05 Comeback and Someone Else?

You Again


Jae Lin POV

After accepting Mae’s offer to head over to watch M Countdown you started to regret it. Mae was those hardcore fangirls that you could never understand. Before in high school when you used to be up to date with all this news, us including Rei would fangirl all the time. Just after Howon left everything changed, you decided to concentrate more with school.

“Ahhh just like old times” Mae smiled making you smile as well. “Isn’t Rei coming too?” You looked around the crowd that slowly started to get bigger by the minute. “Huh she said that she’s coming” Mae looked at her watch. “Just give her some time, there’s still 30 minutes until they let everyone in” Mae convinced you.

You looked around “Aish, where’s this girl? 5 minutes till” You looked around. You spotted someone standing, you looked closely getting a better view. “Chiyo?” You blinked a couple of times, squinting more. “Hey!” Rei stood in front of you.

“Are you angry?” She mocked you, mimicking your facial expression. “Oh no, hey isn’t that Chiyo” You pointed behind her. “Chiyo?” She looked behind confused.

*What the….she was just there* You looked around.

“Chiyo Kim right?” Rei asked looking around still. “Wait…didn’t she move to America after Howon left?” Rei asked looking back at you. “Oh yeah, I guess I’m just seeing things” You double checked.

“We are going we we we are going” Mae sang as the line went into the building. “Wahh it’s been awhile since I’ve been here” You looked around admiring the new set. “Great we got front row” Rei and Mae looked around. Soon enough the MC started talking and everyone was anticipating for Infinite’s comeback since there was banners of infinite’s symbol everywhere you turned.

Soon enough infinite came on, you felt nervousness all over you even though you weren’t the one performing. They started out with a ballad song.  You remember Mae spazzing out about this song a couple of weeks ago; “Oh my god!” Mae and Rei said in a loud whisper. The lyrics made you sad, thinking about Hoya.

*What?? No.no no no NO* You lightly shook your head.

Woohyun’s part came up, his voice just took you to a different place; not realizing you were slightly crying. Finally the song finish earning an applause from the crowd. You smile hopping he would see you. Before they started their next song they introduce themselves. Rei and Mae spazzed clapping and screaming like crazy, while you clapped and smile up at them.

“We love you Infinite!” Rei and Mae screamed having them look at them. Once Woohyun saw you he grinned from ear to ear.

Woohyun POV

Finally our comeback, I was getting even more nervous than usual since Jae Lin might be there. I really hoped she would so she can see us perform live. The group was spread out throughout the waiting, some resting while Dongwoo and Hoya dancing.

“Guess who might come see us perform” I sang standing next to Hoya fixing my hair. “Who?” He stopped dancing and looked at my reflection. “Jae Lin” I smiled. “Really?” He looked surprised, continuing dancing.

We headed out to stage and started with a ballad song. While the song played I looked around searching for Jae Lin. Since the lighting was shinning directly at us all I saw were light sticks. Once we were finished everyone applauded screaming our names. “We Love You Infinite” a couple of girls screamed. It caught  my attention since their voices sounded so familiar so I turn at the source. I couldn’t hide a big smile from my face since Jae Lin was standing in the front.

Hoya POV

It was finally our comeback stage, we were in the waiting room getting ready. Some laid around why Dongwoo and I practiced the dance moves. I wanted to text Jae Lin but I wasn’t sure if she has the same number. Even at the same time I don’t think she wants to talk to me at the moment. Suddenly Woohyun came besides me. “Guess who might come” He sang fixing his hair.

“Who” I asked. “Jae Lin” He smiled leaving.

“Jae Lin?” I was shocked then suddenly nervous. She had never seen me peform yet even when we were in high school. I only danced for fun which she would watch me but not on stage. I suddenly started to become nervous , feeling that see might actually come.

After our first performance we were getting ready for our second song. We suddenly heard a scream from a couple of girls. I turned and see Rei and Mae spazzing, shifting my eyes to Jae Lin who was smiling and Woohyun. She saw me keeping her smile and waved back.

