Saved.....or not?

Boyfriend's Coffee Prince...?

"Hyung! We have to hurry!!!"

The members were relieved when Donghyun came though that door, but then they also knew that time was up. But maybe there was still hope?? Minwoo might not have drowned yet!!

Was he too late?

Wasting no time, Donghyun fitted the key into the final lock with trembling hands. It popped open and the chain fell to the floor. The other members then helped their hyungs push open the heavy door and they burst into the room.

"No...." Donghyun gasped. "No no it can't be...!"

They saw the tank. Tall and looming above them with the 4 taps still running and filling the tank up. In the tank was Minwoo, with the metal band still around his waist. The chain now loose because of Minwoo slowly sinking to the bottom, weight of the metal band dragging him down. His arms and legs limp, his soft brown hair waving slightly in the water. He appeared to be unconscious. The love of his life, was in there, chained, not moving.

No...could he be....

"Get him out of there!!" Jeongmin's horrified shriek snapped Donghyun out of his shocked state.

Remembering the hammer was still in his hands, he ran towards the glass tank and swung hard. 


A tiny crack began to form. He hit it multiple times. The cracks only expanded bit by bit. He didn't have time for this!! The glass was too thick for the hammer to break through fast enough. Minwoo could be dead by the time they break through at this rate. 

"DAMN YOU!!!" Donghyun screamed, supposedly at the master, knowing he could hear him. "HE BETTER BE OKAY!"


By now Donghyun had tears down his face. He was losing it. Hitting the glass like a madman, he used all his strength and the same time glanced at the maknae unconscious and sinking in the water. The boy he LOVED, was either dead or slowly dying in front of his eyes. This wasn't good, this really wasn't good,..

Donghyun managed to crack the glass such that a steady stream of water shot out, but that was way too slow! Could he really fail Minwoo now? After all he's done. Could it be that he was going to die together with Minwoo today, in this horrible place? 

"Hyung! Stand back!" Came a shout from somewhere behind him. He spun around, seeing Hyunseong plus the twins lifting a big rock. They had found it from Hyunseong's game when he had to kick down a wall. 

The leader knew what they intended to do; and it just might work! Praying with all his might, he and jeongmin ran to help the 3 lift the rock. 

"One, two, three!" 

The huge rock was hurled at the glass.

SMASH! The glass shattered, and water rushed out, faster than a rapid. The members jumped away in the nick of time to avoid getting hit and knocked down by the water wave. The water soaked some of their clothes and almost the entire floor in the room. After a few seconds, most of the water had drained out, and Donghyun sprang up and dashed towards the unconscious maknae lying at the bottom of the broken tank, with the others right behind him. Upon reaching Minwoo he gently lifted his upper body and cradled him against his chest. He looked so pale, his skin cold to the touch. That made Donghyun panic even more about his crush. 

"Minwoo! Minwoo wake up!" He cried, shaking the younger boy, only to get no response. The maknae's body just hung limp in his arms. The leader put a ear to his chest. There, he could barely hear it, but it was a beat. It was weak, but he still had a heartbeat! 

Wasting no time, he laid Minwoo flat on his back and started giving him CPR. Hyunseong, also trained in first aid, dropped to his knees beside his hyung and helped him. He pumped Minwoo's chest 20 times before signaling to donghyun to try and force air in his lungs. This was repeated over and over.....

"Come on Minwoo, breathe!"

Jeongmin and the twins stood there onlooking, too afraid to do anything, to scared to move. Minwoo has to be okay, he has to be! To protect him was their promise. They will never be able to live down the guilt if he dies now. 

Hyunseong was getting tired, and so was Donghyun, breathless from the long CPR. They had already repeated the cycle 10 times and Minwoo still wasn't breathing. Beginning to lose hope, donghyun clawed at his hair and hid his face. All he wanted was to save his crush, make sure he lives and is safe before the poison kills him. But now the situation was a disaster. If only he had gotten there slightly earlier, if only he wasn't so slow...

"Minwoo, please, I'm begging you...." 

Seeing how broken the leader was, made Hyunseong all the more determined to go to his last resort. "No choice...I have to try to save him."

The second oldest lifted Minwoo so he was sitting up, asking Jeongmim to support him from the front to make sure he doesn't slump forward. Hyunseong then rolled up his sleeve and flexed his hand. 

"This is going to hurt him, but it might be the only way to bring him back." He stated.

