient, you need to sleep now. I’ll see you tomorrow! Don’t be late!” She pulled my blanket over me and left. She’s like my unnie (big sister), I’ve always wanted one. I really have to wear a dress don’t I? Aish – something tells me this isn’t a good idea.



 Annyeong awesome readers ^^ ! Thank you so much for sticking with me until now ~ I just want to say that I might not update as much because I got stack loads of assignment! Please bare with me for now~ I’ll try my best to update soon! Kekeke, thank you so much once again~ I hope everyone’s enjoying this fan fic (: Gomawa! 

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Garrisonj #1
Chapter 56: 2016 ANYONE ELSE READING!?!?
Chapter 56: sequel please :)
Chapter 7: CL unnie? Dara is older than CL.
Chapter 56: Waaahh~ the story was awesome!!
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 56: just ignore it...hehehe...just joking if you want it will be great...
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 56: need to make a sequel because hae in not couple anyone...if you havent do a sequel...i beg you to...but if you have done i will find it...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 36: waaaaa...gikwang kiss her...ooohhh mannnn...i wish i get kiss beast bias...
saludlang #8

another great story!.
mei-chan #10
Haha, i love this, so cute<3!