*Is she not made at me now?*

Jae Lin POV

Woohyun kept making eye contact with you while they introduced the next song. You were glad there wasn’t a lot of lighting over the audience or he would of seen your face blush back at him. You looked over to Hoya, he looked so different in those clothes and his appearance made him more attractive. He looked at you with no expression so you just smiled and wave.

The song started making your ear perk up. Sunggyu sang first followed by Myungsoo then Sungjong sang. He looked so different, more manly which caught you off guard. Then Hoya sang, you never knew he sang well. Since in high school he always joked around. Once the chorus came you were amazed on how synchronized they were with their dancing especially Hoya. You knew he loved to dance but you never knew how much he improved.

You came for Woohyun but your eyes just seem to always land on Hoya. Once his solo part came up your jaw dropped. “Oh my god” was all you could utter out. “Look” Rei nudged Mae, they both smirked at you.

*How can someone be so attractive?*

Rei reached over to your chin lifting it up. “Be careful flies will come in” Rei smirked. You composed yourself and continued watching. You watched Woohyun show his abilities singing with great power. After the performance there was an even louder applause.

After the announce the winner you saw some guy come in front of you. “Park Jae Lin?” He asked. You shook your head. “I’m Infinite’s manager they want to meet with you back stage” He said leading you to the side. You grabbed Rei and Mae. Mae especially spazzed, Rei tried composing herself.

*Mae seems so calm when were in class with them* You looked at her breathing heavy.

“Yah! Calm down” You patted her back as you all walked down the hall. You reached Infinite’s waiting room; once inside you were bombarded with questions about the performance.

“Noona how was I?” Sungjong clinging to your arm. “That was great! You look so manly” You pinched his cheeks. “Am I not manly the other times” He let go and started to pout. “You are just MORE” You patted his head. “How about us?” The rest of the group asked. You gave them your compliments; reaching Woohyun.

“How was it?” He waited for an answer. “Best live performance I’ve seen in a while, your singing was great” You smiled earning a hug from him. You froze at the sudden contact. “I’m glad you came” You relaxed after his words.

You went over to Hoya; “Great Job Howon!” You hugged him. He was shocked “Are you still mad at me” He asks while hugging you. “Just a congratulating hug, and yes I’m still mad at you” You said while still hugging him.

“Hoya there’s someone here to see you” Their manager interrupted them from celebrating. You pulled away from the hug.

“Oppa!!” A girl came running into Hoya’s arms. You stumble back looking at her.

“Chiyo!?” Hoya said surprised.

*What the….* You looked surprised as he was.


A/N: Hey guys! yeah....it's been awhile since my last update. ugh....my online class has so much work -_____-. Sorry it's not long, next chapter will have more of Hoya speaking...i think  :>. 

I wonder who that girl is.....and why she's there. (i'm still in the process whether to make her a good person or a bad person)

Did you see "The Thousandth Man" yet?

Woohyun! and Sunggyu added too?! geez makes me want to watch more but i'll get caught up with it and not do my work =___=

I can't wait till winter break guys


Bye for now!


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Finishing my last week of school so i'll update after tuesday of next week. if i'm done early maybe this weekend :D


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Chapter 9: already subscribe :D
it's nice i can't wait until i reading the ending hehe
Chapter 22: ^^ nice story
Chapter 9: OMG. When you put PARTS in your author's note... I misread it as PANTS... My CORRUPTED MIND
Chapter 19: I hate Chiyo :P good storyline btw ^^
Chapter 15: I hate you chiyo
Chapter 13: Huhu!!!!!
Woohyun do not leave me
Chapter 20: Pls do the alternate ending for Hoya on asianfanfics
Chapter 10: Eeepppp NAMU!!!!!!!!!
14 streak #9
Chapter 20: Awww how nice^^ i cant wait to read your alternate ending with hoya!!!! >.<
anyways......... That was awesome^^ >.< ♥♡
Chapter 20: yes, write it here or on your tumblr ^^ i'll be waiting