Chapter 12: Surprise.

Idol Maid

3rd person's POV~

You are washing the dishes when your phone buzzed off.

You turned off the faucet and start searching for your phone.

Then suddenly, Junhyung appeared from somewhere, holding your buzzing phone.

"Is this what you're looking for?" He asked.

"Ah.. Ne, thank you." you smiled and took your phone from Junhyung.

Your fingers met each other, and it brought chills to your spine which made you shiver.

W-What did I just felt? Awkwardness? Maybe... You thought.

But you just shrugged it off and checked who messaged you. It's Gikwang.

From: Gikwang
Hey, uhm,, Can you go up to the rooftop please?

Why would he want me to go to the rooftop? You thought.

"Is it Gikwang?" Junhyung asked.

"Yes." You mumbled.

WHY THE HELL WAS HE SO NICE?! So Scary.... Might be pregnant.... Nahh.... you thought

"Well, I better be going now. See you." You quickly changed clothes and headed to the rooftop.

Gikwang's POV~

"Why didn't she replied? Oh maybe she's busy.." I whispered to myself.

Then an idea came to my mind, I hid somewhere Jaehwa won't find me easily and waited for her to come.

3rd Person's POV~

You went to the rooftop as Gikwang instructed you to. It's really spacious and wide.

But, why isn't he here? If he's just fooling me.. Aish! Why did I even go here?? You thought.

However, as you continued walking, you saw a sign saying 'Go to the arch of balloons' with an arrow on it.

You followed it and was astonished by what you saw.

There is an arch of ballons colored blue and white arranged prettily. []

"Wow.. Did.. Did Gikwang made this for me?" you said breathlessly.

Maybe he was really sorry for what he did. You thought.

Then, somewhere near the arch of balloons, you saw a contraption. At the edge of it, you saw a letter and opened it slowly.

'Catch the balloon' it says.

You looked around and found a balloon falling not so far away, and you ran after it and to your surprise, there was a camera attached to it.

Then a video started playing.

[The Content of the Video]

Gikwang jumps ang gets viewed in the camera,

"Are you surprised?" he cutely said and laughed.

He puts up his fore finger and his thumb that has finger puppets, and also shows some cards.

He hold out the cards and showed them one by one.




Gikwang points at you


Then he pauses for a while, before he continues.

'You Are'

'The Best Thing'

'That Happened To My Life'

He puts down the cards and the finger puppet.

"Annyeong Haseyo Jaehwa!" Gikwang said and laughed.

"You saw the video? Did you liked it? Because I did. I'll be there any minute! By the way, you look beautiful!" he smiled.

"Follow my instructions okay? First, follow the music. Second, bring the balloon with you. Last, enjoy the night with me. Saranghae, Jaehwa!" Gikwang end it with a heart.

[End of the Video]

You giggled because of his cuteness.

You followed his instructions, and saw a light somewhere at the center part of the rooftop.

There was a circular table, arranged with elegant decorations.

All your favorite foods are there, and you can't just wait to eat everything.

Just when you're about to sit down and start eating, a pair of hands covered your eyes.

"Oh, Gikwang oppa?" you asked as you slowly removed his hands away from your eyes.

You turned around and he gave you a peck on your cheeks.

"You forgot me just because of these?" he asked and pouted, eyeing the foods on the table.

"I'm sorry." you mumbled and gave him a light and sweet kiss.

He pulled out a chair and let you sit.

He called Doojoon, who was wearing waiter clothes.

"What would you like to eat?" he asked Gikwang.

"Uhm.. You know, maybe pasta?"

"Why aren't you sure?" you asked and giggled.

"Is that all?" Doojoon asked.

Gikwang nodded.

Doojoon quickly walked away and left you and Gikwang alone.

"Uhm.." Gikwang became uneasy as he pulled out a small box out of his pocket.

"I saw this rings when I was strolling at the mall, and I remembered you."

You didn't say anything, you just hugged him tightly and kissed him passionately. He kissed back, hugging you closer to him.

You broke the kiss and gently grabbed a ring and you placed it on his finger, and he did the same to you.

Doojoon came back with the pasta and left quickly as possible so he won't disturb the two of you.

"Thanks. I really liked everything. I really love you." You whispered to Gikwang while the two of you stargazed together.


hey guys!! eunmiternity here. lol i know i can't write better than geekiejoker but please support this fic and contnue reading!! my twinnie is stuck in studying [omo, such a hardworking child ^^] i hope you liked this part! comment and subscribe please!!
/sends you love ♥

*please don't compare the way we write T^T

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lol onew :P anyway jessica, shud i give you a big damn knock on your damn head? damn you. lol. how many i say damn? *counting* oh, 4 times :))
Jordin-Rae #2
Jordin-Rae #3
lmfaooo at Jessica's confusion
lol junhyung :P wifeyyyyy. Kekekekekekekeke xD
*looooooooong sighhhhhhh* you make go gfsavgngdsdvgyrdaxdgjgsasfhjtda!! i thought its real.. i was like ' wtf ??? she diesssss????? Asfhhfdfbhds ' lolololol. good to read bcus its only a dream. kekekeke
Jordin-Rae #6
omo i am lovin this story!!!!
OMG... WHOO ??? WHOOO????
--> YAH!!! STOP LOOKING AT MY WIFEY!!! <-- this line make me cracked up.
please2 update... Please... Please.. (n_n) <--- puppy eyes... =) Btw, u r great.
nice story updated sooon<br />