Hyunseong punched Minwoo in the back, making him jerked forward. He then punched again, and again. Trying to beat the water out of his lungs. Donghyun looked on in worry, hoping this would work. After about the 10th hit, something happened. Minwoo coughed slightly, and he coughed up a wave of water.

Everyone's eyes windened. Was it working?? Hyunseong punched again, and Minwoo coughed out more water. He repeatedly coughed out water at every hit. Then, very faintly but noticeable, Minwoo's chest rose and fell once. He breathed, he breathed! 

"Hyung! It's working! Quick continue CPR!" Youngmin shouted.

Hyunseong gently lay Minwoo on his back once again, letting Donghyun carry on CPR now that most of the water was clear from his lungs. Donghyun continued giving mouth to mouth, giving air into his lungs, trying to get them to work again. 

All of a sudden Minwoo choked and spluttered as some more water was coughed up. Donghyun gently turned him on his side so he wouldn't choke some more. Once the maknae was done coughing up all the water, he started breathing in, then out. Not smoothly, but he was breathing! 

Everyone sighed in relief. Donghyun once again wrapped one arm around Minwoo's shoulders, cradling him close to his body. Using the other arm, he shook the younger gently.

"Minwoo, minwoo.... Can you hear me?"

Then slowly, but surely Minwoo's eyes opened halfway, looking dazed and disoriented. He was still breathing unevenly, trying to catch his breath from the lack of air. The members were beyond happy that he was safe, started working on how to free their maknae from the metal band, as it was seemingly making it hard for him to catch his breath. 

Donghyun gazed into Minwoo's eyes, the pair he was longing so much to see. He gently brushed away the wet bangs from his eyes. Minwoo seemed too weak to speak, and simply stated at the leader for a few seconds before he closed his eyes again. The leader was worried at first, but then was comforted by the fact that the maknae was still breathing. Planting a kiss on Minwoo's forehead, he turned towards the others who were still trying to break the chain. 

"Guys. There was something I didn't tell you. In order to save Minwoo...." he paused, the members looking at him. "I had to drink a bottle of poison. It will take it's effect soon. I'll be dead in about 4 minutes."

The rest stared at him wide-eyed. Jaws dropped, kwangmin wanted to speak but no words came out. Instead, he threw his arms around the leader and sobbed. The rest soon did the same. 

"I wanted you all to know you've been such a wonderful team and I'll never forget you guys. Thanks you all, for sticking with me and helping me save Minwoo." He looked down at the unconscious boy in his arms. "And tell Minwoo that I love him, and I'm sorry I pushed him away. Tell him to live happily, because he deserves to." 

The members nodded solemnly. Donghyun reassured them, telling them that everything will be alright, and that he would always be looking out for them. After tender heartfelt words were exchanged, the leader spoke up.

"Jeongmin, find a way to call an ambulance. Minwoo still needs he-"


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Chapter 18: oh sH* t this was such a good scene and i was like --> o.o .daebak daebakk .. i thought donghyunnie is about to die , i seriously voluteer myself to drink the poison he supposed to drink T.T
lemonjong #2
Chapter 22: Love this story <3 plz update soon~
Chapter 22: Lol! You finally updated!!! Update soon!!
Chapter 22: /dances around/ DONGHYUN AND MINWOO KISSED!
Hehe I wanna eavesdrop with Boyfriend too~ :D

Well,well butler and maid, Kwangmin shall explain the whole thing...or I can /eyes sparkle/
SHINee707 #5
Chapter 21: Yay he woke up!!!!!!!!
SHINee707 #6
Chapter 18: Authornim you made me cry on this chapter but still love this story!!!!!
Chapter 21: Yes! Minwoo is finally awake. I started reading this yesterday and I'm glad I found this. These stories need more love <3 I love your writing style and the changed you made to the Coffee Prince plot. Update soon
Chapter 21: I love it! Minwoo is finally awake! It's soooooooo beautifully written! Update soon!
Chapter 21: OMG YAY I KNEW HE'D BE AWAKE. i wish i could go into that cafe and hug all of them in a giant group hug somehow and make them be happy. or else. lol jk thats mean. id at least try to make them happy. i odnt likle sad ppl.
im sho happy. lol donghyuns just crying nonstop. stop it pabo! ull become dehydrated.
i love it! and i cant wait for u to update ur new story~ im so excited!!!!!!1
inspiritkissmebestfriendmelody <3